My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 42

631 33 2
By sbergeron16

Nothing else occurred for the duration of the ride to the first venue. This was largely due to the fact, other than Dimitri and Skylar, the others remained on my bus. Not that I minded them being there, but their presence prevented Ryder and myself from having a much needed conversation. He was playing the doting boyfriend, but something was off with him. He too wanted a moment for us to be able to talk . 

I thought we might of had the opportunity to speak when the we stopped for lunch, but the guys decided to send the driver to pick up food instead. They claimed if they were to run into Adam so soon after this mornings fight they could not promise me they wouldn't beat the shit out of him. If the beat Adam up he would have no problem pressing charges against Steel Wolf and having a tour missing the main attraction would not go over well. So, even though I wanted them gone for some time alone with Ryder the better option was to allow them to stay on the bus. But once we reached the venue and had dinner they will be putting on their big boy pants and sleeping on their own bus. 

I make a note in my phone to ask Frank if he would be willing to stay the night on the bus. He could sleep in what was supposed to be Ryder's bed. Someone who could remain calm was needed to be their to help keep the peace when I wasn't able to be around. Not to mention Frank would be able to take change and keep them from fighting.

The busses pull into the venue the guys will be playing at tomorrow. I could have booked a hotel for the night, but I wasn't sure what time we would actually leave Nashville and the guys liked having the fist night of the tour on the bus. Since Adam was on their bus they were probably rethinking this plan, but we were already committed and trying to book a hotel this late in the evening was never easy. 

  "Any idea what you want to do for dinner," I ask them and get a chorus of nos. "Can you ever make my life easy," I groan scrolling through my phone at restaurant choices. Ryder slides in next to me at the table and places his arm over my shoulders.

"Is everyone going to be joining us or just the band?" Ryder questions me with a raised brow. The others sit on the edge of their seat awaiting my answer. Time to rip the band-aid off.

I close my eyes and rub my forehead. "As much as this answer pains me everyone will be joining us for dinner." The guys groan their displeasure over my answer. "We have to be a united front and show the label peace can be kept."

"Do we have to," Mason wines resting his chin on the table. 

Tray sits back and crosses his arms. "Wicked Minion sure. Their doucheness is more of a cover then anything. When Mason and I hung out with them they toned down the attitudes and were actually pretty cool." Tray adamantly shakes his head no. "But Adam. Not going to be able to make it though a dinner with that tool."

Lucan stands next to where we were sitting. "We don't have much of a choice," he reminds us all.

At this point Dimitri and Skylar rejoin the group both wearing shit eating grins. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what those two were up to. Lucky bitch. Ryder and I weren't able to talk privately let alone sneak away from some fun. A yawn sneaks past my lips reminding me I was never able to nap. So much for fun or talking after dinner because I will need to need to head straight to be when we get back since I need to be up before the guys to make sure everything is set. Plus experience has taught me I get more work done when they aren't on set.

"Don't have much choice of what," Dimitri asks snagging the seat on the end and placing Skylar on his lap.

"Adam joining us for dinner." Lucan tells him. Dimitri grits his teeth and tightens his hold on Skylar.

Dimitri glances at Skylar and kisses the side of her head. "We could always do dinner on our own," he presses her with hope in his eyes.

Skylar gives him a pointed look. "And leave Aubree on her own with the others to reign in by herself. I think not. The guy is an ass no doubt about that, but I don't see him trying anything out in public. He is trying to restart his career and..."she pauses giving each of the guys a glare. "Do not. I repeat do not let this go to your heads. Your egos are already struggling to fit through doors." I laugh over Skylar's words and the guys look on pretending shock. 

"Bestest best friend are you trying to imply I'm full of myself." Tray asks her with his hand on his chest.

She rolls her eyes and pinches his cheeks. "Not implying I know." Tray grumbles in his seat and crosses his arms. "Anyways. He not going to do anything to make it appear Steel Wolf and him don't get along. What he is more than likely going to do is be overly friendly to you in public and a complete asshole in private."

The guys take a second to pounder her words. Skylar's great perception of people strikes once again. She continues to show how she is a great asset to the team. I'm able to breathe a little easier knowing in public there shouldn't be any problems, but once behind closed doors is another matter.

A loud banging on the door has me jumping in my seat. Ryder glances at me with concern and I shake my head telling him I'm okay. Having Adam here has made me a little jumpy I don't trust him in the least.

Lucan walks over to the front of the bus to see who was banging at the door. He leads the four members of Wicked Minion on to the bus all complaining how they were hungry. 

Logan surprises me by blushing. "We weren't sure what was going on with dinner."

"We were actually just discussing if anyone had any ideas or a taste for anything," I reassure him not once mentioning the conversation we were having with Adam. I'm sure the members of Wicked Minion picked up on the hostility this morning. This was their first tour and I want to make sure all goes well for them. I am their manager after all as well. 

"Chinese," Axel recommends and when no one grumbles in displeasure I start to narrow down the list of possible choices.

I end up picking a place with tons of reviews and a four point eight star rating. Nudging Ryder he gets the message I want out of the booth and moves out of my way. I slide out of my seat and head to my bedroom, but pause for a second and turn my attention to Skylar. "Can you please go talk to the crew about using some of the vans to drive us all? Using the vans will be easier than taking the busses. You should only need two at most for everyone."

Skylar stands from Dimitri's lap. "I'm on it boss," she tells me before exiting the bus to do my bidding.

Continuing on my path to my room I smile to myself loving having someone to help me. She is able to secure our transport while I'm able to make sure the restaurant is able to seat us. Makes my life easier not having to do both. 

The phone call goes well and they are more than happy for us to come to their restaurant. I even pre place a food order with an array of food choices. The idea of preordering and calling ahead while on the road was gained through experience. This allows time for the restaurants we visit to prepare themselves. In the past when we would just show up on there door step we never had a great experience and a lot of the times would end up brining the food back to the bus. So now I try to call ahead as much as I can.

When I exit the bedroom I bump into Ryder. He grabs both of my arms to prevent me from falling over. "Sorry," he mumbles. I glance into his troubled eyes and run my finger tips down the side of his face.

"Everything okay," I ask him even though I know the answer.

"Not really," he answers me pulling me tighter into his chest and resting his had on top of mine. "I hate having to share a table with him. Bad enough we have to share a tour with him."

"At least this leg of the tour isn't as long as the first half," I say muffled into his shirt looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. I pull myself slightly away from him to stare into his eyes. "We can do this. Please tell me you understand I have no feelings for him other than hate?"

Ryder tenderly kisses my forehead. "I do, but still nice hearing the words from your lips." He lets out a sigh and squeezes me. "For at least tonight please don't wander far from my side."

"I won't," I promise him kissing his nose. Ryder wants more than a kiss on the nose. Soon I find myself lip locked with him. I melt into his hold enjoying being in his arms.

"All set boss," I hear Skylar calling from the front of the bus putting an end to our mini make out session. "They are ready whenever you are." 

I separate myself from Ryder and he groans his displeasure. "I just got a moment alone with you." He stops me from talking when I go to remind him we will have alone time after dinner. "And we both know once we return to the bus you are going straight to bed." I shrug my shoulders no use in denying his claims. "After the concert tomorrow I demand time with my girlfriend not my manager. The guys can deal with figuring out their shit on their own till we reach New Orleans."

As much as I love the sound of just being able to be his girlfriend I can't just stop being the manger. If they need me I will be there granted not sure what they are going to needing while we are on the road. "How about this," I tell him. "After the concert I'll push some things off on to Skylar, but I can't completely go off the radar. Deal."

"Fine," he mutters. "Deal. And no one else will be on this bus. If they need time away they can go on Dimitri's bus. They were able to get their alone time in today." He too noticed their smiles earlier. "Tomorrow is our turn."

"I couldn't agree more," I reassure him.

"Let's go!" Tray yells dragging me away from Ryder. "I'm fucking starving."

We all get off the bus to find Adam standing by the vans. Lucan steps up being the adult in the group and let's Adam in on the plans. Steel Wolf jumps into one of the vans and Wicked Minion the other. Adam tires to get into our van, but is denied due to lack of seating. 

Before we head out I beg Lucan to ride in the other van not trusting Adam to be alone with Wicked Minion. Reluctantly he agrees only after arguing why he is the one who has to go. Which I quickly point out how he is the only one I trust to be alone with Adam. Lucan eyes the others and comes to the same conclusion I did. Before he leaves our van he stresses how I owe him for this.             

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