Assassination classroom one s...

By -Tsugi-

760 7 0

I have recently finished this and there are so many opportunities that are missed, but I favor Karma and this... More

Spirit animal
Episode 13 Au
Cursed AU
Karma time part 2 AU
Soul Eater AU
Soulmates 2
Omega 2


24 0 0
By -Tsugi-

3rd pov

Everyone in the class knows that Karma gets into fights outside of school and outside of the class. They know that it's mostly to keep himself safe, since he has a reputation for fighting and others started to pick fights against him. They tend to aim for a take down now a days, trying to knock him out in order to ransom his parents or anyone willing to pay money. None had ever actually managed to get enough of a drop on Karma to take him down for long enough to maybe take him out.

Korosensei honestly worries almost constantly, debating whether he should step in or not. His student is violent, but the next best thing is knowing when the back down from a fight. He does not know when would be best to interfere, or if he should just stay out of it like normal.  Karasuma has decided to not do anything, the target will or Karma will figure it out on his own. Irina could care less - literally, why does she care so much? - about what Karma does, as long as he does not bring it to the class.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what happens. Since their classroom is an assassination one, they are fully prepped for anything and everything that could possibly happen when/if something goes wrong, because they are fully prepared for that. The best way to prevent something is not to do it, but the next best thing, since they're not going to stop trying to assassinate Korosensei, is to be as prepared as possible.

They have stuff for sewing, sutures, cleaning, burns, breathing, choking, broken bones, and a number of things that could happen. They never aim to hurt each other and to get injured, but they are a) going to school on a mountain, b) still teenagers, even if most of them are relatively calm and c) they enjoy each other's presence, finding a comfort in being friends with other people who are just like them in a way. They enjoy being a class, and they have a feeling that they will remain in contact for years to come, even after graduating and getting jobs.

Korosensei can rush someone to the hospital with Karasuma if it's necessary or life threatening, though the punishment for the perpetrator for harming one of his students so grievously is not pretty and the entire Ministry of Defense can not entirely blame them, since most have kids or young kids they are fond of, and they would probably do worst if it was their kid being attacked. 

 It had been a normal day for Karma, wake up early, shove some of his stuff into his backpack - make sure the homework is there - and lock the door behind him, heading for the train station. The ride doesn't take very long, but it's still crowded and everything, so he's uncomfortable. He's almost at the school when a hand yanks him into a nearby alleyway, the tight grip over his mouth harsh enough to leave bruises. Another hand tears his bag away, while a leg takes out his knee, forcing him to both in sheer weight alone. 

He can't see his attackers, but the weight and slight glimpse of height he'd seen would suggest high schoolers or a gang, though he hasn't done anything in a while to either, so there's no reason they have to ambush him on his way to school. He's planning on attending today, come on. More weight is forced onto his shoulders, grinding his skin into the ground through his clothes, but the hand covering his face still muffles his grunt. Then, there's a feeling he's kind of familiar with, a fiery cold sinking into his gut and he bites his lip, almost hard enough to bleed but keeping it hidden.

The weight vanishes and he catches a glimpse of them fleeing, but he has a far higher priority right now, what with the things he'd been threatened with the last time he came in beat up from a fight, that his friends and the teachers had told him. The stuff they'd muttered to each other, offering to do to the people who had managed to get in hits, has him grinning weakly in amusement, knowing what these guys have just brought on themselves. 

With an almost high pitched whine, Karma pushes himself to his knees, trying not to worsen the bleeding or move the knife. He moves further, standing up on legs that wobble, the world moving under his feet, and he sets a hand on the alley wall, using it to keep himself on his feet. He moans and leans over to collect his bag, knowing he's going to need the stuff in there at some point. He reaches back, and yanks the knife out, before hurrying to wrap some gauze over it. He yanks his shirt up and wraps the gauze half-assed - that's only because the world is getting blurry and moving a lot - before fixing his clothes and starting off as if nothing had happened. He knows he's a lot later then he meant, but the class won't.

He walks in calmly and settles into his seat, giving Korosensei a smile and lazy wave, before resting his head on his arms, focused entirely on the pain slowly spreading from his lower left abdomen. He can feel the steady throb of pain going from the stab to his upper back, down to his hips, towards his ribs, and he's honestly lost track of how long he's been in school. The movement of his friends had him glancing around, and makes him realize it's been about 1 an a half, if not 2, hours since that must mean it's now lunch time. 

He hides a groan from the pain under his breath and stands up, managing to make his stumble look like he was simply grabbing for his bag, where he had a bento he packed earlier, which should have the food and drink that will make him feel better from the blood loss. Karma sighs and heads towards a tree, hoping to get up into the branches and catch some sleep, hoping that will make him feel better if food doesn't. 

Sugino sighs and glances back at Karma, unable to stop himself. Nothing looks wrong with him, he's relaxing through class like always, but his stomach has a pit in it and he has a feeling it's got something to do with why Karma came in so late this morning, though he can't say for certain if the feeling is for Karma or someone else in the room. Isogai hums to himself, not turning to look at Karma but remaining constantly vigilante of his presence, there's something off with him, not quite right, despite the way he acted normal when he arrived.

Korosensei continues to teach, but he keeps a close eye on Karma as well. Something is batting against his instincts, telling him something is wrong and he believes that Karma is the reason, because everyone in the class knows the boy comes in late, but never 2 periods in unless he gives forewarning and the way he moved was not quite as smooth as usual. His instincts continue to be battered, even after he's settled onto the roof of the school to watch his students eat lunch. 

Nagisa, Isogai, Sugino, Nakamura and Terasaka settle at the base of the tree Karma is resting in silently monitoring him even as they eat and chat to each other as well. They see how slowly he eats, head bobbing up and then coming back as he forces himself to stay conscious despite...something. A few of his other classmates are watching from further away, all of them keeping an eye on him, desperately trying to figure out what the hell they can all feel is wrong with him, call it an instinct, sixth sense, some kind of feeling, but they all know something is absolutely wrong with their red head and they want to know what. Unfortunately, by the time the bell rings, none of them have figured anything out... though Terasaka stabilizes Karma when he stumbles upon jumping out of the tree.

Terasaka looks surprised, pulling his hand away, knowing its wet, but trying to find out what his hand is covered in, but by the time he has a chance, Karma has escaped into the classroom and the rest of his classmates are closer to the building than they are to him. He starts to run and by the time he reaches the class, it's already started, Bitch-sensei standing next to Korosensei,  both sharing the class as they have the last few times. 

"Terasaka, is there a reason you are-?"

He is not listening, already heading straight towards Karma's form, grabbing the red head by his collar and pulling him up, slamming him - gently, not enough to further wound him or even open his further wound - against the wall and then tearing open his blazer, before grabbing his sleeve and working his arm through, pulling the shirt open enough to find what he was really hoping would not be there. He growls and then sets Karma down, turning to his classmates and teachers and then stepping aside. His action let's the entire room see the bloody bandage tied around his stomach, steadily growing darker and starting to seep down into his pants. 

The almost synchronous growl that echoes through the room leaves a grin on everyone's face, as they all set into a rhythm immediately, with Isogai, Sugino, Kayano and Terasaka settling in to start doing better first aid, Korosensei bringing them any item they might need, while Karasuma, Nakamura, Okajima, Okuda, and Chiba set out to find the gang that they need to destroy and send a lovely message, one just as clear a Karma's 'leave me alone message', except they are sending a much different message. 'Leave him alone unless you want to die a slow, painful death and be buried forgotten somewhere dark, in the middle of nowhere.' The gangs had better get the message the first time or they'll enjoy getting the next message far less. 

Bitch-sensei is calming the rest of the class, trying to get their bloodlust and anger under control, while also supplying any knowledge necessary to the kids bandaging, cleaning and quite possibly saving their classmates life. Karma is staying still, biting his lip in order to not make a sound, though the tenseness in his lean body and the hand grabbing tightly to Isogai's coat - the closest person at the time near his side - give away all the signs his mouth will not give. Sugino shares a glance with Isogai and they both start to gently talk to Karma, keeping their focus on the stuff they are doing while calming him down as well.

"What did you do this time?" The exasperation is clear, but so too is the fondness.

"Nothin'! I was just trying to get to school on time. Or as on time for me as possible. They ambushed me, and had a damn good hold too. Fuckers barely let me breathe."

"I see." The anger is clear in Isogai's voice, even as his gaze wonders up and he gently tilts Karma's face, all of them catching the beginning of bruises on his face in the shape of a hand covering his entire mouth and part of his cheek, obviously they had tried to strangle their friend rather seriously.

"No need to get angry at me man. I was just headin to school."

"Not you, Karma. The fuckers who did this to you. How bad is the pain?"

"Eh? On a scale of being drowned to having someone carve your skin until your rib is entirely visible? Probably a solid bear attack in the middle of the woods."

The class pauses, all of them taking a moment to register that pain scale, before deciding they'll interrogate him on that another time, for now they finish bandaging him and help fix his clothes, making sure he is completely and totally fine, before they let him back up. The class gets a bit of free time, since they can't do anything until the rest of the class returns, and they use that time to dote on Karma, Sugino offering his coat as a pillow - Karma accepts and then lies his head on his desk, the coat providing a nice scent to sooth him - Isogai draping his over Karma's shoulders - giving him a nice warmth that he just can't generate himself at the moment - and Terasaka a soothing presence at his side. 

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