My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 34

622 36 1
By sbergeron16

My body freezes and won't get out of the car. Too many thoughts are running through my head and my heart is yelling don't listen to any of them. One thought keeps trying to push the others away. Ryder is not Adam. He has done nothing to show me he plans on throwing me away like trash. Ryder is not Adam. He has done nothing, but continue to fight for our relationship. Ryder is not Adam. They may both be in the same profession, but it doesn't mean they will treat me the same. Ryder is not Adam. Ryder loves me. He tells me and shows me everyday.

I call him needing to hear the words. The phone rings a couple of time before he answers laughing.

"Hey Sweetheart. And before you yell we are going to be late I promise we were just about to walk out the door." I hear some muffling and Ryder yelling away from the phone fuck off. 

"I love you," I rasp.

"Love you too," he pauses for a moment. "What's wrong?" His voices lowers.

"I... I...called Mr. Gear," I stutter. Aubree relax this is Ryder you are talking with.

"Take the phone call went as well as expected," he states in frustration. 

I drum my fingers on the steering wheel. "At first he called me unprofessional." Ryder goes to interrupt me, but I cut him off needing to say everything first before he starts to deny Mr. Gears words. "Then he went on to say he's disappointed in me. Lastly he talked about how you are a rock star and in the end will end up dumping me because why would you want a two when you can have an eleven."

Ryder's breathing on the other end becomes heavy as though he is trying to control his temper. "Ryder," I ask hesitantly not wanting to cause him to lose control.

"Give me a minute," he snaps causing me to recoil. "Please Sweetheart," he says more gently. After a few more seconds his breathing returns to normal. "I'm not angry with you. Please understand that. Who the fuck does he think he is calling you a fucking two or saying I'm going to break up with you? Sweetheart please tell me you don't believe his fucking lies?"

"Well..." I say trailing off. I may not be a two, but I also know I'm not an eleven and Mr. Gear isn't wrong in saying Ryder could get an eleven.

"Sweetheart you are more then an eleven." Shit I said my thoughts out loud. "And even if you weren't I fell in love with who you are. Yes Mr. Gear is right I can get just about any female I want, but I don't want them I want you. I've worked hard to be able to call you mine and I'm not about to fuck up what we have."

"I love you," I say because I don't know what else to say. 

"Love you too. Now go head into the restaurant and make sure everything is up to your standards. We are all about to jump into our cars and head over. See you soon."

We hang up the phone. I feel better after my talk with Ryder. After collecting my composer I follow Ryder's directions and head into the restaurant. The hostess meets me with a smile and walks me to the back room I had reserved. This meeting needs to take place away from curious eyes and ears.

There is table set up which is composed of three table pushed together with windows running he length of the back wall. Currently all the blinds are closed offering us privacy from the outside world, which was what I wanted. I don't mind this lunch ending up in the paper as long as both band behave, but heaven forbid something ugly happens. The table has five seats running the length with two chairs on the end. Perfect for one band to sit on one side and the other to sit on the other side. I only hope this goes well Steel Wolf can be difficult for other bands to work with. They are such a close-knit family and don't always welcome other with opened arms.     

Not surprisingly I'm the first one here. I fully plan on both bands being late. Though Steel Wolf should know better they have worked with me for years. I select a seat at the end of the table and start to set up my traveling office, which is basically only my computer. This lunch is not only for the bands to meet one another this is also going to be our pre-tour meeting. Usually was have this meeting at The Hideout, but with Wicked Minion being here I didn't think Steel Wolf would want them at their restaurant of choice.

The Hideout was our secret gem. A place we could go without worry. The great food was an added bonus and the fact the family who owns the place are more then happy to keep our comings and goings a secret. This is one of the few places the guys can be out in public and be themselves worry free. 

What the guys don't know is once a month a send funds to The Hideout's bank account. Not because Grandma Rose and Pops asked me for it because they aren't a well known restaurant and I feel guilty. The guilt comes from if Steel Wolf was to tell the world about this place they would be rolling in the dough, but since they don't want to share the restaurant will never get the benefits. 

So to off set the lack of publicity for The Hideout I send money once a month from the bands account and mark it as miscellaneous. Eventually I plan on telling the guys what I've been doing because they honestly wont care. They will probably tell me to send more money then what I do. 

The first time Grandma Rose and Pops discovered the extra funds where because of me boy did I get an ear full. They all in out refused the money. I told them that's fine, but I'm going to keep sending it once a month anyways. Eventually they caved. Some of the money they put back in to the restaurant and the other they use for out reach programs in the community, which a side effect was this also helped to drum up more business for them. So everyone wins.

While I was opening up one of my array of programs the first person joins me. I glace at the clock and see he was actually slightly early. 

He stands in the doorway awkwardly staring at me. "You must be Ms. Parker. I'm Hayes Sullivan," he says anxiously. Hayes has longish red hair and green eyes. He is more on the slender side, but you can still see his formed muscles under his skin. 

I gift him one of my biggest smiles in hopes to bring down his anxiety. Anxiety I have a close relationship and don't want him to feel anxious around me all the time. "Hello Hayes. So wonderful to meet you in person. Please call me Aubree." Hayes was the one member who I was never on the phone yelling at for doing something stupid. Thankfully one of the four won't be giving me a headache. 

He offers me a hesitant smile and takes a seat two down from me. Guess my reputation precedes me or his bandmates clued him in on my phone calls with them. "Thank you for being on time. I greatly apricate the effort," I reassure him. Hayes nods his head and fiddles with his phone. Not wanting to make him feel any more uncomfortable as he already was I return to my computer.

A few more minutes pass till I can hear some loud obnoxious voices I recognize from my many phone calls. Axel Reeves, Logan Grimes and Sebastian Bowers are about to join us. Seems Wicked Minion has one upped Steel Wolf. I close my computer and stand to great them. The three of them enter and three pairs of eyes blatantly run over my figure. Great. I greet them with a raised brow and enter into manager Aubree mode. 

"Welcome. I'm Aubree Parker your manager." I put towards the empty seats surrounding Hayes. "Please have a seat." The three of them surround themselves around Hayes. I may know their names, but I can't connect the names to the correct person. 

The one with shaggy dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes sits next to me. He to is built similar to Hayes, but when a few more muscles in his arms. Next to him sits a man with short brown hair and brown eyes. He's got some more muscles on him the the other two. On the other side of Hayes sits the blond hair blue eyes built like a God. If I wasn't so in love with Ryder and not as professional as I am he would have caught my eye.

They all mumble their greetings and when I look more closely at the three of them I notice they are hung over as shit. Grand. They really are setting a great first example. Working with Steel Wolf for as long as I have has really spoiled me. None of them would ever show up hung over, at least not now a few years ago different story. 

I glance at the clock and become slightly annoyed over the fact Steel Wolf is late. "While we wait for the others," I begin taking a seat, "I would like to apologies for not meeting with you all sooner than this. With being involved with Steel Wolf's last tour and everything else I was never able to set up a proper first meeting."

"Honey all will be forgiven if you help me with this itch," the one sitting next to me says licking his lips and causing my skin to crawl.

I raise a brow at him, "and you are," I ask dryly.

He sits up in his seat and puff out his chest. "Axel Reeves."

I nod my head and interrupt whatever crude comment was about to leave his lips. After years of dealing with Tray I am more then capable of handling Axel. "Yes Axel Reeves. Keyboard player for Wicked Minion. Has only ever had one stable relationship and after the breakup you have been sleeping with whomever glances your way. You tend to spend more time drunk the sober, which will change once you are officially on tour." I raise my eyes from him and take in all four of them. "Actually that rule will apply to all of you. I will not tolerate any shows being hindered by your inability to stay sober enough to complete contractual obligations."

"Our manger is a hard ass," the one on the other side of Axel says interrupting me. "Bet she's a wild cat in bed," he snickers to the others. 

"The ones with stick up their asses always are," Axel adds. Hayes eyes grow as big as saucers while the others nod their agreement. He then leans in closer to me. "How about I use a different stick to fill you?"

Right when I'm about to put them in their place a wonderful voice stops me from doing so. "And I'll happily cut off said stick if you come anywhere near Aubree in an unprofessional manner." Ryder stands in the middle of the doorway with his arms crossed. Lucan on one side of him and Tray and Mason on the other. They all are wearing similar scowls. 

This meeting is really setting of on the best footing. Ryder picked the worse moment to walk into the room. Now I'm going to have to spend the entire lunch trying to bridge the growing rift between them. Shit. Skylar is coming and heaven up us all of they make a comment about Skylar. Dimitri will have no problem jumping across this table and beating someone up.

Ryder moves into the room and kisses the top of my head before taking his seat and staring daggers at Axel. He links our fingers under the table, but then raises them to place a kiss. Lucan, Tray and Mason take their seats on the other side of Ryder. The tension in the air becomes so thick I could cut a knife though it and serve it for dinner. 

"Where's Dimitri," I ask. "I thought he was with you guys for the band meeting."

"He was," Lucan answers taking a drink of his water. "But he drove separately to pick up Skylar." 

"Who's Skylar?" The blonde ask. I really need to finish introductions so I know who is who. 

"My assistant." I answer shortly not wanting to draw too much attention to her. I already have Ryder wanting to strangle them I don't need to add Dimitri to the list.

"Is she hot," he asks wiggling his eyebrow.

"Look pup," Tray injects coldly leering at blondie. "Not only is Skylar my bestest best friend, but she is also Dimitri's fiancée. Here's a friendly warning I suggest you keep your lust filled comments about her to yourself. Better yet don't even think them." Tray nods his head in Ryder and my direction. "And here's another friendly warning. Not only is Aubree your manager and deserves respect for being so, but she's also dating the big lug next to her and he's just as friendly as Dimitri." Tray sits back in his seat and picks up his water signaling his speech is over.

"Logan," blonde pouts. "My name is Logan. Not pup." Tray rolls his eyes.

"Logan Grimes, lead singer and plays the guitar," I state connecting a name to a person. "Since we are saying names why don't we go down the table."

"Hayes Sullivan. Base player," Hayes says not meeting any ones eyes. 

"Sebastian Bowers. Drums," he says sending me a wink. I roll my eyes when Ryder tightens his hold on my hand.

"Axel Reeves. Keyboard." He leans in closer to me and eyes Ryder. "Seems our manager is into keyboard players." His eyes flick in my direction. "Why not give this keyboard player a ride? I'm sure my ride will be better than his."

Ryder lunges across the table, but Lucan springs into action and takes a death grip of him slamming Ryder back into his seat. "Tray warned y'all once as a peace offering. A peace offering that won't be given a second time. You have a lot to learn in this business and pissing off not only the bigger name you are touring with, but also one of the top bands in the rock world not a bright idea." Lucan lectures sitting back in his seat.

"I would have let Ryder beat the shit out of him," Mason inputs. "Maybe then they would learn their place." Hayes slumps further in his seat. His behavior does not at all match with his bandmates. I need to do some research and figure out how they formed. I really dropped the ball on Wicked Minion due to my investment with Steel Wolf. Need to remember Steel Wolf is no longer my soul responsibility now. Wicked Minion is also on the list.   

My guys always the protectors. I'm grateful for them stepping up, but Wicked Minion needs to respect me and if the guys don't let me do my job they never will. After Wicked Minion leaves not only am I going to have to break the new of the addition to the tour, but also this. They need to let me fight my own battles because they won't always be around to do so. 

Dimitri glides in with an arm over Skylar's shoulders, "what did I miss." Four pairs of eyes rise to the couple in the door way. One pair flutters away and stares at the table in front of him. The other three pairs of eyes lustful gaze at Skylar. They are too busy gawking at Skylar they miss the red faced Dimitri. 

Here we go again. Great start to another tour.         

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