Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Bro...

By littlebitofjanos

4.5K 170 5


Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Brooks - Janoskians - Fanfiction*
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twentyone
Chapter twentytwo
Chapter twentythree
Chapter twentyfour
Chapter twentyfive
Chapter twentysix
Chapter twentyseven
Chapter twentyeight
Chapter twentynine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter fourty
Chapter fourty one

Chapter thirteen

110 4 0
By littlebitofjanos

A\N! As you can see I will be trying to have a picture of Livs outfit for every chapter and when she changes clothes I will most likely have the one she is changing into. Just writing this so you know what the pictures are and so you can have a clearer image of what her outfits look like because I suck at describing stuff so yeah... Oh and I know it's Christmas soon but I'm to lazy to write what they do in Christmas so I'm just gonna skip that so this is after Christmas now:)


It was a few days after Christmas and me and the boys were going out. We were having an early New Years party and a last goodbye party before they left. We decided to go out tonight because the boys didn't want to be hungover on a really long flight.

I finished the last of my makeup before looking in the mirror and smiling, actually happy with my outfit. I was wearing a tight black dress that stopped just under my butt with long sleeves and a pair of black pumps, my makeup was quite natural and I had some jewelry. it was quite basic but I liked it. I grabbed my phone from the bed and opened up the camera to take a picture when I heard a knock on the door.

" Liv are you ready soon? " Jai said and walked in.

" Yeh one sec, just gotta take a picture for Instagram " I chuckled and Jai walked up beside be and joined me. We took a couple silly pictures and I posted one of them on Instagram.

" Oi you have to wear the case I got you, I'm wearing mine " Jai said and I laughed.
He bought two cases, one for him and one for me, on his it says best and on mine it says bitches.
I walked over to my desk and changes case and Jai smiled happily. We walked out to the living room where Beau, James, Luke and Daniel were waiting. The boys walked out to the car and Luke walked over to me.

" Wow you look amazing " He said and wrapped his arm around my waist and I could feel my cheeks turning a bright pink color.

" Thank you " I smiled and we walked out to the car. We had called a taxi to come pick us up since none of us would be able to drive home and Beau didn't want to leave his car there over night.
The taxi pulled up right when me and Luke walked out of the door and the boys climbed in. It was a regular size car and I knew we would never all fit in it.
James was sitting in the front since he had the longest legs of all the boys. the other four boys climbed into the back seat and Luke pulled me in so I was sitting in his lap.
The driver gave us a weird look but didn't bother telling us to call another taxi.
James gave him the address to the club and after a ten minute drive we were there.
We stumbled out of the car and I started laughing at how we all could fit in the car.

" What's so funny? " Luke asked with a smile on his face. I didn't bother answering his question instead I just dragged him into the club with me.

" Tonight is going to be awesome " I said before we walked in and the loud music made it hard for me to hear what Luke said. I pushed against all the sweaty bodys dancing before I came up to the bar and ordered six shots. The boys came up to the bar and smiled at me when they saw the shots.

*** Jais P.O.V. ***

We had been at the club for a good few hours and we were all crazy drunk. I was dancing around on the floor alone since I lost the others but I was getting bored and lonely and decided to look for the others. As I was waking trough the dancing crowd I saw Daniel dancing with some chick so I decided to keep on looking. I walked up to the bar and saw James sitting there alone with a drink.

" Hey man! " I shouted over the loud music and walked up to him.

" Heeeey Jai " He slurred.

" Have you seen the others? " I asked and nearly fell as someone pushed me from behind.

" What the fuck man " I shouted and turned around and saw Beau.

" Stay away from her Luke " He shouted in my face and pushed me again.

" Beau what the fuck, I'm Jai! " I shouted but it was like he didn't listen. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me up against the wall behind me as he raised his fist at me.

" Beau let him go what the fuck are you doing " James shouted and managed to walk over to us in his drunken state.

" Beau calm down, I haven't done anything " I said calmly as I saw Beaus fist clench, tinting white.

" You did! You took her man, how could you! If I can't have her then either can you, you understand that? Stay away from her Luke! " Beau shouted and pushed me hated against the wall.

" Beau I'm not Luke and I don't know who "she" is " I shouted and tried to push him off me. Not a smart move. He rushed up to me again and his fist met my eye in the matter of seconds. He punched me again and I saw some people trying to pull him away. I felt the blood in my body boil and started punching him back in the face.
It was like everything went in slow motion. I could feel someone pulling me away from Beau and I saw some people pulling him off me. I saw Daniel rush up beside me and ask me a bunch of questions but I couldn't hear them. I saw James walk Beau outside and I sat up against the wall. I saw Luke and Liv running towards me.

" Jai " I heard Liv shout before it all went black.

*** Livs P.O.V. ***

" Hey there good lookin " Luke slurred in my ear and I let out a chuckle.

" Hello " I said and took another shot.

" Wanna go out for a bit? " He asked and I nodded grabbing his hand.
We managed to make it outside and sat down on the side of the road.

" I'm so drunk " I slurred out happily and giggled.

" Your laugh is so cute " Luke said and I smiled as I could feel my cheeks go pink.

" You always blush when I compliment you " Luke chuckled. I felt myself staring to lean in and Luke did the same. Out lips connected and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him. The kids got deeper and I felt his tongue on my bottom lip. I smiled before allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. The moment was perfect and it was like the time stood still... until I heard loads of screaming and shouting from inside. We both pulled away and gave each other a confused look and then we saw James pushing Beau out of the club.

" What the fuck man! " James shouted at him but Beau just collapsed onto the ground.

" James what happened? " I ran up to James.

" Jai's inside, check if he's okay " James said and Luke immediately ran inside and I followed close behind.

" Jai " I shouted. I saw him sitting against the wall but soon lean on to Daniel with closed eyes.

" Jai! " Luke shouted and shakes him.

" What the fuck happened? " I asked Daniel and he shrugged.

" I don't know I wasn't here when it happened " He said worried.
Jai opened his eyes and looked around. His eye was turning blue and purple and his nose was bleeding.

" Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital or do you want a glass of water? " Someone working at the bar asked. Jai shook his head and stood up.

" I need to get out of here " He mumbled and walked out. I rushed after him and grabbed his arm.

" Jai what happened? " I asked worried.

" I'll tell you on the way home " He said and grabbed my hand waking with me over the road were there was a big line of taxis. We jumped into the first one and Jai gave the driver the address.

" Excuse me do you have any paper? " I asked the driver and he handed me a packet of tissues.

" Don't get blood on my seats " He mumbled angrily.
I took one of the tissues and started to gently wipe away the blood flowing from Jais nose.

" Well... " I said softly.

" Beau thought I was Luke " Jai said and flinched when I turned his head so he was facing me.

" Sorry... But why would Beau want to beat up Luke? " I asked concerned.

" He kept going on about that he was taking her away and that he should just stay away because he didn't deserve her so neither did he " He said.

" Who? " I asked.

" You tell me cause I don't know " He said and sighed.

" Ha-has Luke been seeing someone recently or anything like that? " I stuttered and tried to swallow the lump growing in my trough.

" No... The only one he could possibly be talking about is you " Jai said before the taxi driver turned around.

" Are you going to pay or what? " He said annoyed. I rolled my eyes and handed him the money before getting Jai out of the car and waking him inside. Thank god Gina wasn't home.

" Does Beau still have feelings for me? " I asked Jai after the long silence.

" He says he doesn't but the truth usually comes out of his mouth when he's drunk " Jai said and opened the door to the twins room and pulled of his T-shirt. I let out a sigh and sat down on the bottom bunk. Jai pulled of the rest of his close so he was just in his boxers before lying down in he bed.

" Hello? " I heard Luke shout trough the house.

" Up here " Jai shouted back.
I heard Luke run up the stairs and walk into the room.

" I heard what happened " He said.

" It's okay man, where is he? " Jai said.

" At Skips. They wouldn't let him be around me until his sober " Luke explained. The room was quiet for a while before I stood up.

" I'm going to the bathroom " I said and walked out. I did my business and tied my hair up in a messy bun before waking back intour he room.
Jai was asleep on his bed and Luke was getting undressed.

" You can sleep here tonight if you want " Luke said and I nodded. He threw me one of his t-shirts and i catches it. I pulled of my shoes and quickly pulled my dress of when Luke wasn't looking and sliding the top over my head. He climbed up onto the top bunk and laid down before patting the space beside him and smiled. I smiled back and climbed up and laid down beside him. I felt his arms snake around my waist and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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