Erens First Love

By SabrielBlackHeart

143K 5K 4K

⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away t... More

Family Dinner
Comander Dad Complex
Banshees and secret friends
Your Royalty
Conference call
Please be the Boogiman
Thugs and sleep overs
Crap morning
Agreements lead to all weekend sleep over party
A/N Character info
Where did our little Eren go
Momma Hanjis Princess
Settling In
Erwins Dog Ravioli
Your happy makes me sad
You are always someones world
We're never riding with Levi,Hanji,and Erwin again!
Giving is the greatest gift of all.
Take this necklace back!
Its not what it looks like!
Miss understandings and Disagreements
Q and A Special!
Mommas Boy, and Aunties Boy?!
Lucky? Ducky?
Unplanned meetings
The Hearing
Our Secret World
One shot Special- Mission gone wrong
A promise
The sickening truth
No more crying
A Royal Meeting, and Infidelity
Lets start the meeting over shall we
Pain and Darkness
3 lost weeks


1.8K 77 77
By SabrielBlackHeart

Levi's silver pistol sat on the floor next to his right hip where he could easily grab it if necessary. He had his legs stretched out and slightly bent at the knee. Eren sat between his open legs head resting on the solid chest. Levi's head was dropped back against the wall and a cigarette hanging from his lips. Eren was lightly dozing in his spot with Levi wrapped around him.

It had been three hours already and the raven was becoming antsy. Shortly after he had locked down the room and gotten Eren calmed down, the monitors had lit up. Erwin, Hanji, Kenny, and Kuchel had spoken briefly about what could possibly be going on. Nothing was coming to mind for any of them. They weren't currently in any wars with the other families. Well besides scaring the shit out of Ral, but he wouldn't retaliate after everything his daughter had did. Said daughter, along with her accomplice Oluo, where locked down in the holding cells. So they wouldn't have been able to plan anything. They had all decided to sit tight until the back up team handled the situation and unlocked the rooms.

The small brunette shifted around a little and sighed. Levi brought his hand up to run through the boys hair without looking down at him. He took one final drag from the cigarette then put it out in the tray next to his left hip. He Then used his now free hand to rub the others back. His mind shifted back to the confessions he and Eren had shared with one another. His lips lifted automatically remembering the words.

Yeah, they had only been together, four going on five days. But their past played a big part as well. Levi had loved Eren since they were kids. When Zeke had taken him away it literally broke him. He pushed everyone away, and became a terror. As he got older he obsessively cleaned, trained, and partied to try and fill that void. Then his first night back in town when he saw the brown haired angel, the void disappeared. His mind had just up and forgot about his childhood friend as he fawned over the sea green and blue eyes of the short teen. Then to find out this angel was the same angel from his past. He knew he had to do something, everything, to keep him with him. Yes he knew he loved this boy, without a doubt.

And no one would ever take his spot. The raven would rip his own beating heart out before he let that happen. Levi leaned down and pressed a kiss into soft brown locks. He leaned back and closed his eyes settling down for a long wait. As if hearing his thoughts the sound of dead bolts and other heavy duty locks being undone made his head jerk up. He lightly shook Eren.

" Come on Princess, the back up teams here." He grunted out. Erens eyes slid open and he nodded groggily.

" Mmmkay." Eren muttered.

Levi stood while grabbing his gun and placing it in the waist band of his shorts at his lower back. He helped the brunette up and wrapped an arm around his waist steadying the sleep drunk boy who was stumbling. Levi and Eren stepped towards the door as the locks started to come to a stop. Levi was looking down at the barely awake boy. A soft smile spread across his lips Eren stared forward with a blank look, he could tell the boy really didn't understand what all was going on. He just wanted sleep. The heavy door creaked as it was opened. As the door opened, Levi watched as the brunettes eyes widened in fear. Furrowing his brows the raven turned to the door. Ready to rip a new asshole into whoever had scared his Princess.

" Took you all long enough, you dumb fuck..... SHIT!" Levi yelled in surprise as he grabbed Eren and threw him behind him.

His pale hand snapping towards his pistol at his back. But he wasn't quick enough, because he was already taking a full on punch to the jaw. Levi quickly recovered and swung, connecting with the others face. The fight continued and finally Levi got the intruder in a chokehold. But the raven was stopped by a soft voice whining pitifully at him.

" L-Levi...." came Erens soft scared voice. Stormy silver eyes snapped up and took in the scene. Oluo stood behind Eren with the boys arm twisted back and a pistol to his head. Levi froze not moving an inch, his eyes narrowed at the two toned haired man.

" The fuck you doing Oluo?" He growled out.

" Finaly getting this fucking job done. Now let Williams go and step back. I swear to god I will shoot your little bitch here if you don't." The man hissed as he twisted Erens arm more and pressed the pistol closer. A whimper left Erens lips as tears filled his eyes. Levi let go and held up his hands, showing he wouldn't do anything else. His eyes never leaving Erens.

" Fucking hell." Groaned the brown haired teen. He stood up and grabbed Levi's wrist and spun him around pushing him into the wall. He grabbed the other wrist and pulled it behind Levis back. Cold metal tightly locked around the ravens wrist. Levi's brows furrowed a little. For someone who just got his ass beat by the raven, the teen was handling him gently. Well as gently as you could while restraining someone. If it had been Levi and someone had did that to him and he got the chance, he would manhandle the fuck out of him.

" Ow you fucker!" Yelled Eren. Levi snapped his head to where Oluo and Eren were and growled as he watched the other roughly handle the boy as he cuffed his wrists as well. " Still doing stupid shit I see." Eren mumbled. Levi smirked at the comment.

" Shut up Bitch!" Oluo yelled and brought his hand back but was stopped by Williams. The brown eyes glaring in the others blue ones.

" Dont be fucking stupid Oluo. You rough him up for stupid shit and the boss will have your ass. Now let's get these two out there with the others." Williams walked over to Levi jerking his arm making him follow as Oluo did the same with Eren.

The two men lead the raven and brunette out to the sitting area. Their eyes widened at the site in front of them. Kenny, Kuchel, Erwin,Armin,Hanji,and Moblit were all lined up on their knees with their arms cuffed behind their backs. All their eyes held anger, and promised death. The two brought Levi and Eren over next to Kenny and forced them both to their knees. Levi next to Kenny and Eren next to Levi.

" The fuck you pigs want?!" Kenny roared. Oluo had the decency to step back in slight fear.

" Boss has business with Mr. Yeager here. You all just happened to be baggage." Williams answered his gun still aimed at the group.

Erens eyes were wide in surprise and fear. What the hell did anyone want with him. It took all of his will power to keep his body from shaking. Levi tried to shift closer to the brunette but stopped when a gun shot went off.

" That was a warning Prince. Keep still and don't touch the whore." Oluo said with amusement. Levi snapped his head to the other grinding his teeth.

" I already warned you Oluo, not to call him that." He growled out. All the others stayed quiet as the King and Prince spoke, waiting for any ques from them, saying they could speak.

" Well obviously your warnings don't mean shit, and you aren't worth a damn. So caught up in trash that you let your guard down and got everyone in this situation." The two toned haired male said with hatred. He threw his head back and laughed before continuing. " I'm so Damn glad I decided to find new employment even before you decided to go all goo-goo eyed for this piece of shit. I admired you at one point but quickly learned your no better than a common rat from the underground."A smirk spread across his lips as all three of the Ackermans tensed. Oh if looks could kill, then he'd be dead a thousand times over.

" Shut up!" Eren screamed all heads snapping to him. His face was red as his chest heaved up and down. The brunette didn't care what others said about him but no one would talk about his family like that. He smirked at Oluo as he continued. " If you didn't still admire him why were you fucking his left overs?"

Oluos eyes widened then narrowed as he stomped up to the smirking male. He drew his leg back and kicked Eren in the side of the head sending him into the wall. The whole group tried to lunge but stopped when the guns were aimed at Eren again.

" Sit the fuck still like I told you!" Williams screamed then grabbed Oluos shirt and pulled him away from Eren. " I told you not to do shit like that Oluo! Go keep an eye on them while I take care of Eren." He ordered. Oluo walked behind the group and pointed his gun at them, His face still red in anger.

Levi's mind was whirling at the moment. He needed to figure out a way to get Eren out of all this, plus everyone else. He Also needed to think of the best way to torture and kill Oluo. But his thoughts all ceased when he heard Williams call Eren by his name. His brows pulled together in thought. This guy wasn't acting normal. It was like he still had some respect for the boy and them. He glanced to Kenny seeing the same thoughtful expression on his face. Then looked back to Williams who grabbed Eren and carefully sat him back up on his knees. Yeah something was off about this teen.

All eyes shot to the door as it opened, a tall fairly built, dark siloett stood in the door way. Williams and Oluo both stood up more at attention then bowed. The man walked into the light reveling grey slicked back hair, metal rimmed glasses, and a grey beard. His eyes were void of emotion as he looked around the room. When his eyes stopped on Eren a crazed smirk formed. The mans voice was rough and cold as he spoke to the brunette.

" Well if it isn't the abomination. I've been looking for you everywhere." He mused.

Erens eyes widened and grew wet as his body shook. Flash backs of the night of the shoot out when he was younger flashing in front of his eyes. It was the same voice that had lived in the back of his head for years. Erens blood ran ice cold as his breathing became shorter and shorter.

" I finally caught you boy. You'll be coming with us, try not to give to much trouble." The unknown man said then snapped his fingers.

Eren felt a sharp pain on the back of his head where his neck met his head. Then nothing. No pain, no sound, and no vision. Everything went black as he was knocked out.

I'm gonna need all of you to sit down and act right! No throwing stuff or bullying author-chan. It will get better just give it awhile. But other than the obvious reasons I hope you all enjoyed it. Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think. I appreciate all your all's support. You all mean the world to me. Until next chapter everyone.

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