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By a_raconteur

160K 4.5K 1.7K

Harry Potter x BBC Merlin crossover ----- In which Arthur is the fool in love and Elizabeth is the oblivious... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Packing Up My Crayons and Leaving
Chapter 2 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Wizarding World
Chapter 3 - Richer than Scrooge McDuck
Chapter 4 - So Back to the Future is a Bunch of Bullshit?
Chapter 5 - Cross Your Fingers, I'm Gonna Need It
Chapter 6 - You Had One Job
Chapter 7 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Part 1
Chapter 8 - Apparently the Obvious Isn't That Obvious
Chapter 9 - Unoriginal Insults
Chapter 11 - Equestrian Class
Chapter 12 - The Avengers
Chapter 13 - Young Padawan
Chapter 14 - Therapy Session No. 1
Chapter 15 - Therapy Session No. 2
Chapter 16 - The Original Great British Bake Off
Chapter 17 - Josh Groban is Completely Underrated
Chapter 18 - A Unicorn Named Bob
Chapter 19 - The Avenger's Map
Chapter 20 - Ip Woman vs. Arsehat
Part 2
Chapter 21 - I Made Uther Laugh
Chapter 22 - More Young Padawans
Chapter 23 - Oopsie
Chapter 24 - Error: Friends Not Found
Chapter 25 - I Am Not In Denial!
Chapter 26 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Great
Chapter 27 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Wonderful
Chapter 28 - Hello! I Hate You!
Chapter 29 - Gandalf = Dumbledore
Chapter 30 - Goldilocks Ate Too Much Porridge
Chapter 31 - Happily Never After
Chapter 32 - I Hate Geckos. I Truly Do.
Chapter 33 - Destiny is a Fickle Thing
Chapter 34 - Army of Padawans

Chapter 10 - Vampire Teabags

4.7K 142 72
By a_raconteur

The Mark of Nimueh

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"I am bleeding out of my fucking uterus! Leave me the hell alone!" I scream, throwing pillows at my poor roommate.

"Sorry!" He screeches, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

"What is happening there?" Gaius questions.

"I - I don't know! Liz's just screaming and throwing things at me while curled up on her bed." Merlin frantically speaks.

"GET ME CHOCOLATE!" I yell out, "Nevermind!" After I found some frogs in my emergency bag.

The physician chuckles out, "That Merlin, is the menstrual cycle."

"The what?"

"It means when a woman bleeds to have children in the future."

"That makes no sense."

"Just go get Gwen." Gaius shoos off the servant. He goes out to fetch the Lady Morgana's maidservant.

"Gwen! There you are!" Merlin pants, bending over to catch his breath.

"Merlin! Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, but Liz isn't."

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know. Something about bleeding out of the uteran or something."

"Ahhh. Poor girl, I'll come by after I get Lady Morgana ready for the day."

"Thank you Gwen!" Merlin says, then runs back to the physician chambers.

"Did you find her?" The old man asks looking up from his work.


"Here, take this to Elizabeth, make sure she drinks every drop." He hands the warlock a small pottle filled with coloured liquid. He goes up to our room to see me nibbling on a piece of chocolate, holding a pillow against my stomach.

"Gaius says to drink this."

"Thanks Merl."


"I figured a nickname was entitled to you, seeing as I have one for practically everyone." I explain. He nods with a smile, "You like the name?"

"Yea." He replies. I smile up at him and down the potion like a shot.

I grimace at the taste, "Some sugar could be used." We laugh at my joke.

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The next morning we head to the lower town to see about a case where a man died. Gaius and I bend down to the dead man on sprawled out on the ground.

"Aren't you scared?" Merlin inquires.

"Of what?" Gaius replies.

"That you might catch whatever it is."

"Merlin, we're the court physician's, it's literally our job description." I roll my eyes at the idiot.

"Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of." Gaius continues.

"You were saying?" Merlin says after I flip over the body to see the man has skin as white as snow, veins now blue, and eyes glazed over with an unnatural white colour.

"I've read about this." I mutter. Gaius and I share a look.

"People mustn't see this. They'll panic." Merl goes up to grab a large blanket and to cover the body. We grab the body and bring him onto a cart. We wheel him back when Gwen comes walking up behind us.

"What are you doing?" She asks, holding a small bouquet of purple and white flowers.

"Uh, just moving something." Merlin says, moving around to block Gwen's view of the covered body.

"Looks heavy."

"It's nothing really-"

I snort, "Please your twig arms can't do squat. I'm doing all the heavy lifting."

"-Ummm. Someone got you flowers?" Merlin inquires whilst giving me a glare which I shrug in return saying 'It's true'.

"Oh, no. Would you like one? A purple one. A white one for you." She hands a small purple one to Merlin and a white one to me. I tuck it behind my ear while Merlin puts it in his neck bandana. "Purple suits you. Not - not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you." She says referring to the red shirt he's wearing.

"Thanks, well. Uh, see you."

"Bye." She replies.

"Bye Gwen." I call out. I turn back to Merlin and nudge him with a cheeky smile, "You totally like her." He denies with a shake of his head. I roll my eyes, "Oh come on, it's totally obvious. It's okay though, because it seems like the feelings are mutual."

We return and put the body on the table while Gaius inspects it with a magnifying glass. "I've never seen anything like this before."

"I have." I comment, "Well I've read about it."

"Do you think it can be some kind of plague?" Merl inquires.

"Not a plague." I answer standing up, "I read about it in my school's library once and it was caused by magic using the water to infect people."


"Yes, water. It was caused by an Afanc. I just hope I'm wrong." A knock is sounded at the door and a 'Merlin' is called out, "I got it." Arthur standing behind the door, "Don't worry he's on his way."

"Don't worry. I'm getting used to it." He replies nonchalantly. He notices the flower tucked behind my ear, "Who gave that to you?"

"What? Are you jealous?" I tease with a smirk.

"There's nothing to be jealous of." The prat states.

I scoff, "It's not like you're any better."

He rolls his eyes at me, "Tell Gaius my father that wants to see both of you now." He walks off, leaving me irritated at his insult.

"Gaius-" I get cut off by Gaius saying he heard him.

"Why couldn't he just tell you himself?" Merlin asks.

"Cause that's the way it is. You're a servant and Elizabeth was closer."

"If he knew who I was, what I've done-"

"You'd be a dead servant." I deadpan. Gaius smiles at me and Merlin glares.

"Right, get this covered up."

"Hey, I'm not your servant."

"No, you're our dogsbody. Come on, hurry up." The old physician remarks. I laugh and get shoved into the wall by Merlin.

We make our way to the court room to find another man with the same illness. Same white skin, same blue veins, same milky white eyes. "What's happened to him?" Uther questions.

"I don't know, sire." Gaius replies.

"This is the second case we've seen today." I announce

"Why didn't you report it to me?" The King says.

"We were attempting to find a cause." Gaius states.

"And what did you conclude?"

"I don't think it's time to hurry off to conclusions. The scientific process is a long one."

"What are you concealing from me?"

"Sire, I have seen nothing like it. The victims are dying in 24 hours and it's spreading fast."

"What is the cause?"

"If I may Uther," I pause. He motions for me to continue, "I think it would be best if you block off the water supply until we destroy the cause."

"Block off the water supply? Why? The kingdom can't survive without it."

"If my suspicions are, correct and I really hope they aren't, you would want to block it off sooner rather than later."

"What do you think the cause to be?"

I say these words and Uther picks up on a totally different demeanor, "Magic. Very powerful magic." He guides Arthur to instruct him to conduct searches throughout the town and search door-to-door in houses. As well as to lend Merlin to to us.

We all head to the town where I see Arthur ordering his knights to kick doors open. I see a young man with the disease, struggling to stay alive. I bend down to him, "Shhhh, it's going to okay." I say to hopefully provide him with some comfort.

"Please. It hurts." He groans out.

"I know. I'm sorry. Everything will get better."

"Please. Help me."

"I wish I could. Just relax, it will all be over soon."

"Thank you." He whispers out before he stops breathing. I reach my hand out to close his eyes and mutter a quick prayer. I blink away teary eyes to stand up with Gaius and Merlin. They give me sympathetic looks while Arthur catches my eye and gives one me of...adoration?

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"What are you doing?" Merlin asks, leaning over to see Gaius holding a bottle of something.

"I'm examining the contents of that man's stomach." He replies, I pull a face of disgust at the sound of that.

"Will that tell you who did it?"

"No. But one thing I know, this is magic of the darkest kind."

"Why would someone use magic like that?"

"Magic corrupts. People use it for their own ends."

"But not all magic is bad. I know it isn't."

"It's neither good nor bad. It's how you use it."

"That's what I've been saying!" I exclaim. Suddenly the door flies open to allow Camelot knights to enter. They start to ransack the entire place. Jars are being knocked over, books pushed of shelves, papers flying everywhere.

"Over there. I'm sorry, Gaius. We're searching every room in town." Arthur commands.

"What for?" He questions.

"The sorcerer."

"Why would he be here?"

"I'm just doing my job."

"Well, we've nothing to hide. Go on then, search." Gaius says as the knights look through papers, books, and other random objects.

"What are these books and papers?" Arthur asks.

"Mt life's work--Dedicated to the understanding of science. You're quite welcome to read through them if you wish." Gaius answers, the Prince pulls a grimace at the idea.

"It's not like you have the brain power to comprehend it anyway." I smirk. Merlin snorts from behind me and Arthur sarcastically laughs.

"What's this room up here?" He asks pointing up to a door which leads to our room.

"It's our room." Merlin replies.


"Yeah ours. Liz's and I's."

"You sleep in the same room as him?" Arthur questions, facing towards me.

"Well do you know any other place I could possibly sleep at?" I retort, raising an eyebrow.

"And what do you expect to find in there?" Gaius queries.

"I'm looking for material or evidence suggesting the use of enchantments." He replies, walking up to our room.

"What have you done with the magic book I gave you?" Gaius whispers to us. Merlin's eyes widen.

"Oh my Godric." I mutter sighing, "It truly is a wonder how we're still alive."

"Merlin, come here." Arthur says from our room, "Look what I've found."

"It was great knowing Merlin. He will be missed." I comment. Gaius glares at me and I raise my hands in surrender with a sheepish smile.

"I found a place where you could put things. It's called a cupboard." He closes the cupboard and walks around, completely oblivious to the large leather book on the ground. Merlin's eyes glow their brilliant gold colour and a shirt lands on top of the book, thus covering it. Arthur leaves followed by a relieved Merlin.

"Ahh look at that. He still has his head." I mutter under my breath, receiving a Gibb's head slap from Gaius, "Sorry."

"How long do you think it may be before you find a cure?" Arthur questions, hands on hips.

"Depends on how many interruptions I get." Gaius replies. I stifle a laugh behind my hand.

"Of course. I'm sorry. We're finished here." He motions for the knights to leave.

"Is the Prince Goldilocks apologizing?" I smirk at him.

"Don't get used to it. I'm hardly ever wrong."

"I won't, but one would think with that tiny brain you have you would have more mistakes." I retort. He rolls his eyes and leaves, "I win." I announce to Merl and Gaius.

"We have to hide that book." Gaius declares.

"No, we must use it." Merlin protests

"Don't be stupid."

"If I have this legacy, then what is it for? You keep telling me it's not for playing tricks."

"You want to practice magic when the King is hunting for sorcerers? Are you mad?"

"No, are you insane?" I exclaim.

"Merlin, your life is destined for more important things."

"But if I don't practice, then how will I get to be this great warlock?" Merlin questions.

"There will come a time when your skills will be recognized."

He scoffs, "When? How long do I have to wait?"

"Patience is a virtue, Merlin."

"What, sitting by and doing nothing, that's a virtue?"

"That's not what we're saying Merl. Your time will come. I know." I say.

"I could cure that man we saw."

"So could I. Then what? Have all of Camelot chasing after me? Possibly even death?"

"I know it's tempting to use the way you find easiest, Merlin." Gaius explains.

"It is when it would save a life." The warlock protests.

"It's no good just saving one person. We have to discover the cause of this illness."

"Arthur is out there right now looking for the sorcerer." Merlin points out.

"A sorcerer who is powerful enough to do this will never be found searching the town."

Merlin sighs in defeat, "So what can we do?"

"Hope that science can find the answer before it kills us all."

"I already know how it's being spread and what could be possibly causing this. I just need to look at the water supply." I state standing up. Gaius hands me the key to the water channel. I grab my wand and strap it on my shin and go find the blonde prat to have him show me the water supply.

I go to his chambers where I find him sitting at his table with plates and half finished pieces of food.

"What the hell happened here?" I question pointing at the mess of food caused by Goldilocks.

"Merlin's gone." He says.

"Surely you must have the decency to clean up after yourself, and not relying on other people to do so."

He rolls his eyes, "Why are you here exactly?" He gets up crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I need to you to take me to the water supply." I state looking at him.

"Why..." He trails off.

"To see if my suspicions are correct, which I think they are"

"You do realize that my Father has imposed a curfew right?"

"Yeah, but I figured having you with me, it's basically a 'get out jail free' card." I grin up at him, "Pleeeeeeease?"

"Fine." He huffs.

"Oh, and grab your sword. We might need it." I order him. He picks up the blade and ties it to his waist.

"What exactly do you think we'll see down there?"

"An Afanc." I reply with a node of my head.

"A what?" He looks confused at the word.

"Just shut up and show me the way."

We continue to walk through the corridors when I notice some guards on patrol walking towards us. I grab the blonde by the arm and force him into an alcove. I push him against the wall so the guards don't notice us. The guards pass us without a look in our direction and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. After looking around to see if anybody else is around, I turn my head to see Arthur with a smug look on his face.

"You know if you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was say so."

"Oh get over yourself, you prat. Like I would ever give you my first kiss." I roll my eyes and push myself off him, still gripping his arm, I drag him off to the door where the water supply lies behind. I use the key Gaius gave me to unlock the door.

"You've never kissed anybody?"

"No, I've been busy. Time traveling to medieval Camelot and what not. You know, the usual." I sarcastically retort.

He nods, "Where did you get the key?"

"Gaius." I reply nonchalantly. I push open the door and mutter a quick 'Lumos' with my wand. Arthur goes and grabs a torch and lights it on fire.

We walk down the steps and take winding turns down the stone corridors. We pause when we hear growling up ahead. We carefully make our way the water supply. I take a sample of the water in a small jar to bring back up to Gaius. A creature with huge teeth come snarling out of the water only to submerge itself again.

"What the hell was that?" Arthur questions looking at me with wide eyes.

"That Goldilocks, is an Afanc." I sigh. We exit the door and I lock it behind. "Nox" The light at the tip of my wand goes away, "Now time to find out how to defeat it."

"How did you get so good at sneaking?"

I chuckle at the answer, "I used to sneak to the kitchens at night to get a snack. And I will probably do that here as well."

"Causing trouble were you?"

"Always." I grin cheekily at him. He softly laughs while shaking his head.

"Goodnight Liz."

"Goodnight Goldilocks." We part ways when he drops me off at the physician's chambers.

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"An Afanc."

"An -- A what?"

"I am really starting to question if 'what' is one of the only words you know." Merlin rolls his eyes at my comment. I explain, "An Afanc. A creature created with clay and can only conjured up by the most powerful magic wielders."

"Now we have to find a way to defeat it. But where?" Gaius inquires.

"That could take days. The kingdom will run out of it's water supply by then." Merlin states.

"Have you got a better idea."

I sigh sputtering my lips with a look of clear distaste on my face, "Time to go visit an over grown lizard."

Merlin and I go through the square to see the 'Great Dragon'. I really am if there is anything Great about the so called Great Dragon. I mean, he doesn't do anything. When he does provide us with some answers, they're always so cryptic. It's completely unnecessary. Just say what you want to say in the easiest way possible. We walk down the steps to the ledge of the vast cavern.

"Hello?" Merlin calls out.

"Hello!" The lizard replies, flying down to perch on his rock, "The great warlock return, as I knew he would."

"It's like I'm invisible or something." I mutter, shaking my head.

"I need to know how to defeat an Afanc."

"Yes, I suppose you do." The lizard says.

"Will you help me?" The warlock asks.

"Trust the elements that are at your command."

"Elements? But what is it I have to do?"

"You cannot do this alone. You are but one side of a coin. Arthur is the other."

"I don't understand. Just tell me what it is I have to do." Merlin begs. The Great Dragon flaps its wings and flies off, "No! Please, help me."

"I have." He replies before laughing.

"Oh yeah, right. Thanks." Merlin thanks sarcastically.

"Isn't it obvious what we have to do?" I inquire as we walk back up the steps.

"Maybe to you."

"If you use your brain, you would know." He rolls his eyes, "Like I told Goldilocks, if you continue to roll your eyes, you might find a brain back there." I smirk at him where he rolls his eyes, again. I start laughing as we walk through the castle back to Gaius, "Oh, I am going to make soooo many Avatar the Last Airbender jokes."

Merlin just gives me a look as we walk back up the many stairs to the courtyard. When we make our way back to the physician chamber, Merlin is looking and pulling out all the books, in search for information on elements. I don' think he realizes that he can just ask me. Am I going to tell him that? No. Why? Because I'm cracking too many stupid Avatar jokes.

"I don't think the band Earth, Wind & Fire ever realized how close they were to the Avatar state.. No, like I'm genuinely curious, did they just not know? Or just didn't care enough? Here's a joke 'Where does the Avatar learn to bend? The elementary school!" I exclaim, laughing on the ground, holding my stomach as I make an idiot of myself.

Gaius comes in and sets down his pack and asks, "Merlin, what are you doing?"

"Looking for a book." Merlin glances from the many books he has open in front of him to reply to the physicians' question.

"Care to tell me which one?"

"A book on the elements."


"Yes. Which one would I find them in?"

"Well, most of them. The study of base elements is at the very heart of the scientific process."

"But how would they help me kill the Afanc?"

"Well, the Afanc is a creature made from water and earth. That two of the four bases, so you use the other two to destroy it. It's quite simple really." I state after calming down from my laughter.

"Why didn't you just tell me that?"

"You never asked." I point out. He rolls his eyes and turns his attention back on the white haired man.

"How did you find this out?" Gaius inquires.

"Um, I just knew. You know, it's part of my powers." Merlin replies.

"What else do your powers tell you?"

"That I am only one side of a coin." He pauses then adds on with a cheeky smile, "The brighter side, obviously."

"Lies." I cough out.

"And who's the other side?"


Morgana and Gwen enter the room ready to help destroy this thing. "Please, just tell us what I can do to help."

"We need Arthur." Merlin says.

"Arthur?" Morgana questions.

"There's a monster, an Afanc in the water supply. That's what's causing the plague."

"We must tell Uther."

"No, the Afanc's a thing created by magic. Telling Uther wouldn't do squat. He doesn't see reason when magic is even mentioned." I explain.

"So what are we to do?" She asks.

"We need to destroy it. Then the plague will stop and Uther may see sense." Merlin says with a nod.

"And that's why you need Arthur?" Gwen assumes.

"He's our best chance. But he won't want to disobey the King."

"Leave that to me." Morgana declares, walking off with Gwen to convince Arthur. Gaius goes and hands me the key to the water supply.

"Let's go fight a half Avatar!" I exclaim with a big grin. Gaius gives me a small smile, shaking his head at my antics while Merlin just laughs.

"You're waaaaaay too excited for this." The sorcerer chuckles.

"Of course I am! It's not everyday we can fight Walmart Avatar."

Merl and I walk down into the square to meet up with Morgana, Gwen, and Goldilocks. The 5 of us all walk down the stone hallways to the water supply. The Prince has a torch and his sword drawn. Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen carries some more torches. I have my wand strapped under my trousers' pant leg and I have my bow notched with an arrow.

"You'd better be right about this, Merlin." Arthur speaks.

"Of course he is, I literally showed it to you." I deadpan, defending my best friend of a warlock. The blonde rolls his eyes at me.

We hear growling up ahead and gasps can be heard from Morgana and Gwen. We all glance at each other with uncertainty.

"You should stay here." Arthur says to Morgana and Gwen.

"We're coming with you." Morgana objects.


"Scared we'll show you up?"

"Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you."

"Good thing he doesn't know about it then."

"I'm telling you Morgana, turn back. You could get hurt."

"So could you...if you don't get out of my way." She pushes pasts the Prince with Gwen trailing behind her.

"Whooo! Girl power!" I exclaim, following the duo. The guys follow after me.

As I approach the two females in front of me, Gwen asks, "How are we going to find it?"

"I just we find it before it finds us." I reply.

"Stop." The Prince orders. We all stop our movement at his word.

"What?" The sorcerer questions, looking down one of the many hallways.

"It's just a shadow." He mutters. We continue making our way towards the water basin that supplies the city above, "Spread out." I walk off with Morgana while Merlin goes with Gwen and Goldilocks by himself.

Snarling is heard in front of us and I fire the arrow, some screeching then scampering is heard.

"You hit it." Morgana says in disbelief.

"No...I just bloody pissed it off." I reply.

More snarling is heard from where we all split off. Morgana and I rush back to see the frantic looks of Merlin and Gwen. The blonde royal's eyes are looking from left to right, looking for the creature.

"What is it? Are you all right?" Morgana questions frantically.

"Yeah" Goldilocks answers.

"Did you see it?" Merlin inquires.

"Yes." Arthur and I reply.

"What did it look like?"

"He an ugly little thing to look at. Kinda looks like Goldilocks here." I joke, getting a glare from him which I just innocently grin up at him.

Morgana's scream brings us all back to the problem at hand. The thing snarls and the Prince quickly waves the torch in front of it. "Where is it?" He asks, still waving the torch around. We're all on high alert and Gwen is trying to comfort the frightened Lady.

"I think it's gone this way." Merlin points down another tunnel and we all cautiously follow him as I pull and notch another arrow from my quiver. We reach a fork and see a shadow stalk down the hall.

The Afanc comes our in all its wet, slimy, gross glory. It walks on its fists like it would a gorilla, and being the person I am, I try to relieve the tension with a joke, "Kong, stay." I fire another arrow but miss. The blonde royal goes to attack it, but the beast swings its hand at him, causing him to loose his sword. Morgana is fighting it off with her torch in hand, but it pushes her against the wall. Merlin grabs Gwen's arm and pushes her behind himself. Then the Prince Prat comes in and brings its attention onto himself.

'I can literally hear the action music playing right now.' I think to myself.

Merlin comes up with the brilliant idea to finally use the torch by yelling, "Arthur, use the torch!" Arthur shoos the beast away while Merlin sulks to a corner and incantates, "Lyft sy þe in bǽlwylm ac forhienan se wiðere!" His eyes glow their gold colour as wind blows through the tunnels and feeds the fire on the torch, causing the flames to finally engulf and kill the beast. We all breathe in relief, knowing the danger is over.

"Good job Airbender. Master Tenzin would be proud." I smirk in Merlin's ear, making sure nobody but him heard me.

"Merlin." Morgana calls out to him as we leave the tunnels. Goldi escorts Gwen back to her house after making sure Morgana was okay, "I wanted you to know -- Your secret is safe with me." My eyes widen along with the warlocks'.

"My secret?" He inquires, fearfully glancing at me.

"Come on, don't pretend. I know what you did."

"You do?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"You did."

I mutter a small, "Uh oh."

"I understand why you don't want anyone to know."

"Well, obviously..." He trails off.

"I won't tell anyone. You don't mind me talking about it?" She reassures.

"No, it's--You have no idea how hard it is to keep this hidden." He breathes a sigh in relief as I still stay cautious.

"Well, you can continue to deny it, but...I think Gwen's a very lucky woman." She says with a knowing smile.


"It's our secret." With that she walks off, her velvet cloak billowing behind her.

Merlin sighs, "You know you are so daft sometimes. It's obvious you like her, however you can't end up with her." I say to him, wrapping and arm around his shoulder while he does the same to mine.

"No I don't" He protests. I roll my eyes.

"Pfft, yes you do. A blind man could see it."

"Well then what about you and Arthur? Hmm?"

"What about me and Goldilocks?"

"It's obvious you like him." He smirks at me.

"Hey, don't use my words against me, plus even if I did, I don't end up with him." I slap his chest and he winces at the hit, "Wimp." He takes a mock offence then proceeds to laugh, the previous topic forgotten. We make our way back to Gaius for dinner.

"This fish didn't come from the water, did it?" Merlin asks with a full mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I scold while talking with a mouth full of fish.

"Well, where else is it going to come from?" Gaius inquires. Merlin makes a motion to spit out the food, "The water's fine now. That's not your worry. This is the work of a very powerful sorcerer. I only hope you didn't come to her attention."

"Doubt it." Merlin snorts, "Well, no one else seems to appreciate my skills. I just want someone to see me for who I am."

"One day, Merlin. One day." The physician gets up to refill his goblet.

"One day what?"

"One day people won't believe what an idiot you were." He pats the young warlock on the back. I snort, spitting out the water from my mouth.

"I don't care when that day comes, you will always be an idiot to me." I smirk at him.

"Thanks." He replies sarcastically. We laugh like a little family while raising out goblets, cheering.

A peaceful time lasts now. It won't be for long.

| | |


Lumos- to light the tip of the wand

Nox- to extinguish a wand lit by Lumos

| | | | |

A/N- Holy crap! 500 reads!

That's crazy. I honestly never thought I could get here.

So I think I need a new name cause my current one is liz_perrine and I wanna change that. So please give me some ideas.

500 wow I don't even know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Also please tell me of some spelling or grammatical errors so I can fix them. Thank you!

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VIGILANTE SHIT- โ revenge is a good look on you โž IN WHICH, two sorcerers in camelot are both destined to take care of the king's most beloved, arthu...
1.5K 67 8
๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ young princess of a long forgotten kingdom sets off in search of answers after finding an old Prophecy. Arthur Pendragon x OC Merlin BBC Sea...
27.8K 1.1K 66
This is a Stranger Things >< Harry Potter crossover. Descriptions: Y/N and Eleven are twin sisters. They're both born in a laboratory from a project...