Independent Row

By Ryufath

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Rowenthal is just a young man who could not move on from all the chaos that is plaguing the whole State, spec... More

1. Twelve, An Unlucky Number
2. Random Favors
3. Vending Machines
4. Boyish Invasion
5. Loaded With Wheels
6. End Of The Deal
7. Something Familiar, But Different
8. Monkey Trouble
9. Debts Will Always Be Remembered
10. Evidence Killer
11. Trade For Trade
12. Defender Of The Palace
13. Black & White Conference
14. Gloomy Goomy
15. The Maverick's Treaty
16. Deep Fried Monster
17. Saving Dan Campbell
18. Dorris & Tomika
19. The Royal Trail
20. Karma Desires Vengeance
21. Realization
22. The Pros
23. The Elimination Method
24. Connecting Back
25. New Radicals
26. Random Favors II
27. Offline Cybersecurity & Communication
28. The Italian Intervention
29. School Shootings, Typical
30. The Anti-Bullying Elimination
31. Welcome To NJ
32. Stick Up & Reunite
33. The Old Mountain Goat
34. The Simple Apology
35. White In Darkness
36. Random Favors III
37. Connecting Back II
38. The Warehouse Breach
39. Insensible Rest
40. Random Favors IV
41. Black In Brightness
42. Freedom Is Never Free
43. Departure & Blame
44. Clocking The Tower
45. Mental Favors
47. Random Favors V
48. Eastern Cliffhanger
49. Bitter Unleash
50. Connecting Back III
51. Random Favors VI
52. The Order Will Affect You
53. The Little Things [Rescue Grover First]
53. The Little Things [Rescue Salala First]
54. Infamous Row
55. A Matter of Delusion
56. The Request For Quest
57. America Welcomes Their Prince
58. Welcome Back To The Conflict
59. Bare Memories & Sights
60. Setting A Mallcrasher
61. Tooled Inside
62. Honor To The Nicaraguan
63. Firm Supplies
64. Bombarded
65. It Matters
66. Shipment Dispatched
67. Doing A Patrol
68. Tooled Inside II
69. Connected
70. Cherished Efforts
71. The Truck
72. Fichero & Faila
73. The Truck II
74. The Mailei
75. Love And Thunder
76. The Independent Crossover Heist
77. The Cons
78. Dysfunctioned [Confront Gargamel]
78. Dysfunctioned [Confront Salala]

46. Mental Revolution

10 2 2
By Ryufath

Row's phone rang, it woke all of them up on the next day, at 4am. It was Gargamel.

"Gargamel?. Hello. I thought you don't have a phone?." Row thought

"Of course not. Look don't need to know how I know your number do I say this uhm....." Gargamel said in a confusing tone

"This is awkward." Row said

"Yes it is I mean....I mean....URGH!!." Gargamel said, then spit loud

"Hey!. You are scaring me man. What is it?." Row w9ndered

"Look uhm....Row. Remember the truck we stole, and we are gonna get paid. It will happen. We will soon have the money. Please meet me again at that compound in...Kiryas Joel again. Oh...and bring the kids too. I uhh hehe...have a surprise for all of us. You are all gonna like it." Gargamel explained

"You sure about this Gargamel?. The kids?." Row asked again

"Trust me. I am doing you a big favor." Gargamel said

Row then agreed; "Fine. I. I guess it is nice that you are changing....I guess. Wait for us there." Row then closed the call

"What did he say?." Xac asked after going out of the bathroom

"We need to meet him in the compound. We'll go by bus." Row said

"Uhm...Row....I am not sure I want to go to him....." Grover doubt in fear and disappointment of Gargamel

"Well neither do I but...he is your family, and we must be there for him." Row said

"He was never there for me!. He is the most evilest person I have ever met." Grover argued

"He is your family Grover, still. Look Grover. I believe he can change ok. Gargamel may be a selfish idiot, but he is still a Zondar, you are a Zondar, Grover Zondar. This day may be a perfect example of him changing. Can I trust you to apologize to him if he does?." Row asked for Grover's acceptance later on

Grover moaned and inhaled; "Ugh!. Fine."

"That is more like it." Row looked around. "Xac where is Salala?."

"I am right here." Salala revealed himself, hiding in the wardrobe, in agony

"Salala. Please I....." Row begegd for forgiveness

"IT'S NOT FAIR!!. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US?!." Salala angered, starting to tear out

"Salala. There are a lot of things you don't understand. I am sorry you have to be out into this." Row apologized


Row spoken psychologically again; "Guys look I.....I am a deluded man. I am a horrible man. I am not a perfect man. I. I make mistakes. Maybe you think this is a mistake. But. But. But I am doing this because it is the right thing to do. Guys. Don't be mistaken. You guys are still family. You can meet each other again someday you are all in big danger.....and the only way to escape that danger is to run away."


Xac felt for him. Xac pat his shoulder and said; "I am sorry brother but......Row is right.........we have no choice.....none of this is good....but the only keep the family to move on from this...this mess. Please Salala.....don't take this the wrong way........I still believe the Zondars have a chance." Salala still cried, but nonetheless Xac held his hands. "I think we can start going." Salala was crying and being silent and empty the whole time

"I guess so. Come on. We need a bus." Row said

They then went to Kiryas Joel by bus. And arriving in the town, and walking to the compound.

"Hey Row." Grover called

"Yeah?." Row asked

"Why did the Youth Conflict happen?." Grover wondered

"I don't know." Row answered

"What do you mean you don't know?." Grover asked

"Because there is no point of knowing about it. The past is the past. Changing it requires hard efforts." Row admitted

"And you're trying to stop it?." Grover wondered because of Row's recent actions and behavior

Row inhaled; "Yes. I. I guess but guys look....I.....I need to make sur eyou guys are safe.....I'll figure something out."

"By separating us?." Salala asked

"Salala. Please be positive like you did, we don't need another sad batch of our family." Xac told

"He is right. Gargamel got something good for us. Let's get to him." Row said

"It is just weird that the conflict happened because someone wanted revenge and accidentally killed the guys." Grover stated his opinion

"Yeah. It really is weird, ALWAYS WAS. Now come on." Row said miserably, not wanting to hear more about the tragedy

Arriving at the compound, it was only Gargamel in front.

"Ah. Homies. There you are." Gargamel called in

"Homies?. Gargamel. What's the surprise?. Where is the money?." Row asked after being disgusted of what he called them earlier

"It is right here just...uhm......I need to ask you one simple question, then I'll give you the surprise, I mean money, I mean uhh, yeah whatever comes first, may I ask?." Gargamel asked like a hungry rat

"Uhhh.....ok?. What is it?." Row replied

"Row you care about us?." Gargamel said

Row then said; "Of course I do.....what...what is this?."

"I am sorry Row it is just.......I am glad were always there for me but........." Gargamel is glad

"But what?." Row asked

"But well..........sometimes what you do for me is not what I wanted." Gargamel admitted

Row started to feel fishy; "Gargamel. What is this?."

"I just want to check on something Row. You. You wanted to stop the conflict did you?. The IYCR are a group that want to try their best to expose the conflict's corruption and seduce others to stop isn't it?." Gargamel checked in

"Whatisthis?." Row feared

"Look man. It is impossible to stop the conflict, is impossible to stop you stopping it." Gargamel said

"What the hell is this?." Row started to worry

"A mistake." A young man came with a baton. Salala hugged Xac, and Grover hugged Row in fear. Xac held Row's arms wide

Gargamel then shortly laughed and said; "You always try to stop me from doing the things that I like. You....and all of you are just like the cops, and I hate cops. I can't see, to get away from I must."

Row then warned straightly; "Gargamel you are making a mistake."

"AM I?!. How long are you all gonna admit me?!. Huh!. When are you gonna STOP making fun of me?. When are you gonna stop blaming me?!. Huh?!. No!. You are snakes!. Like the rest of them!!." Gargamel blamed them

Row then laughed and grinned shortly as more of Gargamel's clans came. " this why you told us to come over here.....telling us that what we did to stop you was wrong."

"No!. I told you to come because I don't want to see all of you on my eyes again!. Without the Youth Conflict, I will never be happy!. These people is where I belong, not to a stupid family like the Zondars. I ain't letting you stop this Row. You made a bad choice, shouldn't have moved on huh?!." Gargamel maliciously spoken. Then a young man gave him a briefcase. Gargamel grinned and said; "Guess we are all on our own now. END THEM ALL!!!!!."

Then every young adult and teens attacked them. Gargamel and the young man that gave him the briefcase entered the tobacco truck and fled.

Young man #1 punched Row, Row grabbed and THREW HIM AWAY TO THE WALL. He saw Salala being beat up by a bat, and Xac fought the person that hurt Salala. Grover is surrounded, and Row felt the tension of what Gargamel did to them.

Xac took down the man that knocked Salala. Then teen #1 attacked Xac, Xac dodged and PUSHED HIM FRONT, then he punched his head hard to the wall. Then young man #2 grabbed Xac from the back AND HUGGED HIM HARD, TRYING TO SQUISH HIS BONES. He then took a light ray on top AND SMASH THE MAN WITH IT.

Row heavy kicked young man #3 to the ground. Teen #2 punched Row, Row countered and SMASHED HIM to THE GROUND. Then he grabbed Teen #3's shoulder and PUNCHED HIM IN THE HEAD FOUR TIMES AND PUSHED HIM OFF. Teen #4 punched Row's head in the back, Row then countered the second punch and STEPPED HIM BACK.

Teen #5 then strangled Grover in the air. As Grover was running out of air, Grover then pressed his nose that Teen#5 couldn't breathe. Then he kicked Teen #5 continuously, but failed to take him down, only for young man #4 to grab him from the back.

Row then JUMPED YOUNG MAN #5 AND KICKED HIS BELLY WITH HIS KNEE. Then Young man #6 kicked Row, Row froze so that he couldn't get hit, AND KICKED YOUNG MAN #6 TO THE WINDOW. Then Young man #7 Grabbed Row's shoulder, Row then punched his leg, then he grappled and KNEE KICKED HIS BELLY LIKE HE DID BEFORE. Then Teen #6 swung the bat to Row ten times, Row managed to dodge all of them, and Row then PUNCHED HIM HARD AND VOLLEYBALL SMASHED HIS HEAD. Yet there are still a tenth more to take down.

Young man #4 punched Grover many times his nose bleed, Grover tried blocking but always gets hurt in the end. Then young man #4 pushed him to the floor. As Grover is down, he stared left while his eye swere dazing and blurring.

"Yeah he's juiced for!." Mocked Teen #5

Grover saw what appears to be a Nerf Elite XD Rough Cut 2x4. He quickly grabbed it clumsily, he pulled the cock AND FIRED IT AT YOUNG MAN #4'S HEAD. Everyone was alerted and wielded their nerf guns as ROW IMMEDIATELY DUAL WIELDED HIS POWERCLIPS AS SHOT EVERYONE IN THE AREA, EVEN TEEN #5 BEFORE HE MAKES HIS DRAW. He saved Xac and Grover.

They all then rested in battle, one teen remained and aimed his Nerf Sniper at Row.

"LOOK OUT!." Grover then grabbed a metal and THREW IT TO THE TEEN, KNOCKING HIM DOWN.

Then Row checked around while the others rest, see if everything is secure. As it was secure.

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh my god." Row tired out

Grover smashed the floor and said; "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT MAN!. GARGAMEL BETRAYED US!."

"He went off the grid today!." Xac argued as well

"OH MAN WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!." Grover panicked

"Xac. Take Salala with you. Lets get out of here, come on!." Row said. Everyone soon got up from their pain and exhaustion. Xac grabbed little Salala as he was downed, with his eyes closed. They all then ran to the road. Row looked around on impulse and trigger, panicking that there should be away out.

"Row what are we doing?!." Xac panicked

Then Row saw a pickup truck. "Hey!. HEY!!. HEY YOU!!!. PLEASE STOP!."

The driver then stopped; "Whatcha want boy?."

"Please. Please. Please. We need a ride. You free right?." As Row looking at the free container.

"Oh sorry kind sir. I was going for a sip today...." The driver rejected the favor, until Row took out $50. "Ok then, where?."

"Take us to the nearest airport." Row asked for a favor

"What?!." Grover and Xac exclaimed

"Hop to the back then." The driver welcomed in

"Row I........" Xac feared and panicked

Row patted Xac." is time......"

"No......." Xac feared and cried as he felt lost

"Look. Just get in the car. I'll walk you through, we dion'y have time. COME ON!. MOVE!!!." Row ordered everyone to ride the truck. Xac and Row lifted Salala to the trunk. The driver then set afoot to the nearest airport, Stewart International Airport.

On the way, as they rested in vain and pain mixed together into one,

"Row I........I could be able to try to be on my own........but that is not what I fear...............I fear for Grover and Salala." Xac said. Row looked around the sky while listening. "If there is anything that happens to them....."

"They are on my account. You worry about yours." Row said straightly, telling Xac not to repeat it all over again

"Row. They are six to eight. One is still counted for me a toddler, how do I......" Xac feared

"THAT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY OK!!. I WAS PARCHED WHEN FOUND A BETTER SOLUTION!!. Please don't make it a lot harder." Row calmed him angrily

"Row I....I don't know.....maybe you are not making it harder for me, but you are making it harder for them, especially Salala." Xac doubted

"Don't you worry about him. He is a different story, a myth." Row said

Xac then saddened; "It is just..........I care about......about the Zondars and I........I don't know what I'll do without them." He said, and it hit the feels. "I don'tknowok....I....I......Nino and Dorris are brother Igor is also gone.....Gargamel just betrayed us....we.....we have been surviving monkey problems......this is all crazy I am gonna....."

"Xac. This test may be a lesson for you. I need to to please....PLEASE try hard to make things better ok?!. Don't you worry about them. You will all be ok. And. And you will soon meet each other again when you all find yourselves ok." Row begged to differ

Xac then asked; "Then what about you?!."

Row then said while folding his arms; "I am a man who has no purpose in this world no more. My life is a suffering. No chold fantasy can ever cure that.....not that it exists in this country anymore."

They all then went t the whole trip. The driver seemed to have a wild impression between the payer and his minions. Arriving at the airport terminal

"Well.......we are here sure you can take it from here?." The driver announched and asked

"Yeah we can take it from here." Row said as he helped take everyone down the pickup truck

"Alright then fellers. See you." The driver then left the terminal

Xac looked at the wide open doors at the airport.

"Lets go inside." Row said

"Oh are gonna accompany me inside?." Xac asked while being nervous

Row moaned; "Of course we are just.....lets go."

They all then went to the JetBlue information center.

"Hello sir. How can I help you and your family?." Asked the flight agent

"Oh no we are uhm......" Row initiated the awkward moment "Look....I need one ticket to uhhhh new Hampshire please....airport near Durham."

"Oh we got one sir. Flights in an hour 18 minutes from now. To Portsmouth International Airport at Pease." Answered the flight agent

"Sure how much?." Row asked

"That'll be........$112." Row then paid for the ticket

They all then waited outside, sitting in the sofa. It was silent, but Xac hugged Salala as he was knocked out and injured, he hugged him with every might. Grover lied down on Row, rubbing his feet, Row wanted to do the same but his instincts tell him not too.

"The JetBlue flight to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, has just arrived." Said the announcement

Row inhaled hardly and said; "It is time Xac."

Xac gave his hard hug to Salala, unbeknownst to him. Xac hugged Grover, but only a short while. And he hugged Row quite long, and asked; "Am I going to be ok?."

"You will Xac. You will." Row then kneeled to Xac. "You will be ok. Don't ever look back in the past. Focus on this present, and your future. Nino and Igor trained you to be a good person, so be that good person. Now...." Row then gave $1250 "Take some of my money, it should last you a couple of days. Take it and leave Xac."

Xac then said; "I........I don't know what to say......"

"You don't have to." Row said

"Well....I.......I am gonna miss you a_________" Xac spoke softly

"Oh don't start!." Row told him

"I'm.....I'm sorry Xac......for..........f______" Grover apologized for ruining his life and others

"No. No. No. uhm......I think we can get over it." Xac said quickly. And Grover thought that was not a sense forgiveness

Row then said; "Now. Go........flight's waiting for you."

Xac then looked into the airport gate. He walked one step, but stopped as fear struct him. Then Row approached him.

"Xac. There is no need to be afraid......and if you are." Row then breathed in and thought hardly, and decided to give it, his right Nerf Powerclip, and the pocket of Nerf Clips and bullets. "Then keep this with you."

"Oh Row no........." Xac rejected directly in doubt

"Just take it." Row offered

"Row...." Xac felt pity for Row to give one of his valuable 1999 weapon

"You need it more than I do just.......if......if you ever get lost.......if you were ever stranded and....and stuck in life you don't know where to go or what to do.........then remember this gun and its legacy.......take a very good care of'll need it.....even if you don't deserve it. I have your trust Xac......I hope you keep it that way.....keep moving forward." Row spoken

"The gate for the JetBlue flight to Portsmouth, New Hampshire is now open." The announcer said. Xac then breathed in and agreed to take of what Row wanted him to have.

Xac then walked slowly, while looking down, carrying a small bag, holding a few objects with him on his next journey. After a couple of steps, Xac stared back, and yelled; "I......I.....I WILL MISS YOU ALL!!!." Xac then left with the crowd, and he is not coming back.

Row breathed in, lifted Salala and said to Grover; "Come on Grover....lets head back to the apartment."

Grover gave his last look to the crowd in the airport, breathed in for Xac and lefr with Row. Grover thinks that Xac never accepted his apology yet, yet he is afraid that things will not go well when it does. And all he has is Row and Salala, and the king is ever worried of what comes next someday.

Eyes opened after colors of Eigengrau. He woke up in bed. He saw everyone except Gargamel and Xac.

"Wait.......where....." Salala woke up in surprise

"Gargamel betrayed us he.......he will never come back." Grover said

"No where....where is Xac?." Salala asked. They both ignored. " you didn't....."

"You........were knocked couldn't wake uhhhhhh sorry man." Grover said directly without impulse

"No. No. WHY?!. HOW COULD YOU?!." Salala angered in sadness

"Look Salala he.....he gave you his last hug.....he asked me to look after look after both of you. He is somewhere safe now. Please. You need to trust me." Row convinced and asked for his trust

"No. No. Not Xac too. NOOOO!!!." Salala then ran to the room door, and it was locked by Row. Salala then kicked the door, and ran to the bathroom, and lokced himself with it.

"Salala come on...." Row begged

"GO AWAY!!!." Salala cried out hard, that his tears irritated everyone, even Hoover and Troy when they returned to the hotel late night. The IYCR was pissed for Row going for the caretaker approach.

Row looked on the window as everyone were asleep that night, even Salala in the bedroom, even Hoover and Troy hugging.


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