The New Bad Boy in Town

By BettieBurton

303K 11.8K 984

Wade is almost eighteen and is used to moving around so much that it has always been hard to get close to any... More

CHAPTER 1: Jayne
CHAPTER 3: Jayne
CHAPTER 5: Jayne
CHAPTER 7: Jayne
CHAPTER 9: Jayne
CHAPTER 10: Wade
CHAPTER 11: Jayne
CHAPTER 12: Wade
CHAPTER 13: Jayne
CHAPTER 14: Wade
CHAPTER 15: Jayne
CHAPTER 16: Wade
CHAPTER 17: Jayne
CHAPTER 18: Wade
CHAPTER 19: Jayne
CHAPTER 20: Wade
CHAPTER 21: Jayne
CHAPTER 22: Wade
CHAPTER 23: Jayne
CHAPTER 24: Wade
CHAPTER 25: Jayne
CHAPTER 26: Wade
CHAPTER 27: Jayne
CHAPTER 28: Wade
CHAPTER 29: Jayne
CHAPTER 30: Wade
CHAPTER 31: Jayne
CHAPTER 32: Wade
CHAPTER 33: Jayne
CHAPTER 34: Wade
CHAPTER 35: Jayne
CHAPTER 36: Wade
CHAPTER 37: Jayne
CHAPTER 38: Wade
CHAPTER 39: Jayne
CHAPTER 40: Wade
CHAPTER 41: Jayne
CHAPTER 42: Wade
CHAPTER 44: Wade
CHAPTER 45: Jayne
CHAPTER 46: Wade
CHAPTER 47: Jayne
CHAPTER 48: Wade
CHAPTER 49: Jayne
CHAPTER 50: Wade
EPILOGUE: 2 Years Later......

CHAPTER 43: Jayne

2.6K 145 35
By BettieBurton

Throughout the entire dinner, it seemed as though my sister was more quiet than normal and still seemed to be off. I truly was having a bad feeling that something was wrong and started even feeling a little bit of some sympathy.

I know that we haven't had the best relationship since I was born practically, but, I don't know, something feels.....different.

I even had mentioned to Wade while returning back to the house about it and he said I needed to 'proceed with caution' since it could be all an act. In which OF COURSE, I am not entirely sold on the idea of her having a sudden change of heart and demeanor towards me. But like I said before, I have never had this much empathy or my gut giving me this much grief towards her.

This entire dinner was off and I felt like everybody was putting on a show. Not saying what we were all thinking and feeling while Clay sat there the whole time being the only one not feeling uncomfortable or anything.

Luckily Aunt Elizabeth had tried to keep the topics light and be a great host. However, that only could last for so long. In which it did not last too long.

Then it happened, I looked up at my sister and for some reason looked over at Clay who was staring at me and grinning in a creepy and sinister way. That's when Wade lost it.

"Alright! I can't do this shit anymore!" He says, slamming his hands onto the table hard before continuing. "You have no right to be here!" He snaps at Clay.

"And YOU, should have fucking known better than to invite her sister or at least should have asked first! Aunt Elizabeth would have told you to not do it!" He snaps at his dad.

"Son..." His father pleaded.

"No! It isn't right or fair to be welcoming to either one of them when they both have treated my girl with so much disrespect and like shit for too fucking long! So excuse me if I don't feel like putting on a damn show for these fake ass people!" He continues.

He then looks at my sister and fires at her next.

"And YOU especially should never have accepted the invite! Why the hell are you really here anyways, huh?!" He calls her out.

I can see her sinking in her chair and has a terrified look upon her face while trying to also avoid eye contact with Clay at the same time who seems to be looking at her in a menacing way. She then closes her eyes before looking at me apologetically and then looks at Clay with a more 'fuck you' look as she starts pulling out an envelope then tossed it to me.

"I know I haven't been the best sister. I have destroyed all IF any room for forgiveness and chances in making or building any type of relationship. I have done nothing but be cruel to you out of pure jealousy. It's no excuse and I am not asking for your forgiveness or needing your sympathy. In that envelope, it is the papers that I already signed for you to receive all of your money that was left to you by our parents. All you have to do is sign them and can even fax them over to the bank and they will transfer it all to any account you want." She says and I can tell fights back tears as she tries to look away.

"And as for you...." She says more assertively at Clay. "You no longer have control over me." She next looks at all of us.

"I truly am sorry for everything." She says before returning back to looking at me again. "Jayne, I really do wish the best for you because you deserve it. And I think it is only fair to tell you that the REAL reason he even came with me here was because he caught me trying to leave and warn you about his intentions. He caught me at the airport and threatened...." She stops herself and begins to cry silently before finishing.

"But I can't allow that. You don't deserve that." She cries more now.

I begin tearing up while everybody else looks at her in shock as do I except I start to cry a little also. But then am immediately switched to anger and start glaring at Clay.

"You're fucking dead!" I threaten before instantly standing up, trying to swiftly move across the table to start beating him when I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I am being lifted off the table into Wade's chest.

"Babe! Calm down! Calm down!" He repeats.

"No, I'm gonna tear off this motherfucker's head and shit down his neck!" I start to yell.

I could hear some laughter but then saw Clay quickly grab my sister on the arm and noticed immediately, a red flaming glow radiating off her arm as she started screaming in pain.

"I wouldn't do anything you might regret." He taunts.

"Let her go or I swear to God." I threatened.

"Or what? You're gonna kill me? Stand down princess. Neither one of you have yet learned enough to master your newfound abilities. You both are weak." He states with venom as he looks at both me and Wade.

"That's it!" Wade says then leaps over the table at Clay to attack but both were stopped as soon as I noticed his Aunt and father both looking at the both of them and was holding them both back using their abilities, without touching them.

"ENOUGH!!" We all stopped and looked as soon as we heard his father yell.

His grip tightened more with every second as he rose Clay into the air. He didn't look like himself at all. His face and skin were aged a little and he had more of a demonic face and black eyes. His voice was deep and not human-like at all.

"You are just like your father. Arrogant and pathetic. I know why you came and you can go and tell my father to stay the hell away from my family...or else." He warns him.

Clay looked terrified right now and then Wade's Aunt opened the door before his dad tossed him out onto the hard ground in front of the house.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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