My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 27

701 34 6
By sbergeron16

My body starts to shake while my mind takes off running though all the possible scenarios of what could happen if I'm not with the guys. I understand they are grown adults, but I'm a control freak and I hate when they go out without me. The drive to have control in all situations involving the five of them is something that tends to keep me up at night. 

Too much can go wrong in a short amount of time. Granted they aren't as wild as they once were, but I still worry. What I don't understand is why I seem to be even more a mess then normal. They've gone out without be before and sure I was worried, but never like this. What's changed? Maybe because of the phone call I got earlier this morning from the hospital?

Not to mention how am I Aubree Parker going to make it through an entire girls day? Other than Skylar and my cousin my girl time is extremely limited. Sure Vanessa and Harper seem great, but I haven't spent any actual time with them. Whenever they've been around so have other people to act as buffer. What if they don't like me and the entire time I'm miserable? Skylar is so excited to be spending the day out I don't want to be the cause of it to be awful.  

 Ryder shifts in his sleep pulling me closer to his body as though he is able to sense my distress in his sleep. I soak in his warmth and strength attempting to calm my irregular breathing.

"What wrong," he mumbles in his sleep against my hair.

"Nothing," I stammer not wanting to wake him with my problems.

Ryder stretches his arms above his head and turns to lay on his back. He turns me so I'm resting my head on his chest and he is rubbing my back.

"Since you woke me up I'm going to ask this again, but this time I want the truth," he commands me in a sleep riddled voice.

I rest my arm over his chest and debate if I should tell him or not. One glace at his brooding expressions gives me the answers. "I'm worried about tomorrow," I confess. 

A yawn sneaks though him before he responds. "Sweetheart you know Skylar and you've been getting along great with Vanessa and Harper when they are around. Plus you planned the entire day so you know what's going to happen and when. There shouldn't be any surprises." I freeze over how well this amazing man understands me. Why did I put off being with him for so long?

Ryder continues his speech. "As for us going out tomorrow you planned that too." Still not liking them going without me. "How about this I'll text every couple of hours to let you know we are okay? And if anything major happens I promise to call you."

"Okay," I say softly hiding my face into his chest. He doesn't let me say hidden for long because soon I find myself having my head tilted so he could stare into my worry clouded eyes. 

He searches my face in the darkness. The only light we had was what was filtering in through the curtains. "Aubree you don't have to worry about me and another girl. My heart and body belong to you."

As soon as he says those words my heart rate increases in understanding. Sure I was worried about everything else he mentioned, but the underlining worry was about him and another girl. The fear that he would meet someone else and slip away with her was lurking deep in my mind. The fear has always been there, but now the worry was worse because of the change in out relationship status.

"Can you promise me you won't cheat on me," I ask him softly. The question coming directly from my heart.

He kisses the top of my head. "I can. And I do promise you I will never cheat on you. Hell I haven't been with anyone else, but you for a long time now. Why would I change my ways after you finally made our relationship official?" 

Hearing his words made me feel silly for even thinking he would cheat on me with someone else. He has wanted nothing more then to be in an actual relationship with me and now we are so why would he do anything to fuck up what we have? He wouldn't. The logic of my realization starts to calm my anxiety. My body relaxes into his. 

He soothes my hair from my face. "Go to sleep sweetheart. Tomorrow is suppose to be about fun and enjoying yourself. Plus I plan on making sure the others stay in line because I want that text with the information of the club you ladies end up at. Because no way in hell is my girl going out looking sexy without me around to warn off the other males.

I fall asleep in his arms feeling much better then I did awhile ago. Ryder really understands me and I love how willing he is to help me work though my anxiety instead of telling me to just get over myself. This man really was made for me. I only hope he feels the same way about me for him.          

Nothing better than waking up to you man's tongue pressing against your clit teasing a climax from your tightly coiled body. I take a death grip of his hair holding him tight against me and he chuckles against my lower lips, but resumes his attention to my body. As I'm screaming my climax my alarm decides to go off.

"Shut that fucking alarm off," Ryder growls from between my legs.

Frantically I search for my phone on the night table and takes a few tries before I'm able to hit the off button. I flop down onto the bed feeling like I had just run a marathon even though all I've done is shut my phone off and was gifted a wonderful surprise this morning.

"Better," he rasps looming above me. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Shouldn't you be getting out of bed Miss. I can't be late?"

I pull him down close to me so his lips were brushing against mine. "I got smart to you ways Mr. I like to make Aubree late and set my alarm to go off thirty minutes earlier." 

He appears taken a back. "You think I only need thirty minutes with you?" My response was by crashing my lips against his and putting an end to this conversation. There was a much better conversation we could be having without words might I add.

Ryder follows my lead and lets me control the kiss which is new for him. So not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth I readily took over. While we were kissing he parts my legs and I can feel him pressing against my entrance asking without words to be let in. I raise my hips in invitation which he quickly RSVPs yes by sliding himself between my slick folds causing me to moan over the sensation of him stretching and filling me. 

"Always so wet for me," he mutters against my neck.

"Always so hard for me," I say turning my head to the side to capture his lips once more. 

Right as he starts to slide in and out of me my phone begins to chime. 

"Fucking ignore it," he rages. "I don't care if the idiots got themselves in the hospital again. When I'm burred deep inside of you nothing else matters."

"I couldn't agree more," I tell him meaning every word. Don't get me wrong I love my job and have no problem dropping what I'm doing to answer when they call, but now with Ryder I want to have a life to. A life that doesn't always revolve around work. 

He pulls away to stare down at me in shock and stops all movement. I press myself against him begging him to continue, but all he does is tilt his head to the side and study me.

"What," I snap feeling sexually frustrated at the moment.

He smiles his cocky smile. "Just trying to figure out where the workaholic Aubree went."

I roll my eyes and pat him on the cheek. "Don't worry your pretty little self she's still there. Now fucking move before I pull out B.O.B instead!"

"Babe you of all people should know I'm not little," he grumbles then spins us so I'm on top riding him.

He cups my breast in him hand while I place one of mine on his hard chest for balance. My head falls forward when he tweaks one of my nipples between his fingers. Then he takes a strong grip on my hips and helps me to rock my hips against me. I can feel his fingers tightly digging into me making me feel even more desirable. 

My phone once again goes off filling the almost silent room with its annoying ringing. Ryder glares at me as though my phone going off is my fault. I shrug my shoulders and bite my lip to hold back the laughter bubbling inside of me. My phone going off isn't anything new.

"Ryder you're going to have to get use the fact your girlfriend's job never ends," I explain to him bending down to trail kisses on his chest, but stop when I realize he is frozen. I pull away and stare at him with concern. "What's wrong," I ask anxiously.

When he thaws he cups my cheek in his hand and a new lightness illuminates from his brown eyes. "Nothing is wrong. Everything is wonderful." I raise my brow still not following what he is getting at. "You just called yourself my girlfriend." 

Now I freeze and replay the last five minutes or so in my head. Yes, the girlfriend word did slip past my lips without any hesitancy. I wait for the anxiety the word use to bring, but find none. In fact all I felt was contentment.

I stare at him and study his face remembering different moments from our pasts. Each one all I can remember is how he made me feel. Sure in the beginning I couldn't stand him and wanting nothing more than to bitch slap him, but once I chiseled away at his wall he became something more. In this moment I can't remember why I was so against labels. At the core we are together and plan on staying that way. Just because I call myself his girlfriend and him my boyfriend doesn't mean we have to make a big deal of the announcement.

Hell there have been moments in times the fans assumed the two of us were dating. Which every time I would release an official statement saying we weren't and Ryder I would make sure Ryder was photographed at an event with a girl on his arms. I use to hate setting those up because I'm pretty sure he never went home alone.

This is going to be a huge step for me. I seem to be making a bunch of those on this trip to Chicago. But he is the only one I want to take this step with. "I did didn't I. Guess that would make you my boyfriend." I lean down and capture his lips with mine and start to rock my hips sliding him in and out of my folds.

Once again my phone chimes from the night stand. Fire flashes in Ryder's eyes while I hold back a laugh. He reaches over grabs my phone and without checking to see who was calling he answers. "Fuck off. She's fucking busy and will fucking return your call when she's done riding my dick," with that he ends the call. My anxiety spikes once again worried over he who he told of and shared with them what we were doing. The list of possible candidates races through my mind and with each name who passes my anxiety grows.

"Stop," Ryder says firmly gripping my hips drawing me back to him. "Who the fuck cares who was calling."

"What if the person calling was Mr. Gear?" I ask feeling like the walls were closing in on me.

"So. I hope that was Mr. Gear. He has no say in the status of our relationship. No where in the contract does it say they can dictate who we are with. We made sure they could never fuck with our personal lives." He links his fingers with mine and pulls me so I tumble onto his chest. "Sweetheart you are not alone I'm with you not matter what happens." 

He cuts out any other worry I might have had be picking up the tempo of our bodies and bring my focus back to him. I lift myself from his chest and continue to ride him. All thoughts fly from my head and my only focus is on the pleasure he is drawing from me. When our inner firers slam into another we both scream the others name. I slump forward due to exhaustion and he cradles me against him. 

When I'm finally able to collect some energy I roll off him and reach for my phone no longer able to fight the curiosity of wanting to know who kept calling me. The second I see who it was I wish even more Ryder had never answered the call. Why the fuck was Adam calling me after all this time?    

I need some help. I was thinking about creating a separate book where I could post bonus chapters from events that happen in other books, but from past characters POV. For example I would love to see Skylar's family party from Dimitri's eyes. Or maybe even from characters we haven't even heard from yet. Thoughts? I know I still need to finish the story though Dimitri's eyes and start on Ryder's. I promise I will. Ryder's will start once I finish with Dimitri. Only a few more weeks of school left then I'll be done for the summer and can focus more on writing. Be ready for updates updates updates! June 4th is the last day of school!!! Then we don't start back up till later in August!                      

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