Summer Secrets (Zarry Mpreg)

By CaramelCreamCoffee

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It had always been a tradition to visit Anne's caravan in Wales. Going there had never been an issue for Zayn... More

Part 1 - Summer 15: Week 1πŸ”₯
Part 2 - Summer 15 : Week 2 πŸ’›
Part 3- Summer 15: Week 3 πŸ€
Part 4 - Summer 15: Week 4✨
Part 5- Summer 15: Week 5 πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»
Part 6- Summer 15: Week 6 πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ’”
Part 7 - Pregnancy: Week 8-12 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 8 - Pregnancy: Week 16-20πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 9 - Pregnancy: Week 25-30 🀰🏻
Part 10 - Pregnancy: Week 30 πŸ”₯
Part 11 - Pregnancy: Week 30-32 πŸ’”
Part 12 - Pregnancy : Week 32-35 πŸ‘ΆπŸ»
Part 13 - The birth : Here she is πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•
Part 14 - The birth: Here she is (Part 2πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•)
Part 15 - Parenting : You did good (Part 1) πŸ’›
Part 16- Parenting: You did good (Part 2) πŸ’›
Part 17 - Parenting : Responsible Decision β˜•οΈ
Part 18 - Parenting: I Miss Him πŸ’”
Part 19 - Parenting: I can't forgive πŸ’§
Part 20 - Parenting: Its Time To Move On πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§
Part 21 - Parenting : Summer love πŸ’”
Part 22 - Summer 2016 Begins 🀍
Part 23 : Summer 2016 - Week 1-3πŸ’™
Part 24: Summer 2016 - Week 3-6πŸ’”
Part 26 - Summer 2017 : Week 1-3 🐠
Part 27 - Summer 2017 : Week 3-6 🌎
Part 28 - Summer 2018 Begins πŸ’›
Part 29 - Summer 2018 : Week 1-3 😷
Part 30 - Summer 2018: Week 3-6 🎼
Part 31: 2018 - What was I supposed to do?😭
Part 32 : Summer 2019 - Theo's final summer πŸ’”
Part 33 - Summer 2019 : Week 1-3 πŸŒ™
Part 34 - Summer 2019 : Week 3-6 πŸ‘‘β˜οΈ
Epilogue πŸŒ™βœ¨

Part 25: Summer 2017 - Begins πŸŽ‰

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By CaramelCreamCoffee

"What time is Harry getting here for again?" Louis asked as he checked his watch.

"In about half an hour, we can leave once he gets here- Daislee! Baby no! Put it down!" Zayn replied , quickly jumping up to prevent his one year old from grabbing his cup of tea.
"Burny hot babe, don't touch it."

Daislee only pouted , stumbling over to Louis who immediately bent down to pick her up. She had a thing about gaining sympathy from others after the word 'don't' or 'no' was used.

"Awww come here Dais.. you excited to see Dede?!" Louis chirped happily , kissing her cheek.

"Daddy and his new little girl toy?!" Zayn added in sarcastically.

"Zayn... seriously mate, she's not that bad. I like her. She's great with Daislee! You have to let this bitter ex attitude go..."

"It's hard Lou, I know she's a nice girl but I-I just ... look I'm sorry if you find it frustrating! But it's been the worst six months of my life!"

"Bit dramatic like..."

Zayn growled , crossing his arms over his chest.
"No It's not!  He almost missed Daislee's first birthday because he was too busy making sure her flight landed! When has he ever forgotten or been late to anything to do with Daislee? Oh and he never calls me anymore! He only messages for pictures of her or to send me pics when he's with her! It been an absolute disaster and he didn't even have the balls to tell me they where official until a month ago so don't give me 'Bit dramatic' you'd be in pieces if it was Perrie!"

"All I'm saying is ... give Lennon a chance yeah? She's not all bad." His best friend sighed.

"She's a model Lou, a model with the most beautiful personality ever..." Zayn spoke sadly.
"I'm trying so hard to be the bigger person , she's incredible he's lucky to have found someone so accepting of the situation... but it's hard when I still have feelings ... and you know? the worst part is I can see in his eyes how much he loves her and it's shit. He used to look at me like that."

"He still loves you Z, hell he will always love you. You two share a kid together... that's a pretty precious thing to share with your ex."

"Yeah I know that... it'll be fine. I'm just- I wish I had someone , it'd be easier that way."

Just as Louis was about to respond a knock sounded on the flat door. There was only two groups of people it could be... his mum and Anne or Harry and Lennon.  He was kind of hoping it was his mum, they hadn't seen each other in over a week.

Two months after their last summer trip, Zayn decided it would be best if he and Daislee moved into their own flat. Harry was due to go on tour and to make things easier he took Daislee for the first two weeks instead of the last, giving the younger lad plenty of time to unpack. It had given his mum and Eric some much needed alone time , in all honestly it was the best decision he ever made.

"Where's my baby girl?!" Harry's voice squealed, Daislee's little eyes immediately lighting up at the sound of her daddy's voice.

For fucks sake ... why couldn't it be his mother?!

"Dada!" She babbled , squirming in Zayn's hold.

"Hi gorgeous girly!" The older lad chuckled , rushing over to take her off of Zayn.

"Yeah nice to see you to." The Bradford lad scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Oh hi, sorry Z. Just missed her a lot is all."

"A lot? That's an understatement! The whole train ride from Liverpool all he has done is whine about how much he wanted to hug her!" Lennon cooed, entering the room in all her glory.

Lennon Stella was beautiful, she was tall, blonde, green eyed, just a sight to behold. She was known for being an upcoming model , working with Calvin Klein and Guess ... yeah she was passionate to say the least. The girl was well and truly on her way to being one of Victoria secrets new angels.

"Hi Lennon." Zayn smiled softly, he didn't hate the girl... just hated that she was with the man he loved.

"Hey Z, you look fresh!" She grinned, rushing over to pull him into a hug.

They'd come a long way from when they first met. To say that Zayn struggled would be an understatement. The younger lad barely spoke a word to the poor girl and honestly he was one hundred percent certain he made her life hell for the first two months. Without meaning to of course ... It was awful .

"Thanks... Daislee actually slept through the night. That might be why." He chuckled. "You're looking pretty fresh yourself."

"Oh stop it! You flatter me Malik." Lennon giggled , rushing over to greet Daislee.

"See? You're doing great mate..." Louis assured as she walked away.

"Yeah ... m' trying."

"You ok Zayn?" Harry asked , snapping him out of his thoughts. "You look lost."

"Yeah I'm good, don't worry." He shrugged with a smile. "She's missed you." He added , nodding to their one year old.

"I missed her too... like Lennon said she's all I've spoken about. Everyone on tour must be sick of me."

"You glad to be finished for a few weeks?"

"I am indeed , plus I have Lennon off with me which makes it better. This way we get to have family time! It's going to be amazing."

Zayn couldn't help but allow his heart to break slightly , the thought of their little family now involving another person was still hard to get used to. He knew Lennon would never try and replace him , of course she wouldn't. But it still wasn't easy.

"Hmm, well I worked out a plan. You two can have daislee three nights and I'll have her the other four. That sound ok?" The seventeen year old shrugged.

"I mean yes but ... I was kind of hoping we'd all just stay in the caravan. Our mums are staying in Eric's cottage so I didn't think it'd be a problem..."  Harry trailed off in confusion.

"Oh! Oh right... erm I mean if Lennon's ok with that , then yeah I'm good with it."

"I don't want you spending another birthday alone Zayn, you're staying in the caravan with us end of." Lennon chirped.

Oh ok so she knew everything... literally everything.

"That's that then..."

"Who knows maybe that Theo lad is still working in the leisure centre, shoot ya shot Z!" Louis laughed.

He could of been seeing things but he could of sworn he saw a look of hurt flash across Harry's features. But he couldn't have, Harry was with someone now... things where different.

"I hope so... I'm bored of being lonely."

"Oh you have this beautiful little girl! How could you ever be lonely?!" Lennon cooed, cuddling Daislee against her chest. "She's precious."

"Oh did I say lonely? I meant horny." Zayn smirked.

Lennon only howled in laughter , playfully shoving his shoulder as he chuckled along with her.
"Shut up! I can't believe you. You make me howl."

"Yeah... hilarious." Harry muttered under his breath before walking towards the Toliet. "I really needed to hear that Z, thanks."

"Harold , I gave birth to your child. I haven't had sex since I was pregnant with said child... do not come for me!" He tried to joke, Lennon still giggling.

She was too kind for this world ! She was just so accepting of how things where between Zayn and Harry! She didn't care, Harry was lucky fucker.

"Oh cheer up Hazza! It's summer! Time to party!" Louis cheered. "Do me a favour whilst you're in the Toilet mate, wake Pez up! She's in Zayn's bed!"

"Why is she in Zayn's bed?" The eighteen year old frowned.

"Because they came over last night for a few drinks and she ended up bladdered, found her way to my bed. It's Perrie, shouldn't expect anything less."  Zayn informed.

"Oh wow, you lot really are something." Harry snorted , shaking his head. "Where was Daislee may I ask?"

"With me of course calm down protective arse, I didn't drink anything."

"Just checking ..."

That was something else that had changed , Harry used to be so trusting of him with their daughter. But lately he seems to be doing the opposite, always questioning and worrying. Zayn wasn't sure how to take it ... maybe it was because he's always away? He never used to be away for so long.

Either way... a lot had changed. It was getting more and more noticeable.


Trisha was worried , extremely worried to be perfectly honest. She had been since the second she found out Harry was bringing Lennon along for the summer. Last year had been hard after their sons breakup but what followed was even harder. She and Anne had been so certain the boys would figure it out and get back together, but then Harry took Daislee for two weeks of tour and Zayn moved out , everything started changing. Though it was actually on Daislee's birthday that everything really changed.

They had been waiting for Harry to arrive back from his recording session (his second EP)  when he messaged Zayn he would most likely be late. Zayn had been outraged kicking off saying he didn't care about their daughter and what the hell could be so important that he'd almost miss her birthday .. to which Harry replied , he was making sure the girl he was dating made it to her flight as she had traveled all that way for him. The seventeen year old had been completely devastated.

Then after another few months came Lennon, it was official. She was a lovely girl, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect step parent for their granddaughter, the perfect human... it was a rough turn of events for the two of them to say the least. But Zayn had survived pretty well so far, the only worry she had now was that he wouldn't cope so well seeing them together constantly right in front of him, playing with his daughter , acting like a perfect family. It would hurt, especially since he didn't have anything like that himself . He needed to meet someone.

"He's a big boy Trisha, he's a dad. He knows how to cope with things now days, you know that." Anne soothed her worries.

"It's easy for you to say. Harry has someone now, Zayn's completely alone apart from Daislee and the love he has for Harry is forever preventing him from getting with anyone new. It's hard to watch Anne. I want Harry to be happy , of course I do but it's torture seeing Zayn suffer watching him move on."She sighed , eyes focused on the road.

"I get what you're saying honey, I really do.. but Zayn seems fine with Lennon now and their acquaintanceship seems to be slowly growing to friendship which is good. Who knows, maybe he'll move on now? Maybe he's over it all?"

"I hope so... he deserves happiness too."

"More than anyone." Anne agreed , smiling sadly.

Anne had prayed for the day Harry would realise what a complete and utter disaster he had caused himself by leaving Zayn... but recently seeing him so happy with Lennon she was beginning to slowly let it all go. Zayn was a single father now, she knew the struggles of single parenthood... she now prayed for him to find happiness.

"I still can't believe Zayn was the first to drive out of them all." Trisha suddenly laughed, looking in the rear view mirror.

Her sunshine was driving himself , Harry, Lennon and Daislee to Wales. He even had his own car and everything ... he was so grown up.

"I know! Poor Jay was begging Louis for months to take his test and he still hasn't. At least Harry has drivers now and I don't have to drive him everywhere anymore." Anne smiled.

"Drivers ... god that sounds so insane! Like little Harry is starting to make it big time! It's madness! Do you think anyone will recognise him?!"

"I mean probably, especially when he's walking around with Lennon. She's IMG models next big thing ... everyone wants her to model for them. She's set to audition for Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in September."

"Wow, she's really something huh?"

"Yep, still not sure she's the one though. Only time with tell." Anne shrugged casually.

"Fair enough, I always thought he was the one for Zayn... guess it just wasn't meant to be." Trisha sighed.

"As I said only time will tell..."


"Daislee! How many times baby girl?! Stop pulling my hair!" Zayn groaned , prying the one year olds hands out of his hair.

"When did this start?" Harry chuckled, stroking the girls soft curls back.

"Last week, she managed to grab Perrie's and ever since it's become her favourite thing." He huffed.
"Lennon I'd keep your hair up if I was you."

"Noted." The model laughed , carrying her bag towards the bedrooms. "Are we in the double bed H?"

"Yeah babe, you ok if we have Daislee in with us and you take the single room?" Harry asked Zayn for confirmation.

"Of course, I'll pump her night time bottles so you can just put her straight down."

"You sure? You can feed her if you want? I know it's your special time with her."

"It's ok, now she's got those two front teeth breastfeeding is a killer." Zayn snorted.

"Ouch, so glad it's you who got pregnant." Harry grimaced.

"Bet you are." The seventeen year old stated rolling his eyes. "What time are Liam and Niall getting here?"

"Ermm, I don't know to be honest."

"You don't know?" He asked the older lad in confusion .

"T-they- we haven't spoken much recently." Harry shrugged.

"What?! Why?!" Zayn panicked.

"Erm no reason, just tour and things."

Zayn could tell he was bullshitting but he didn't want to push. Liam and Niall would tell him themselves once they got here.

"Right ok, I'll message Liam."

"No need ... we're here." Liam's voice spoke out of nowhere. "Sorry, Niall had to stop about fifty times for the toilet you know how it is."

Oh yeah... that was another thing that had changed this past year. The whole Liam being the carrier plan.. well and truly out the window.

"Yep, pregnancy is shite. I feel for him." Zayn sighed.
"So happy you still came though, I know the morning sickness has been shitty on him."

"It has, been hard to watch to be honest... wish he had a little more support that just me but hey ho." Liam muttered staring directly at Harry.

So that's what the whole 'not speaking' is about.

"Where is Niall?" Harry asked softly.

"He's outside , he needed some fresh air."

"I-I'll go see him."

What the hell had been happening?

"Lennon is in the bedroom with Daislee if you want to go say hi." Zayn informed Liam kindly.

"Thanks, I'll go do that."


Harry let out a shaky breath as he slowly stepped out of the caravan door. His best friend was leaning against the side of Liam's car. His eyes closed as he took in deep breaths, his neat 30 week bump on full display... wow when did the baby grow so much? He felt like complete and utter shit for missing it. Why didn't Niall just answer his bloody phone!!

What the fuck did he do?!

"H-hi." He spoke , clearing his throat as his voice cracked.

Niall barely opening his eyes to acknowledge him. Only muttering a small 'hello' in recognition.

"Here, have a mint... should take the edge off." Harry sighed passing the blonde a small cool mint from his packet.

"Why do you have these?" Niall frowned in confusion as he accepted the mint.

"Erm.. Lennon she gets travel sick. Mint usually helps with the nausea."

"I-oh, Lennon is here?"

"Yeah, I know you don't like it but- please can we just not argue over it anymore Nialler? I miss you and I hate missing this journey of yours ... p-please just-" Harry paused. "I need to know what I did ok? It's been over seven months since we spoke properly!"

"Harry I don't not like it , I'm glad you're happy and I'm so grateful it's with someone as nice as Lennon. You really want to know what's up?" Niall asked , a sad smile crossing his features.

"Yes please , I'm kind of begging her!"

"I guess I just hate how much you laid into Zayn over moving on so quickly only to meet her three months later then boom! Suddenly you're dating again! I just- I felt for Zayn ok? It must of killed him to see you move on after telling him not to just yet! I know you said a few months to him but Haz , you gave him false hope! However... seems as he is coping ok with it all... I guess I'll stop avoiding you." Niall sighed. "It was wrong of me to ignore you... telling you I was pregnant over text wasn't fair of me either. I was in shock and to be honest I needed you more than I thought, ah' was just too stubborn to give in and call... kinda hoped you'd ring. But of course you didn't out of respect... but it's ok. I'm over it all."

"Really?" Harry asked in relief.

"Really... now can we please go in and sit. This little lad doesn't do well standing." Niall smiled softly , hand holding the underside of his small bump.

"Y-yes, ok..."

Sometimes change was hard, sometimes it was needed ... change isn't always bad , sometimes it brings blessing and amazing memories.

They all knew that better than anyone.

"Liam's not happy with me..." Harry told him as they walked from the car.

"He thinks you should try harder to call... I haven't exactly told him I was avoiding the shit out of ya'." Niall said in embarrassment.

"It's ok, I'll take the heat for now."

"Thanks Haz."

As soon as Niall walked through the door both Perrie and Zayn threw themselves at him.

"Finally! I've been dying to get my hands on this precious little bump!" Perrie cried, placing her hands on either side of Niall's stretched skin.

"When did you two get here?" Harry chuckled , locking eyes with Louis who was holding Daislee on his hip.

"We literally just walked past you and Niall lad, you really that out of it?" Louis asked.

"Guess I was too into the conversation."

"We had something we needed to talk about is all." Niall informed.

Liam frowned at that, locking eyes with his boyfriend to make sure everything was ok. To which of course Niall smiled widely to let him know it was.

"Oh well... everyone is here now!" Lennon chirped happily. "Nice to see you Niall! You're glowing!"

"Thankyou." Niall smiled softly at her, turning to whisper to Zayn. "You ok?"

"Better than ever... let's find me a new summer love."


A/N: Sooooo SURPRISE!!! A Niam baby and Lennon Stella?!

I actually really like Lennon's character, can't wait for her to develop with the story! Really hoping you all like her too!

Stay safe, Lots of Love Cara x

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