Monsters (Wanda Maximoff x ma...

By laserigneous

278K 6.2K 892

"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble... More

A/N, list of terms and playlist
Prologue: the Last Son of Krypton
Chapter One: Returning Home
Chapter Two: The Avengers
Chapter Three: New Recruits
Chapter Four: First Date
Chapter Five: Sitcoms
Chapter Six: First Mission
Chapter Seven: Second Date
Chapter Eight: Three little words
Chapter Nine: I Don't Know How
Chapter Ten: Flight
Chapter Eleven: Second Mission
Chapter Twelve: I'm Sorry
Chapter Thirteen: UFO
Chapter Fourteen: The Government
Chapter Fifteen: Zod
Chapter Sixteen: Wanda's Escape
Chapter Seventeen: World Engine
Chapter Eighteen: Battle
Chapter Nineteen: The Ship
Chapter Twenty: My Savior
Chapter Twenty-One: Lagos
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sokovia Accords
Chapter Twenty-Three: Choosing Sides
Chapter Twenty-Four: UN
Chapter Twenty-Five: Fugitives and Thieves
Chapter Twenty-Six: Rescuing Wanda
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Civil War Part One
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Civil War Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Raft
Chapter Thirty: Siberia
Chapter Thirty-One: Don't Count On It
Chapter Thirty-Two: Captain Marvel
Chapter Thirty-Three: Meta
Chapter Thirty-Four: Intergalactic Cops
Chapter Thirty-Five: Justice League
Chapter Thirty-Six: Solitude
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ruins of Krypton
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Infinity War
Chapter Forty: United
Chapter Forty-One: A Broken Promise
Chapter Forty-Two: Knightmare
Chapter Forty-Three: Thanos
Chapter Forty-Four: Five years later
Chapter Forty-Five: A Second Chance
Chapter Forty-Six: Time Travel
Chapter Forty-Seven: Stones
Chapter Forty-Eight: Time Messes Back
Chapter Forty-Nine: Thanos' Return
Chapter Fifty: Portals
Chapter Fifty-One: Aftermath
Chapter Fifty-Two: Westview
Chapter Fifty-Three: A Newlywed Couple
Chapter Fifty-Four: Twins?
Chapter Fifty-Five: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Fifty-Six: Halloween
Chapter Fifty-Seven: All Along
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Final Battle
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Goodbyes
Chapter Sixty: Superman Rising
Epilogue: The Man of Steel and the Scarlet Witch
Monsters II trailer
1 Year Anniversary - Q&A Session

Chapter Thirty-Nine: We need you

3.2K 71 8
By laserigneous

The two ships flew over the African jungles. One was a heavily modified quinjet, the other was a custom jet with a massive interior. A troop carrier, of sorts.

"I really hope you're right about this Cap, otherwise we're gonna land a lot faster than you'd like," Sam said as he piloted the quinjet.

"We'll be alright," Victor said from the troop carrier. "I'm picking up massive energy signatures inside this 'dome.'"

The two ships passed through the fake forest and into a massive city, with massive skyscrapers and plains beyond. This was the kingdom of Wakanda.

The two ships landed next to each other. The quinjet opened its rear ramp and the troop carrier opened its front loading dock. The two teams approached the city, and were greeted by the now-King T'Challa and his royal guard.

"Should we bow?" Banner asked Rhodey.

"Yes, should we?" Barry asked as well.

"He is a king," Rhodey said.

"King T'Challa," Wayne said, wearing his batsuit with the exception of the cowl. "It's an honor."

"Thank you."

Banner and Barry bowed in unison.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey whispered to the both of them.

"We don't do that here," T'Challa said. He then walked alongside Steve. "So how big of an attack should we expect?"

"I think you should expect a very big force, your highness," Barry rambled.

"What sort of forces have we got on our side?" Wayne asked.

"You shall have the king's guard, the Dora Milaje, the border tribe, and..." He pointed.

"A semi-stable hundred-year-old man," Came the voice of Bucky Barnes.


Inside the tower, T'Challa's younger sister, Shuri, was scanning Vision's person, discussing with Victor and Banner how to get the stone out of his head.

"The structure is polymorphic," She said.

"Right. We had to we had to attach each neuron none-sequentially," Banner said.

"Why didn't you just preprogram the synopsis to work collectively?"

"Yes, why didn't you?" Victor asked.

"Because we didn't think of it?"

"I'm sure you did your best," Shuri said.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asked them.

"Yes. But there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time, but with Victor's help it will take less than it would have."

"How long?" Steve asked.

"As long as you can give me."

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation over here," Sam said over the comms. A single ship was descending over the city. It hit the barrier above Wakanda, exploding into a million pieces.

"I love this place," Bucky said.

"Don't start celebrating yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome!" Rhodey said as half a dozen identical ships dropped down in the jungle surrounding the city.

"We will hold them off," T'Challa said.

"I'll power up the Batmobile," Wayne said.

"Wanda, as soon as that stone is out of his head, you blow it," Steve said.

"I will."

"Evacuate the city," T'Challa said. "Engage all defences!" He pointed at Steve. "And get this man a shield."


The amassed forces of the Avengers, the Justice League, and the Wakandan armies stood just behind the dome. They had tried reason, and that didn't work.

The dropships opened up, and Thanos' forces came pouring out. They were black-and-yellow, six-armed aliens, and they were charging straight at the dome, trying to break through. The few that did were shot down by the combined forces.

Rhodey noticed a group going around the dome. "Cap, if these things get behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision!"

"How do we stop them?"

"We open the barrier," T'Challa said. He spoke into his comms. "On my signal. Open northwest section 17-A."

"Requesting confirmation, my king. You said open the barrier?"

"On my signal."

"This will be entertaining," Barry said as he got into a running stance. Arthur raised his trident, ready to throw it. Diana drew her sword and shield.

T'Challa's Black Panther mask came over his head. "Wakanda forever!" He shouted. The barrier opened, and the aliens came pouring through, as the forces of good rushed to combat them. Steve and T'Challa lead the charge, throwing punches at any aliens who came their way. Banner, wearing Tony's old Hulkbuster armor, came flying in and drew the alien forces in, blasting them with his massive repulsor cannons. Bucky fired shots from afar, keeping the aliens off his friends. Arthur and Diana mopped up the ones that came for the two of them with relative ease. Barry used his speed to beat the aliens before they even knew what was happening. Natasha whacked them with her stun batons, weakening them for the others to take them down. Wayne speeded towards the fight in the Batmobile, firing all its guns on the attackers and mauling them as he ran over any in his path. It was a formidable defense, but they wouldn't be able to hold it for long.

In the tower, Shuri and Victor rushed to get the stone out of Vision. Wanda watched the chaos outside, thinking she should be there to help them.

"Wanda," Vision said.


"They can't hold them off long enough. But he can." Wanda knew who he meant. "You have to contact (Y/N)."

"But how? He's on the other side of the galaxy. I can't."

"Yes you can. You just have to find him."

And so Wanda searched, and searched, until she could finally feel his thoughts on some distant, wrecked world. Krypton's remains.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me?"

"Wanda? What's happening? How are you in my head this far away?"

"We need you. We need your help. Back home. They're trying to get Vision's stone."

"I'm coming. Hold them off for as long as you can. I'll be there soon."

He was alive, and he was on his way. All of Wanda's fears had finally melted away, after a whole year.


The defenses were being overrun. Wayne was forced to eject from the Batmobile and let it collide with a mass of the force. Banner had been knocked down, numerous aliens crawling over his mech. Steve, T'Challa, Diana, and Arthur were taking too many to handle. Barry had been knocked down.

Suddenly, a massive beam of energy came down from the sky. Rainbow colored, it illuminated the battlefield. From the light came an axe that killed many of the aliens, sparks coming through its blade. The axe returned to the beam of light, which dissipated, revealing Thor, the god of thunder. He had returned, with Rocket and Groot at his side.

"Haha, you guys are so screwed now!" Banner yelled.

"I like this new guy," Arthur said.

"Bring me Thanos!" He yelled, leaping into the sky and bringing his axe down, crushing numerous aliens with it and electrocuting even more.


Even with the return of Thor, Wanda knew they couldn't hold off the horde forever. And (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. When a group of massive machines came up from underground and were unleashed on the Avengers, she knew what had to happen next.

She jumped out of the tower and onto the battlefield, using her powers to stop the machines and disable them.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked no one in particular.

Back in the tower, it was realized this was the plan all along. Corvus killed the guard, forcing Shuri to abandon the work to fend for her life. Victor stayed with Vision, trying to make as much progress as he could, but when Shuri was knocked out, he went to face the intruder. It would be a futile attempt, as his weapon knocked Victor down before he could form any weapons. Corvus grabbed Vision and the two of them tumbled out the window.

"Guys! I need reinforcements! They have Vision!" He yelled into the comms.

"I've got it!" Banner said as his mech flew towards the tower.

"On my way," Wanda said, but then she was struck in the face by Proxima.

"He'll die alone. As will you."

"She's not alone," came the voice of Natasha from behind Proxima. She was with Okoye, who aimed her spear at Proxima. They engaged in a fight, with Proxima's skill causing her to overpower both Natasha and Okoye. That was, until she was lifted into the air by Wanda, who threw Proxima into one of the machines.

"That was totally gross," Natasha said as she got up.


Banner's mech landed in front of the two warriors trying to get the stone out of Vision's head.

"Oh no, oh no you don't," He said as he held up the mech's hands. "This ain't gonna be like New York, pal, this thing's already kicked the crap out of the Hulk-"

He was cut off as the larger of the two warriors attacked him, throwing the mech back.

"Guys, Vision needs backup!" He yelled into the comms.

Meanwhile, Vision was trying to hold off Corvus as long as he could. However, it would be a futile attempt as Corvus' weapon plunged into his abdomen.

Vision let out a gasp as the blade was pushed further into him, and then pulled out, causing him to drop to the ground.

It was at that moment that Steve Rogers came bursting through the trees. He knocked Corvus over.

"Get out of here!" Steve yelled to Vision. "Go!"

Vision tried to get up but he couldn't. Instead, he grabbed Corvus' weapon, which he had dropped, and plunged it into Corvus' heart, throwing him aside.

Steve helped Vision up just as Wanda and the other Avengers arrived to help. Thanos' forces were in retreat, for now.

That was until a strange, unknown breeze came through the trees. Banner turned his mech around and saw a blue spark, a spark that grew into a black portal. And from that portal stepped a massive, purple-skinned man with a golden glove sitting on his left arm, a glove that contained five stones already. Thanos had come.

"Cap? That's him," Banner said.

The Avengers and the Justice League charged at Thanos, but it was of no use. Banner was phased into a wall, Bucky and Wayne were thrown back, Arthur and Natasha were trapped under roots that had seemingly come out of nowhere, Groot was thrown away, Diana and Okoye were disarmed and kicked away.

"Wanda, it's time," Vision said as she watched Thanos making his way towards them.

"No. He will come."

"Wanda. It's too late. Do it."

Wanda looked at Vision, then at Thanos, then back at Vision. She knew what to do.

She shot her magic at the stone, first with only one hand, then with two.

Steve charged at Thanos, getting a few hits in on him that did nothing. Thanos tried to pucnh Steve with the gauntlet, but, to his surprise, Steve resisted. Thanos hit him full force with his other hand.

Wanda, seeing that Thanos had defeated all of the Avengers, shot magic at him to keep him back. Thanos shielded himself with the space stone and continued to approach.

It was too late. 'I'm going to die, and so is everyone else,' she thought, staring at Thanos coming for her.

That is, she thought that until she saw a red cape fly down between her and Thanos. And it wasn't Thor.

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