The New Bad Boy in Town

By BettieBurton

303K 11.8K 984

Wade is almost eighteen and is used to moving around so much that it has always been hard to get close to any... More

CHAPTER 1: Jayne
CHAPTER 3: Jayne
CHAPTER 5: Jayne
CHAPTER 7: Jayne
CHAPTER 9: Jayne
CHAPTER 10: Wade
CHAPTER 11: Jayne
CHAPTER 12: Wade
CHAPTER 13: Jayne
CHAPTER 14: Wade
CHAPTER 15: Jayne
CHAPTER 16: Wade
CHAPTER 17: Jayne
CHAPTER 18: Wade
CHAPTER 19: Jayne
CHAPTER 20: Wade
CHAPTER 21: Jayne
CHAPTER 22: Wade
CHAPTER 23: Jayne
CHAPTER 24: Wade
CHAPTER 25: Jayne
CHAPTER 26: Wade
CHAPTER 27: Jayne
CHAPTER 28: Wade
CHAPTER 29: Jayne
CHAPTER 30: Wade
CHAPTER 32: Wade
CHAPTER 33: Jayne
CHAPTER 34: Wade
CHAPTER 35: Jayne
CHAPTER 36: Wade
CHAPTER 37: Jayne
CHAPTER 38: Wade
CHAPTER 39: Jayne
CHAPTER 40: Wade
CHAPTER 41: Jayne
CHAPTER 42: Wade
CHAPTER 43: Jayne
CHAPTER 44: Wade
CHAPTER 45: Jayne
CHAPTER 46: Wade
CHAPTER 47: Jayne
CHAPTER 48: Wade
CHAPTER 49: Jayne
CHAPTER 50: Wade
EPILOGUE: 2 Years Later......

CHAPTER 31: Jayne

3.9K 171 6
By BettieBurton

When I had woke up, I vaguely remembered all that happened before I blacked out. The only think I was thinking about when I opened my eyes was seeing Wade and how I was terrified when I didn't see him. I thought he was hurt badly or that maybe Clay had killed him. So I was immediately relieved the moment I saw he was okay and alive. 

Right now though, we are headed to England. It was the number one place on my travelling list that I wanted to go to all my life and with everything that has happened recently, I didn't care about anything or anyone else. I just wanted to be with Wade. 

The flight was a very long one but we slept most of the way, so that helped to make it less bad. Then after we landed, Rocky had contacted somebody and while walking out in the front, I was surprised to see an older gentleman standing beside an old vintage car wearing an all black suit with a matching hat and white gloves, while holding a sign that had our names on them-this was fancy. 

The interior of the car was just as magnificent and breathtaking as the exterior of the car and it felt nice to be riding in an old victorian car. 

"This is a really nice car." I quietly commented to Wade. 

He chuckled as did Jimmy and Rocky at how amazed I suppose I was with the car. 

Throughout the car ride, I couldn't help but continue the excitement and admiration for this country as the sights from looking out the windows were breathtaking and just as I had imagined it would be from seeing pictures and movies. 

Not too much after being picked up from the airport, we pulled up into a long winding paved road that was surrounded by large trees on each side, providing some shade. 

Then once we got closer towards the house, I was lost for words. This was a Victorian styled castle that I couldn't believe we were headed towards and that his family owned. 

I have always dreamt in what it would be like to stay inside an old English cottage and or Victorian home. They were always so beautiful and as with the majority of the landmarks here, told a story and had a history. 

Right as we stopped in front of the castle and got out of the car, it immediately started occurring to me that I was about to meet his Aunt, a family member and I hadn't showered or done my hair or am even dressed appropriately. Oh my god, the first impression of me she will think that I am disgusting and then probably wonder if I take care of myself or not and how could he ever have chosen someone like me. 

However, right when we walked up the few front steps and were getting ready to knock, the door swung opened and standing there was a beautiful middle-aged looking woman who seemed to have some of the same features as Wade has. Wow, his Aunt was beautiful with her long curly shiny reddish-brown hair that cascaded past the middle of her back a little bit ad had flawless skin with curves, just like me. At least that's what it looked like. 

She immediately began tearing up as she reached out and wrapped her arms tightly around Wade and cried. 

"Oh my god, how I've missed you." She tells him. 

He let go of my hand to hug her back tightly and I could tell was beginning to fight back some tears as well. 

"I've missed you all too." He says. 

When he pulls back a little to look at him, she looks at me and suddenly, I freeze. 

"And this must be Jayne." She smiles real big at me. 

I begin to hold out my hand to her but she right away does a 'Pfff' gesture towards me before wrapping me up in a tight hug as well. 

"We hug in this family." She tells me. 

"Okay." I giggled. 

Next we entered into the house and once again, was in pure shock and amazement at this place and how beautifully it was decorated and the size of it. 

"Now, I will give you all a quick little tour and then have you all come down and join us for dinner. " She mentions. 

"Us?" Wade asks. 

"Yes. I invited some people over to see you. They have waited for so long too." She says. 

"Uh, Aunt Elizabeth, I appreciate that and can't wait to see everybody but, we just got off a long plane ride over here and are a bit jet-lagged, not to mention, a little overwhelmed still with things. Could we possibly wait to have a get together/reunion like tomorrow night or something?" Wade suggests. 

"Of course. I'm sorry, you will learn that about me in that I get carried away with things sometimes." She laughs. 

"It's okay." Wade replies. 

"It was a very nice thought." I chimed in. 

She smiled and winked at me that read 'Thanks girl.'

"Well, at least me show you all to your rooms and also, Jayne, I took the liberty in making sure you had some things to wear. They are already hung up in yours and Wade's bedroom and if you decide you don't like them, then please, by all means, let me know and we will make sure we get you things you like." She smiles. 

"Okay. Thank you." I replied returning the smile. 

"Of course. This is your new home so please, don't hesitate while you're here for anything. Now, why don't you all go to your rooms and at least come down for dinner that I have prepared and we will go over things and try to catch up." She offers. 

"Okay." We tell her in unison before making our way up into our bedroom. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Also, next chapter will have photos of the castle. :) ;) 

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