Million Dollar Mafia

By maggiewrites1

23.1K 483 13

As a kid, Thalia had always imagined having the perfect life any girl could dream of. She always daydreamed a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Antonio POV
Chapter 48
Chapter 49: Antonio's POV
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: Antonio's POV
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57: Antonio's POV
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61: Antonio's POV
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65: Antonio's POV
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 10

367 7 0
By maggiewrites1

It was almost 10 o'clock, my body was in need of a bed and a blanket. The music was getting louder and the bar was getting full, it had definitely reached its number if capacity. Drinks had been ordered and passed around. Drunk men wondered from table to table, kissing up to girls. I leaned closer to Grace, " this is getting out of control." Grace looked at me, " It's a bar, it's going to get crazy." A tray of drinks was placed in the middle of the table, people dug in and drank until they couldn't sit up straight.

A guy places his cold hands on my leg and slipped it up my thigh, causing my dress to hike up. I gasped from the coldness and grabbed the guys hand, but he clenched my thigh. " Please let go of me," I said calmly. The guy just laughed and drank more. I glared and stared at him. Without hesitation, I grabbed his arm again and bent it back. He howled in pain and fell off his seat. His friends around him laughed and help him back up. We made eye contact again, I clenched my jaw. " Fiesty that one," the guy said before turning and walking off with three other guys.

I rearranged my dress and fixed my hair, I smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Grace stood up and was about to walk off with a older guy, when I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. " Where are you going?" I asked. " Upstairs," Grace said calmly. I raised my eyebrows, " with him?" Grace looked at the guy who had the word 'pervert' and 'sexual abuser ' painted all over him. " He said he wanted to talk," Grace said, looking back at me. I scoffed, " talk down here, at the table, with me." Grace rolled her eyes, " calm down." " No, I'm not going to calm down Grace," I said annoyed. " Every guy in this bar is drunk, you're not leaving my side." Grace huffed before sitting back down next to me. She folded her arms and glared at the drink tray. " I'm trying to protect you," I explained. " I want to have fun, this isn't fun," Grace mumbled.
- - -
The moon hung high in the sky, stars glowed in the darkness. I checked my phone again, it was 12:35 am. The bar was so full, standing up was impossible. Grace and I were practically hugging each other while sitting down at the table. We were both too tired to move, Alessandro and his group were no where to be seen. " I need to pee," Grace said. I sighed and looked at her, " okay." We got up and pushed our way to the back of the bar. The music wasn't as loud, the lights managed to slip through any small crack in the building. Grace walked into the one person bathroom, I turned and waited. Folding my arms, I watched as people danced around to the loud somewhat soft music.

Before I could realize what I was doing, I found myself in the dancing group. " Thalia," a drunk voice said. I turned and saw one of Alessandro's friends walk up to me. How did he know my name? " Uh, hi," I said. He smiled and walked closer to me, I slowly inhaled as he continued to walk closer. My back hit the wall, the space between us was microscopic. " Where's your friend?" He asked. I was about to answer his question when his alcoholic mouth smashed onto my mouth. Immediately, he slid his hand up my dress and grazed my entrance. His cold fingers tingled against my warm body. His force was stronger than mine, his body trapped my against the wall. As his two fingers began to slid up into me, he forced his tongue into my mouth, touching mine.

Anger and frustration I'd kept hidden all my life finally exploded. Without hesitation I grabbed the guys hand which was up my dress and bent it back. A sharp cracking sound came from his hand, the guy screamed out in pain. Next, I balled up my hand and drove it right into his nose. Blood tricked down to his chin. I watched his as he stumbled backwards, I took a step forward and kicked him right in the balls. He collapsed onto the ground and cried out in agony, everyone was watching. The feeling of throwing up bubbled in my throat as the alcohol from the guys mouth tingled my tongue.

Alessandro ran up to us and looked down at his friend, " what the hell happened?" I looked at Alessandro, my fists begged to collide into his face. " Your friend tried to finger me," I spat out. Alessandro's facial expression relaxed, " he's drunk." I scoffed softly and stared at him, " what?" Alessandro sighed, " you're really going defending your friend after he tried to finger me?" I asked sternly. Alessandro smiled, what on the FUCK was so funny? " Is it really that funny?" I asked angrily? Alessandro shook his head, " my friend was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing." I glared at Alessandro to the point where my eyes ached. " Why didn't you just tell him to stop?" Alessandro asked as if saying stop was so easy. " He was kissing me!" I yelled. " He had his fingers in me, I couldn't tell him to stop!" " Okay, okay, calm down," Alessandro said. He took a step forward and tried to touch my arm. " Don't fucking touch me," I said sternly. Alessandro sighed, " you're making a bid deal about this." I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, " you know what you are?" Alessandro stared at me, how much bigger of a dick could he be. " You are nothing but a selfish, Ignorant, repulsive piece of shit!" Alessandro's eyes darkened, he tried to get closer to me and grab my arm, but I was faster. I punched him right in the jaw, my knuckles began to bleed.

I was breathing so hard, my ears buzzed as I stared at both Alessandro and his friend as they lay on the ground. Noses were bleeding, a hand was fractured, and I pretty sure Alessandro's friend's balls needed medical attention. I felt lightweighted, like all my problems and anger had been released.

Grace walked out of the bathroom and paused. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she stared at Alessandro and his friend. Her eyes eventually wondered up to me, who was still glaring at the two guys on the ground. " Thalia?" Grace asked softly as she walked up to me. She slowly grabbed my hand and led me outside.
- - -
We sat on the curb, waiting for my driver to come pick us up. Both Grace and I were shivering, we were stupid enough to not bring jackets. I could still feel Alessandro's friend's fingers grazing my entrance. I could still feel his two fingers sliding into me. His alcohol mouth burned my dry lips, I wanted to hurt both Alessandro and his friend more than I already did.

My driver drove up and immediately got out of the car. " Ms. Galonos, are you two okay?" Grace and I stood up, we didn't answered the question. We got into the car and buckled in, Grace wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. I rested my head on her shoulder, she rested her head against mine. The ride was was quiet and warm, the radio played soft classical music. Grace closed her eyes and dozed off. I stared out the window and watched as the alive city lights and open store signs glowed up and down the road.

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