The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

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Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Dastardly Twins

637 30 67
By Stillwell03

Ochako POV:

"Mnnn. What happened?" I started to wake up feeling chains on my arms and my legs and being tied up. "The heck?"

"Seems you've finally woken up." I glanced up to see the pink haired girl from before with a girl that had blue hair in a ponytail.

"My you are quite the cute one." The blue haired girl knelt down towards me while smiling. "Tell me. How did someone like the son of AFO get such a cutie like you?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I started to feel a draft on my stomach to look down. "WHY AM I IN MY UNDERWEAR!?"

"Because. You've been captured by the Dastardly Twins!" Both girls locked hands and posed in a rather strange way.

"I'm Kotonaru."

"I'm Mienai."

"We're twins that will teach you to never cross All Might!" If they weren't sounding like psychopaths, I'd somewhat like the fact they're in such sync.

The one called Meinai knelt down and started placing her hand on me. "I gotta say though Kotonaru. You found us a cutie. Sweet bubbly cheeks, an adorable blush with an innocent look to her and a body that has just the right amount of plump to it. Not too much to be pudgy and not too little to be plastic supermodel thin." She leaned close to my ear to have it disturb me a bit. "I'm going to have fun playing with you." Meinai patted my cheek before getting up. She walked over to the side into a weird room while Kotonaru spoke up.

"So tell me, did you and Midoriya do it yet?"


"Oh come now, we're all girls here honey. I'm sure you have some dirty bedtime secrets to tell." She started to move closer to me before running her finger down my body. "I bet Midoriya would just love to grab these adorable hips of yours. If it was me, I wouldn't let you leave the house with this unsightly and sexy body."

I had enough of this to knee the girl in the jaw. This wasn't something she liked for me to glare her down. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but Izuku is going to come here when he finds me and kill you both! And when he does, he's gonna-" I was slapped across the face hard by Kotonaru with her face showing a clearly angry mood.

"If you honestly think you're in control, then you're more of a fool than he is."

"Don't worry sister dear. Even if he does come, this little drug we have will keep him from doing something." Meinai walked back with a large variety of odd toys and tools that were stained red by blood.

"You mean that drug made out of Eri's blood? That'll work just as well as when Overhaul and Nine tried it the last time they faced him. You're in over your head with Izuku and I'm going to enjoy watching him beat the tar out of you both." They only stood there with a creepy smile thinking they've already won.

"Sorry sweetheart, but this is a special one that only the doctor knows how to make. And the second your boyfriend comes through the door, we put this in him and kill the only problem to All Might's plan."

"But before we do..." Kotonaru pulls out an army knife and holds it up to my cheek. "We're going to have lots of fun with you. Don't worry though, we'll be careful not to give serious damage...yet." She giggles while making a cut on my cheek. The psycho then licked the blood off before putting pressure on it to get some more to come out on her thumb. She coats her lips with the blood to give an image of a red lipstick on her.

"So what shall we start with first. I wanna try something where I can use this car battery. Maybe attack it to her chest?" Meinai opened some clamps with some static coming off them. "What do you say Ochako? Let's have a little fun with each other before Izuku comes and we can show him the real event." She gave a crazed look before I spit right on her cheek. This though didn't work in my favor as Meinai put the clamps down and reached for something.

All I could hear was a crack before a sharp slash was felt on my shoulder. "AAHHH!" I looked over to see a gash with my bra strap cut on the side.

"Seems you need to be taught some manners sweetie." In her hand, Meinai had a whip that had dried blood on the end. "Don't worry, I know how to treat naughty girls like you. Now why don't we try and get that rebellious phase out of you. It'll be more fun if you're into this."

Kotonaru started pulling a syringe and some weird drug out. "This is an hallucinogenic. This will help you learn some manners when you can understand what's happening."

The room started to go all fuzzy with my eyes losing the ability to stay open. 'Izuku...stay away.'

Izuku POV:

"This is my fault. I should've known better." I held my head down on Nezu's desk with Kirishima and Ashido feeling kinda ashamed of themselves too.

"There was nothing you could've done. All Might practically reacted instantly. None of us could've predicted this." Aizawa tried to comfort me a little with Eri trying to help also.

"It's ok daddy. I thought that you were the person too. Please don't be mad at yourself."

"What exactly do we know about these dastardly Twins fuckers?" Kaachan asks with Toga on his lap somewhat annoyed their umm...whatever they were doing, was cut short.

"They're members of All Might's inner circle. The last two I haven't explained somewhat about yet. Their real names are Meinai and Kotonaru. I have no information on any family but records saying they've been orphans. Rarely will these two be asked to do something unless it's big. And by big, I mean All Might wants to send a message and make sure it's loud and clear."

Nezu's fur went on edge when I said this. "So do you believe that they are the ones that set fire to the school and several other places?"

"Chances are, that's Meinai. Quirk records show her's is a type of camouflage quirk. She can make herself and other things in a specific radius invisible to almost everything."

"So if you're facing them, you need heat seeking goggles or something?" Toga asked still trying to button her shirt up.

I snapped and pointed at her to indicate she was on the ball with that. "If you know what you're doing, then you're able to counter. The problem is the two stay so under the radar that we can't pinpoint them. They've also been hidden from the view of the public to mostly be invisible. Chances are, you could bump into them on the streets and not even know it's them unless you know what they really look like."

Jirou and Momo somewhat were shocked while wearing baggy clothes that they were trying to keep up with the later asking. "So what's the other's quirk?"

"Kotonaru's quirk is kinda like Toga's. She can transform into people and basically make a perfect double. Scent, clothing and all." That spooked everyone more before I explained the details of how it works. "All she needs to do is touch your face and she can transform into you. This transformation isn't stable though since one solid hit will break the transformation."

"....The waitress." Kirishima realized when Kotonaru probably touched my face.

"I had my feeling that was when she touched me when I read the note and reread what I had on them."

"What else do you have on them?"

I glanced at Jirou while answering. "They're not that much older than us. If I had to place them somewhere, they'd probably be in their last year of high school with the Big 3. They're also trained assassins. If they want someone dead, they're dead."

"Holy shi-"

"Katsuki! Child!" Toga covered Kaachan's mouth for me to mouth 'thank you' to her before continuing.

"I also found out that they have kinda a sick past time of breaking women. Preferably those that are in relationships and are cute."

"Oh no. Mommy fits both of them! What's gonna happen to her!?" Eri started to panic before I patted her head.

"I'm going to prevent them from claiming another victim and putting them either in the red light district or in a morgue."

"What's a red light dis...distri..."

"It's ok Eri. Don't strain yourself. All you need to know is your daddy's on the job." I started walking out before the door flew open and hit me in the face.

"ALRIGHT! WHERE'S OUR DAUGHTER!?" A man that seemed kinda buff and a woman that looked like Ochako came into the room before noticing me behind the door. "Sorry kid. You ok?"

'Does everything today have to bend me over and-' "It's fine. No harm done." I started to fix myself before the woman looked at me amazed.

"You're that cute boy Ochako likes. I've seen her look at pictures of you and blush. Also, she has a picture of the both of you and a little girl for some reason."

This was enough for the guy to grab me by my shirt collar and pull me off the floor. "You took her, didn't you!? Where are you keeping Ochako!?"

"Mr. Uraraka! I know you are angry, but Midoriya didn't take miss Uraraka!" Aizawa tried to defuse the situation while explaining. "She was taken by villains and is right now being held by them. Midoriya didn't do anything wrong here. We all couldn't realize this until it was too late."

The two calmed down a little to listen to Nezu explain the situation. Unfortunately, they also had to be told about the League since this was specifically because of her connections to both me and the League. In a fit of rage, Mr. Uraraka punched me in the face clearly pointed towards his agitation on how I handled things. "YOU LET MY DAUGHTER BE A FUCKING HOODLUM!?"

He tried to punch me again with Kaachan and Kirishima holding him back. "Sir. This isn't the best time to be fighting among each other."


I got up and tasted blood in my mouth before answering. " I take full responsibility sir. If you want to punch me again, you're free to. But I'm going to bring Ochako back. I won't let her get hurt and remain in the hell she's in a second more than she has to. And if I fail, I'll accept any punishment you see fit and do it." A stared at Ochako's father determined with Eri running over to me hugging my leg.

"So who's the kid?"

"My daughter. She also looks at your daughter as her mother. So to her, this hurts just as much."

Eri walked over to the two parents with a worried expression. "Please don't hit daddy anymore. I could've stopped it too, but didn't. I should be treated like a bad person in this if he is." She clenched her little fists and shut her eyes. "I-if you want to h-hit someone, h-hit me t-t-too." I went to hug Eri before trying to keep her out of danger.

Mr. Uraraka knelt down to pat Eri's head and spoke calmly to her. "I'm sorry I kinda roughed up your dad. It's just that Ochako is very special to me and her mother and we were just very sad she's in danger." He looked up to me before continuing. "That being said, what is my daughter to you, boy?"

I looked down before answering. "I-I'm scared to answer that.... I do like her, but I'm scared to keep her close cause of why I'm targeted by All Might. I...I think I really like her, but I don't want to get her hurt because I want to keep her close."

This kinda seemed to be accepted by her father who rustled my hair a bit. "Not an answer I'm completely fine with, but I'll accept it for now." In a split second, I noticed my father in the lighting. I did a double take to see Mr. Uraraka's face again.

"Thank you sir." I got back to my feet to look over to Nezu. "I'm going alone. This was a shot at me, so there's no reason to bring you all into it."

"Do you even know where you're looking?" Aizawa asked for me to hold my head down. "Figured. That's why I asked for a favor from a group I know personally." A knock came at the door for us to glance over at it. "That must be her now." He opened the door to a woman with green hair and a car themed hero costume on.

"Hey Eraser. You wanted to see me?"

"Ragdoll. I'd like to ask you if you'd be willing to give Midoriya here your quirk for a while."

She looked confused before asking. "Like use it to find someone with him?"

"Not exactly."

We went through most of the situation again leaving some parts of the League out since it wasn't important for the cat pro to understand the specifics. "Oh. So he'll actually take my quirk to find his girlfriend who was kidnapped."

"She's not my girl-"

"I don't judge." She turned to me before formally introducing herself. "Nice to meet you Midoriya. I'm Ragdoll. A pro that works with the Wild Wild Pussycats."

"I've heard of your group. You four are good at what you do."

"Thank you." I held my hand in front of her with green fire while giving an expression asking for permission. She nodded for me to try and avoid the process from having any pain whatsoever.

"Thank you for doing this. You really didn't have to."

"Heroes do things they don't have to for the betterment of people. It's something we do."

I smiled before walking over to Nezu. "I hate to ask this again, but can Eri stay with you for now?"

"We can take care of her for now." Mrs. Uraraka spoke up while kneeling near Eri. "I'd like to know about my granddaughter a bit and hear what kind of mommy Ochako is to her."

I bowed at them for doing this. "Thank you. Eri, do you mind this?"

Eri shook her head no for her answer. "I wanna learn about grandma and grandpa."

"Alright. I'll be back then with mommy." I gave her a hug goodbye before heading out of the office and up towards a large building.

3rd person POV:

As Izuku left UA, Overhaul with some of his subordinates monitored the school in silence for the Urarakas and Eri to walk out minutes later. "Sir. We have eyes on Eri. She's leaving with two people."

"Good. Follow them and know where they live. When they're inside the home, we'll strike." 'You've evaded me one too many times Eri. Now the games over and Midoriya won't be here to save you.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku manages against the Dastardly Twins and Overhaul with his attempt to steal Eri back. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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