She Moans Chresanto.

By Alexismisfit_

313K 11.8K 2.1K

Money over bitches? That was the motto. Chresanto August lived a lifestyle of every man's dream. A different... More

meet the family
hold you down
Better than words.
The Beach
Sam Smith
Expose the freak
Tumbling down
Just A Vegetable
The Worst
Unexpected Guest
Personal Addiction
By Accident
Father Figure
My Brother's Bestfriend
Passion, pain and pleasure
Welcome to the family
My World, My Everything
Because of love
New things
Bad Blood
Fortune Teller
The One
Before its too late
Life Support
The baby
Only the beginning
Afire Love
When the cookies crumble
Welcome Home
A Change Of Heart
Start Of Something New
Trap King
Vegas, maybe?
Wrong Turn
Wicked Games
Make it to me
This aint love
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Hidden feelings
Im So Sorry Baby.
Ohana means family.
Love And Lust
Up In Flames
Heart of stone
Someone to count on.
A Moment Of Truth
All that matters to me
Unconditional Love
Life Will Go On.
Much Love
Something has to give


6.3K 194 48
By Alexismisfit_

Song for the chapter: Give me love~Ed Sheeran

Morgan pov

"These strawberries gotta be the sweetest thing I ever tasted." Chres groaned as he bite into another one.

"You sure about that?" I questioned before softly kissing him.

He licked his lips." Okay the second sweetest thing Iv ever tasted." He corrected himself with a smirk.

I chuckled as he stood in between my legs while I sat on the counter.

I looked over staring at the time on the stove. Thank god I didn't have work today... After Nina humiliated me like that I honestly don't ever wanna go back.

"Morgannn" Chres dragged out getting attention. "Are you listening to me?" He questioned.

"Sorry babe." I groaned.

He placed the remaining of his strawberry down before wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "A penny for your thoughts." He said.

"A penny? Come on mr rich boy you can do better than that." I joked causing Chres to chuckle.

"Seriously babe, tell me what's on your mind." He stated simply giving me his attention.

I sighed.

"Well me and Nina got into this huge argument the other day and she said something that really fucked up my head." I admitted.

"Nina? You were arguing with Nina?" He asked for clarification.

I nodded.

"Well what did she say?" Chres questioned.

"She called me a charity case." I told him. "She said that you hire a lot of the girls you fuck." I told him.

Chres let out a deep breath. "That girl just loves to start shit. I should have got rid of her long time ago. " Chres said shaking his head.

"So it's true?" I asked bringing his focus back to the situation at hand. "That's where you get most of your workers from? All girls you've fucked." I questioned.

"It's not like that." Chres chimed in. "Yeah I admit I have fucked a few of them. But if I see someone struggling I help the best way i Can. Hiring those girls changed their lives." Chres explained.

I sighed.

I couldn't really be mad at him for that.

"You got a big heart baby, that's what I like most about you." I assured him.

He smiled.

"Yeah, what else you like?" He smirked.

I ran my hand down his bare chest before stopping at the rim of his shorts. "Your body, every single detail of your body." I told him.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned. "Well it's all yours." He assured me.


The next morning I woke up tangled in the arms of my lover. I snuggled closer to his chest never wanting to move. But the annoying sound of the alarm clock blared throughout the room notifying us it was time to get up. "Nooo." I cried.

Chres chuckled causing me to look up at him. "I didn't realize you were up." I said.

"Iv been up for about an hour now, I have never had to pee so bad in my life but I didn't want to wake you." He informed me.

I chuckled as I rolled to the other side of the bed. "How considerate of you."

"You know me, always looking out for my baby." He reminded me as he climbed out the bed going into his bathroom.

I sat there dreading having to go to work. I wonder what Nina is going to say to me today to make me feel bad about myself. She's such a bitch.

Chres came out of the bathroom shaking the water off his hands.

"You know that's what paper towel is for." I told him.

"Eh, who has the time for that." He shrugged as he searched for his phone in the bed.

I propped myself up onto my elbows as I stared at him. "Chres." I called out.

"Yeah babe?" He said as he dropped to the floor to search for his phone under the bed.

"Have you ever had any of your workers that you fucked live with you?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Where do these questions come from" he asked.

"Seriously Chres, have you?" I repeated.

He sighed.

"No Morgan, none of them ever have. You are the only girl Iv ever opened up my home too." He informed me.

"Why come you never opened your home to any of the other girls? If they were struggling like I was. " I continued to question.

He stopped searching for his phone giving his attention back to me.

"Because those other girls wasn't you. I helped them as much as I could but as for opening my home up to share with someone? Iv never been into that." He stated.

"What changed when I came?" I asked.

The room grew quiet for a moment while Chres searched for his next answer.

"Me." He said in more of a question tone.

"You?" I asked for clarification.

He nodded. "Yeah, I am what changed." He said again. "I don't know what it was about you, but you changed me and I didn't even realize it until now." He stated in amazement. "A year ago if anybody would have told me I'd be in a dedicated relationship, sharing my home, money and everything with just one girl I wouldn't believe it because back then that wasn't me." He continued.

"But now. On this very day Iv never been so proud of my actions.. I would do it all over a million times for you." He assured me.

I smiled as my eyes grew glossy. "Ugh I'm such a cry baby." I stressed out causing Chres to laugh.

"Although this May sound extremely corny, I'm happy that James threw all your shit out on the lawn that day because if not you wouldn't be laying here in my bed right now making me the luckiest man in the world." He said never once breaking eye contact.

"Awwwwww baby." I whined.

"Yeah yeah." He chuckled. "Come on we needa get ready." He reminded me before dragging me out the bed taking me into the bathroom.

We helped strip each other of our clothes before getting into the shower together.

"So I guess that statement is true, one man's trash is another man's treasure." I pointed out.

Chres turned around to face me as the hot water poured down on him. "Oh no Babygirl, you ain't never been trash." He assured me. "That other nigga was just too stupid to see how valuable you really are." Chres told me as he moved my curls out of my face. "You are perfection at it finest." He complimented me.

I smiled before backing him up against the shower wall. " you're everything Iv ever wanted." I whispered into his ear.

Chres wrapped his arms around me picking me up. My back pressed against the wall now as we shared the most deep, passionate, loving kiss ever.


I sighed with relief as I looked at the clock. It was finally time for break, thank god.

"Hey Morgan, can I talk to you for a second." Joanna called out.

I sighed. "Sure what's up?" I asked her not really interested.

"About what Nina said the other day." She started.

I held my hand up to stop her. "Don't even worry about it." I said not wanting to hear it.

"Well atleast just let me apologize. I should have told you about how I used to deal with Chres, but It was a long time ago and way before you even came along I didn't really think it was important" she explained.

"Yeah you right , It's not important. Everything that happened before was the past, and I'm the present." I told her. "I knew what type of person Chres was before I got myself into this, but he ain't that person no more." I stated.

She nodded. "Yeah, I see that." She agreed. "You two are so cute together and you make him happy." She smiled.

"Mhm." I said simply.

"Come on chica. You my girl, please don't tell me it's going to be awkward between us now." She stressed out.

"Sup ladies, it's ice cream Thursday." Noah said referring to a tradition the three of us had since Iv been here. "We still going to Dairy Queen for lunch right?" Noah questioned.

Joanna looked to me with hope in her eyes.

She was right, she was my girl.

"Shot gun." I smirked as I took off my apron.

A huge smiled spread across the both of their faces as they followed suit running out into the parking lot. These two really made me feel like a kid again.

-mean while-

Chresanto's pov

"Nina, I need to talk to you." I announced as I walked into the kitchen.

"After my break." She said.

"No, now." I demanded as I left out the kitchen. I heard her curse under her breath before her foot steps soon trailed behind me.

She followed me into my office shutting the door behind her.

"Care to explain to me what the hell your problem is?" I snapped.

"Oh this is about your little girlfriend ? What did she go tattle tell on me." Nina teased.

"Cut the shit." I ordered.

"Why am I in here." She questioned as she rolled her eyes.

"Because you need to get one thing understood." I said standing up out of my chair. "When you disrespecting Morgan, you disrespecting me. And we all know chresanto don't do well with disrespect." I spat.

"Since when are you so protective over your hoes." Nina asked.

I chuckled as I walked on the other side of the desk where she stood. "When you address her, you call her by her name or don't say shit about her at all." I growled. "If you gone use that word hoe so often you should really find out the meaning. Morgan isn't no where near a hoe, you don't know enough about her to be saying what she is." I pointed out. "Just as easy as you got this job, I could snatch it away even easier. Do not fucking test me." I reminded her growing annoyed with her attitude.

She began to turn red as she glared at me.

"And don't you ever call yourself putting my business out there again. Stay in your place because this didn't have shit to do with you." I continued. "This conversation is done. For the rest of your break you can work on bettering your fucked up attitude. Morgan is going to be around for a while so deal with it, because next time you hurt her feelings I won't hesitate before kicking your ass to the curb. And with an attitude like that I wouldn't feel any remorse. Got it?" I spat.

She swallowed her pride hard. "Got it." She assured me.

"Great." I smiled. "You know I'm a nice person, never make me have to leave my element like that again. Kay?" I said as I rubbed her shoulder. "Goodbye now." I said dismissing her.


"How was work?" I asked Morgan as we put the groceries up.

"Really weird." She answered. "After break, I dropped a tray and Nina didn't say anything about it. Like literally not a word." She explained shocked.

I chuckled. "That's a good thing right?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I suppose it is.. It's just weird." She shrugged.

"What's for dinner tonight?" I asked changing the subject.

"Grilled chicken salad?" She questioned.

"Mmm yummy." I moaned.

She chucked before kissing me on the cheek.

"Chres" she called out as she took the cutting board out.

"What's on your mind now babe?" I asked her, she never failed to surprise me with her random outburst.

"How would you feel if I told you I wanted to go back to college?" She questioned.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Well, yeah." She shrugged. "It's a great university only 10 minutes from here, and I'm young. I think I can still make something of myself." She explained.

"You already have." I told her confused.

"No Chres, like seriously. I'm only a waiter because of you. I'm not even any good at it... And you know that's true." She pointed out.

"You can get better." I shrugged.

"But I don't want to get better. I don't want to be a waitress all my life." She groaned.

"Okay I hear you." I told her. "What exactly do you want to major in?"

"English." She answered almost instantly. "Get a degree in journalism maybe even communications." She smiled.

"Do you want to be a book publisher?" I questioned.

"Not exactly." She said. "I want to work at a publishing company but as a book editor." She explained.

"Seems like you've thought this through." I pointed out.

"Well, yeah." She blushed.

"This doesn't have anything to do with what Nina said does it?" I questioned.

"He'll no." She said shaking her head. "It's just something I want to do. Actually something that I need to do... For me." She explained.

"Well, if that's what you want then we can surely make that happen." I assured her.

"Really?" She cheesed.

"Really." I told her.

"Ahhhh" she cheered as she attacked me with kisses. "I knew you would be supportive!" She exclaimed. " I love you!" She shouted causing me to stiffen.

"W-what? What did you say?" I questioned.

The room fell quiet as embarrassment washed over her face.

"Morgan." I choked out. "Say it again." I told her.

She looked back up at me, her eyes boring into mine.

"Say it again, I need you to say it again." I told her.

"I love you." She breathed out... "I love you. Like really really love you."

My heart beat increased as I took in the words. She loves me? No one has ever really loved me before.

"You sure?" I asked her.

"Iv never been so sure of something in my life." She assured me.

I smiled as I let out a breathe of relief. "Wow." I gasped as I held her face in between my hands.

"You love me." I said.

She nodded with a smile on her face. "Very much so." She breathed out.

"And I love you." I told her.

Her smile grew wider as her eyes turned watery.

I wiped her tears away before I locked my lips onto her's.

This kiss was different, nothing like the others. This simply loving kiss was.... It was sufficient.

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