Young Mate (Wattys2016)

By alphakim

335K 9.3K 1.2K

Original #1 Wolf Story on Quotev Lexi Stine is 15 years old, care free, and perfectly happy with her boyfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Edited Up To Here
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 &10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 16

8.2K 284 32
By alphakim


“Oh. Um, we just got back. Tell us about you two.” Marisa changes the subject.

“You two adjusting well to each other?” Her father asked.

“Yeah.” I smiled wrapping an arm around Lexi. I would play along with their little act for a few minutes, so as not to worry her too much.

Her father’s eyes flicked back and forth between us before clearing his throat.

“Nickolas, I know you’re the Alpha of this pack, but as a father, I ask that you treat my daughter they way she deserves to be treated. If you hurt her, I don’t care if I’m only a Beta, I’ll hunt you down.” He voice was strong, but he ended with a smile. 

Don’t mock me idiot. 

“Don’t worry, Lexi is in good hands. I came here today not just to let Lexi see you two again, but because I had something I needed to discuss with you two.”

And the doorbell rings. I sigh and stand up, pay for the pizza and return to the living room with the two boxes. The family immediately helps themselves to the food and sit back down on the couches.

Marisa barely ate her slice and kept exchanging nervous glances between her husband.

Once we were all fed I knew it was time to get to business.

“Explain Lexi’s wolf to me.” I got right to the point; I hate all this repeating myself stuff.

“Her wolf?” Marisa asks.


“It’s a normal wolf, she came when Lexi turned 13.”

“Why the hell is her wolf white?” I was irritated with all the playing dumb acts.

Lexi stared at me, confusion covering her eyes.

“She’s just a one in a million kind of wolf.” her parents tried.

“Lexi was born with a white wolf. This means at least one parent had to be an Alpha. And I know neither of you two are Alphas. I need the truth. Now.” I growled out the last part in my Alpha voice. 

“What are you talking about? Who cares if I have a white wolf?” Lexi protested.

“Lexi is my daughter.” Her mother started tearing up a bit.

“Is your husband her father?” I growled.

“Yes!” James snapped.

“You never cheated on your husband?” 

“Of course not!” Marisa yells at me.

“What the hell is going on?” Lexi demands. I ignore her.

“Did you give birth to her?” Neither one of them answered me.

“Mom? Dad? Answer him!” Lexi demands.

They don’t respond.

“My older cousin was mates with an Alpha male.” Marisa speaks after minutes of silence.

“What does she have to do with this?” Lexi scream.

I pull Lexi onto my lap and wrap my arms around her.

“Please stay calm Lexi.” I whisper into her ear before returning my attention to Marisa and James.

“Where are they now?” I demand.

“Dead.” James growls.

“They had children.” I state.


“And did they abandon their children when they died?” 

“They didn’t. They had two children. She was pregnant with a third, but she never got to deliver. A rogue attack killed the pregnant Alfa, and he was brutally wounded. Without his mate by his side, he died days later.”

“Did you give birth to my mate?” I shout violently at them, angered by the refusal to answer my question. Not that it really mattered, because the answer was obvious.



“No.” My mother whispered. I gripped tightly into Nickolas’s shirt and bury my face into his neck, hiding my tears. Nickolas rubs his hand up and down my back in an effort to comfort me. I can’t even look at these two. 

“How did you get Lexi.” Nickolas growls out.


“That same year my cousin died, I had lost my baby girl. She was a stillborn. When I found out my cousin and her husband died, leaving two children, we offered our help.”

“But Liam isn’t an Alpha wolf, is he?” I never even noticed his wolf before.

“Liam… isn’t her real brother. Lexi’s real brother was eight years older, he didn’t need a wet nurse; but Lexi did. Her brother stayed behind to be raised by the Beta of the pack. Lexi came with us, and we raised her as our own.” Adam explained.

“What are you talking about? Of course Lexi is my sister!” Liam started shouting.

“No! She isn’t!” Marisa had started crying into her husbands shirt. “Your sister was named Caroline and she was born dead!” 

 “I was able to hide her into the pack and let everyone accept her! But I can’t hide the Alpha blood that runs through her body!” she sobbed.

Lexi also continued crying, gripping tighter on to me.

“My mate, has Alpha blood already in her.” I whispered slowly, wrapping my arms tightly around Lexi’s shoulders. 

This actually made sense. It explained her openness with me. She often spoke to me in a way no other wolf would dare to speak with me. I brushed it off as a young girl trying to act tough, but it was really her natural instincts to never back down without a fight; no wonder she always slapped me.

This also explained her athletic abilities. How she was so quickly able to lift so much weight and was faster than me. My mother was fast as an Alfa, but she wasn’t Alpha born and therefore would never be as fast as my father and I. Lexi had a powerful wolf inside her, one that would be almost as strong as I was once she was mature.

Despite the fact that her aunt and uncle lied for so many years, I was thrilled with the news. Lexi already had Alpha blood, she would be unbelievably powerful once she was fully grown.

I nuzzled my distressed mate lovingly and held her tighter. 

“It’s all right Lexi. I’m here for you.” I kissed her hair. 

“When were you two planning on telling Lexi about all this?” I spoke to her aunt and uncle.

“When she turned 18.” James confessed.

“Please Lexi, I loved you like my daughter, and I’m your mother.” Marisa begged my mate.

“No you’re not! You lied to me for all these years!” She screamed into my chest, still refusing to look at them.

“And what the hell happened to my real brother!?” 

“Your brother stayed on at the pack; he was old enough. I’m sure he must be the Alpha by now. But Lexi, we’re still family. We’re your aunt and uncle, and Liam is your cousin.” 

“Is this why you were so curious about my wolf?” She turned to me wiping her eyes, ignoring her grieving aunt.

“Yes. I needed to know why your wolf was white. I started suspecting something, but your aunt and uncle confirmed everything.”

“Lexi, honey, we’re so incredibly sorry about lying to you, but please forgive us.” James begged.

“I don’t even want to look at you two!” She shouted. She started coughing uncontrollably.

“Lexi?” She was starting to hyperventilate. 

“Do you want to go home?” I asked my mate.

“Yeah. Right now.” 

“All right.” I kissed her ear and stood up, allowing her to wrap her legs around my waist as her arms were still wrapped around my neck.

“We’ll continue this talk later.” I spat coldly to her lying family. Liam stood up and opened the door for us to leave.

“I’m sorry Lexi, but I still love you like my sister.” He spoke to her once we were outside. The sky had grown dark, the moons, thin curve high in the sky.

“You’ll always be my brother Liam.” 

I carried Lexi all the way to our room and locked the door behind us. Her tears had stopped but she still held on tightly to me. I handed her a bottle of water.

“I’m going to talk to my dad for a few minutes, okay? Why don’t you get ready for bed, I’ll be right back.” She nodded and I left the room and instructed the guard to call me if she started crying again. 

Walking down to my parents room I knock loudly at their door.

“Son?” My dad opens it and looks at me expectantly. 

“She’s an Alpha born.” I answer automatically.

“I knew it! Oh, man! This is great Son!” He was beyond excited.

“Her parents, who are really her aunt and uncle, lied all these years.” I responded dryly.

“Then exile them.” He answered as if it were obvious.

“I think this is actually Lexi’s decision, but their son is supposed to be one of my Betas.”

“Let that be her first act as Alfa then. Or rather Alpha.”

“Will Lexi still turn gold once I mark her?”

“No, she can’t. An Alpha born wolf’s status will never change. She will never become an Alfa. She’ll always be Alpha.”

“Oh.” I was sad about never getting to see her change to gold, my mother’s color.

“I’m not sure what exactly is supposed to happen, but this means she can mark you as well, since your rankings are the same.”

I perked up at that; in a mate bond, the one with the higher ranking is the one to leave the mark on their mate. With normal wolves who were of the same authority the male would mark his mate and the female would decide whether or not to mark her male.

If Lexi’s wolf became as possessive as most Alphas are, she would one day demand to mark me. Yes! Let her mark me! She’s mine and I’m hers! 

“Of course your pups will become incredibly strong Alphas, we may see our next Alpha to be the strongest one in this packs history. Imagine the power this pack will have one day!” My dad was fired up about all of this.

“Calm down Dad. We won’t be seeing pups anytime soon.” I excused myself and left. 

Inside our dark room, lit up only by a single bedside lamp, Lexi was sitting up in bed, hugging her knees to her chest. She had changed into her pajamas and appeared calm at the moment.

But her eyes were clouded with sadness.

“It’s all right Lexi. It’s going to get better.” I assured her, pulling my jeans down.

“I’m an orphan.” She stated bluntly.

“An orphan that I love.” I sat down on the bed next to her wearing a shirt and boxers; my usual pajamas. I grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to me; she settled into my lap leaning her head against my chest, her arms around my torso. 

“Do you really love me?” Her voice sounded so helpless.

“More than you’ll ever know.” I kissed her neck. 

I felt her start to relax by my touch so I continued kissing her neck and stroking her dark hair.

Lexi kissed my cheek, allowing her lips to linger against my skin. I responded by continuing to kiss her. Her fingers started playing with my hair as her other hand pulled me closer to her. 

“I love you so much.” I whispered into her skin. I gently pushed her down onto the bed and hovered over her.

“I-I only want to be friends.” Her voice didn’t sound convinced.

“We are friends.” I started gently sucking on her neck as she peppered kisses by my ear.

“Just friends.” She repeated as her lips moved towards the front of my face.

“Best friends.” My lips meet hers.

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