Young Mate (Wattys2016)

By alphakim

335K 9.3K 1.2K

Original #1 Wolf Story on Quotev Lexi Stine is 15 years old, care free, and perfectly happy with her boyfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Edited Up To Here
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 &10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 13

9.7K 293 28
By alphakim


“Hurry up!” Lexi called to me; I was still behind, seeing no rush. The pet store closed in an hour.

Lexi decided we needed a new cage for the baby doves and some proper formula to feed them with. She had left the babies behind with Liam while we went shopping. 

I enter the store and find that Lexi has gone missing.

“Excuse me? Where is the bird selection located?” I asked a young clerk.

“Back corner.” I made my way there and sure enough, Lexi has there with a shopping cart, examining the several bird cages. 

“That white one looks nice.” I offered.

“It’s too tall. Bad for babies; they could fall and get hurt.” She answered automatically.

“What about that one then?” I said pointing to another. It was black, not as tall, wider than the last one. 

“It’s pretty good, but also expensive.” She scrunched her eyebrows.

“It’s alright. It’s for a good cause.” I picked up the box and set in right into the cart.

“You sure?” 

“Of course. What else do we need?” 

Lexi moved onto the next aisle and began picking out some wooden perches. She also picked out a hanging bed and an artificial nest. I checked some toys at the end of the aisle while she studied the available formula.

“Need any help? My name is David.” The clerk I asked for directions earlier stood next to Lexi who was at the other end of the aisle from me. Mine! 

“I have three newborn doves and need some good formula; I think they were almost emaciated when I found them.”

“This kind is pretty good.” He said picking one out and handing it to her.

“Oh thanks.” She smiled as she put it in the cart.

“I think it’s great that you rescued those babies.” He smiled at her. Why is he smiling at her? Who cares? Just kill him!

“Thanks, they fell out of the nest in the woods.”

“That sucks.”

“Right. I gotta go.” She turned to leave, but David stopped her.

“So, do you go to high school around here? I mean, I would’ve recognized you.” Okay, ‘David’ has no right to ask my mate anything.

“Um, no. I’m actually home-schooled.” She lied. Werewolves always lie about this sort of thing. 

“Oh, well in case you ever need any help with the birds, here’s my number.” Okay, that’s enough. Before my wolf shifts and rips this guy to shreds. 

“Hey Lexi!” I strut over to my mate. “I found some toys I think they’d like.” 

“Great! David just helped me find some formula.” She spoke unaware that I was observing their entire encounter. She took the armful of toys.

“He did? Thanks David.” I replied with a fake smile.

“Are you Lexi’s older brother?” he asked.

“Nope.” Come on! I am not that old looking! I know I look really tall next to Lexi but that’s because she’s really short! Maybe I ought to shave more often.

“Lexi really loves these birds.” I wrapped my arm around her waist. She didn’t notice it; she was too busy examining the toys I picked out. 

“I think it’s great that Lexi cares so much about the birds.”

“Yep, part of the reason I love her so much.” I smirked at him, kissing her cheek. This is my mate.

“So, are you ready to check out?”

“Yes we are.” I answered. I stood next to Lexi as she walked the cart to the check out lines. 

We placed our items on the conveyer belt and David checked it all out for us.

“Your total will be $167.78.” I reached into my pocket to get my wallet but it was empty. So were my other pockets.


“Is there a problem?” David raised an eyebrow.

“I think I left my wallet in the car. Don’t move Lexi, I’ll be back quickly.” With that I sprinted out of the store, not wanting to leave my mate unattended.


“I’m sorry, but how old is he?” David asked. 

“21.” I replied honestly.

“And I’m guessing you’re 15 or 16?”

“Why do you care?” I asked getting annoyed.

“I don’t. I just don’t want anyone doing anything…illegal. And I don’t want to see and older man taking advantage of a beautiful girl.”

“We’re just friends.” I scoffed.


“Here you go.” Nickolas returned out of breath. He pulled out the money and handed it to David.

“Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy your items.” He responded handing us two bags and the cage still in it’s box. Nickolas picks up the box and I take the bags.

“God that kid was annoying.” Nickolas muttered under his breath as we got into the car.

“Yes he was.” I agreed.

“Seemed to like flirting with you.” He replied bitterly.

“I hated it.” I assured him. Is he actually upset about that?

“My wolf wanted to brutally murder him when he gave you his number.” He confessed.

“That seems harsh. He was kinda cute.” I teased.

Nickolas glared at me but didn’t say anything. 

“You know? I didn’t ask about feeding times. Maybe I should call him.” I tried again.

“No! You’re not allowed to talk to him again!” He growled.

“Why?” I bat my eyelashes.

“Because he’s a dickless human and you’re my mate!” 

“It’s cute seeing you jealous.” I smiled at him.

“I am not jealous!” 

“So you wouldn’t mind if I went to a movie with him?”

Nickolas doesn’t answer.

“Do you think he has abs?”

“You’re my mate! You can only go out with me!” He barked. His eyes began lightening to yellow. Yellow eyes. His wolf is on the verge of breaking out.

The last thing anyone in a car wants is for the driver to shift to a wolf without opposable thumbs. That would probably lead to death.

“I know. I’m your mate.” I placed my hand on his shoulder until his eyes darkened to their usual brown. 

“Please don’t mess around like that. I know you like joking around, but please, never like that again.” He pleaded. 

“I’ll try to stop. It’s just cute seeing you that way.”


I’m not sure if it’s an improvement, but Lexi did say I was cute…when jealous. At least I’m cute! We were currently sitting on the couch of our room, a plate of dinner on my lap. But Lexi refused to eat until the birds had yet another meal. Baby birds eat more than I do.

As soon as we returned home from picking up the birds, she went straight to assembling the cage. It was a pretty big one and fit nicely on a night table I brought up. She spread out bedding, hung the toys and perches and placed the bed on the bottom of the cage. 

It would actually be a while until the birds could use the toys and water and feeding bowls, but she didn’t care. They would be able to use them very shortly. The birds had fallen asleep yet again and Lexi carefully placed their nest into the cage before wrapping an old blanket around it to keep out the light.

Man, I fell deeper in love with everything she did. She had a huge heart beneath that tough shield. And her love for babies made me really excited about our future. Of course I wanted to have a child with Lexi. Actually, I wanted a whole litter. 

Not only did I want a child to take the role of Alpha one day, but I wanted a child to complete our family. I wanted to have my own family with Lexi. But there was no way she was ready.

“I love french fries.” She sighed, reaching for seconds from the cart. 

“Don’t we all?” I smiled. She ate some more. I think it’s a good time to ask her what I’ve been wanting to ask all day.

“I was planning on working out tomorrow, to train my wolf. Do you think you’d mind coming?” I bit my lip. Most girls hated the idea of training, but it was crucial that Lexi, as a future Alfa, get in shape.

“You mean at the center two miles from here? Sure!” She exclaimed. 

“Really?” I couldn’t hide my shock.

“Yeah, that place is really fun! But wait, what about the birds?”

“My mom can feed them every few hours, she won’t mind.” And she wouldn’t once she heard about Lexi training.

“Great! I hope your ready to get your ass kicked.” She laughed.

“I’m a full-grown Alpha male. I’m not getting my ass kicked by a little pup.” I smirked ruffling her hair. She shoved my arm away and glared at me.

“We’ll see tomorrow.”


I had been sleeping peacefully when I was rudely awakened.

“Let me go!” Lexi whispered. She was still in my arms struggling to get out. The sun was still down and I was irritated with having to let go of my mate right now. 

When the sun was down, this was my only time I could touch Lexi. And I wanted that to last for as long as possible.

“Why?” I groaned, pulling her closer.

“I have to feed the birds.” 

Oh. I quickly let her go and watched her dim shadow go to the cage and take them out. I watched for several minutes as she hand fed each one. She then climbed back into our bed and wrapped the blanket around herself.

I waited a few minutes before moving next to her and wrapping my arms around her. As usual, we both fell right to sleep once we were touching.

“Please don’t let them die! I finally made some progress with her, she’ll kill me if anything happens to them.” I pleaded to my mother when handing her the bird cage. It was morning and time to train.

“Calm down! I kept you alive didn’t I? Now you said you made progress, meaning?” Her grin was so wide it was kind of disturbing.

“She let me kiss her.” I smiled like an idiot. 

“Oh, she’s warming up to you!” 

“Yeah, and I plan to keep it that way.”

“Nickolas, are you sure I can’t come observe you two today? I’d love to see how our future Alfa is doing.” My dad came out of the bathroom with just shorts on.

“Yeah, Dad. I don’t think she’d feel comfortable with you watching.”

“Just a few minutes!” My dad insisted.

“Maybe you should come watch in a month. By then she’ll feel used to training.”

“Fine. But I’ll hold you to that. Now quit keeping your mate waiting!” He ushered me out of the room.

“Don’t forget to give them water!” And the door shut. 

I sprinted down the stairs to the kitchen which is where Lexi went to get a quick breakfast. She was leaning against the countertop, both elbows on the granite, munching on a granola bar. Not only did she look stunning as always, but she also looked so athletic in her clothes. 

Beautiful mate. You got that right. Imagine pushing her against the counter top, ripping her clothes off, making her moa-. Shut up! She’s 15! I locked my wolf out. 

“Here.” Lexi tossed me a granola bar and juice pouch before jumping off the counter. 

“I’ll eat while we walk, let’s go.” 

She skipped to the door and waited until I unlocked it. After that we made our way around the village towards the training center. I had made sure that it would be empty today so we’d have some privacy.

We talked and joked around for the twenty minutes it took to reach the center. The Devrend Pack took pride and joy for that center. It was a large building, one story, but very big and required a passcode to enter. 

Inside was a turf field, a lap pool, a weight lifting room, a linoleum gym and a large store of sports equipment. There was also a large supply of weapons, tranquilizers and medical supplies under passcode lock. We even had a jungle gym, climbing wall and climbing ropes scattered through out the center. Around the entire inner circumference of the building was a five-mile track. 

“Today is probably going to hurt, just warning you.” I bumped my elbow into Lexi’s side.

“Just shut up and unlock the doors so I can beat you.” she playfully shoved my arm

“Whatever you say.” I unlocked the doors and we stepped inside. 

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