I Don't Understand.. [Errorin...

By LazyLinda77

15.2K 447 419

1st book📖 [Cover made by me] (Even though its a random drawing i made-) Status : ¡Not Completed Yet! Everyda... More

Info and explanation
Warm Up For Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Uhh.. Rewrite?
Chapter 10
Not a chapter, but-
..Book Expectation..
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Happy Valentines Day
Is it important..?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
EEEEEK (Spoiler-)
Chapter 21
Guess what 😃
(Important) Announcement

Chapter 20

232 11 11
By LazyLinda77

Before i start this chapter. I want to give out a shoutout to :




For being so nice and supportive to me. It means a lot.

And another shoutout to Winds_n_Hearts for giving me an idea for this story. Even though they were just joking around––

~~ No One's POV~~
(Yes, again.)

"What the hell?" Error asked to nobody in particular. While staring at, something..

"How is that thing even alive?" Ink asked, probably towards Error. He was also staring at something. But now that something is wiggling around.

It was a fish, wiggling around.

"I dunno. But i think its starting to suffocating."

"What?! We need to help that fish then!"

"Sorry, but nope. Its not my job to keep a single fish safe. Its not yours either."

"But we should help this fish, its going to die soon!"

After that statement was said. The fish stopped wiggling. This caught both Ink and Error off guard. Both of them starting to ask each other if the fish was dead. The artist was putting on a sad and regret expression. While Error was smilling at it.

Suddenly, the fish grow their own medium-sized legs out of nowhere. Both the skeletons, that was now a cat, flinched at the sudden action. Not to mention that it was weird on how the fish could even grow some legs out of nowhere.

The fish stood up, and started running away from both the artist and destroyer, using their new grown legs. Ink chased the fish eagerly. Though, himself didn't knew why he was chasing a strange fish.

Error noticed that his companion had gone, chasing the strange fish down the hallway. He had no choice than to follow the artist. Running towards Ink, who was already pretty much far away from the other sight.

The fish suddenly went to the side and jumped out through the window. Ink, without thinking jumped out aswell. Error saw this, eyes widened. He quickly ran to the window that both fish and the artist jump through.

Only to see Ink is alright and still chasing that weird looking fish. The destroyer was getting irritated at the situation and the artist's childish action.

He could actually left Ink being a cat alone while himself try to find the cure or solution of his situation. But, something felt like he want Ink's to be by his side to help him. Well, the more help, the more quick to get a solution.

Error jumped down from the window of the second floor. Yes, they were in the second floor. Luckily, none of them got hurt from the fall. Even the fish itself.

They keep on running, and running. Chasing a certain thing. Error was chasing Ink, and Ink was chasing the strange looking fish. As they felt the grass brush over their four barefooted feet while they ran.

Soon they meet a pond in front of them. When they were close enough to the pond, the fish suddenly jump in. Ink tried to stop himself from falling into the pond. But he was too fast and close to the pond.

Until he suddenly felt a tug on his scarf. Making him chokes slightly and almost falling backwards.

It was surely Error who tugged on Ink's scarf, just so the other won't be falling into the pond. He let go of the scarf, hearing Ink let out a sigh of relief.

"Be careful on where you going, Squid. Why were you even chasing that strange fish anyway?"

Error asked, having his annoyed expression on. Ink gaze around the outside, trying to avoid making an eye contact. Though, he didn't knew why did he do it anyway. He just felt like it.

When he noticed Error's glared turned into an impatient one, he was about to opened his mouth to speak, only get cut off from a familiar voice.

"Dusty, look what i found!" The voice exclaimed.

Error and Ink turned their gaze towards where the voice came from. Seeing Blueberry pointing his index finger towards them, while looking back at someone who was slowly making their way to here.

Dust came out from the shadow, looking down at both Ink and Error. He raised his non-existent eyebrows at them.

"Weird, i thought this place didn't have cats exist. But it seems like i was wrong. And i never seen a cat like them before."

Blue picked both of them up in his arms with a huge smile of exitement. Ink's eyes light up, thinking that he could ask Blue for help. While Error didn't seem happy about getting picked up as glitches and Error signs dancing around him.

Ink tried to communicate with Blue. Saying hello and other words. But it didn't seem to work. Instead it got ignore. Or did he not understand him due to him being a cat?

"Same, i never saw any cats like them before. But they both look unique!"

There was a moment of silence as Dust stared at both of the cats on Blue's arms, before Dust answer Blue statement,

"Huh, weird. They both look similar to one or two of our friends. Especially that glitchy cat. It reminds me of Error."

"Your right. But let's just bring them inside!"

The blue scarfed skeleton hopping his way towards the castle happily. While Dust trying to catch up with Blue. Once he did, he started talking again.

"Are you sure about this Blue? I mean, boss don't really like cats near him. What if he will kill them?"

The artist eyes widened. Turning his gaze towards his companion, which is Error, but only to see him crashed. Though, there wasn't any reboot button appear yet. So he didn't really crashed yet. Just having glitches issue.

But if Blue won't be putting them down any sooner, Error would crash and Ink have to wait for Error to reboot again.

"Im sure he won't. And if he does, i'll protect them!" Blue assure. Dust smiled at Blue confidence.

"Sure, baby blue." Dust replied calmly. While patting Blueberry's head.

Blue giggle at Dust response of patting him, but also blushing a little from the nickname the other had given.

Dust and Blue aren't really an official couple yet. But have feelings for each other. Though, none of them even confessed yet. Which was unfortunate for us shippers.

Soon, they have arrived inside the castle once more. Blue went to the living, parted away from Dust as the other went to his room. He placed both of the cats onto the ground.

"You two must be hungry. I'll make you both some tacos!"

He announced happily towards the two cats. Humming and hopping his way to the kitchen. Ink watch as Blue disappeared to the kitchen.

'Does he know what actual cats eat?' Ink asked himself.

Then remember that Error was here with him aswell. He look around for the glitchy boi. Only to found him calming down a little as the glitches and Error signs fading.

"Error, are you okay?" Ink started. Moving beside Error. Having that concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, im fine." He quickly replied. Shaking his head when the last glitches went away.

After Ink got his answer, he tugged on Error's scarf, gesturing him to follow. Which Error did. They stopped on top the sofa. Ink sat on it using the cat style. Which is curling up.

"What are you doing?" Error asked with a questioning expression.

"Trying to get comfy of course!" Ink answered him. A few shuffling later, Ink stopped himself after feeling comfy enough.

"Don't we need to go to Sci?"

"Well, yes. But we need another plan. I don't think Blue understand what we are saying. And if Blue doesn't, then i doubt someone could understand."

Both of them sighed in annoyance. They couldn't really think of any other plan.


Ello. Was this story short? If yes, then im sorry. Im trying to focus on a certain drawing. Cause tomorrow is Error's birthday, and i wanted to make a special art for him. I will post it both on my insta and art book tomorrow.

(Don't mind me collecting photos of Error simping for Ink moments–)

(Error even had been following Ink around and gives out heart when Ink is close to him lmao. I even caught Error getting close to Ink and sleeping next to him xD)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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