The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

113K 2.6K 1.7K

Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Turning Point

653 29 43
By Stillwell03

Bakugou POV:

"DIIIIEEEE!!!" I kept blasting villains away with some fucking more keeping the line of defense strong. "JUST GO DOWN WHEN I BLOW YOU UP YOU STUPID ASSHOLES!" Kirishima and me kept blasting holes through the area before the ground below us began to give way.

"Aww shit." We began to fall before Kirishima used a quirk Ichan gave him to stretch his limbs out to grab the still stable ground. We were able to pull ourselves back up before having a blockade between us and the main route to the center of the city. "So what now?"

'We've got no choice. We gotta make a detour. But how is this gonna effect our time and the amount of thugs we'll face?'

"BAKUGOU! KIRISHIMA!" Raccoon eyes came over with Himiko on her back looking like she was a fucking mess.


"We were able to beat the chick that was some kind of reporter, but Toga got kinda banged up from it."

"Dammit....What about you?"

"Not in the best shape, but I'll live." I started to think about the possibilities of going another route now being more difficult.

'If they planned for this, then that means we could be walking into a trap. Now with the fact Himiko's unable to continue and raccoon eyes would have to watch her, that means me and Kirishima would have to deal with this. Now comes the problem though. Should we try our luck with another route and hope for the best, or try and use the route over here by flying over.'

"We gotta move soon. If we don't, they'll catch on and attack us from behind." Kirishima held the back safe in fear of them going that way for me to get an idea.

"Everyone, you might wanna get a good distance away from me." I pulled the handle part of my gauntlets up to point at the army in front of us. "Kirishima! When I give the signal, pull both these pins out and keep your hardening quirk active!"


"JUST DO WHAT I SAY!" He did this for me to take aim. "Not yet." I adjusted the spot where it would land right where the large plummet would end. "Not yet." Some of the thugs began getting the idea to use the sides of the walls to come at us for me to smile being ready. "PULL!" Kirishima pulled the pins for a massive explosion that was way stronger than even the ones I planned for to be let loose. Thanks to a quirk Ichan called 'Double Heat' which increased any explosive compound to twice the amount, the explosion looked like something out of a nuclear bombing test to send both me and Kirishima back into raccoon eyes and Himiko. When the smoke cleared, the area that I was aiming for was gone with a giant crater being made farther back.

"WE'RE ALIVE!" Kirishima shouted with the girls unconscious.

"Well Ichan did warn me that it would be way stronger than my original blast. Guess I'll have to put in a request for a new pair of gauntlets when we're done here." I glanced down to see the explosions made completely destroyed my gauntlets and burn my hands a bit. "The way that was, I'm amazed my hands are still attached to my body. To be honest, I thought I'd fucking lose them." I started laughing for nobody else to have the urge to laugh at me.

"...Katsuki...." Himiko woke up for us to come close to hear what she had to say. ".....You're a fucking idiot...." She passed out again saying this shortly after.

'At least she's alive.'

Before we could move any farther, the sound of something stomping was coming from behind us. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Raccoon eyes woke up to this and panicked.

"More villains?" Kirishima hardened himself for the sound to be coming from where Ichan and his group was.

"No. That's our backup." On cue, a giant monster came out of nowhere charging in our general location.

3rd person POV:

Izuku stood on top of Gigantomachia's head preparing himself for the fight ahead. "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY!?" Ochako was holding onto whatever she could on the giant beast's back for dear life with everyone else in the group doing the same.

"I SHOULD'VE STAYED HOME TODAY! THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!" Compress started to cry a bit while Aizawa held onto both him and Gigantomachia with his capture gear.

"To be honest, I never planned to ride something like this!"

"Not my highlight either Eraser, but our master truly did hold some secrets from even us that were beyond fascinating."

"Just what exactly had All For One done to tame such a creature!?"

"Best guess Yaoyorozu, he gave it tough love." Aizawa grabs Endeavor who slips off and nearly gets lost before Gigantomachia entered the gates of Daika.

"REDESTRO! GET OUT HERE NOW OR ELSE YOUR WHOLE CITY'S GONNA BE BURNED TO THE GROUND!" Izuku had enough of playing nice today for the members of the villain's group to run away at the sight of the beast.

"HEY!" The first group to run into Izuku was Bakugou's group for the AFO user to pat Gigantomachia and ask him to pick up the four teens. "So this thing is Gigantomachia? This guy's massive."

Izuku looked at Toga and Ashido to walk over and use a healing quirk on them. When Toga opened her eyes, she felt sore and groggy. "What happened?"

"You'll be fine. Just take it easy."

She began moving before seeing a dragon come over and drop off the big 3, Inasa and Shigaraki before transforming back int Ryukyu. "So this is our newest member? He's quite the fun guy!" Togata made a joke with nobody laughing before Izuku saw Miruko jump up with Magna and Spinner in her arms with Todoroki pulling Dabi and Stain up with his ice.

"Talk about a welcoming party."

"It's gonna get better Dabi." Izuku stated while patting Gigantomachia to pick up the last group that was making their way over towards them to place the six on his back.

"Dang this thing is huge! What the hell did he eat to grow this size!?" Jirou started patting the giant beast's back before it immediately stopped.

"Alright Redestro. I'm giving you one last chance. Give back Giren, or I come in there to take him back by force!" Izuku shouted up at the penthouse of the tower in the center of Deika before the man with blue hair came charging at them. Izuku dodges and placed his hand on his head to pull out his quirk with AFO. "I'll take that as a no. Alright then. Time to do it the hard way." Izuku walked towards where the lower part of Gigantomachia's back was before getting into a sprinting position. After a deep breath in, Izuku bolted up his new ally's back and jumped off his head like a springboard. "KNOCK KNOCK!"

Izuku broke through the glass and aimed his foot right at Redestro's face to send him flying the other way. "IZUKU!" He glanced over to see the beaten and bloodied Giren ties up.

"Giren! Don't worry buddy, I'll get you Outta there-" He was cut off by a giant fist punching his body out of the building before activating a levitation quirk to stay in the air.

"YOU BASTARD!" Redestro came out of the building beginning to bulk his size to a monstrous proportion that equaled to Gigantomachia. "YOU HAVE BEEN A THORN IN OUR SIDE FOR FAR TOO LONG! IT'S ABOUT TIME SOMEBODY PUTS YOU IN YOUR PLACE!"

Izuku cracked his neck before taking a deep sigh. "Well. I guess it's time to deal with a mid boss battle." He glanced at his friends on Gigantomachia before shouting to them. "TWICE! MAGNA! GIREN'S INSIDE AND NEEDS HELP OUT! WHEN HE'S ON GIGANTOMACHIA, I WANT ALL OF YOU BUT SHIGARAKI TO LEAVE!"


"This isn't a debate Kaachan. Between all of us, only me and Shigaraki will be able to take this guy down." Magna and Twice went inside the building thanks to her quirk sending them in the opposite direction of Spinner before coming back using the same act on Miruko for the three to hold onto something. Meanwhile, Ochako glanced out at Izuku worrying for his safety.

"Hey!" Izuku looked over to see the brunette in fear for him. "If you don't get back safely, I'm going to give you a hell of a kick in the butt later!"

"I'll make it back. I promise." Shigaraki got off of Gigantomachia before the beast went out of the city. "I have no plans to die here."

"YOU MAY THINK YOU'RE AS POWERFUL AS AFO, BUT YOU'RE GOING TO DIE LIKE A DOG!" Redestro sent a fist Izuku's way for the green haired boy to pull his own back.

As if the two were evenly matched, neither gave an inch with Izuku's Shock Absorption and Strength Enhancers bracing the impact. "Seems that probably would've hurt. IMPACT RECOIL!" The pain and vibrations from Redestro's punch were redirected back at him to push the giant villain back a bit. "SHIGARAKI! THE GROUND!" Knowing what he meant, Shigaraki decayed the ground under Redestro for Izuku to come bolting at his head.

"DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE ME, BRAT!" Redestro tried to grab Izuku to take ahold of his left arm and crush it off his body. "That's one limb down, three to-"

A kick to the face made the villain see stars before having his limb regenerate on his body. 'Fortunately I was able to manage enough strength to instantly regenerate that. But I won't if this fight keeps going longer. I gotta finish it quickly.'

Izuku dodged the attacks by Redestro with several of the Liberation Army coming from the city to try and even the odds for their leader. "MIDORIYA! WE GOT PROBLEMS!"

"ENCLOSE ME AND REDESTRO IF YOU CAN!" Izuku had to jump off and to a building before jumping back and kneeing the gargantuan villain in the face.

Shigaraki immediately began doing what he was asked to feel his skin start ripping from the amount of decaying he had done. "I gotta stay strong." Blood came down his arms before remembering how AFO helped him as a child. "I won't let you stop the only person who gave a damn about me's son. YOU HEAR ME! I'LL HELP HIM END THIS WAR OF HIS DAD'S ONCE AND FOR ALL! EVEN IF I HAVE TO RIP MYSELF TO PIECES TO DO THAT!" The ground decayed at a faster rate for some of the villains to get caught and give a warning of what will happen if any of them get too close to it.

"I'LL END YOU, LITTLE PUNK!" Redestro held Izuku inside his hands while laughing maniacly crushing the space between them until there was not even air between the palms. "IT'S OVER IZUKU MIDORIYA! CHECKMATE IS MINE!"

Redestro did not let go and was so caught up in his own self gloating that he didn't feel his hands being kept apart for a small bit of space to happen. He came out of his arrogance the second he felt his hands forcibly open up with Izuku growing larger and turning pitch black. "You think your stress is more than mine? LET ME SHOW YOU JUST HOW MUCH MY STRESS LEVEL IS THROUGH THE ROOF AT A NORMAL BASIS! COMBINATION QUIRK: ENDLESS STRAIN!"

Izuku sent a punch directly at Redestro's face to send him back with the full power of Stress that he copied off of the villain added with several Strength Enhancers. The impact itself made the city's foundations crumble and the villains inside being trapped far away. "No wonder All For One wasn't afraid of giving you this task." Shigaraki looked at the sheer amount of force Izuku had as if he was looking at a god achieving a feat no mere mortal could. "Izuku Midoriya. I have faith that you can end the nightmare and give us who are forced to live in the darkness of this society a guiding light." Tears welled up in the vigilante's eyes seeing the outline of his fatherly figure from the day he met him several years ago. "You'll be the light in the shadows of this world, just like your father."

Izuku stood up tall above Redestro holding a fist in the air to signal he's defeated the villain with both reverting back to their normal size. "S-so. What do you plan to do now, Izuku Midoriya?" The villain struggled to move before Izuku knelt down on him to prevent any distance to be gained.

"First off, I think this gift you were given needs to be taken from you. You've caused too much damage with it to have merit in your hands. Maybe a person in the future will be able to hold this." His hand was placed on Redestro's face to have the quirk he was born with be sucked out to leave the older man now quirkless and weakened from the battle. "Shigaraki. How do we look out there!?"

"We've got police and pros starting to show up! We need to leave now!" As they said this, a portal opened up for Kurogiri to come towards them.

"We must escape. Everyone is already on their way back to UA."

"Good. Perhaps we can get some information out of you-" Izuku looked over to see Redestro with a gun to his head smiling.

"You believe you can win against All Might? Don't make me laugh. Up till now, your endeavors have been nothing more than a nuisance. However, my fall will put you at the top of my master's most wanted list. And now, as my final act as his sworn aid, I will prevent any of his information to be leaked here and now." The villain gave one final smirk to Izuku before saying his goodbyes. "Farewell Izuku Midoriya. A shame I won't get to see All Might end you just like your filthy family bloodline." The sound of a gunshot was heard for a bullet to go directly through Redestro's head, ending his life then and there.


"We need to leave now!" Shigaraki was about to pull Izuku away, but the two found Trumpet, Skeptic and Geten.

"NOOO!!!" Geten was enraged to attack the vigilantes in anger for Izuku to get an idea. He ensnared all three in webs to bring them inside the portal with them.

Reappearing in the gates of UA, every member of the League noticed the villains behind Izuku for Aizawa to ask. "Why did you take those three here?"

"My original plan was to take Redestro alive for information, but that plan backfired when he killed himself. These three however are high ranking members in his faction."

"That means we can interrogate them and gain information that we need." Nighteye was interested with the three being knocked out shortly after by Izuku.

'I'm coming for you All Might. You better watch your back.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku was able to defeat Redestro and obtain some prisoners to gain information about All Might. See how the villain will respond next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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