Bestfriend's Brother.

By DarkDolansss

27.6K 933 528

Toxic is not the same as intoxicating. More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O


1.1K 54 28
By DarkDolansss

(Aurora ; Runaway)

Zhavia's Point Of View
December 30, 2016

Ethan and I swiftly approach the table, Cams sitting next to Xander in her seat, leaning on him. They look so comfortable, cute together. I can tell she's genuinely happy when she's with him.

There is a empty seat next to her, and two empty ones next to Dallas who's on the opposite side of the table with his back facing us, they're talking, but I can't tell about what. Probably something dumb about school or how they're all about to graduate this year.

Cam is the first to see us, when she sees that I'm with Ethan she puts on a fake over exaggerated smile. Xander follows after her spotting us as we walk to them, he throws his hand up which triggers Dallas to turn around looking at us. It doesn't take long for sure to reach the table. "When you said you were coming I assumed you meant you were coming alone." She speaks to me through her teeth not daring to acknowledge Ethan's presence.

Ethan narrows his eyes at her. "It's this attitude that makes me not want to do nice things for you." He aims at her. I roll my eyes ignoring her joking negativity, instead I take a seat next to Dallas, greeting him. "Wow you actually look nice for a change."

Really, I like his outfit today. I look him up and down admiring his nude colored champion hoodie and matching nude sweat pants, the color really complements his olive skin. The string of his hoodie is tied like like a shoe string, no doubt something he did out of boredom. His gold chain and watch make him seem a bit professional.

"You have got to stop hitting on me, you're starting to look desperate Z." It's like he didn't hear the part where I said 'for a change'. He truly hears what he wants to hear. "Your head is so far up your ass I swear."

I turn my head to Ethan to see he's greeting Xander who has his arm around Cam. The exchange hellos and Ethan takes his seat beside me. "Bro Cam didn't tell me you were coming." Xander's tone is full of  enthusiasm, he reaches across the table and daps Ethan up... men.

"That's because he wasn't invited." Cam gives me a look that could kill.. "We were already together and I needed a ride. I didn't think you would mind." I shrug sitting back in my chair. I feel Ethan's arm fall over my shoulders mirroring Cam and Xander. His and rests on my shoulder, his thumb glides back and forth against my clothed shoulder.

"And you wonder why I have a calendar counting down the days till you're shipped off to College.." Ethan says triggering her to flick him off.

"Am I missing something? I thought you were with Grayson..." Dallas brings the attention of the table to him. I didn't even realize I didn't cover that with him.

"Yeah I was gonna ask that too. What's up with you two?" Xander asks with a laugh hoping that will mask any awkwardness... it doesn't. Instead it just accentuates it.

Ethan and I both look around the table, then at each other, we're probably thinking the same thing. Thinking about how to explain ourselves without looking shitty, without having to tell the whole story of what happened in New York. I know I can't.

Lucky for me he speaks up for both of us so I don't have to explain. "She was, now she's not." He looks at me, asking me with his eyes if that right. I look between Xander and Dallas nodding, agreeing with what Ethan said. Plain and simple, straight to the point.

"So you two.. are you like a thing now?" Xander asks cautiously. I feel like I'm being interviewed..

"Something like that." I shrug earning a smirk from Dallas, I can tell he's about to say something slick, just from the mischievous look he has right now. "Something like that? You two are matching right now.

"Yes, on accident. Now enough with the questions. I feel like I'm being interrogated." They all just nod simply letting it go.

"So, aren't you and your brother like famous." Dallas makes conversation, that alone brings a smile to my face. Sometimes I forget about that, what he and Grayson do. Ethan laughs a bit shaking his head no.

"I wouldn't call us famous. We're just youtubers." They always downplay it like there aren't four million people subscribed to them. That four million people who know who they are, personally I don't see how they handle that.. all that attention on them.

Dallas nods listening to Ethan before he himself continues.

"You look familiar... what's the channel name?"

"Uh Dolan Twins... just please don't play one of our videos in front me." He and Grayson get so awkward when people do that. Dallas' eyes widen and his jaw drops a little like he's having a realization. I'd be shocked if he watches them, like really shocked. He just doesn't seem like the type of person. Just from looking at him I feel like he's the type to watch sports videos or something.

"That's what it is, my younger sister loves you guys."
A little sister.. he hasn't told me about her yet. I pretend to look over dramatically shocked by this news. "You have a little sister? You strike me as a only child with how self absorbed you are." His head tilts to the side, and his brows furrow, he's seems almost perplexed.

"What?" I finally ask, all he's doing is starring at me, lost.

He looks side to side, his eyes narrowed, then back at me. "I'm just confused as to why you said it like that's a bad quality..." I can tell he's being genuine when he says it. I put on a stale smile nodding as I speak to him like a child. "Because Dallas... it is." One of his brows raise asking me with his face 'are you sure about that?' before just disregarding the whole thing.

"Wrong, you're completely wrong. Anyways, in some ways I am an only child. I see her when I'm living at my dad's place."

Ethan laughs at the way we go back and forth like kids bickering. "How old is she?" He asks before I get the chance to ask myself, we both give our attention to Dallas waiting for him to answer. His brows raise for just a second, shocked, then confused. Like he's not sure of something.

"She's eleven, maybe twelve. Like I said I don't really get to see her a lot so... where is that waiter?" His whole tone changes, it's clear he doesn't talk about her a lot. He looks at his drink, playing with the straw.

"Your parents, they're divorced?" I ask, I thought his dad lived with him. When we FaceTime there is a man at his house, a man he calls his dad same thing for his mom. I guess I just assumed. "And remarried..." There's a silence that falls over us, a cold awkward silence.

I speak up again, only to be cut off by him. "Wait so where's your dad-"

He scoots his chair back, getting up from the table.

"I have to pee." Is all he says before leaving. That wasn't intense or anything... I look back over at Ethan who just shrugs, he's just as confused as I am. I look at Xander next, maybe he knows what that was about.

"It's kind of a tough topic for him." Xander finally breaks the awkward silence. I nod, I don't really want to ask anymore questions, clearly I've already asked enough.

"Did something bad happen?" Ethan dares to ask exactly what I'm thinking "It's a lot, it's nothing too bad. Just family drama.." Xander shrugs it off.


We walk around the dimly lit sky, yet lit up city joking, talking, enjoying each other's company. It's rare that I get to do this nowadays.

I used to do this regularly with Cam, especially when she first got her license, she and I were out almost every night just doing this. Something about it is so calming. "So that's why she asked me for an Apple Watch? Because you got Z one..." Xander says to Ethan. Dallas, Ethan, and Xander are all walking together behind Cam and I in a horizontal line as Cam and I walk hand and hand.

"You actually asked him for one?" I laugh gently, I bump into her being playful. I didn't think she really wanted one that bad. "Yes but he said no, because instead he got me this bracelet along with these charms on it." I look down at her wrist, it's beautiful, a silver and rose gold bangle bracelet. There's a cute little silver lock charm on it that just catches the eye.

Anyone that knows me knows jewelry is something that just gets me so excited.

"This is beautiful!" I hold up her wrist so they can all see before immediately bringing her wrist back down. I pull away from her completely and turns around walking backwards so I can see everyone.

"You know Ethan, my birthday will be here pretty soon..." He looks at me knowing exactly what I'm doing, he gives me a soft charming smile, nodding, listening.

"Here it comes." Xander says to Ethan, just barley loud enough for me to hear him. "Not that I'm asking you for a gift or anything but that bracelet is-"

"If you want the bracelet Z, just ask." A big smile makes its way to my face, I feel a warmness heat up my chest.

"We can go get it right now if you really want it. All you have to do is ask." I was just joking, kind of. My eyes widen, I'm almost at a loss for words. "I hope you're taking notes." Cam says now standing beside Xander. He takes Cam's hand into his before he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Maybe you should be the one talking notes... didn't she get him a truck? Maybe you should get me one." He shrugs making Ethan and I laugh.

"You want a truck?" She asks.

"A truck would be nice, yeah." He jokingly answers her. "I'll get you a hot wheels right now, let's go." She says with such a straight face.

"I didn't even get Ethan a truck. I helped Lisa and Sean find one and I pitched in a little on the down payment. Lisa and Sean are the ones making the monthly payments not me." Not to mention he and Grayson share the damn thing. "Same thing." Ethan shrugs before engaging in Cam and Xander's conversation.

I continue walking backwards, facing them as they all walk towards me, I make eye contact with Dallas who hasn't said too much since the restaurant.

He stands on the left of Ethan, on the end. His head hangs low, his hands in his pockets. "Dallas, come on walk with me." I gesture him over to me, he steps away from Ethan, Cam, and Xander instead walking beside me taking Cam's place. The rest of them straggle behind us, not too far off. I grab his arm putting it around my shoulders, I lean on him as we walk down the relatively empty sidewalk.

"You're making yourself really comfortable..." He's not used to me and how touchy I can be.

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just really affectionate." He scoffs smirking as though he doesn't believe me, then a silence falls over us.. his smirks melts right back into his earlier mopey face. "Did I overstep earlier? Asking about your parents, your family..." He stares off at the side walk shrugging.

"I'm fine." He states plainly, not answering my question, but instead deflecting it, I tear my attention away from the sidewalk, turning my head to look at him. He's focused on the ground, his every step. "That's not what I asked.." He looks up at me giving me a half smile.

"It's what you really want to know." His tone is sarcastic, as always. No matter what it's obvious that he's very rarely serious. "I'm sorry." I look up at him with a serious apologetic look, he keeps his same sarcastic look.

"No, none of that. I'm really not an emotional person so can we just pretend you didn't completely overstep and ruin my mood..?" He asks jokingly, almost instantly my eyes roll as a knee jerk reaction to him putting on a front. "If that's what you want we'll do it... just put on a better face. You look miserable." It's supposed to be an insult, he cracks a smile like it's nothing but a joke to him.

"I think I was better third wheeling.." He's the one who begged for me to show up in the first place, asshole. "Ouch!" I elbow him in his side, he immediately pulls his arm away from me and off my shoulders. "Damn, you got some pointy ass elbows!" He yells holding his side dramatically like the prepubescent man child he is.

"Do not! You're just a whimp." I stand across from him waiting for him to begin walking again. Ethan Cam and Xander are slowly approaching us from behind us. "Ethan get your girl before I thump her in her fat ass forehead." I can't even help but crack a smile, it's just the way he decided to say it...

"You're so- Hey!" I'm about to launch at him when Ethan finally approaches us and snatches me, picking me up and running ahead of our group as though this is funny. Like I'm nothing more than a child. He spins me around having fun with this. "Ethan! Ethan chill out!" He laughs as I try my best to get out of his grip, but I fail.

"Are you trying to bite me? You psycho!" He giggles, finally when he stops he puts his arm around my waist, walking with me yet again.

I look up at him, leaning on him catching my breath. "You ass, he called my forehead big." I turn my head to the right, staring at Dallas, he's following not too far behind us flicking me off.. I feel myself be pulled into Ethan, he places a kiss the top of my head.

"He's not wrong." He shrugs.


I straddle Ethan caressing his cheeks as I kiss him in the drivers seat. His large hands skim my thighs, sliding up my body slipping under the hoddie he let me have. My hands drop from his cheeks, instead slipping my hand under the bottom of his sweatshirt feeling his abs.

I keep my hands there now starting to grind into him only for him to pull away from our kiss to let a moan escape his lips. His hand fall down my back and onto my ass gripping it. "Z... what is someone sees us?" He laughs softly, I look out the window looking around the darkness. We're parked at the beach, there's nothing to worry about.

"There's no one around, the chances of anyone seeking us are slim to none E." I lean down to him whispering in his ear before I place gently kisses of neck the same way he does to me. My hand now rests on his chest, I can feel his heartbeat pounding right now...

"Does this make you nervous E?" I whisper in his ear seductively, my hips grind into his, I can feel him grow beneath me. That alone is beyond fucking hot. "No." He sounds so sure of himself.

"No?" I ask making sure that's his finale answer.

"Mhm..." I look him in his eyes now, grinding my hips into his, my hand on his chest helping me keep my balance. "Then why's your heart beating so fast?" It comes out innocently before my smirk takes over.

"You are so fucking hot, keep this same energy Z." He leans forward dipping his head down, kissing me neck. This move makes me putty in his hands...

Before we ever get to go farther his phone rings and buzzes in his pocket. He halts all his actions, his hand resting on my ass, he reads the caller ID before sending it to voicemail. "Who was it?" I can't help but ask...

"Just my mom, I can call her back."

I giggle wrapping my arms loosely around his neck.

"That's a fair point." I shrug, I lean in and just like that his phone rings again stopping us. Annoyed he pulls out his phone again this time showing me that it's her. "What does she want?" I ask amused.

"Probably just to know where I am." He hits decline and not even a second later he gets a call again, this time from Sean. My head falls back a bit annoyed myself now. "E just take it, something could be wrong." I try to get off of him, but he hold on to me keeping me in his lap. "It will only take a second." He assures me, he kisses my forehead and picks up the phone.

He places his phone to his ear. "Yeah Dad what's up?" I can hear Sean and a couple of other voices speaking frantically, but I can't make out what they're saying. Ethan's brows furrow listening to them now making me nervous. "Wait wait dad slow down what? He what?" Ethan asks, something hits the pit of my stomach, worried something might actually be wrong...

"Where is he now?!" He asks frantically.

'What's going on?' I mouth to Ethan, suddenly my phone begins to ring. I pull it out of my pocket and it's no one but my dad. I get off of Ethan sitting myself in the passenger seat. I hit decline, I wanna know what's going on with Sean before I answer my dad. "Yes that's her phone she's here now- I'll be there, okay dad. Bye." He hangs up looking stressed.

"Ethan what happened? What'd he say?" Suddenly my phone rings again, I look at him and he looks at me as though he's waiting for me to take the call, so I do.

"Z wherever you are, get here now-" He sounds kind of calm while the background sounds chaotic. The only voice I can make out is Sean.

"Dad? What's wrong whats happening?"

"I don't care! She is my daughter she's done with you people! I swear to god you better get him out of my sight before I kill him!" He yells at whoever he's with right now, he sounds... pissed.

"Dad, Dad! What the hell is going on over there?"

"Why would you even do this? Why would you do something like this?!" I hear Cam's voice in the background.

"Just tell Ethan to get you here. Tell him to get you here now before I call the cops, bye."


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