Rosetta Sage

By MittensAndLickey

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Previously called Rosetta Sage: You Me And The Space Between #1 in Rosetta April 19-24 2021 _______________ ... More

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By MittensAndLickey

Rosettas POV

"Morning sweetheart. It's time to wake up" I hear papa say as he's lightly shaking me.

"Mmhh. No. I want to sleep" I whine and papa chuckles

He stops and I hear the door close

"Morning baby" I hear an angelic voice and feel a kiss being placed on my lips

"Morning Cass. What are you doing here" she laughs sweetly and walks around to the other side of my bed and pulls me onto her lap once she's seated

I open my eyes groggily and start to play with her raven locks.

"I know I said I'd drive you to school but I figured I could drive you to work as well. Unless you don't want me to" she asked making sure it was ok with me

"Course. Now hush it's sleeping time" I say close my eyes and cuddle into her chest

"Alright but only for a few minutes."

I snuggled even further into her and was out like a light

"Baby get up" she said and I felt the bed dip.

She then whistled and called for Belle.

All of a sudden I felt small slobbery puppy kisses being placed on my face

"Are you up now" Cass asked

I groan and sit up once I open my eyes

"What's this" I ask looking at the breakfast in bead tray filled with foods

"I figured that we could have breakfast together before you have to get to work" she said while sitting across from me.

She then leaned over the tray and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Come on we have half an hour before we have to leave" she gave me the utensils and left to go get drinks.

I waited patiently wanting to eat together she eventually came back with a coffee for her since I only like certain types of coffees and a glass of orange juice for me.

"Here you are" she said handing me my glass.

"Thanks" I say with a smile

"So spring break is coming up soon and I was thinking that maybe we could go on a mini vacation for a day or two. It wouldn't be that long so you could still do whatever you wish or had planned." Cass said rather adorably.

"I'd like that. Also I had been texting Lilah last night when I woke up in the middle of the night and she said she starts spring break a few days after so we have some time. I really wanted to spend time with her too"

"Alright" she said with a smile. With that we went on eating our breakfasts and made occasional conversation.

"Baby it's about time to go. Go get changed and I'll clean this up" Cass instructed me. Like she told me I went and got changed in my bathroom into something for work and she cleaned up the tray along with our dishes.

"Ready" she asked me once I stepped out.

"Yeah let's go" I kissed Belle on the head and left for work. Apparently the only person she truly obeyed was dad and he said she was like a little helper in the kitchen wanting to taste test everything.

"I have to talk to June about something so I'm going to come in with you but other then that I'll se you later baby" she said at the entrance of the cafe

"Ok. I'll see you later" I said and she hugged me knowing how I get embarrassed easily.

"Bye" I said and gave her a quick kiss and hurried in.

She smiled behind me as she went and found June

Once I got my apron on I went to the bar and started making orders that June never got to do yet.

"Hello Miss but can I get a coffee and a croissant." I smiled

"Why of course madam" I fake gasp

"I must say this place isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's under managed and understaffed" I giggle a bit

"Very funny Sofie what are you doing here on your day off."

"My mom wanted a coffee and a croissant" she sighed. Her mother wasn't the easiest to deal with. Even if the meal was perfect it either took to long or is now cold.

"Course. Also happy birthday" I smile

I then take out ten dollars from my wallet and put it into the register I order a slice of coconut cake and a rose tea for Sofie.

"Happy birthday" I smile and give her the plate and coffee cup filled with tea.

"Oh I didn't order it but here" she say taking out her wallet But I stop her.

"No no no. My treat. It my birthday gift to you. Also tell her that I took to long. It's the least I could do." She smiled gratefully and went behind the bar with me and gave me a hug. She then went back in front of the bar and enjoyed her slice of cake.

The day went on and I got a few texts here and there being from Sofie Lilah and Cass. River and Ry also stopped by and we talked for a while.

Overall and surprisingly it had been a good day. Though I had to serve a man who gave off suspicious vibes. But not a big deal.

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