Independent Row

By Ryufath

2K 237 132

Rowenthal is just a young man who could not move on from all the chaos that is plaguing the whole State, spec... More

1. Twelve, An Unlucky Number
2. Random Favors
3. Vending Machines
4. Boyish Invasion
5. Loaded With Wheels
6. End Of The Deal
7. Something Familiar, But Different
8. Monkey Trouble
9. Debts Will Always Be Remembered
10. Evidence Killer
12. Defender Of The Palace
13. Black & White Conference
14. Gloomy Goomy
15. The Maverick's Treaty
16. Deep Fried Monster
17. Saving Dan Campbell
18. Dorris & Tomika
19. The Royal Trail
20. Karma Desires Vengeance
21. Realization
22. The Pros
23. The Elimination Method
24. Connecting Back
25. New Radicals
26. Random Favors II
27. Offline Cybersecurity & Communication
28. The Italian Intervention
29. School Shootings, Typical
30. The Anti-Bullying Elimination
31. Welcome To NJ
32. Stick Up & Reunite
33. The Old Mountain Goat
34. The Simple Apology
35. White In Darkness
36. Random Favors III
37. Connecting Back II
38. The Warehouse Breach
39. Insensible Rest
40. Random Favors IV
41. Black In Brightness
42. Freedom Is Never Free
43. Departure & Blame
44. Clocking The Tower
45. Mental Favors
46. Mental Revolution
47. Random Favors V
48. Eastern Cliffhanger
49. Bitter Unleash
50. Connecting Back III
51. Random Favors VI
52. The Order Will Affect You
53. The Little Things [Rescue Grover First]
53. The Little Things [Rescue Salala First]
54. Infamous Row
55. A Matter of Delusion
56. The Request For Quest
57. America Welcomes Their Prince
58. Welcome Back To The Conflict
59. Bare Memories & Sights
60. Setting A Mallcrasher
61. Tooled Inside
62. Honor To The Nicaraguan
63. Firm Supplies
64. Bombarded
65. It Matters
66. Shipment Dispatched
67. Doing A Patrol
68. Tooled Inside II
69. Connected
70. Cherished Efforts
71. The Truck
72. Fichero & Faila
73. The Truck II
74. The Mailei
75. Love And Thunder
76. The Independent Crossover Heist
77. The Cons
78. Dysfunctioned [Confront Gargamel]
78. Dysfunctioned [Confront Salala]

11. Trade For Trade

13 3 3
By Ryufath

Hours later after calling Beau, Gargamel still has the strength to smoke hard.

"Quite some long lungs you have Gargamel!." Smiled Row as he walked to Gargamel's place

"Mock me one more time, I'll kill you with one!." Angered Gargamel for no reason

"Relax, I was only sarcastic." Calmed Row

"Yeah well screw that, whatever sarcastic means. It means a joke yes?." Said Gargamel awkwardly

"Uhm.......yeah." Said Row after hearing that awkward question. Row then wanted a cigarette, Gargamel gave one to him, he even lit the fire for him.

"Well uhm.......thank you Row, for.........saving my life......I never thanked anyone before." Thanked Gargamel

"Don't mention it, next time, don't go crazy." Said Row

"Yeah yeah, Why are you here?." Asked Gargamel

"I was doing a job......then it didn't go I have to fix it, in hiding." Said Row looking at the skies while finishing the smoke

"I see. The IYCRs, who are they?." Asked Gargamel

"We are a couple of nobodies who look out for ourselves to survive." Said Row as he threw the cigarette

"Or cure, I heard from the Georgian coward." Said Gargamel

"Yeah." Said Row

Gargamel laughed and asked; "But. But, but why would you try to heal this Youth Conflict, if it is like....I don't know, impossible."

"For me well, I have nothing left to do. Ask Hoover my leader, well, he clearly knows the plan to all this." Said Row

"And you follow him, like a puppet?." Asked Gargamel with a joke

"He is wise......well only if he is not angry." Said Row

"Ok." Said Gargamel

"This Ms.Aran. Your mother I mean.....why do you guys keep talking about her?." Asked Row

"It is tough." Said Gargamel being a little oppressed by her disappearance

" she dead?." Asked Row

"No. She is in prison." Answered Gargamel

"Oh." Realized Row

"She got in jail about like two years ago, The people said she would return her back at January, but she never came back." Said Gargamel

"I see." Said Row

"Does she love us?. Why is it taking so long?. Did she leave us?." Asked Gargamel

"I don't know but........I feel bad for you. I am sorry." Grieved Row

"Yeah. Without her.....I don't know, life sucks, especially with brothers and a sister I hate so much!." Angered Gargamel

"Least you have each other." Advised Row

"Nope, we don't, we never have been. They think I am out of control, bunch of losers!!!." Mocked Gargamel with laughter

"So Ms.Aran keeps you guys together?." Asked Row

"I......Guess." Then he coughed and snoozled like a pig

"Are you ok?." Said Row suspiciously

"What?. You never seen people like me before." Row was hinted about his

"No." Said Row

"Ever smoke weed?." Asked Gargamel

"Bowed to never do that." Said Row

"Whatever, thing is. I don't get it, why would everyone hate me for taking drugs, even police. It is not like they'll turn me to bad guys or something, can you believe that Row?." Claimed Gargamel directly

"I'll let you judge your testament." Said Row

"Huh?." Gargamel was confused

"Forget it." Said Row

"I know. Forget everything." Said Gargamel

"That is not what I mean you idiot." Moaned Row for Gargamel's stupidity again

"No. If we forget about this, maybe life would be ok. I wish I could.......forget about everything, this, my troubles, the loss, everything." Claimed Gargamel wishing for things to be hood

"Have you considered suicide?." Suggested Row

"Who do you think I am Row?." Asking Gargamel for what person Row take him for

"A dumb fool." Mocked Row

"Ugh!." Gargamel then had an idea; "You know Row. I am starting to like you, after this and you saving me. Could. Could you do me a favor?."

"What?. Kill you, so it won't count as suicide?." Asked Row

"Screw you. No!. There is this guy, as old as you, I betted a lot of money. You are tough, tell him to leave me alone." Said Gargamel naively with a smile, begging with an act

"I am not in the extorting business, I am just a sociology student." Said Row

"Come on!, pretty please." Begged Gargamel as he put his face close to Row

"Hehe, nope." Row still rejected straight

"There you go, you suck big time you know that?!." Angered Gargamel

"So what?!." Bombarded Row

Gargamel was clueless that; "Uhm......yeah you suck!."

Row then talked to Gargamel closely; "Listen to me boy. For a college student like me, fighting in a conflict where children and teens fight for hierarchy, technically being more mature than any adult can be; You should know, I am not the guy you like to mess around with. So we cool?."

"Ugh fine!. You are just like the everybody else, all are snakes." Blamed Gargamel

"Not everyone!." Claimed Row

"Shut up. Ugh!. You know my life is not well." Angered Gargamel

"I don't need to be so curious about life." Laughed Row

"Of course you're not, that is because you ain't an orphan like me. You don't know what it is like to lose a father and mother." Angered Gargamel

"Well you don't know what it is like, to lose your parents, your orphan guardian, and the mate you call brothers, who died in a midst. Now let me tell you, are you grateful now?!." Roasted Row again, that got Gargamel real hard

"Now that you said it, nope. But man!, I got many debts!!." Argued Gargamel

"Then stop gambling you hoodlum." Said Row

"It's fun, and easy money." Gargamel couldn't resist

"Luck never turns out the way it is kid." Said Row

"Don't call me a kid, I'm 19 now. I wish I had the power of luck, I wouldn't be in debt with Big Mike, Alberto, Conan, Jackie......" listed Gargamel

"That is why I would never be in the extorting business." Laughed Row hearing Gargamel's list

"Sure sure, be what you like. Ugh!. Who else?. Jeremy. Daryl Johnson. Little Johnson. Big Johnson. Scary Poppa. Snado. Goran Pickle. Little Tennessee. Robert Jore........" Gargamel listed as Row heard someone familiar

"Wait. Say that name again?." Asked Row to repeat

"Robert Jore?." Said Gargamel

"The other one." Said Row

"Robert Jore." Said Gargamel stupidly

"THE OTHER ONE!." Yelled Row

"Little.............Tennessee?." Said Gargamel being confused on why Row is asking such questions

"Uhm....a little further." Said Row

"What is this??!!." Angered Gargamel being annoyed

"Did. Did. Did you say Goran Pickle?." Asked Row

"Uhm.....yes. What about that dude?." Asked Gargamel

"You. You know him?." Asked Row again

"Sure. I play card games and get drugs from him."

Row then had an idea so that he could fulfill his old friend's wants "Is he still here?." Asked Row

"In Vegas yes, but he moves a lot. Why?, is there something you need from him?." Asked Gargamel

Row smiled and had an idea; "Tell you what kid. I'll do that favor, in exchange, you tell me where Goran is."

"Hehe. Now who's talking." Agreed Gargamel

"What's the favor again?." Asked Row

Gargamel then said; "There is a guy, he has a lot of friends, not Mafia, hehe, not even the police. Just some guys who act tough. Name is Mickey, I betted with him the highest. I call him Mickey Mouse, based on his facebook page, he is having a party at a pool house in griffin street. I want you to pay him a visit, and tell him to stay away from me. The $2000 is mine."

" advise, stop betting." Mocked Row

"You don't tell me what to do." Said Gargamel, smoking again

Row then left heading to Mickey's party, as he arrived in Griffin street, only one house with loud DJ music was heard, it was the only party there is on the street. Row parked the Baleno and entered the party directly, with the sloppy guards not paying attention and was late to warn Row, being in fear of trouble. Mickey was with two girls, and some guys, the girls were hugging him

"Excuse me. Who are you?. You are not invited." Said Mickey being disturbed for his romances

"I need to speak to you." Said Row

"Well here is your message. Invitations only. Go away!." Lured Mickey, while his friends laughed

"Well I got a message for you. From Gargamel Zondar." Said Row

Mickey quickly pushes the girls away after being alerted selfishly "Oh so he wants to mess with me now. After all this time. Boys, kick his butt!." Mickey ran to a sauna to hide.

Row jump-kicked a man to the fence. A man punched from the back, Row countered and punched his face back two times. Then he punched him again two times and sweep kicked him. He then punched a thin man five times he was weaken, a fat guy grabbed Row from the back, Row disarmed off him, he then grabbed the fat guy's hands and threw it to the thin kid, a super pound.

He grabbed a guy, he punched two times then uppercut him. A guy punched Row, Row said "ow." In monotone, grabbed the guy and smashed him to an Alcohol box. A guy punched Row, Row dodged, he grabbed him, he pushed him far and hard, he saw a vending machine and kicked him to the vending machine, just like Mr.Jeffrey's vending machine. Row then roundhouse kicked two guys in a row.

A guy punched Row in the back, Row grabbed the punch, and step-backed him, breaking his back. A kid with a cap punched Row quick, Row dodged quick, flipped the cap downwards blinding him, and kicked his testicles.

Mickey then came out with two bodyguards, Mickey was holding a hammer. "So you're brave enough to mess with me, tough guy!. Guards, let's show them the professionals!." Threatened Mickey.

A guard kicked Row, Row dodged, and threw the guard in the pool, then he dropped the barbecue to the pool, making the pool oily and dirty, blinding and spicing the guard's body. A guard punched Row in the back, then he grabbed Row to the wall. As Row was held still, Mickey swung the hammer, Row dodged his head, and kicked the guard's stomach. Then he smashed him down the grass. Mickey then gave a heavy hit, Row dodged smoothly and UPPER KICKED HIS CHIN, FINISHING MICKEY.

Mickey was frightened and gave up, covering his face. "Relax Mickey, I am just a college student, maybe like you. I'm not gonna kill you, just a message remember. Forget about Gargamel, leave him alone. You think you can do that?."

"Yeah. Ow. Yeah yeah. Sure man. Cool. No history." Panicked Mickey

"Exactly, not a word!." Row took mineral water available in the broken fending machine; "Now excuse me."

Before Row left; ""

Row stared half and said; "I am just a guy filling his emptiness."

Arriving back at the house,

"My goodness I thought you wouldn't make it." Laughed Gargamel seeing Row while smoking in the table

"Wouldn't call that a compliment." Said Row, then he sat down with Gargamel

"You're good man." Commented Gargamel

"Well.......Goran. Where is he?." Asked Row

"To be honest. I don't know." Said Gargamel. Row gave a serious angry face. "What?!. I am honest ok. He moves a lot."

"Is he here?!." Asked Row hardly

"I think." Said Gargamel

"Do you know the last time you meet him?." Asked Row

"Sure, he was treating me some margaritas in Breeze Bar back then." Remembered Gargamel

"Ok. Anything else you did with him in the past?." Asked Row

"We're not really close friends, we don't go down like that. Well. He treated me back then because he was paying my debt." Described Gargamel

"Ok. More please?." Ordered Row to tell more

"Well.............We usually gamble during the first time we meet. But uhm.....he is quite a guy you do not want to mess with." Remembered Gargamel

"I can tell. So he gambles, where?." Asked Row

"Anywhere I believe, he is always desperate." Said Gargamel

"So he gambles, he ever treated you in Breeze bar. Any credit card?." Said Row

"He stole one I believe, a guy like that can't necessarily have one, he did use it for the bar I remember, he failed the pin two times." Remembered Gargamel vividly

"When was the treat?." Asked Row

"It was.........last summer if I remember correctly." Remembered Gargamel

"Hmmm....I see. Thank you." Thanked Row

"What is with Goran?. You two got history or something?." Asked Gargamel

"Nope my uhm......childhood friend has. He wanted to......teach him a he told us, if we find him, we get him. Now that you found him. I thank you." Said Row

"The IYCR is weird you know that." Laughed Gargamel

"I guess. You gonna miss him if he is well.........." asked Row

"I.....uhm......don't really know." Uncertain Gargamel

"Well. Like you said." Row then left the table "Keep forgetting things."

Row went to the kitchen for some mineral water, then he saw Xac cutting the chicken, preparing dinner, with a dagger.

"Is that a dagger?." Row saw

Xac answered; "Uhm.......yes."

"Where did you get that?, the black market?, dealers?. Convenience store?." Asked Row curiously

"Hehe. Nope." Xac joined the laughter; "Nope. parents were killed with this dagger, and when I found it I well.....kept remember them at least."

"Oh. I am so sorry." Apologized Row, feeling bad

"It is ok. We need to get over grief sometimes. That is one thing that could keep us together, fighting against grief." Said Xac while putting the chicken pieces to the pot

Row was impressed. He then left to his room, to make a conference call.

"Well if it isn't Row. First time leading the conference?." Greeted Hoover

"Hope you don't mind my awkwardness." Said Row

"Come on man we ain't like that. We cool dog." Said Frewer

"He is right. So Row?, what's the holdup?." Asked Hoover

"It is for Troy mostly. You should know. I know the whereabouts of Goran Pickle." Said Row

"YOU DO???!!!. WHERE THE HELL IS THAT GREASEBALL????!!!!." Screamed Troy in surprise and angry satisfaction

"Dude you don't have to yell like that bro!. My ears!!!." Hurt Frewer

"Easy Troy, hehe, I only know about his whereabouts. But one thing for certain, he is in Vegas." Said Row

"How do you know?." Asked Beau

"There are these........broken dysfunctional group of orphans, who lived alone and lost their guardian. There has been a constant of arguments over this house, and I'm living with them for now knowing the valley is not safe anymore without the sheriff. But anyway, one of them, named Gargamel, he is a 19 year old gambler, he usually plays with him, he told me some details, so Beau, I need your research, maybe Frewer can help them too." Explained Row

"TELL ME!!!." Begged Troy

"Ok man. Look. One obvious thing, he gambles, a lot, even at caesar's place I assume. Another thing, he has a fake credit card. Maybe there is a whole permutation to this, but there is another detail; he and Gargamel ever hung out in breeze bar last summer, and used that fake credit card. Try scoping out some credit cards between those two factors." Revealed Row

"Oh dear that's a lot of research and deep learning I must do." Moaned Beau

"Don't worry take your time, we are not slave owners. I'm impressed Row, well done." Whistled Hoover

"Well done indeed!. When I find that boy, I'll kill him for what he DID TO ME!." Angered Troy

"Calm down ok Troy!. Save your breath. Row, since he is in Nevada, and assuming you are there. I guess you do better stay longer than the contract promised you too." Suggested Hoover

"Yeah I still need to look for sheriff Campbell though. I owe him that." Said Row

"I see. Just stay with those..........orphans ok. Maybe tell us more about them." Said Hoover

"I gotta sleep. Thanks for the call. Call me back Beau. And Troy, your time will soon come." Farewelled Row

"I better prepare a flight ticket." Troy Said

"Right and guys. About that thing I am talking about these days. Just to remind you, try to earn some money, legal money that is, so that we could fund it. Stay strong independents, this is Hoover, and Hoover is out." Closed Hoover like a reporter

Row then slept again, while hearing constant arguments of Grover and Dorris, fighting over loyalty and promises.

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