I am Iron Man

By SolarEclipse7525

245K 5.5K 4K

Male Reader x Infinite Stratos As long as (Y/n) can remember he was nothing short of a genius too bad he was... More

The Escape
Class begins
Things get complicated
Unwanted Teen Drama
Vote up
Two New Students
The Truth Comes out
The Past Revealed: Part 1
The Past Revealed: Part 2
Trying to Mending Old Wounds
Returning In a Mess
The Mistake
The Battle
Finding a Cure
Warm Summer Days
New Semester, New Student, New Problems
Making Up For Lost Time
The Armor War Begins
Relaxing with Games and Parties
Bonding with friends
Yet Another Attack
Date with Charlotte
Dating Maya
Measuring Up & Chemical Warfare
Field Trip
The Iron War
Things get from bad to worse
Chasing a Ghost
New Job
Situation Changes
World Purge
Beautiful Lies
The Beginning of the End
Assessing the Situation

Behind Enemy Lines

1.9K 64 24
By SolarEclipse7525

Maya: "You what?!?"

Cecilia: "At the time we thought it would be a good idea"

Rin: "Look, I know that I messed up, I've already had a mouthful from (Y/n)"

Houki: "Enough you two, we've messed up."

Ichika: "And because of us (Y/n) is in that bed."

Everyone was silent unsure on what they should do, they messed up and now (Y/n) is paying the price in that hospital bed.  Before the conversation can continue both Tatenashi and her sister Kanzashi run up to Maya since she is now in charge.

Kanzashi: "Ms. Yamada, Ms. Yamada, there's something you have to see."

Maya: "Can it wait, I'm -"

Kanzashi: "It's about where Ms. Orimura, and where she might be?"

Maya: "Our, conversation isn't over.  You girls are still in trouble."

Maya then walked with Kanzashi to her computer, the others were about to follow behind but were stopped by Tatenashi.

Tataenashi: "Listen I heard what you did, but right now I've got to keep my head clear.  I know that you had good intentions and I understand that this may sound like a broken record, but you nearly got him killed. "

Obviously Tatenashi was angry at them, and everyone can tell that she was doing her best to keep her emotions in check.  She soon walked away to check on you, leaving the others to their shame.  Meanwhile Maya was with Kanzashi, who showed her a computer with an S.O.S signal coming from an island.

Kanzashi: "Ms. Yamada, right now we've got a signal that's coming from this island.  This could possibly be Ms. Orimura calling for help, so I would suggest that we should head out-"

Maya: "Or this could also be a trap."

Kanzashi: "What?"

Maya: "We just lost Ms. Orimura, we don't know where Tabane is, and (Y/n) is in a hospital bed.  Right now I'm the only certified IS user here, and I have strict orders to stay here and protect you."

Kanzashi: "But isn't Ms. Orimura, your friend?"

Maya: "Yes, but right now she's trusted me to do the right thing.  Right now we are weaker than we've ever been, so I can't have a risky operation of a possibility."

Kanzashi: "That's understandable"


An audible slap was heard across the lobby, both Maya and Kanzashi turn to find Houki was the one who slapped Rin.

(One minute ago)

Ichika: "So what should we do?"

Cecilia: "What do you mean?"

Houki: "He means that how do we make this up to (Y/n)"

Rin: "Why, we apologized."

Houki: "When (Y/n) apologized to us, was it enough?"

They all looked at each other, knowing that each held a grudge where (Y/n) had to make things right for them, all except Ichika.

Ichika: "Houki's right, we should do something for him."

Cecilia simply rolled her eyes, not liking the idea, but knows when she messed up so she will try to make it up to you.  Rin however -

Rin: "Why do we have to make it up to him?"

Ichika: "Because-"

Rin: "No, he's been nothing but an asshole!  If my memory serves correctly he nearly killed you Ichika when he let his pride get in the way!  He's insulted you about your family Cecilia, and why did you start defending him Houki!"

Houki: "Because I forgave him for all the things he's done, and he did the same for me.  So we had a new start, where we respect each other.  I suggest you do the same."

Rin: "I will never forgive that bastard, I refuse to forgive him for what he said about me and my family!  He can die for all I care-"


Everyone began to stare at them.  Rin was in shock that, Houki, the girl that once said the same thing to (Y/n), would slap her.  Even Houki was shocked that she slapped her.

Houki: "Listen Rin, I'm-"

Before she finished, Rin ran off.  Houki was about to go apologize to her, until Ichika grabbed onto her shoulder.

Ichika: "I'll go talk to her."

Ichika went after Rin, as Houki was pondering that if she made a mistake.

Maya: "Houki are you okay?"

Maya's hand was on Houki's shoulder, Houki saw Maya's worried eyes and was now aware of how busy the hospital was.  She notices people who are being wheeled in on stretchers, ranging from people who were bleeding badly to people who look as if they were on the verge of death.  She now realizes that if it weren't for (Y/n) there would have been even more people hurt.

Houki: "I don't know?"

Maya pulled Houki into a hug, she knows that everyone was very stressed.  Even more so since now they now have the weight of possibly killing (Y/n).

Houki: "I'm so sorry"

Houki stood there unable to do anything until both Charlotte and Tatenashi came running down the hall.  When Houki saw them she did her best to put herself together.

Maya: "What's wrong?"

Charlotte: "(Y/n) is gone"

Houki: "You don't mean?"

Tatenashi: "No, he's just disappeared."

(Meanwhile with Rin and Ichika)

Rin ran outside only to see the destruction of the city, when that dragon erupted from the mountain.  Multiple sections of the city were destroyed by boulders that erupted from the mountain, there was even giant footprints that crushed some buildings.  She saw thousands of people trying to find anyone who are trapped, hurt, or looking for their loved ones. 

Rin: "I never noticed this."

Rin never had the time to actually take in the damage the dragon caused, and how (Y/n) reduced the damage the best he could.

Ichika: "Rin!!!"

Rin: "Ichika, what are you -"

Ichika ran up to hug Rin.

Rin: "Ichika what the hell are you doing you idiot?"

Ichika: "Comforting you, I know you've been through a lot of stress.  So I know you don't actually mean what you said."

Rin: "Get off me, Ichika!  I don't need your sympathy I -"

Ichika: "No you definitely need this, I know you don't hate (Y/n), so tell me what's wrong."

Rin: "Of course I hate him."

Ichika: "No you don't, what's wrong?"

Rin: "I hate - I ha - I - "

Rin was on the verge of breaking down, unable to even complete the sentence.  Tears were running down her face and she sank into Ichika's chest.

Rin: "I hate myself, I hate that I'm so pathetic.  I hate that (Y/n) is right.  I hate that I can't help you or anyone, and all I do is make things worse."

Ichika: "Rin, your the bravest person I know, and your not pathetic.  I should know your my childhood friend."

Rin: "Your wrong, I'm a coward, I can't even face my fear."

Ichika: "Rin, I know you have the strength to overcome anything"

Rin looked up to Ichika, Rin then began to move closer to Ichika and soon pulled him into a kiss.  Ichika was wide eyed but soon melted into the kiss, while Rin felt like the she was floating on the clouds.

Rin: "Thank you Ichika, I think I'm ready to go back."

Ichika: "Uh, yeah uh cool."

They both saw that Tatenashi was running to them.

Ichika: "Tatenashi, what's wrong?"

Tatenashi: "It's (Y/n), he's disappeared."


You were flying through the sky in a new armor than the one you left the hospital with.

You flew at high speeds to where the S.O.S signal was coming from, arriving on an island in an abandoned building.

Jarvis: "The frequency is coming from here."

(Y/n): "Alright, let's head in there"

Jarvis: "(Y/n), you know that this could be a trap"

(Y/n): "I know, but what if it isn't, what if it's actually Chifuyu.  I'm not taking that chance."

Jarvis: "Also (Y/n), you've got to worry about your injuries"

Most of your body felt sore but what hurts the most was the chemical burn you got from Fing Fang Foom.  Although right now your the best hope for her, and you plan to stop this Mandarin once and for all.  You bust into the building to find that it is empty, it looks as if it hasn't been used in a long time.

(Y/n): "It looks like it's abandoned, you sure it's here Jarvis"

Jarvis: "(Y/n), there's movement under this building and some of the walls are hollow - (Y/n) move!"

You moved as soon as Jarvis told you, using the thrusters to fly into the air only to realize that the floor has been laced with electric wiring, that probably would have short-circuited your suit.

Jarvis: "It seems they were expecting us"

Some of the walls suddenly opened showing AIM soldier who fired weapons at you.  You began to dodge the best you can since some of these weapons were meant to penetrate tanks.  After a few seconds one of them manages to hit you and you were launched out of the building.

(Y/n): "Ow, motherfucker."

AIM soldier: "Get hi - ack"

He was shot them with a repulsor ray, the others tried to shoot at you but weren't able to with the shoulder mounted pin missiles.

(Y/n): "There that should take care of them, any more surprises Jarvis"

Jarvis: "There's a few other soldiers underground but other then that, no."

(Y/n): "No?"

Jarvis: "Sir, there's two trapped at the bottom, both female."

(Y/n): "It can still be a trap so be aware Jarvis"

Jarvis: "Understood sir."

You head into the building fighting anyone who would get in your way, which was surprisingly easy, too easy.  You reach the bottom only to find a reinforced steel door in your way.

(Y/n): "It can't be this easy"

You break through the door with little to no effort.

(Y/n): "Apparently it is that -"

(Y/n): "- Easy"

Before you could get another word in she charges at you trying to cut you with her katana's.

(Y/n): "Wait, Chifuyu it's me, (Y/n)."

She continues her onslaught of slashes which begin to hit, it seems that she trumps you in speed and experience.  Plus you really don't want to hurt her, so it was a good thing your armor was able to handle all of the strikes for now.

(Y/n) :"God damn it, Chifuyu just listen to me!"

You managed to catch one of her arms, although this didn't last though when she kicked off the wall and put you in an arm bar.  She was still surprisingly strong, and if this keeps up she can seriously injure you.

(Y/n): "Fuck this!"

You decided to pick her up with the arm she's trying to break and was about to be slammed to the floor, but before she hit the floor she let go and back flipped kick you.

Tabane: "(Y/n), Chifuyu is under some kind of mind control.  You have to beat her."

(Y/n): "Tabane?"

You were surprised for a second, giving Tabane a second to bring a hailstorm of slashes again.  Although this time you realized where she's aiming for, the armors joints, where it was at it's weakest. 

(Y/n): "Chifuyu if your in there, sorry"

You threw a punch, she easily dodged the attack and slashed you in the neck, shoulder. and behind your knee.  You threw a kick, she sidestepped and threw more slashes to your abdomen and the back of your shoulder.  The same thing keeps repeating for the next minute, at that point you had to go on the defensive since you were getting your ass kicked.  At this point you were up against the wall unable do anything, and you felt your armor getting weaker, you had to think of something quick.

Jarvis: "(Y/n), you can't beat her in close quarters combat!"

(Y/n): "Analyze her fight pattern"

Jarvis: "Scanning"

For the next few seconds, which felt like forever, you were getting your ass beat.  Stuck in a corner with blow after blow, slash after slash, she was wearing down your armor.

Jarvis: "Fight pattern analyzed"

You caught the next sword strike which surprised Chifuyu, she was left frozen for a second.  

(Y/n): "Let's kick her ass"

You shot her with a low powered repulsor ray, she was still human even with this armor, so you still had to be careful not to kill her.  Even with this worry you began to dodge and counter every attack that Chifuyu.  This went on until she threw another strike at you which you successfully predicted, you threw your arm up to shatter the blade.  What happened next surprised you, she didn't stop her strike and manages to pierce the area around your shoulder.

(Y/n): "Fuck"

Blood started to pour out of the wound, but you used this opportunity to headbutt Chifuyu which caused her to fall unconscious.

(Y/n): "Fucking hell"

Tabane: "(Y/n), you have to go now!  Mandarin was using us to buy time-"

(Y/n): "I know"

Tabane: "Huh?"

(Y/n): "I tracked his energy signature on how the Mandarin was traveling, teleportation.  So when he showed up in one location while your S.O.S. was at another, I thought it was either one of those choices where you had to stop the villain or save the hostage kind of situation or it was mere coincidence."

Tabane: "Wow, so either way you chose both."

(Y/n): "Yeah, and right now I believe that Mandarin is having a hard time now."

(10 minutes ago elsewhere)

Mandarin: "Is everything in order"

MODOK: "Yes, soon the world will bow to us."

Mandarin: "Yes, but let us not trip on the finish line"

MODOK: "Of course master"

Mandarin looked around to see that he was surrounded by IS units and other various weapons of mass destruction.  He walked out to meet his iron legion and phantom task, who were both arguing with Justin Hammer who was in a wheelchair.

Justin: "I'm doing the best that I can"

M: "Well then hurry up, and I need you to make this armor better"

Justin: "I can just stop you know."

Autumn: "If you do, we will kill you"

Whiplash: "Calm down all of you, we've got to stay alert"

Squall: "He is right, we only have a few minutes left.  So stay vigilant."

Obadiah: "That boy ain't going to come, he'll be too busy saving Chifuyu.  Quite predictable for the hero to save the damsel in distress."

Mandarin then left to attend some other business to attend to, he walked into a private room where he saw Titanium man or known as Albert Dunois.

Albert: "Oh Mandarin, sir!"

Mandarin: "Something seems to be troubling you."

Albert: "It's well uhm it's about my daughter"

Mandarin: "Yes as agreed she'll have a place in the new world."

Albert: "It's just that she saw me and -"

Mandarin: "I let that not dissuade you of your mission, I will need you in this new world."

Albert was scared to get Mandarin, but his proposition that was proposed to him was promising.  Especially since his company is going out of business, so when he made a deal with the Mandarin he basically had no other choice.

Albert: "Of course Mandarin"

Albert put on his helmet, but when he did he noticed multiple signatures heading to their location fast.

Titanium Man: "Sir we have multiple hostiles approaching"

Mandarin: "Then tell the others and take care of it"

Titanium man ran through the hallways until he reached both Phantom task and his other colleagues.  Although it was too late he saw the Iron man there, no an army of Iron men that surrounded the building.

Whiplash: "Get ready, we looks like the boy brought the war to us"

Titanium Man: "Get ready"

Squall: "Damn it, has that freak gotten the other unmanned IS ready"

Just as Squall said that an army of unmanned IS units were ready to fight the army of Iron Men.

(Back to (Y/n))

You did your best to bandage Chifuyu and Tabane up with whatever supplies you had.  Once you were finished healing them up, you got out of your armor having Jarvis carry them until they made it safely out.

(Y/n): "Hey Jarvis can you get me a new suit"

An armor that was surprisingly close was headed your way, you recognized it as mark 42.

(Y/n): "Nice choice Jarvis, the prodigal son returns. "

He started to slowly attach to you piece by piece, and once on you flew into the distance as fast as your suit's power can take you.

You soon arrived on the island that you found when you fought MODOK and phantom task, it had nearly a hundred unmanned IS there fighting with your army of Iron men.

(Y/n): "Looks like the party started without me, well let's give them a few party favors.  Jarvis, get two with me."

Two Iron men armors stand by your side and fire simultaneously at the wall with your repulsor ray.  After making an entrance for yourself you head inside to have Jarvis scan the area.

Jarvis: "It seems that there's two different groups one guarding a computer while the others are at fighting the others."

(Y/n): "Well it looks like we are off to the computer room then."

You know that they wouldn't be guarding that computer if it wasn't important, plus you have a gut feeling your going to meet a familiar floating head.  It's about time you had a rematch, you run down a series of hallways and downstairs where you find a large room with multiple arc reactors to power the entire place.  

Obadiah: "I knew you'd come here (Y/n).  I plan on having our rematch."

(Y/n): "I swear, I'm going to break you!"

You quickly flew to Obadiah, who manages to swat you out of the air, launching you into a wall creating a large crack in it.  You fired two of your repulsor rays which he sidesteps and fires a minigun to you.  This causes you to fly to the side, and fire another repulsor ray but this time on the floor causing a dust cloud cover the entire area. 

Obadiah: "Where are you little guy"

You were sneaking around behind him, and jump onto his back and pull some of the wires that were connected to his helmet.  He then grabbed you and slammed you onto the floor, knocking the wind out of you, and before you could react he stomped on you.

Obadiah: "Did I get you kid, I don't know what you did but now I can't see."

He takes off his helmet which reveals his face.

Obadiah: "Yeah that's better, let's do the same for you."

He manages to rip off your helmet, where now you see each other face to face.

Obadiah: "Well, what's the matter no witty retort, nothing to say?"

You were angry but you had to calm down, you were making mistakes in this fight.

Obadiah: "Well it was nice knowing you."

You activated the thrusters causing some him to stumble backwards.  You fire at him with a full powered repulsor ray mixed with the unibeam causing him to fall backwards onto one of the arc reactors.  He began to get electrocuted by the arc reactor causing some of the lights to turn off and on, with the smell of charred human flesh began to fill the air.  This causes you to cover your nose, you were horrified as you watched Obadiah be killed.  It was over when you heard the thud of obadiah's body hitting the floor.

(Y/n): "Burn in hell, Obadiah."

You take a breath only to find out that a few of your ribs have been broken, you feel incredible pain for every breath you take.  You decide to keep on going because this was the end, you planned to end this once and for all.

(Y/n): "Come on (Y/n) you can do this, Jarvis any help here."

Jarvis: "I'm doing the best I can sir."

Jarvis inject morphine into you, to help with the pain.  You head into the what you can probably say is the control room, where you find the familiar floating head, MODOK.

MODOK: "So you finally made it, those fools can't even protect their most precious asset"

(Y/n): "This ends here MODOK, surrender now and nobody gets hurt"

MODOK: "Foolish child do really believe that you can beat m-"

Before you can finish you fired two repulsor rays at him, with the armor coming off of you and Mk. 42 charging MODOK while you bolted for the computer.  While MODOK was distracted with Mk. 42 you decided to sabotage their plans, although you only had a couple of seconds to do what you can. 

(Y/n): "Alright Jarvis, tell me are you in the computer."

Jarvis: "Give me a second."

(Y/n): "Jarvis I may not have a se-"

You heard a loud crash, you then couldn't move your body as if something was holding you.  You were pulled off the ground and was turned around to face MODOK.

MODOK: "No more tricks, I'm going to kill you and be done with this."

(Y/n): "Jarvis!"

Jarvis: "On it sir"

Behind MODOK were two of your suits heading to your location, they both fired repulsor rays but only met MODOK's shield.  Although this was enough to stagger him and let you go, one of the armors wrap around you while the other was keeping MODOK busy.

MODOK: "Enough, you've been a thorn at my side for too long"

MODOK used his psionic energy to put a field around both you and the armor that you weren't in and slowly shrunk it planning to crush you into a ball.  You put your arms around the field doing your best to prevent him from crushing you, while you charged up a full 100% energy purge unibeam.   Modok realized what you were about to do and put up a shield, when the unibeam hit his shield MODOK was struggling against the powerful force.  His shield soon broke and was encompassed within the Unibeam.  MODOK surprisingly survives this blast but was obviously in critical conditions.

(Y/n): "Jarvis, are you done?"

Jarvis: "Yes sir, self destruct sequence activated"

(Y/n): "How much time do we got?"

Jarvis: "Five minutes sir"

You get into the second armor and begin to fly out of the building, although you were clotheslined out of the air by a familiar man, a familiar Titanium Man.

Titanium Man: "You not going anywhere"

(Y/n): "Oh give me a break, listen leave now or you may die."

Titanium Man: "You are mistaken, today will be your day to die."

He tried to throw a punch at you, you easily caught his fist and threw your own punch to his head.  He threw another punch at you, but this time you grabbed it and pulled his face to your knee, which you activated your thrusters hitting much harder.  You brought your elbow on the top of his head, which caused a crack in his helmet again, but this time you tore it off when you saw the crack.  This revealed just who is Titanium Man, and notice that he looks similar to Charlotte.

(Y/n): "What the?  Are you related to Charlotte Dunois?"

Titanium Man: "You know Charlotte?"

(Y/n): "Yeah I'm her friend, now who the fuck are you?

Titanium Man: "I'm her father, Albert Dunois"

(Y/n): "Hol' up, WHAT?!?"

Albert: "Listen, I've never wanted this I just -"

(Y/n): "Listen we don't have much time, right now this place is about to blow and if you want to help Charlotte you'd get out of here."

You didn't have much time to talk so you decided to cut to the chase and ask him to leave you alone and leave this building.  You began to fly out of the building and you suggested he do the same, unknowingly to you he'd use this opportunity to warn the others.

Albert: "Everyone we got to go NOW!!!"

Autumn: "Why were winning, look now their retreating"

M: "Wait where's the Obadiah"

Albert: "I don't know but we don't have much time"

Whiplash: "Spit it out, what's going to happen?"

Albert: "The building's going to blow up."

Mandarin: "Then it's about to take our leave.  You know where to find me."

He opened a portal for himself walked through himself but only himself, since he closed it immediately once he was through.

Squall: "Shit we need to go"

Everyone began to fly away, even picking up Justin Hammer all heading away from the building.  By the time they were leaving you were already on the other side of the island, with a radar of the energy reading of when the Mandarin teleports.

(Y/n): "You see what I'm seeing, Jarvis?"

Jarvis: "Yes, it seems that he teleported although it seems that he's alone."

(Y/n): "Alone, why is- You know what it doesn't matter."

Jarvis: "(Y/n), your still wounded, you've gotten more wounds now since you keep fighting"

(Y/n): "Right now we can end this once and for all, understood Jarvis."

Jarvis: "Yes I understand that sir, but how far are you going to go to end this?"

(Y/n): "Whatever it takes"

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