Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

152K 3.9K 1.4K

When the world starts to crumble around you, when you feel like you've lost everything, you gain a new perspe... More

Exile on Main St.: Part One
Exile on Main St.: Part Two
Exile on Main St.: Part Three
Exile on Main St.: Final Part
Two and a Half Men: Part One
Two and a Half Men: Part Two
Two and a Half Men: Part Three
Two and a Half Men: Part Four
Two and a Half Men: Final Part
The Third Man: Part One
The Third Man: Part Two
The Third Man: Part Three
The Third Man: Part Four
The Third Man: Final Part
Weekend at Bobby's: Part One
Weekend at Bobby's: Part Two
Weekend at Bobby's: Final Part
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Part One
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Part Two
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Final Part
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part One
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Two
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Three
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Four
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Five
You Can't Handle the Truth: Final Part
Family Matters: Part One
Family Matters: Part Two
Family Matters: Part Three
Family Matters: Final Part
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part One
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part Two
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part Three
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Final Part
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part One
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part Two
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part Three
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Final Part
Caged Heat: Part One
Caged Heat: Part Two
Caged Heat: Part Three
Caged Heat: Part Four
Caged Heat: Final Part
Appointment in Samarra: Part One
Appointment in Samarra: Part Two
Appointment in Samarra: Part Three
Appointment in Samarra: Final Part
Like a Virgin: Part One
Like a Virgin: Part Two
Like a Virgin: Part Three
Like a Virgin: Part Four
Like a Virgin: Final Part
Unforgiven: Part One
Unforgiven: Part Two
Unforgiven: Final Part
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part One
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part Two
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part Three
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Final Part
The French Mistake: Part One
The French Mistake: Part Two
The French Mistake: Part Three
The French Mistake: Final Part
And Then There Were None: Part One
And Then There Were None: Part Two
And Then There Were None: Part Three
And Then There Were None: Final Part
My Heart Will Go On: Part One
My Heart Will Go On: Part Two
My Heart Will Go On: Part Three
My Heart Will Go On: Part Four
My Heart Will Go On: Final Part
Frontierland: Part One
Frontierland: Part Two
Frontierland: Part Three
Frontierland: Final Part
Mommy Dearest: Part One
Mommy Dearest: Part Two
Mommy Dearest: Final Part
The Man Who Would Be King: Part One
The Man Who Would Be King: Final Part
Let It Bleed: Part One
Let It Bleed: Part Two
Let It Bleed: Final Part
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part One
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part Two
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part Three
Author's Note

The Man Who Knew Too Much: Final Part

3.5K 65 88
By queenofdeansbooty

You've been pushing for more than an hour, and still no baby. You can't keep doing this because it hurts too damn much. Your entire body is red, your face is almost popping blood vessels, you're very sweaty, and all you want is to go to sleep and rest. Dean tries to help you, but there is nothing he can do that will help this. Your magic has been off the rails trying to protect your body from the pain, and you're more than lucky that Dr. Grayson doesn't comment on the sharp threads of magic coming out of your body.

"This hurts, Dean, I can't do it," you wail as your body takes a break.

"Y/N, you're almost there. The head is crowning, okay? You just have to give a couple more hard pushes, and she here," Dr. Grayson tries to encourage.

"I can't," you shake your head and cry.

"Look at me, Y/N," Dean says and moves your head so he's the only one you're looking at. "You are the strongest woman I have ever known. You have been through more pain than this, and I know you can push through this. Just think, once this is all over, she is going to be here. You will get to hold her and kiss her and watch as she smiles and looks right back at you. I know it hurts, okay? I can hear and see it, but you have to keep pushing. Okay? You're almost there."

"Okay," you nod, accepting his speech for what it is.

He tightens his grip on your leg and hand as he gets you ready to push again.

"Okay, push," Dr. Grayson commands.

You scream out in pain as you push a living, breathing human out of your very small vagina. The epidural did shit against this kind of pain, but all you think about is your daughter once she finally gets out. You take a deep breath and push one more time, and that's when her head pops through.

"You're almost there! Give one more hard push, Y/N. You got this!" Dr. Grayson smiles.

Your next push isn't as strong as the other ones are, but it doesn't matter. You sob at the final push, and your daughter's entire body is pushed through. It's like a wave of relief crashes down over you as your womb is finally free, and your vagina closes once the foreign body is removed. You lay back in your bed and just sob, and Dean pushes back all the hairs that have stuck to your forehead.

"You did it, she's here," Dean smiles.

"Would you like to cut the cord, Mr. Winchester?"

"Dean is fine, and yeah," he nods.

He grabs the scissors that Dr. Grayson handed to him and takes a look at his daughter. She is purple and gooey, but she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. The umbilical cord is throbbing a bit, but he cuts where Dr. Grayson told him to cut. The cord is a lot squishier than he thought it was going to be, but he's glad it's over. Any pain he got through all of this doesn't amount to what you just went through.

"Why can't I hear her cry?" you cry. "I can't hear her crying."

"Relax, right now, Y/N. We're going to do everything we can to help her breathe."

"Breathe? She can't breathe? What is going on?" you ask, but they take her away without answering your questions.


"Aperit fauces eius ad mundum nostrum, nunc, ianua magna aperta tandem!" Crowley yells as he finishes the spell.

Bobby looks up and around the room when nothing happens. Something must be wrong. Wrong place, wrong time... wrong ingredients.

"Mm-hmmm. Maybe I said it wrong," the demon sighs.

Bobby groans as he sits up, and when he hears the flap of wings, he looks behind the angel and the demon to see Castiel standing there with an empty jar of blood.

"You said it perfectly. All you needed was this," Castiel says and sets the jar down on the nearest table.

Bobby musters enough strength to stand up, but he doesn't dare intervene.

"I see," Crowley sighs and walks to the walls where the spell is to touch and taste the blood. "And we've been working with dog blood. Naturally."

"Enough of these games, Castiel. Give us the blood," Raphael orders.

"You–Game's over," Crowley gasps at the archangel. "His jar is empty. "So, Castiel, how'd your ritual go? Better than ours, I'll bet."

Castiel closes his eyes just as a bright light comes from him. It fills the room, and Bobby has to shield his eyes from how bright it is. Apparently, so do Crowley and Raphael... and that's saying something. Castiel did the spell and got the souls from Purgatory... he actually did it.

"You can't imagine what it's like. They're all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls," Castiel grins maliciously.

He's drunk with power, and if he doesn't get rid of the souls soon, then he's going down a rough hole.

"Sounds sexy. Exit stage Crowley," Crowley says and disappears.

He's smart to do that before Castiel can get the drop on him. Raphael, on the other hand, looks frightened over this power. He can't seem to disappear like the demon did, and Bobby figures it has something to do with how much power Castiel currently holds.

"Now, what's the matter, Raphael? Somebody clip your wings?" he chuckles.

"Castiel, please. You let the demon go, but not your own brother?"

"The demon I have plans for. You on the other hand..." Castiel snaps his fingers, and Raphael explodes into a million little pieces. Blood spatters all over the wall and floor, and Bobby covers his face to prevent any from getting on his skin. The angel blade that Raphael was holding falls to the floor, and the noise it makes rings throughout the room. "So, you see, I saved you."

"Sure thing, Cas, thank you," Bobby nods.

"I assume Dean is with Y/N right now?"


"I see, well you doubted and fought against me, but I was right all along."

"Okay, Cas, you were. We're sorry. Now let's just defuse you, okay?"

"What do you mean?" the angel asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"You're full of nukes. It's not safe. So, before the eclipse ends, let's get them souls back to where they belong."

"Oh no, they belong with me."

"No, Cas, it's messing with your brain," your dad warns.

"No, I'm not finished yet. Raphael had many followers, and I must punish them all severely."

"Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. Dean nearly died for you, twice. Sam and Y/N all sacrificed a lot for you, and I actually let you use me for whatever you needed. So if that means anything to you... Please. Dean lost Lisa and Ben, who knows when Sam is going to wake up, and Y/N is giving birth to a daughter who I know would love to meet you. Don't make us lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all."

"You're just saying that because I won–because you're afraid. Dean isn't my family. I have no family," Castiel says.

This is the first time he notices the person behind Castiel, and his eyes widen when he sees it's Sam. He's awake, he looks not dead, and he's going to stab Castiel with an angel blade. The blade slides right into Castiel's spine, but it doesn't faze him–not with that much power anyway. Sam pants as he backs away from the angel, and Castiel just chuckles. He removes the blade and gently sets it on the table.

"I'm glad you made it, Sam, but the angel blade won't work because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So, you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord, or I shall destroy you."


"Why can't I hear her crying? Please, someone tell me what is going on?" you beg.

No one answers you because you finally get the relief you've been waiting for this whole time. Your daughter fills her lungs with air and starts crying, and you just sob at the sound of it. Dean places his head on your forehead as he lets a few tears fall at his daughter.

"Can I hold her?" you ask.

"We're cleaning her up, Y/N. Right now, you need to get the placenta out of you. I know you're tired, but you have to push again," Dr. Grayson says.

She's right, you are tired, but the sooner you do this, the sooner you'll see your baby girl. You grab Dean's hand and push, letting out soft cries of pain. It feels like if someone had placed a balloon inside of you and filled it to the brim with water. It's big and it hurts, but once you push it out, there is truly nothing left inside you. You gasp at the empty feeling and rest your head on the pillows.

"You're bleeding a lot, so I'll clean this up and stitch you," she says.

She uses soft gauze to clean the blood, but what she sees is amazing. Every rip and tear you got is now closing as a result of your magic. It's healing you of any cut you got during this process, so there is no need for stitching. Dr. Grayson has seen a lot of things, but never this. Ashley knows what is happening, so in order to prevent you from being poked and prodded at, she shares with her about what is going on. After all, she is the one who got her hooked on the Supernatural books.

"Of course," she nods and gets the area cleaned up.

One of the nurses brings your daughter wrapped in a pink blanket. She isn't crying anymore, but she is hungry and desperate for her mother's affection.

"Here you go," the nurse smiles and lays her in your arms.

You just sob in happiness at finally feeling her in your arms. She has a beautiful head of hair, and you can only imagine what it's going to look like one it grows out. Her eyes are a dull blue, but they will get their color in a few months. Freckles softly dance across her cheeks and nose just like her father has. She is perfect in every sense of the word.

"Hi, baby. You're my little angel," you cry and finally give her, her very first kiss on the head. "I'm your mommy."

"I'm your daddy," Dean says emotionally from right next to you.

"She's absolutely gorgeous. Do you have a name for her yet?" the nurse who brought her to you asks.

"Joanna Beth Winchester," you finally reveal her name.

"That's a beautiful name. We can sign paperwork and the birth certificate later. Right now, I bet she is hungry. Why don't you see if you can't get her to latch on?"

You look down and pull your left breast out in the open. The nipple is hard and raw, but you present it to her so she knows this is where she will be eating for a while. She opens her mouth and seeks out the nipple. She doesn't have any teeth, but it hurts a bit when she finally does latch on. She gets in a good rhythm, and you just sigh happily. You're so in love with her.

"We'll check back in with you later on. We'll give you time alone," the nurse says.

They clean the room as much as they can before leaving it until it's only you and Dean left.

"Look at what we made," you cry and smooth her hair back.

You look at Dean with the biggest smile you've had in such a long time. In Dean's hand is the ring your dad gave to him, and he presents it. You look at it, but your mind doesn't comprehend what exactly is going on until he says it.

"Marry me."

"What?" you gasp and look into his eyes.

"Listen, I've been a dick this whole time, and I am so sorry. You didn't deserve the hell I put you through, and I know this would have all been prevented if I had just listened to you. I know that now, and I am so sorry it took me this long to realize it. I love you, Y/N, more than anyone in this whole world. Lisa and Ben are gone for good, and it's a long story, but just know that what Lisa and I had will never be what you and I get to have... if you'll let me.

"If you let me, I'll spend the rest of my life proving you I am the man you deserve to have. I miss you, Y/N, and it feels right to take this step for you. I should have done this a long time ago, way before we broke up."

"That's all I ever wanted to hear from you," you whisper emotionally.

"So, will you marry me?"

"Yes," you cry and nod.

He takes your left hand and slides the ring onto your finger. It fits perfectly on your finger, shining so bright to let you know that it's right where it belongs. Dean tips your head back and kisses you firmly on the lips, and you almost break down crying right there and then. You've missed the feeling of his lips on yours, that you've almost forgotten what it's been like. Through this journey, you realize that you've been wandering around in the dark, not knowing where you're going or if you'll make it back home.

But you've somehow made it home, and into the arms of the person you love the most.

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