Goode Day to be a Demigod

By bluetoac

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After the war with Gaea was over, life for demigods was slowly settling down, and was going back to whatever... More

Chapter 1 - Aftermath of a War
Chapter 2 - Run in with monsters at the mall...
Chapter 3 - We love a good - slightly traumatising -nightmare!
Chapter 4 - Is Percy a Siren?
Chapter 5 - School?!
Chapter 6 - Giving a teacher a heart attack - maybe?
Chapter 8 - Grover!
Chapter 9 - So Percy has a nightmare and decided to attack his friend...
Chapter 10 - Latin and Swimming
Chapter 12 - PIZZA!
Chapter 13 - How are we going to explain the scars?
Chapter 14 - How are we going to explain the scars? pt 2
Chapter 16 - Nail Polish
Chapter 17 - Jackson-Chase?
Chapter 18 - Camp Half Blood!
Chapter 20 - PTSD causing problems at school...
Chapter 21 - Sports Lessons (Boxing with Annabeth and Percy)!
Chapter 22 - SWIM MEET
Chapter 24 - School Trip!
Chapter 26 - First day of Field Trip done!
Chapter 27 - Spicy food :)
Chapter 28 - The White House Elevator! - What could go wrong..?
Chapter 29 - Annabeth's old school friend
Chapter 30 - Beach Trip!
Chapter 31 - Poseidon gives decent marriage advice?
Chapter 32 - Percy has a Plan to tell Fredrick he's going to propose
Chapter 33 - Getting Godly Blessings For a Proposal...
Chapter 35- Camp knows about the proposal! and Hunter vs Camper Capture the Flag
Chapter 37 - REVEALING THE PROPOSAL TO GOODE (and a run in with Luis and Stacy)
Chapter 38 - Army of Monsters VS Percabeth - Who wins ?
Chapter 39 - Who are their godly parents?
Chapter 40 - Tip! I don't recommend mugging Percy Jackson...
Chapter 41 - To have a wedding you have to plan a wedding!
Chapter 42 - Wedding dress shopping!!
Chapter 43 - Cake tasting & inviting the mortals!

Chapter 7 - When people attempt to get between Percabeth...

5.6K 90 97
By bluetoac

A/N : 100 READS!! WOAH thanks guys :)

After their Ancient Greek class, Percy and Annabeth didn't have any classes together until after lunch. This meant that while trying to walk to her other lessons, Annabeth was stopped four times by people wanting to know if she really was his long lost sibling ("Do we look like siblings?") and three times to be asked out by guys, because no one actually knew how she knew Percy. 

She contemplated judo flipping the last guy, he had slung his arm around her like she was expected to just go along it. When he didn't remove his arm after she told him to get it off, she really did judo flip him, and no one approached her after that. 

She had a history lesson with Charlie, who told her what happened in her first class was spread around the whole school as soon as the class was over and that everyone knew.

"But it's been two hours since that class. How does everyone know?"

"This is a building of over 200 teenagers with one collective interest. Of course everyone knows."

"Good Gods, almost as bad as Pipers cabin." Annabeth muttered, turning to face the teacher again. Charlie looked confused for a second, but ignored it, and focused back onto the lesson. Annabeth was soon not paying attention, having been living in literal history for most of her life, and the fact that they were learning about a war her dad had talked her head off about already.

After that lesson, Charlie and Annabeth made their way to the cafeteria, first walking to where they said they would meet Aliyah to go to lunch together. She scanned the lunch hall automatically, like she had been doing to every room at school, looking for entrances and exits, but instead found Percy waving at her. He looked up at her and beamed, waving her over so she could come and sit with him.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go sit with Percy, come with. There are a few seats left." Annabeth offered to her new friends, and rushed towards his table, an equally large smile on her face. People started watching as she made her way over to the table, having heard the rumors that she knew him, but Annabeth ignored them. Percy stood up and Annabeth engulfed him in a hug. She missed him even though they were only apart for a few hours. Hey, they had minor separation anxiety, sue them - it's reasonable with what they went through.

"Hiya, Seaweed Brain." She murmured, her voice muffled as she buried her head into his shoulder.

"Hello, Wise Girl." He replied, quietly so only she could hear. "Missed you."

"Missed you too." She paused breathing in his scent, "Everyone is staring aren't they."

Percy chuckled, but she felt his head moving as he looked around the room. "Yep, I don't know why this is a surprise though. I have said multiple times that I have a girlfriend." He placed a kiss on the crown of her head, then let her go. "Do you and your friends want to sit down with us?"

He then turned around to sit down and realised practically everyone was still staring at them. So, he made an announcement :

"Yes, Evryone, I have a girlfriend! I have told people before! Yes she is also hot as fuck![*Cue slap from Annabeth*] Ow, Annie! [*cue second slap*]Now please, go back to eating your lunch, thank you!" Everyone laughed and went back to their meals, still looking up every now and again, a couple of the popular girls glaring at Annabeth.

Annabeth took the seat next to Percy as he sat back down. She waved her friends over, motioning to the empty seats opposite her, "Sit down guys. Perce, would you mind introducing us?"

"Oh, of course," He turned to his friends who were staring at Annabeth, a shocked look on their faces. Percy looked at them smugly and said, "Told you she was real. Anyways, guys this is Annabeth, my girlfriend, and her friends Aliyah and Charlie, correct?" They nodded, surprised he knew their names. "These are my friends from the swim team, Ash, Aaron and Karl. The rest of the team is sitting over there, with their various girlfriends/boyfriends/partners, so it's just us."

"They abandoned us." Karl said sadly, "We lost another over the summer."

Aaron snorted and replied snarkely, "You're just jealous cause you've never had a girlfriend".

Karl punched his shoulder, "Hey! You didn't need to shout that for the world to know! Now you've scared off prospective girlfriends!"

"What, you mean the new girls on the table who look like they could kill you with a glance? Good luck with that man."

"AaRoN! StOp EmBAraSsInG mE!"

Aliyah and Charlie laughed at their banter, "Well, Charlie is your only prospective girlfriend, sorry to break it to you. Asexual lesbian sitting right here!"

"At least I have one chance!" Karl sighed as Aaron rubbed his arms, which definitely had bruises now.

"You guys are ridiculous!" Ash stated, shaking their head fondly "It's nice to meet you guys, Annabeth especially, though none of us thought you were actually real, so sorry about that." Ash apologized on behalf of their friends.

"Didn't think I was real? Why is that?" Annabeth asked curiously, looking at Percy's friends with raised eyebrows.

"He described you like some sort of mystical being. No one could be like that unless they were like half god or something." Ash explained.

"Half-God you say?" Annabeth remarked, turning to look at Percy who was chuckling quietly. "Interesting theory." She chuckled a bit at the irony as well. "Alright, well I'm gonna go grab some food, any suggestions?" Charlie and Aliyah got up with her, the three of them having sat down before getting food unlike Percy and his friends.

"The pasta today is the best option. If you eat the fish I'll kick you off the table." Percy joked. 

Annabeth shook her head fondly, "Don't worry, Perce. Besides, I doubt school fish is edible."

The three of them walked up and got food as Percy turned back to his friends, who all simultaneously slapped him.

"Ow! What was that for, you dickwads?!" He exclaimed, surprised.

"Why didn't you tell us she was coming to the school?! A warning would have been nice!" Ash screeched.

"I tried! You kept interrupting me! And then the topic changed!"


"And what? You just wanted me to randomly blurt out that my girlfriend, who you thought was made up, was coming to Goode?" Replied Percy, exasperated.

"Okay, when you put it like that, that's fair." Aaron conceded. "Sorry Perce, just a little surprised!"

"Nah it's fine, kinda funny as well, seeing your faces."

"So, how do you know her?" Karl asked, shovelling food into his mouth.

Percy finished his mouthful then replied, "We go to the same summer camp, we met when we were twelve."

"You've been dating since you were twelve?!"

Percy snorted, "No, we started dating just over two years ago. She hated me when we were twelve."

"Ah, enemies to lovers." Aaron sighed in happiness. "My favourite trope in real life."

"Did she go with you, when you disappeared then?" Ash asked, because the couple were both quite similar, they thought. Both of them acted the same whenever they met new people or walked into a new surrounding - whether they realised it or not. They always immediately sized up people, as if looking for the best way to take them down in a fight, and always making sure they could see the exits in a room.

Also, from what Ash could see of Annabeth's skin, it looked like they both had scars - granted they could only see Annabeth's hands and legs, but they were littered with small pale marks, which they had seen on Percy during swimming. Now that they were thinking about it, they had never actually seen Percy's skin, other than his legs and hands, and on the rare occasion arms. Percy always wore a long sleeve swim top, and even though their coach gave him shit about it, he never went without it. But everytime they saw his skin, there were scars everywhere. They knew that wasn't right, but something was telling them not to worry about it and their head was going cloudy, like covered it was covered in fog and - and what were they thinking again?

"Hey Ash? Ash?" Someone waved a hand in front of their face. "You okay?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Zoned out for a second. What were you saying?"

"That she was with me for most of my disappearance, but I left without her first. That was when I got injured, and we only met up again after I was partially healed." 

"Interesting. You know a lot of people from this camp, didn't you say you knew Rachel Dare from there?" Aaron chimed in, having finished his food.

"I met her one summer, then she joined camp a bit after. One of the reasons I wanted to come to Goode was because she recommended it." Percy explained, he was going to carry on talking, but got interrupted by Karl muttering, "Stacy, six o'clock." 

Percy rolled his eyes in annoyance. Stacy. That one girl that thought everyone was obsessed with her, and even though most people hated her, she somehow managed to remain popular. She had been asking Percy out ever since he joined, and he always declined because he was dating Annabeth. Hades - they were practically married, they couldn't live without each other.

"Heeyyy Percy!" She greeted in a sickly sweet voice, sitting in the seat next to him without an invitation. She leaned over and laid a hand on his arm, invading his personal space and making him squirm away from her.

"Hi Stacy. What do you want?" Percy asked politely, refraining from cutting her hand off with Riptide and instead just removing it with his hand.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me, on saturday?" She breathed out, in what was probably supposed to be a flirtatious smile, but made her look like a creepy clown.

"I already told you, and announced to everyone like ten minutes ago that I have a girlfriend, so no." Percy reminded her. "You're also sitting in her seat, so it would be very much appreciated if you could get up and go away."

"Yeah, well I don't see a girlfriend, and besides, I'm probably much better than she is. Just give me a chance, Perce!" She whined, not realising Annabeth and her friends had come back and were standing behind her. They set their food on the table loudly, hoping to catch her attention and dispel the situation without too much drama. It didn't work.

"Well, now you see her. Stop touching my boyfriend, you're making him uncomfortable." Annabeth ordered coldly, causing Stacy to look up and see Annabeth with her arms crossed, and glaring with piercing grey eyes.

"Who are you? Talking to me like that? Percy, tell her to go away!" Stacey demanded.

"Are you dumb or deaf? I said I'm his girlfriend, scram." Annabeth made shooing motions with her hands. Everyone at the table stifled their laughs, wanting to see how this was going to end. Aliyah and Charlie were silently cheering on Annabeth, wanting to see Stacey get put in her place, as she had been borderline homophobic to Aliyah, and just a general bitch to the entire female population of Goode High. People from other tables were starting to notice what was happening, and were also cheering on Annabeth.

"Excuse me!" Stacey exclaimed. "Ho-!"

"Yeah, Excuse you. Now, get out of my seat before I pick you up out of it myself, and put you with the trash where you belong. My boyfriend is very uncomfortable with you touching him, and he has told you no on multiple occasions. No means no." There was a collective ooh from the students watching. Someone was passing around popcorn.

"I'll have you know you cannot speak to me like that! My father -"

"Oh no, not the daddy card!" Annabeth sighed in mock defeat, rolling her eyes. "No. I don't care who your father is, and besides, if you met Percy's dad you would know not to do that. I'm also sure that when explained the full conversation he would know why I'm about to do what I'm about to do."

"What your about to do? What - !" Her shriek was cut off as Annabeth lifted her up out of her chair like a bag of potatoes and marched over to the otherside of the cafeteria. Everyone shuffled around so they could see what was going to happen, munching on their lunch like they were in a movie. Annabeth dumped her unceremoniously into a chair next to the trash and saunterd back to Percy, who was staring at her, awe in his eyes.

"My girlfriend is so cool." He whispered, but everyone heard. Everyone also agreed.

She pushed his jaw closed, "Close your mouth Percy, you're going to catch flies." 

Then she sat down and started eating her lunch like nothing ever happened. The cafeteria was silent, staring at Annabeth in awe, the only acknowledgement to what just went down a smug smirk on her lips. Everyone's heads whipped back to Stacey when she finally got over her shock enough to move, and immediately started glaring at her. Stacey left the cafeteria in a rush, not looking back.

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