Root Of All Evil.

Oleh Bhettiboop

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21 contestants compete for 10 million dollars. If you win the challenge assigned by the co-owner Joe, you wil... Lebih Banyak

Week 1 - Roomates.
Week 2 - "Tuba" diving.
Week 3 - Play Ball!
Week 4 - Pig Out.
Week 5 - RACEists.
Week 6 - Sexual Healing.
Week 7 - Truth or Dare.
Week 8 - Quiz Show.
Week 9 - Blindsided.
Week 10 - Knockout.
Week 11 - "Why do you deserve..."
Week 12 - Thriller.
Week 13 - Football.
Week 14 - Pot of Gold.
Week 15 - Stripper's Poll.
Week 16 - Tug of War.
Week 17 - Bullseye.
Week 18 - Flagged Down.
Week 19 - Peers.
Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]
Week 21 - $$$. [Part 2.]
The Reunion! [Part 1.]

The Reunion! [Part 2.]

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Oleh Bhettiboop

“But you won’t say shit to my face though.” Roc said as he gave Justin C an angry glare from the top row.

“Roc stay your ass up there. Stop trying to be all tough on TV.” Justin C said in a blunt tone as he closed his eyes, and shook his head.

Roc stood up, walked all the way into the lower row, and sat in Justin C’s seat. He was closer to the stage, and he wanted to be close in him just in case he tried to do something crazy.

“Why did you move up here, Roc?” Joe asked.

“I just wanted to be closer to the stage.” He smiled.

“Alrighty. Can we do ourselves a favor and not fight on this reunion?” Joe laughed in a worried tone.

“Ain’t nobody trying to fight him, Joe!” Roc said putting his hand out. “I just wanted to move a little closer. That’s all!”

“Alright.” Joe said looking at the crowd as everyone laughed. “Justin C. You were the one person in the house who had no friends, but managed to make it far. How did that feel?”

“What these people didn’t understand, is that I didn’t want friends.” Justin C said shaking his head. “I have plenty of friends in real life, but I’m not trying to befriend everyone if 10 million dollars is on the line! I’m focusing on one thing and one thing only and that was the money. If I considered anybody ‘friends’ in the house, Justin B and Diggy were my closest ones.”

“False.” Diggy said as he sat in the crowd. So why’d you get rid of me then?”

“To send a message like I said.” He answered in an uncaring tone. “I told you and the rest of these people that I wasn’t here to make friends! But for some reason, none of you could comprehend that.”

“I don’t mean to stir up the drama, but Justin C, who do you think ran the house between you and Roc?” Joe asked.

“Me.” Justin C answered.

“Yeah right!” Roc laughed.

“Who was the one who controlled a majority of the eliminations?” Justin C said, sharply turning to him. “Who was the one who made you turn on your own damn friends? Who was the one who-“

“You didn’t make me turn on shit!”

“I didn’t make you turn on Princeton, Roc?” Justin C said in a loud tone, towering over his voice. “I made you turn on Prince, almost made you turn on Prod, I made you seperate yourself from Kiloni, and I made you take out everybody that I want out! Along with everyone else!”

“I didn’t win WAY more challenges than you, Justin?” Roc said standing up out of his seat, putting his hands together, and looking at Justin C as his eyes widened.

“Roc stop man.” Prodigy mumbled as he grabbed his shoulders.

“I’m not about to fight him, Prod. I’m trying to get a point across. Chill.” Roc said in an irritated tone as he put his hands out in front of him. “Did I not win us the basketball challenge after we played together? Did I not beat you in every strength challenge that you tried to beat me at? Did I not make it farther than you?”

“You still didn’t win though.”

“Most importantly, did I not knock your ass out in the boxing challenge when you tried to sneak that little pussy punch on me?” Roc continued as he got louder. “I whooped your ass and I most certainly wouldn’t hesitate to do it again!”

Justin C was getting fired up. He stepped up out of his seat, walked up to Roc, and stood inches away from his face. Roc looked him eye to eye, and wasn’t going to back down for nothing.

“Do it.” Justin C growled.

“Get the fuck out of my face, Justin.” Roc said clenching his jaw as he looked to the side. The crowd had all moaned ‘oooh’, getting prepared to watch the two brawl.

“Do it like you said you would!”

“Get the fuck out of my bro.” Roc said shoving him a little.

“Get your hands off of me.” Justin C said shoving him back.

“Hey hey guys…” Joe said trying to stop them.

“Don’t put your hands on me dog!” Roc barked as he shoved Justin C extremely hard, causing him to fly back onto the ground close to the stage. Security had stepped in, and held Justin C back as he tried to make his way towards Roc. Roc stood there with his fists balled the whole time, ready to fight. The security gaurd kept Justin C that way, until he calmed down a little.

“I’m fine. I’m fine!” Justin C said to the security gaurd as he looked at Joe. “Is there anything else you want to ask me, Joe?”

“Actually no. That was my last question. Thanks Justin! You can go sit down in the above row so that I won’t have to watch you and Roc create a bloodshed.” Joe laughed as he watched Justin C fix his suit, and walk up to the upper row to fix his suit.

“This next girl kept quiet for the whole entire season, and managed to be the 6th person closest to the 10 million dollars. Everyone, welcome Bella to the stage!” Joe smiled as he watched the crowd cheer, and welcome Bella with open arms.

“Hey guys!” Bella said waving at the crowd, and flipping her hair. She was wearing a black fitted dress and some black heels.

“No offense Bella, but your time is going to be a little short on stage.” Joe snarled. “How did you manage to be so quiet, yet so sneaky in the house?”

“It was actually apart of my plan since day 1.” Bella responded as she nodded her head. “I wanted to keep quiet and stay low, because I didn’t want to make enemies. I didn’t want to have 500 enemies in the house, then when i’m up for elimination, I be the first to go home. I just watched everyone eat themselves alive and on my last day, I didn’t think that Prod would send me home. I don’t think my plan neccessarily worked because if it did, I would’ve won that 10 million dollars. It got me pretty far, though. It got me as far as it did, and as I got.”

“Who would you have considered your closest friend in the house?” He asked.

“Princeton.” She smiled. “He was the only person I stayed in contact with all the way up until the day I left. Which is why I only gave him a hug when I left.”

“These next to girls had an ongoing feud throughout the whole season. The two winded up biting, scratching, punching, and kicking each other to get what they want. Everyone, make some noise for Kiloni and Star!”

Kiloni and Star sat in two seperate chairs on the stage, which was a fair distance away from one another. The two still didn’t like each other up until this day.

“You two battled and battled each other until one of you came out on top.” Joe laughed.

“Me.” Kiloni said smiling, and looking at Joe. Star was growing fairly annoyed already.

“So Kiloni. Why didn’t you like Star?”

“She got rid of Abby!” She responded without hesitation. “I told her to get rid of Abby, because I didn’t want her or Princeton to go home. They were my friends.”

“Me getting rid of Abby was smart because-“

“No it wasn’t!” Abby yelled from her seat.

“Shut up bitch you’re in the crowd!” Star said flaring her index finger her way. “Anyway, it was smart for me to send her home because she was a threat! There were numerous people in the house that were way stronger than me, and she was one of them. Princeton wasn’t the strongest and I love him to death, and Kiloni wasn’t the strongest either.”

“So Star why didn’t you like Kiloni? He asked.

“It’s not even because she sent Babydoll home.” Star said shaking her head. “This bitch decided to get all in my face the next day like she was on some tough shit just because I got rid of her friend when in reality, Abby would’ve had to leave anyway because only one person could win the competition. I had no beef with her even when she was mad, until she stepped up to me and put her hands on me. I don’t like any female putting their hands on me!”

“Wow. So my favorite day of you two, were when you both fought each other in the boxing ring.”

“And I knocked her ass out.” Star giggled as she clapped. “You stepped to me that one day and I pushed your ass down, and you picked me to fight you in the boxing ring and I still stepped and stomped your ass.”

“But who’s the one who sent you packing though? OHH!” Kiloni said giving her a dumbfounded look.

“That don’t matter! You still can’t fight!” Star laughed.

“Shutup Star before I slap you with a stash.”

“Bitch you have $10 million dollars, and my mom has more money than that alone! Along with my stepfather.” Star snapped. “Shutup Kiloni before I slap you with 10 stashes!”

“Alright. Alright Star.” Kiloni said rolling her eyes, and looking back at Joe.

“Well I see that you guys still have a nice friendship going on! Everyone, give it up for Kiloni and Star! This next person, was arguably the second most hated person in the house, with the most friends. Give it up for Roc!” Joe said loudly as Roc smiled, and walked up onto the stage. He sat down and kept a bright smile on his face.

“How’s it going, Joe?” Roc smiled.

“Great. Honestly Roc, you were one of the strongest people i’ve ever met!” Joe smiled. “You have a physical gift. And you used it well! You were mowing through the competition.”

“Thanks! I worked out before the show, so it wasn’t intended for just this show.” He smiled.

“Now Roc. You were doing so well in this competition, but what got you sent home was betraying your friends. Why did you do that?”

“It was stupid.” Roc responded as he shook her head. “Basically when Princeton sent Ray Ray home, I was pissed about it, and I never let it go. We got into an argument that one day, then I thought that he wasn’t being loyal after that. I voted him into the box that one day, and after that, I realized that that was a big mistake because I never had the same connection in that house with Prod and Prince after that. It was almost like they didn’t trust me.”

“Prince, how do you feel about this?” Joe said asking him from the crowd.

“The one thing that I do agree with, is what Justin C said about Roc following him.” Princeton said nodding his head. “Roc never voted me into the box until that one day that Justin C said: “Since Princeton won’t vote Star into the box, let’s vote him in.” and after that, I didn’t trust him again. I befriended him, but I never got as close as I was with him in the beginning. My real friends in that house was Prodigy, Kiloni, and Bella.”

“I know.” Roc said shaking his head as Princeton, then looking back at Joe. “I apologized to them for what I did when the show ended, because it was wrong. You shouldn’t ever betray your friends like that. Especially when you’re all in the competition together.”

“That’s right. I totally agree.” Joe said. “Thank you Roc!”

“Thanks!” He said walking off of the stage.

“Now before I bring up the winner, I want to tell you guys who won the awards in the house.” Joe smiled. “They might have left the competition, but I was still into the drama. Take a look at the screen!”


Most loved - Princeton.

Most hated - Justin C.

Strongest - Roc.

Weakest - Willow.

Unpopular people in the house - Lil twist. Willow. Bahja. Babydoll. Hunni. Reginae. Lolo.

Some people laughed in the audience from the last comment, and everyone in that last category sat there with angry faces. Justin C laughed at all the people in the bottom row, as Princeton looked on in confusion.

“Why am I most loved?” He wondered as he giggled.

“You survived the most eliminations in the house.” Joe smiled as he looked at him. “You were the only one to be put up for almost every elimination, and survived everyone of them because you had so many friends!”

“Oh. Thanks!”

“Alright. Out of the whole competition, Princeton, Kiloni, and Prodigy were the 3 musketeers, who vowed to stay together until the end of the competition. But when Princeton was elimated, the remaining two stuck together all the way until the end. Everyone, welcome Kiloni and Prodigy!” Joe smiled as everyone in the whole entire building clapped for the two. Kiloni and Prodigy hugged having not seen each other in 3 months, then sat next to each other on the couch.

“Prodigy!” Joe cheered. “Runner up in a competition with $10 million dollars on the line. How did it feel to come so close to the money, then to lose your chance that quick?”

“It hurt bad. I didn’t cry out there as hard as I cried on the bus. I was hurt. I had worked so hard and so much to get there, and to have it all just taken away from me just shattered my heart.” Prodigy said shaking his head. “But it’s alright. Kiloni gave me and Princeton $500,000 dollars.”

“You did Kiloni?” He said, looking at her with a shocked tone.

“Yep! I wouldn’t have made it as far as I did without those two.” She said smiling at them. “These two helped me through every challenge, saved my ass from multiple eliminations, and I did the same in return. It would be selfish for me to not have given them any money.”

“Kiloni!!” Joe said hyping up the mood. “The winner of $10 millon dollars! At the age of 17 too!”

Everyone cheered and whistled in congratulations to her accomplishment. Kiloni squealed as she held onto the couch pillow, smiled at the crowd, then smiled back at Joe.

“So what did you do with all of that money?”

“I still think of that moment that you told me I was a winner, and when you gave me that $10 million dollar check, I was at a loss of words.” Kiloni said in a soft tone. “I went home, paid off all of my moms bills, bought her a new home off of the waters that only cost $650k, and bought her a new car. I also went online shopping and bought about $7,000 dollars worth of clothes, and I bought a studio for me, Jacob, and Abby to spend time and work on his album on. Along with new dances. Then, I gave Princeton and Prodigy 500k, and you should’ve heard Princeton squeal out of the shock! I still have 9 million left. I plan to also buy my grandmother and grandfather a home also.”

“I was like this! I was like: “EEEEEEEEEEE!” Princeton shouted as everyone in the audience laughed.

“Wow. Prince what did you do with your money?”

“Bought a whole entire misfit store.” Princeton cheesed.

“And what did you do with your money, Prod?”

“I tried to give them the whole $500k, but they wouldn’t let me. I tried to buy them a new home, but they told me to keep the money that me, Prince, and Kiloni earned. I really meant it when I said I would give all of my money to my family.” Prodigy smiled. “So I bought my mom something anyway, and bought her a ruby red diamond ring. It’s her favorite color!”

“Aww. That’s adorable!” Joe smiled.

“Thank you.” He smiled.

“Alright! That’s a wrap for this reunion!” Joe smiled as he looked at the crowd. “Be on the possible lookout, for a ‘Root of all Evil’ season 2. Goodnight folks!”

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