Root Of All Evil.

By Bhettiboop

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21 contestants compete for 10 million dollars. If you win the challenge assigned by the co-owner Joe, you wil... More

Week 1 - Roomates.
Week 2 - "Tuba" diving.
Week 3 - Play Ball!
Week 4 - Pig Out.
Week 5 - RACEists.
Week 6 - Sexual Healing.
Week 7 - Truth or Dare.
Week 8 - Quiz Show.
Week 9 - Blindsided.
Week 10 - Knockout.
Week 11 - "Why do you deserve..."
Week 12 - Thriller.
Week 13 - Football.
Week 14 - Pot of Gold.
Week 16 - Tug of War.
Week 17 - Bullseye.
Week 18 - Flagged Down.
Week 19 - Peers.
Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]
Week 21 - $$$. [Part 2.]
The Reunion! [Part 1.]
The Reunion! [Part 2.]

Week 15 - Stripper's Poll.

2K 88 4
By Bhettiboop

Last week, the odds weren’t in anybodys favor when the contestants were forced to pick pieces of papers out of random jars, and let the pieces of paper decide their fate. Jaden Smith got the golden piece, while Reginae and Bella got to choose who went into the box, and Kiloni was forced to go inside. Justin C and Roc were thrown in, and Jaden eliminated Justin C for causing Willow to go home on the first day. 7 contestants remain!

“Cheers to Justin C going home!” Bella squealed as she held up her punch glass.

“Cheers!” Everyone said, joining her.

“And cheers for Jaden for being the brave one of finally getting rid of him.” Bella moaned. “He should’ve been gone a long time ago.”

“Thanks!” Jaden smiled. “I was waiting all competition to do that.”

“Kiloni, Prod, do y’all wanna play one round of Spades?” Princeton said grabbing his deck of cards.

“Sure.” Prodigy said making his way up to their room with Kiloni. “Hand me the cards. I’ll shuffle, and you’ll deal.”

“Okay i’ll be up there! Just let me grab a plate of food.” Princeton said tossing him the cards, then walking right pass Roc again.

“Aye Prince.” Roc said to him.

“What?” He said giving him a bold look.

“Can I talk to you in private real quick?”

“Make it quick.” He said walking into a seperate hall, and looking at him.

“I just wanted to say that i’m sorry.” Roc said sitting on the couch next to him. “I know that it don’t seem sincere now, but I feel that out of everybody I owe you the biggest apology. I never thanked you for keeping me here instead of Ray Ray, so thank you. And I shouldn’t have voted you into the box when you never crossed that line with me. We boys and I should’ve thought about that first, and the money second.

Princeton paused and stared at Roc in an odd way.

“So do you forgive me, or…” Roc said, widening his eyes.

“Apology accepted!” Princeton squealed hugging Roc extremely tight, then letting him go. “Are we in this together now? Or are you gonna bail on us like the-“

“We’re in this together.” Roc interrupted. “There’s only 7 of us. Me, you, and Prod are still here. There’s a good chance that one of us will win if we hack it out.”

“Moneygram!!!!!” Reginae hollered from the kitchen.

“You ready for the next challenge?” Princeton said, looking at him.

“Born ready.”

The boys walked back into the kitchen, and crowded around the table. It was so weird, because it wasn’t really a crowd anymore. 21 people used to bundle around this table, and now there were only 7. The house was becoming alot more roomy, and alot more silent.

“*in Chris Browns voice* I just wanna see you strip! Be at the Miami Beach around 3:00pm.” Reginae read as she giggled.

“We’re going to be getting naked?” Kiloni said in a shocked tone.

“Aw hell. What is Joe going to make us do now?” Prodigy said, shaking his head.

Everyone made their way to the beach, and seen poles suspending from a suspender far into the ocean. They also looked over, and seen the bus that is always at the eliminations. Everybody put on a worried look, as they walked onto the beach, and looked at Joe.

“Hello everyone! I bet you’re wondering why the ‘elimination bus’ is ready, arent you?” Joe said, looking at everyone. “Well, i’ll get to that in a minute. Your challenge today, is that you’re going to be hanging onto these stripper polls that are dangling over the water! The last person left hanging, will be the challenge winner! The first person to fall, will be eliminated on the spot!”

Everyone gasped as they looked at Joe.

“That’s right! I told you guys it was crunchtime. There’s 7 of you. The competition won’t be getting any easier!” Joe continued. “Now this challenge may seem like a breeze, but it isnt. It seems very easy to hang onto a poll until one person gives up. That’s not how this challenge is. Once the sweat from your body starts to build up on that poll from hanging there for so long, you’ll began to slip very quick, so beware of that. We’re gonna strap your onto suspended jackets, lift you up, and allow you to get a good grip on the poll. Then after that, the challenge is all on you. Are you ready?”

“Yes..” Everybody moaned out of fear and nervousness.

“Alright! The challenge starts the minute you hang onto your pole.”

Everyone got suited up into their bathing suits, and picked their polls. Kiloni, Roc, Princeton, and Prodigy all got lined up next to each other, while Reginae, Jaden, and Bella hung onto the ends. First getting onto the pole, everyone was goofing off, and showing their skills.

“Look at what I can do, y’all.” Princeton said. He climbed up higher onto the poll, put his legs close to the top, clung them together, and leaned backwards without hanging onto the polls. He looked at everything upside down, as he began to swing his hair everywhere.

“Upside down on the poll, Prince?” Reginae laughed. “You are the true definition of a bad bitch.”

“Thank you, Reg.” He said, still dangling upside down.

“Prince quit playing!” Prodigy said. “You’re gonna fall off and go home!”

“My bad, Prod.” Princeton said in a serious tone, as he readjusted himself onto the poll.

“Look at me.” Bella said to everyone. She hung onto the poll with her left leg and hand, and began to swing around it. Jaden, Princeton, and Roc stared at her, while the girls figured that she was just showing off.

“You better not be looking.” Kiloni said, gritting her teeth to Roc.

“I’m not, Nooni! I’m not.” Roc lied as he quickly turned his head back.

35 minutes later, people were beginning to grow tired and weary. Joe absorbed everyone, and seen a few people trying to hang on to keep themselves from slipping off. Some people would slide and climb theirselves back up, while a few kept their legs tied around the pole.

Suddenly, Princeton had accidentially slipped to the end of his pole. He was literally hanging onto the end with his right hand, as he looked down at the bright blue ocean under him.

“Shit!” Princeton said outloud as he looked down.

“Princeton!!” Kiloni, Prodigy, and Roc yelled.

“I’m alright, y’all. I’m alright!” He responded in a nervous tone.

“You better not slip, do you hear me?” Prodigy said in a serious tone. “Climb, Prince. Climb!”

Princeton looked up at the top of his pole. He lifted his left hand, and began to slowly and drastically pull his body up. He’d made his way towards the middle, as he suddenly slipped again.

“SPLASH!” Everyone heard who were on their poles. After all of that time, one person finally fell.

“Prince! No!!” Kiloni and Prodigy said in shock.

“I’m right here?” Princeton laughed as he still dangled onto his pole. All three of them took a deep breath, and looked down.

“Well if you didn’t fall, then who did?” Kiloni said trying to look down.

“Reginae, i’m sorry, but you have to pack your bags.” They heard Joe say from below them. They seen her slowly swimming to the shore as he ripped up her check. She boarded the bus, and drove home into the city.

“Alright! Reginae is gone!” Joe hollered. “So if any of you are feeling weary, then you can fall. You’d just be giving up your chance of being safe the next round.”

“Alright bye, y’all.” Princeton laughed as he clogged his nose, and let go. They heard a loud splash at the bottom, and watched him swim to shore.

“I cant hold on any longer, either.” Jaden said as he watched Roc fall along with him. All that was left, was Bella, Kiloni, and Prodigy. He looked at Kiloni and seen her struggling to hang on.

“Kiloni if you want to let go, you can.” Prodigy whispered to her.

“No, it’s alright. I’m fine.” Kiloni said as she struggled to hang on.

“Kiloni, it’s okay. I’ll still be up here.”

“If I let go Prod, you better not fall.” She said looking at him angrily.

“Trust me, i’m not. I’m stronger than Bella.” He plead. “Go ahead!”

Kiloni stared at Prodigy, as she let go of her pole, and plunged into the ocean waters. Prodigy looked down and watched her swim to shore, as he looked at Bella.

“Just give up, Prod.” She said, straining herself. “You’re not going to win this challenge.”

“Wanna bet?” He said, staring at her.

“Yeah, I do.”

Prodigy felt the wind blowing, and knew that Bella was going to fall then. He closed his eyes and counted down from five, as he heard someone plunge into the water. He looked down, then looked back up, and smiled.

“Prodigy, you are the challenge winner!” He heard Joe yell from the beach shore. “You may allow yourself to fall, now!”

“WOOOO!!” Prodigy yelled as he fell, swam to shore, and hugged Princeton and Kiloni. Even though he’d made amends with Roc, Roc still felt like he wasn’t included enough. He figured that since Prodigy wasn’t used to being friends with him, that meant that he would forget at times.

“Prodigy, since there was already one elimination on this challenge, you will be in charge of the next elimination!” Joe said. “Which means that in the next one, you will automatically be safe!”

“Thank god!” Prodigy said sighing breathlessly, as he put his towel around his neck.

“And just like that, there are 6 of you! Everyone except for Prodigy, go home, relax, get some shut eye at night, and prepare for the next challenge.” Joe smiled. “Sweet dreams…”

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