Root Of All Evil.

By Bhettiboop

76.2K 2.2K 475

21 contestants compete for 10 million dollars. If you win the challenge assigned by the co-owner Joe, you wil... More

Week 1 - Roomates.
Week 2 - "Tuba" diving.
Week 3 - Play Ball!
Week 4 - Pig Out.
Week 5 - RACEists.
Week 6 - Sexual Healing.
Week 7 - Truth or Dare.
Week 8 - Quiz Show.
Week 9 - Blindsided.
Week 10 - Knockout.
Week 11 - "Why do you deserve..."
Week 13 - Football.
Week 14 - Pot of Gold.
Week 15 - Stripper's Poll.
Week 16 - Tug of War.
Week 17 - Bullseye.
Week 18 - Flagged Down.
Week 19 - Peers.
Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]
Week 21 - $$$. [Part 2.]
The Reunion! [Part 1.]
The Reunion! [Part 2.]

Week 12 - Thriller.

2.2K 84 17
By Bhettiboop

Last week, the contestant’s only challenge was to tell Joe why they deserved the 10 million dollars that they were competing for. Afterwards, he gave the contestants a twist by telling them that he was going to be in charge of eliminations, and would be giving the checks to people he thought deserved it the most. He’d gave the first check to Prodigy, because he was the only contestant that said that he would give the whole 10 mil to his family. In the end, he eliminated Justin B because he felt that he was the one person the 10 million was least needed for. 10 contestants remain.

“I cant believe that he would do something like that.” Kiloni said, sitting on the floor of Princeton and Prodigy’s room. “I’m sorry about voting you in the box, Prod. He told me that you had something to do with it.”

“Nah, it’s alright.” Prodigy said, smiling at her. “You’re not a bad person, Kiloni.”

“As long as I stay in the box, I won’t get rid of you two for anything.” Princeton said smiling at the two.

The house was getting more and more empty by the minute. Meanwhile, Roc was downstairs sitting with Justin C, thinking about the eliminations. The thought of Princeton and Prodigy grimming him, and the thought of Kiloni not even acknowleging him was taking a toll on his emotions. And even though it didn’t look like it bother him on the outside, it was killing him in the inside.

“This competition is getting extremely serious. I’ve never been sad over any eliminations, but i’m pretty messed up about my boy Justin going home.” Justin C said to Roc, as he looked at him. Roc was staring off, thinking about his friends, before he finally opened his mouth.

“They won’t even look at me.” Roc said, referring to Prodigy, Kiloni, and Princeton. “I’d take back anything to be close to them again. I mean, every since we entered this competition, its been-“

“You need to snap out that shit.” Justin C said, interrupting him. “Money first, friends later. They obviously aren’t worried about you, so you obviously need to play for yourself.”

Roc had his head down, then glanced up at Justin C as he looked him up and down.

“Cause i’ll be honest with you, i’m not your friend. I’ll have a heart to heart with you, and then i’m going right back to what i’m here for. The money. It’s friends for friends to everyone here, then it’s every man for himself in this house to me.” Justin continued as he stood up, and picked up the moneygram.

“Moneygram!!!” He shouted, as everyone quickly ran downstairs and crowded around the table. “People are dropping like flies in this competition. Scary, huh? Meet me at the haunted house around 11:30pm.”

“Haunted house?” Jaden smiled as he looked around at everyone. 

“Haunted houses aren’t even scary.” Justin C shrugged. “I just go to them for entertainment.

“I don’t like them.” Princeton said shaking his head.

“Why not, pretty boy?” Justin C said trying to antagonize him. “You scared of them?”

“No. I just don’t like them.”

“Hahaha!” Justin C laughed. “You’re scared of everything, man.”

Everyone had arrived at the haunted house that night, and it was fog everywhere. The skies were pitch black to the point where you could see no stars, and the haunted house was in an empty parking lot. Some people appeared scared, and some people appeared unmoved. Then, they’d seen Joe walk out of the fog.

“10 of you guys left! It’s time to hear about your next challenge.” Joe said. “You only see 1 haunted house from the inside, but there are 2 haunted houses behind it. And as you can see, there are 10 doors. Each of you will select a door to walk through, and hope that you make it through all the way. There are 10 passage ways, but only 5 of them will make it to the second haunted house. Note, that there are no lights on the inside of these haunted houses! So you’ll be walking alone, and hoping that you’ll make it out. And trust me, there will be something that’ll make sure that 5 of you, won’t make it out. Understand?”

Everyone had glanced at Joe in complete fear. Even Justin C had appeared to be a little shaken up because nobody knew what would happen inside of the haunted house. Everyone slowly walked and stood in front of a door, and waited for Joe to announce when to go.

“Ready, set, go!” Joe screamed.

Everyone had entered the building and heard Kiloni scream at the top of her lungs, and everyone jumped as they continued to walk. Nobody knew why she’d screamed so loud because they were in their own parts, but no one was trying to figure out why.

While Justin C was walking, a clown jumped out in front of him and he jumped back as far as he could.

“Are you ready to die, tonight?” The clown growled, as Justin C squeezed past him.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t you fucking touch me!” Justin C snapped in fear, as he continued to walk.

Meanwhile, Reginae was walking through the building, and was crying her eyes out. A man with a michael myers mask had jumped out, and began to chase after her with a chainsaw. She began to run through the dark passage ways until she got to a door. He was still chasing her, as she opened the door, and closed it in front of his face. 

“Oh god.” Reginae said turning around, and taking a breather. She then looked around, and seen that she was back outside. She’d seen Joe standing to the side, and another building was ahead of her. 

“You’ve chose a right passage way, Reginae.” Joe smiled. “Welcome to the next round! Now all you’ll have to do is wait for your companions.”

Princeton and Prodigy had chose doors next to each other, so they could hear each other through the walls. They’d decided to communicate through them, so they could see if they both made it out or not. 

“Fuck!” Prodigy screamed as a lady with a ‘grudge’ mask popped out in front of him. He then put his ear through the wall, and began to talk.



“You alright?”

“Yeah.” He yelled back. “I’ve been walking for a minute, so I think I chose the right way.”

“Some grudge looking thing just popped out and scared the mess out of me!” Prodigy laughed.

Suddenly, Prodigy heard Princeton’s alarming scream that he often did in ‘awesomeness tv’ videos. The scream was painfully loud, as he slowly began to fade away. Afterwards, it was nothing but silence.

“Prince?” Prodigy continued as he walked through his passageway. Silence. 


Still silence. He kept calling him, until he hit his head on a door in front of him. He opened it, and seen Reginae and Bella standing out there, waiting for him. He’d stared at the two, then stared at Joe in a confused state.

“Congragulations, Prodigy! You’re the third person to make it through-“

Suddenly, then seen Justin C jolt out of a door, and slam it behind him. He was sweating extremely bad, and he was breathing super hard. It was the jigsaw clown, chasing him down the hall. He then took a breather, and looked out as he seen the 3 standing out.

“Alright!” Joe laughed. “Justin, you’ve-“

“AHH!!!!” They heard somebody shriek through the walls of the building. It was Roc, Diggy, and Star. Then, they’d seen Jaden pop out one of the doors, and looked at everyone in a scared state.

“You’ve all made it to the second round!” Joe laughed, finally getting his sentence out. 

“Joe, how don’t they make it through the doors?” Jaden asked in a confused tone. “Does somebody like, snatch them up?”

“Alright, now you see that there are 5 doors!” Joe said ignoring him on purpose. “Each of you will choose a random door, but only 2 of you will choose the right ones. Here, you’ll do the same thing that you did in the last haunted house, and find your way through the dark passage ways. If you don’t make it, you just don’t make it. Ready, set, go!”

Bella had ran through her door and started to walk extremely slow. She was shaken up from the last round, so she walked through slowly to keep her from jumping.

Jaden had walked through and bulged his eyes to attempt to make it better for him to see. Seconds later, he heard Bella shriek at the top of her lungs. He then stopped, froze, and began to look around the pitch black area.

“What the heck is going on?” Jaden shouted through the thin walls.

“I don’t know!” Prodigy yelled back.

Justin C had his fists balled to prepare for the next scary thing that popped out at him. He then tripped on his shoe lace, and laid on the floor for a minute. He looked up, and seen a man with a Jason vs. Freddy mask on, holding a knife to his face. He quickly shoved the man, and ran through and through until he burst through another door. He looked up, and seen 2 doors in front of him to another haunted house.

“Justin, you’re moving onto the next round!” Joe smiled.

“Oh thank god.” Justin C said taking a breather. “That shit was crazy.”

Justin had heard Reginae and Jaden scream at the top of their lungs 2 seperate times. He already knew who he’d be going against. 2 minutes later, Prodigy ran out of the door and closed it. He along with Justin, was also shaken up.

“Welcome to the final round, guys!” Joe said. “Now there are 2 doors, and only one of you will pick the right one. This one, you’re going to have to run from your attacker as fast as you can. And once you hear the screams from someone inside on of the doors, you’ll know if you won or not. Alright? Ready, set, go!”

Justin C and Prodigy had chose random doors as they slowly walked through. Prodigy had put his ear against he thin wall, and could hear that Justin C was breathing hard. Prodigy then felt something tap his shirt, and he froze. He turned around and seen the clown from the movie ‘It’ standing in his face. Prodigy quickly began to sprint through his part of the building.

But along with him, Justin C was already running. He was running from a man with a freddy mask on. He ran through extremely fast, often hitting walls since it was so dark. He jolted and sprinted through multiple hallways, until falling and finally laying down to catch his breath. He looked up, and seen the man standing over him with another knife.

“They’re really killing people on this show, huh?” Justin C said out of fear. “Just go ahead and finish me off, man.”

Out of nowhere, Justin C heard Prodigy yell extremely loud. He froze for a minute, and looked up at the man as he threw the knife into the pitch black darkness. 

“You’ve won the challenge!” The man cheered as Justin C got up, and ran through the door. He ran up to Joe and picked him up as he hugged him with a huge smile on his face. 

“Congragulations, Justin?” Joe laughed as he looked at him, and brushed off his shirt. “You are the challenge winner.”

Everyone got home, and immediately went to the vault. It was getting down to the wire, so they had to report there quickly to get eliminations done and over with.

“Alright.” Joe sighed as he began to call people in a random order. “Who wants Roc to go inside of the box?”

Everyone in the house voted for him. It was no longer a surprise to him anymore.

“Roc, you’re up for elimination.” Joe moaned. “Who wants Bella to go inside of the box?”

No votes.

“Who wants Reginae to go inside of the box?”

No votes.

“Who wants Prodigy to go inside of the box?”

Everyone had voted for him except for Kiloni and Princeton. Roc started thinking about what Justin C had said, and since he was going into the box, he wanted to drag Prodigy inside of thr box with him.

“Prodigy, you’re up for eliminations.” Joe said. “Who wants Diggy to go inside of the box?”

Everyone had voted for him, also. Since he was one of Justin C’s closest peers in the house, everyone felt that it was good for him to go inside of the box also. Diggy however, appeared unmoved. He didn’t react, he didn’t spazz, he didn’t do anything.

“Diggy, you’re up for eliminations.” Joe sighed as he closed the box, and looked up. “The rest of you can relax, chill, and prepare for tonights eliminations.”

The 4 boys had met up at the a famous buffet in the strip of Miami, FL. All of them ate, and the only 2 people who seemed to conversate was him and Diggy. Prodigy didn’t talk to Roc because he didn’t like him, and Roc didn’t talk to Prodigy because he knew that he didn’t like him. Finally after what seemed like a few days, the waitress came with the card.

“Choose 1 person to have one on one with.” Justin C said putting his arm behind his head, and staring at the three. “Well, who wants to talk to the master of the house.”

Prodigy and Roc was very agitated with his arrogance. Both continued to eat, as Diggy looked up at them, then looked back at Justin.

“Alright fine.” Justin C said shrugging his shoulders. “I’ll talk to my main man, Diggy.” 

Prodigy and Roc quickly got up and left the table, as Justin laughed under his breath, then looked at Diggy.

“Alright, so which one of those 2 should I get rid of?” He said to Diggy. “Because you’re not going anywhere.”

“Obviously, Roc?” Diggy laughed as he took another bite of his chicken.

“Yeah, but Prodigy is smart.” Justin C groaned. “Roc is strong, not stronger than me or anything, but Prodigy got the brains for days. He got ambition. Roc is definitely dimwitted compared to him. And Prodigy can think himself out of situations.”

“Hmm..” Diggy said looking to the side. “I’d still get rid of Roc. Prodigy is smart but there will be some physical challenges that he wont be able to do. He’ll break down during the finals. Trust me.”

“Good shit, Dig.” Justin C smiled. “Good shit. Let’s make our way back to the house.”

Diggy, Roc, and Prodigy had prepared themselves for eliminations by standing feet away from the bonfire like everyone else did. Prodigy and Diggy appeared noncholant, but Roc was nervous. This was his arch enemy. His rival. And even though he’d been in the eliminations when Justin C was in charge, it was down to the wire at this point. Seconds later, they seen Joe walk out with Justin C, with three checks.

“It’s getting down to the wire.” Joe said looking at everyone. “Justin, who would you like to send-“

“Diggy.” He said, cutting him off. Everyone around him looked around in complete shock. Diggy was the closest friend that he had in the house, and Justin was getting rid of him.

“What?” Diggy said as his eyes bulged.

“I’m sick of people thinking that when i’m friendly, that means that i’m friends with you. No!” Justin C said, looking at the people standing to the side. “Let this be a lesson. I’m not friends with any of you. Not Roc, not Prod, not Kiloni, nobody! I’m not here for you guys and i’m not here to make friends! I’m here for my money and my money only!”

Joe had grabbed Diggy’s check, and threw it in the bonfire as he watched him turn around, and leave without saying a word to anybody. They’d watched the bus leave, and everyone turned their attention back to Joe.

“Wow.” Joe said out of shock. “9 of you left. It’s crunchtime. Get some rest, and prepare for tomorrows challenge. Sweet dreams…”

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