Root Of All Evil.

By Bhettiboop

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21 contestants compete for 10 million dollars. If you win the challenge assigned by the co-owner Joe, you wil... More

Week 1 - Roomates.
Week 2 - "Tuba" diving.
Week 3 - Play Ball!
Week 4 - Pig Out.
Week 5 - RACEists.
Week 6 - Sexual Healing.
Week 7 - Truth or Dare.
Week 8 - Quiz Show.
Week 10 - Knockout.
Week 11 - "Why do you deserve..."
Week 12 - Thriller.
Week 13 - Football.
Week 14 - Pot of Gold.
Week 15 - Stripper's Poll.
Week 16 - Tug of War.
Week 17 - Bullseye.
Week 18 - Flagged Down.
Week 19 - Peers.
Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]
Week 21 - $$$. [Part 2.]
The Reunion! [Part 1.]
The Reunion! [Part 2.]

Week 9 - Blindsided.

2.3K 96 30
By Bhettiboop

Last week, the contestants learned that their rivals were more important than they thought they were when they had a challenge to answer questions about everyone in the house. Knowing a little of everything about everyone, Star came out on top and aced all of her questions. But when the people in the house couldn’t come up with who would go into the vault, Joe picked at random and got Abby, Kiloni, and Princeton were drawn. Kiloni was trapped between her two friends once again, and she asked Star to send her home instead of the two. But Star made a smarter decision and got rid of Abby, making it the first threat in the house to get eliminated. 13 contestants remain.

Star was laying in her room with Babydoll, when Kiloni burst into the room and got in her face.

“You better hope that I don’t get in charge of eliminations because I’m sending your ass home right away!” Kiloni shouted, standing 2 inches in front of her face. Suddenly, Star put her palm in Kiloni’s face and shoved her back, as Kiloni grabbed her arm, and shoved it to the side.

“Get out of my face, Kiloni.” Star said standing up, and looking her in the face.

“Don’t touch me, bitch!” Kiloni said shoving her back onto her bed. Star grabbed her shirt as she was falling back, and shoved Kiloni to the side, causing her to stumble off. Just as Kiloni was about to push her again, Babydoll pushed her onto the ground.

“Back up off of her!” Babydoll shouted, as Roc ran into the room, and held Kiloni back as she scrambled to get to the two.

“Nooni cut it out before you get sent home!” Roc said tugging her out of the room as she scrambled around in his arms.

“I’m gonna kill her I swear!” Kiloni screamed as she kicked her feet and moved her arms. Princeton then looked at Kiloni, then peeked inside of Star’s room.

“She’s pissed.” Princeton said giggling at Star. “We were coming to tell you guys that it’s time to read the moneygram.”

“I don’t know what her problem is, but she better chill out.” Star said fixing her hair, and walking out of her room. Her and babydoll had walked out of the room, and seen Kiloni sitting in Roc’s lap, as Roc held her down to make sure that she didn’t get up. She sat in his lap, and she was fuming. The two then sat in 2 open chairs at the table, and watched Prodigy read the moneygram.

“Have you ever wonder how it felt to feel blindsided? Well, you’ll find out today. Meet me at the south beach by 9:00.” Prodigy said, lifting up his head. “He’s probably going to make us do a challenge with blindfolds.”

“Oh lord.” Bella said shaking her head. “I have bad news.”


“It’s going to be a thunderstorm at 9:00!” She responded in a worried tone. “Does he know that?”

“I don’t know.” Justin C said looking at everyone. “Does he?”

“Maybe it’s apart of the challenge.” Jaden shrugged.

At 8:30, it began to rain hard. By 9:00, it was way worse. It was raining so hard that it’d looked like a mini waterfall was taking place outside. The thunder was so loud that a few car alarms were sounding off because of the loud bang.

“Oh my goodness.” Babydoll said looking outside of the window bus. “Fuck.”

They’d arrived at the beach, and it was pitch black outside. All you could see was the bright yellow sand, and the waves of the waters ahead. Everyone was getting poured on, as they seen Joe standing in the rain. Looking like nothing was bothering him.

“Welcome guys!” Joe smiled. “Are you ready for your challenge?”

“What are we doing?” Reginae asked.

“You guys will be pairing up, and working together! You guys will be tied together, and one of you will be blindfolded, while the other person will have duct tape taped onto their mouths. The person with blindfold on will be the walker, and the person with the duct tape will be your eyes. Together, you two will try to reach a treasure chest with only $100 dollars in it. The person with the eyes will only be able to mumble to give you clues, and the person with the blindfold will have to walk and guess the direction you are going.”

“This should be interesting.” Justin B said, looking around.

“Even better, I’ve paired you up, with your enemy, or the person you don’t know so well!” Joe said, smiling extra hard.

“WHAT?” Everyone shouted in disbelief.

“That’s right!” He laughed. “And since there’s an odd number, only one of you will be able to sit out on this challenge. Drawn at random, Bella will be deciding where the treasure chest will go. Now Bella, you’re safe from eliminations, but you won’t be able to be in charge either.”

“I don’t care!” She said smiling. “I’m just happy that I’ll be safe.”

“Before I hand you the treasure chest, I’m gonna pair everyone up so that they’ll get tied and blindfolded together. The groups are: Roc and Justin C, Star and Kiloni, Babydoll and Myles, Jaden and Prodigy, Princeton and Justin B, and Reginae and Diggy. Are you guys ready?”

“Yes..” Everyone groaned. Joe then went to every group one by one, and duct taped one persons mouth, while he covered the other persons eyes. He then turned everyone away from each other, as Bella sat the treasure chest on a random part of the beach. (Closer to the water.)

“Ready, set, look!” He shouted. Everyone began to scan around the beach, while it was thunderstorming. It was raining so hard, that their bare feet began to sink into the sand. Some people fell a couple of times, while some people walked slow. While Roc was tied on the opposite side of Justin C, he’d spotted the treasure chest immediately.

“Mmhmhm!” Roc said as his eyes bulged, trying to say that he found it.

“Alright dude, I can’t see.” Justin C said putting his hands out in front of him. “We’re going to have to figure out a code between us two other than you trying to talk through your duct tape.”

“Mmhm! Mhmhm!!” Roc said jumping, and pointing at the box. But he couldn’t walk ahead, without Justin’s concent.

“Alright. I’m going to start shouting out random directions. If i’m wrong, shout mm mm. If I say the right direction, say ‘mhm!’. Okay?” Justin C said in a slight frustrated tone.

“Mhm.” He responded, taking a deep breath.

“Ahead?” Justin C said.

“Mmm mmm.”

“To the right?”

Roc then had to think about Justin C’s direction, which would be to the left of him. “Mmm mmm.”


“Mhmm! Mhmm!” He said in a hyper tone.

“Alright, lets walk backwards.”

Roc had began to walk ahead as Justin C walked backwards. But once they’d passed the treasure chest, Roc didn’t know what to say, or how to say stop. While passing the treasure chest, they’d also passed Princeton and Justin B. Princeton had on duct tape like him, and Justin B had on a blindfold. Princetons hair was soaked, and his curls were totally flat. They were also covering his eyes.

“Mmhmmhm! MHM.” Roc shouted through his duct tape.

“What does that mean, man? Stop or keep going?” Justin C said in a frustrated tone.

“FUCK.” Roc shouted through his duct tape, which came out as “MMM!”

Meanwhile, Kiloni had duct tape on her mouth, while Star had her eyes covered. Kiloni was still pissed with what Star did. She was so pissed, that she wasn’t going to help her with the challenge at all. She stood there with the duct tape on her mouth, as she sat silent and watched everyone fight for the treasure chest.

“Which way do I go, Kiloni?” Star asked, as Kiloni ignored her. “Hellooooo?”

Kiloni still ignored her. Star then dropped to her knees, searched through the sand, and began to search on her own as Kiloni was tied to her back.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Kiloni asked as she laid face up on Stars back, while she crawled around. Her comment came out as “Mmhmhmmhmmm?”

“If you won’t help me find this box, then i’ll do it myself!” Star said aggresively as she searched through the sand blindfolded.

On the other hand, Princeton and Justin B had a smart plan. Since Princeton was the one with the eyes, he would nudge Justin B’s right foot when he wanted him to go to the right, his left foot when he wanted him to go to the left, then he’d pat his back if he wanted him to go ahead. This, was getting them both closer to the box.

With Diggy and Reginae, their idea was also smart. What he would do, is make deep footprints, have Reginae step a little backwards to feel for them, then take a step in his steps. This was a slow process, but this was the only thing that he would do without communicating so much. Myles and babydoll were walking in random spots, when Diggy and Reginae fell, throwing them off completely. He didn’t even know where the treasure was anymore.

“Shit!!!” Diggy screamed through his duct tape. He had to start his process all over again.

“Left?” Prodigy asked Jaden, copying Justin C’s idea.

“Mmm mmm.”



“Alright, tell me when to stop.” Prodigy was as he took baby steps towards the right. When Star seen the two, she then put out her arm so that they could fall onto the ground, and lose track of where the treasure was. She kept walking, when Jaden shoved her back, and made her fall face down in the sand.”

“Ouch.” She said, holding onto something with her right arm, and bracing herself with her left.

“Star, you and Kiloni have won the challenge!” She heard Joe yell at the top of his lungs. Kiloni then took her blindfold off, as she snatched the tie and her duct tape off and yelled out of excitement. She’d finally found the treasure chest.”

“But, it isn’t over yet. There can only be one person in charge of elimination. Star, pick heads or tails. If it lands on what the opposite you say, then Kiloni will be in charge. Heads or tails?” Joe said flipping a coin in the air, then covering it up with his hand.

“Tails.” Star said as she watched Joe lift up his hand. It was Heads.

“Kiloni, you’re in charge of eliminations once again!” Joe said, as she danced in the pouring rain in excitement.

“And you better hope that you’re not in eliminations tonight because you will be getting eliminated if you do!” Kiloni laughed as she looked Star in the face. Justin C watched the two, and immediately got an idea.

When they got to the house, Star was extremely pissed. She’d done all of that work of looking for the treasure chest, found it, and the credit went to her rival. Justin C found this time right, to gather everyone in the house except for Kiloni and Star, to a meeting.

“Everybody! Come into the livingroom real quick.” Justin C whispered loudly in the kitchen as everyone looked at him, then formed together in the livingroom. Everyone huddled together, as Justin C announced his plan.

“So you know Kiloni hates Star, right?” He whispered in the huddle.

“No shit.” Reginae growled.

“Well, I think that we should all vote her into the box.” Justin C said ignoring Reginae. “If we do this, the other two people which will obviously be two of us, will be safe from eliminations. Because if she goes in there, she’s going home for sure.”

“I’m not doing this.” Babydoll said seperating herself from the circle. “That’s my best friend.”

“Damn, man!” Justin C shouted in frustration. “Can y’all stop worrying about this ‘best friend’ shit? It’s gonna be one person in the end anyway! Why not just pick off people while you can?”

“I’m not a backstabbing, kniving, no good piece of shit like you, Justin!” Babydoll shouted. “You only talk like that because you have no friends!”

“Babydoll, you need to chill!” Justin B said looking at her. “Get over it! We’re throwing her in the box. Deal with it!”

“Assholes.” She said sitting in the chair, and watching them in disgust. “I’m not taking any part of this.”

“Forget her.” Prodigy said. “Everybody else in?”

“I’m not in, either.” Princeton said leaving the huddle, and sitting with Babydoll.

“Good job, Blexico.” She said high fiving him.

“Prince, quit acting like a little girl and get your ass over here to vote!” Roc shouted to him. “You’re fucking everything up!”

“Roc shut the hell up!” Princeton shouted back at him. “I’m sick of you thinking that you own me in this house! Quit talking to me like i’m your child and just be quiet sometimes. Damn!”

“You’re such a wuss, I swear.” Roc said shaking his head, and huddling back into the circle, then whispering. “I think that we should vote all three of them into the box.”

“Good thinking, Roc.” Justin C agreed.

“You’re crossing the line now, Roc.” Prodigy whispered. “What did we promise the day that we got here?”

“I made that promise before I found out how much of a little bitch Princeton is.” Roc said shrugging his shoulders. “All bets are off!”

“I’m gonna go with Roc.” Reginae said. “Lets just throw them three in the box.”

“I’m not voting Princeton into the box.” Prodigy said shaking his head. “I’ll vote for Star, though.”

“I’m not voting him in, either.” Bella and Myles said.

“You’re opinions don’t matter, anyway.” Justin C said lifting up his head. “Majority rules.”

“And your opinions are dumb because she’s not going to get rid of Princeton.” Prodigy said shaking his head. “Did you guys ever think about that?”

Everyone stared at Prodigy in silence, as Joe said walking into the house, and waiting for everyone. “Are you guys ready to go into the vault?”

“Yes, we are.” Justin C said, as the rest of the crowd followed him. Everyone walked into the vault, when he’d raised his hand, before Joe could even say anything.

“Yes, Justin?” Joe asked.

“The house already voted for who we wanted inside of the box, so would it be okay if we just told you?” Justin C asked.

“Sure.” Joe said nodding his head. “But i’ll have to ask you guys to vote again to be sure.”

“We voted for Princeton, Babydoll, and Star.” Justin B said.

“Wow!” Princeton said, laughing. “You guys are too real!”

“Alright, who votes for Princeton to be in the box?” Joe asked.

Everyone voted for him, except for Prodigy, Myles, and Bella. When he’d seen Roc raise his hand, he was stunned. He knew that they’d been arguing for the past couple of days, but he never thought that Roc would cross a line that far.

“That’s what we are now, Roc?” Princeton said looking at him.

“I’m sick of your shit, Prince.” He responded, with his hand still up.

“Aaaalright.” Princeton smiled, then looked ahead.

“Who wants Star to go inside of the box?”

Everyone except for Princeton and Babydoll voted.

“Oh my goodness.” Star said smiling as she shook her head. “All of you guys are full of shit. I swear y’all are.”

“And who want’s Babydoll to go inside of the box?”

Everyone except for Star, and Princeton voted.

“Alright. Well, you three are up for elimination. You three will be meeting Kiloni at your outing today before eliminations.”

Princeton, Star, and Babydoll had went onto the outing at a popular carnival with Kiloni. Princeton and Kiloni hung out, while Star and Babydoll hung out. They’d ate of course, and Kiloni took her 30 minutes of alone time with Princeton. She didn’t even want to hear what Babydoll, or Star had to say.

4 hours later, the 3 arrived at the house, and prepared for a daily elimination along with the others. Kiloni had walked out next to the bonfire next to Joe, and the vault box that their checks were in.

“Alright Kiloni, who would you like to come get their first check?”

“Mucho Perez!” She smiled as she gave him a hug, and looked at the crowd. “I don’t know why you guys keep putting him in the box when i’m in charge. I’m never going to send him home.”

“Dumb asses.” Princeton said looking at everyone, as he hugged Kiloni again, and took his check.

“Alright Kiloni, who would you like to come up and get their last check?”

“Star. I give you much respect for not sending me home. You basically gave me another shot at this competition.” Kiloni said looking at her, and smiling. “And I hate your ass with a fiery passion, so i’m going to do something that’ll hurt way worse. I’m gonna send Babydoll home. So come get your check.”

Star was stunned. She wanted to break down and give her check to Babydoll, but she couldn’t. She now knew how the raw feeling of having to watch her own friend get sent home, felt like. Before getting her check, she hugged Babydoll as she and her, let out a load of tears.

“Thank you for being loyal ‘til the end.” Star said as she hugged her extremely tight. She then walked up to Kiloni, snatched her check, and watched as Joe burned Babydoll’s check in the fire. She then walked over to the crowd, watched Babydoll cry as she left, then looked at everyone she was standing with.

“You’re all a bunch of assholes! Each and every one of you!” She shouted as tears ran down her eyes.

“Cool it with the dramatics, blueberry muffin head.” Justin C laughed. Suddenly, Star smacked him in his face extremely hard, catching him off gaurd as a few people laughed.

“Shut the fuck up.” She said through her teeth as she looked at him with a highly angry look. He then turned his head at her, grimmed her up and down, then looked ahead. He didn’t look angry on the outside, but inside, he was fuming. He wanted to punch Star with every ounce of power that he had, but he couldn’t.

“Well guys, there are 12 of you left. 9 people gone, already! Get some rest, and prepare for the day tomorrow. Sweet dreams…..” Joe said.

When everyone was walking back into the house, Star pulled Princeton to the side.

“Prince.” She said.


“Thanks for not voting for me.” She smiled. “You’re a true friend.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “Just remember one thing, Star.”


“You can trust me, but there are no friends in this house. Watch your back.” Princeton said, walking back into the house.

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