Skye without Claude ........(...

By Deedee104624

71.7K 3.5K 285

perfect would have being the word used to describe Skye's marriage to Claude but all the dream of happy ever... More



1.6K 63 28
By Deedee104624

This was how the book was meant to end, but I posted the previous epilogue so that I don't spoil some people's new year, now this author will like to sadistically spoil Valentine's Day....
I'm kidding.. Or am I ? You'll never know unless you read it .

Please ignore all mistakes.


"You can't kill her" this was Alfie talking followed by Charles who was armed to the teeth for necessity sake.

"Uncle" she said happily after recognizing the voice. "Uncle I have been treated poorly please take care of them"

Alfie was tired of trying to save her so now he was just going to tell the Chevalier who she was so that they do not stain their hands with dirty blood. He wasn't doing this for her sake but for the chevalier family's sake.

"Ahh Charles you came I was..." She was cut off by her angry uncle who for the first time showed his anger and hate.

"Oh shut up stupid brat" he told Charles to point the gun at her head so she could stop talking while he spoke the truth.

"Why can't we just kill her" Claude asked in anger. Skye stood beside him with their son in Skye's arms. He stood there because Tyler wanted to be close to Claude too without distracting his father, Skye wanted to cry happily that today he wasn't losing anyone but an seemingly important issue was at hand.

"Well patience is everything, Mr. Adrian do you remember Catalina your first love" Adrian wanted to ask how the influences anything but he kept those words to himself.

"Do you also remember Diego Delgrusso?"

"Yes so, I know I sent that bastard to hell were he deserved?" Hearing this Martha was about to shout at him on seeing this Charles shot the floor close to her leg, she immediately swallowed her anger.

"Yes, yes, I know, anyway he was my elder brother. I know you killed him out of anger for killing Catalina and her family  and you couldn't safe her in time" Adrian's eyes showed sadness and regret but he nodded.

"The truth here was she had called you to give you all her family's wealth and then slept with you not really knowing about her best friend's betrayal, what you didn't know was she got pregnant and finally let Diego have his way with her to protect you and her child" Adrian's eyes were round. He had a child roaming around without a father not knowing their real father.

"Well let me cut to the chase that child was taken care of by Diego till he found out about her not being his child from Catalina's best friend, he killed her and was planning to kill the child but you came in fast enough and he just only hid her. That child is Martha"

"Eh?!" Was what escaped everyone who just learnt the truth including Martha.

"You are lying" she cried out as Alfie threw the journal at her.

"This was what I was trying all this years to explain to you, your mom knew she would died so she wrote this journal and kept it with an instruction that when you got older I should give it to you on your birthday" he paused  then continued

"Well happy fucking birthday" with that Alfie and Charles left. At first Charles wanted to personally kill her but after seeing the bodies of the men killed by Claude he knew that even if she survived it won't be for long because those men belonged to one of Diego's ruthless friends from way back.

Adrian walked towards the trembling woman pushing her hair away from her face now he could see the resemblance to Catalina, after hearing he had a child with the love of his life he was happy but hearing it was Martha this monstrosity, he suddenly lost the happiness he felt. Well then we wouldn't kill her just put her in prison maybe a life imprisonment sentence.

(A/n: if you have read the first epilogue you can start from here)

Three months had passed as everyone was recovering talking more, Skye still had shadows of what he had suffered through he was seeing a therapist. He avoided Claude at all cost because it always make him suffer, he hid away from him to recover and to avoid the past. The left the country so it won't be easy for Claude to chase him.

"How do you feel today Skye" the therapist asked, she had been following his case for two months and two weeks. From his story she felt he needed to confront Claude, he needed closure to be able to move on and let go of the past. Even if it means never getting back together, he needed to be happy again for him self and his son.

"I don't know how I feel right now, I got a call from my dad he said he had an important thing he needed to tell I and My siblings" he said looking at the therapist. She could see he was afraid, but what was he afraid of.

"What are you so afraid of Skye" Skye had gotten used to his voice but most times he doesn't remember he has a voice. Like right now he started to sign. The therapist sighed this is like he was making a regression after he became comfortable with his voice.

"Use your voice Skye use words, I won't understand you if you don't talk" she said sternly. Skye shrinks as he tries to clean his sweaty palms, no one knew how nightmares plagued him because he never lets anyone close enough to know how he was suffering.

"I.. Uh... I am sc.. Ah scared to see him again, what if he hurts me agin what if I can't be able to let him go, what if he takes Tyler... From me" he poured out his what ifs that plagued his thoughts. She nodded with a motherly smile.

"Hmm let's try something Skye, I'm happy you finally accepted your fears. So I want you to write all the things you are afraid of in this paper. Make sure to write them boldly and fill up the paper" she handed him a sheet of plain paper with a pen. She knew this process would help someone like Skye feel less scared of them.

Skye collected the plain paper and started to write boldly, pouring out all his fears, his fear of losing hope once again, his fear of waking up and seeing he was still in prison, his fear of being thrown away by his loved ones, his fear of talking to Claude, his fear of losing his child, his fear of falling in love again, his fear of waking up to see his children die again before him.

When he was done Mrs. Kale smiled stood to her feet then walked over to the empty bin where she burns some papers. She was a black woman in her late forties, had little appearance of grayish hair mixed within her brown curls. She placed the bin in front of the confused Skye and handed him a lighter.

"Well sweetie it time to let go of all this fears by burning them" psychologically this process helps the client feel most times less afraid, sometimes makes them feel they are in control, it also makes them brave. She always treated her clients with utmost care especially clients like Skye whose story touches her to her bone marrow, he was like a newly hatched chick which needed protection from being taken away by a hawk or kite. She knew she wasn't meant to feel this way for her clients because it was unprofessional on her part but seeing Skye she just didn't force him to tell her anything but always spoke to him like a mother would and that helped him till now.

"Take it Skye, I know you don't want to feel this way anymore, it's time to let them go" she said placing it in his slightly smaller hands. He nodded and took it with sweaty palms.

'It's time I let go, it time to be happy again, Tyler needs me, my family needs me' he gave himself a pep talk in his heart the look at the woman who was the first person to make him feel motherly love, she gave an encouraging smile.

He looked at the bin then the paper in his hand and finally lite it up at the edge of the paper then watched it burn till nothing remained except ashes.

He felt suddenly lighter, his eyes looked clearer and his smile suddenly burst forth. This was the first time his therapist saw him smile and she always thought he would look more beautiful than his usual beauty but instead he looked dazzling.

He hugged her thanking her then saying he would keep her updated since he needed to travel the next day to see his family. While they were hugging the door slammed open revealing a definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He was typing furiously on his phone, dressed in a suit well styled curly hair, should be about 6ft and 5in .

"Mom how many times have I said don't set me up on blind dates, I can in fact see very cle...arly" he met eyes with the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He looked at his mother who stood beside the smaller person then at the person immediately dropping his phone into his pocket.

"I should be going now Mrs Kale" he whispered picking up his bag and gave a small greeting nod to the taller man then rushed away with his very red ears, he suddenly felt shy.

Meanwhile Mrs Kale looked at her single son Lawson who sat on her chair in a daze. She wanted to badly slap the back of his head for staring at he baby chick for too long making him run away but she stopped as the wheels in her head started to turn.

"Ma, who was that.." He sounded breathless.

"Don't think about now stupid boy, he is going through a lot right now so wait a while so you don't spook him" she knew her son hated anything that would cause him stress which means relationship, he wasn't that much of a sexual person either. Yes his libido was high but he was always faithful to his partners but those he had dated since he started dating in high school were all wrong for him.

So as a loving mother she set up blind dates for him with candidates who she feels would love him just right but the ungrateful piglet always complain like he did today.

"Tell me about such a beautiful shy person " she said looking at his mother with all seriousness.

"Therapist clients confidentiality, so if you want to pursue him then do it right I'm not helping you cheat in the test of life called 'love and happiness'" she said hitting his head with a folded paper. Then began to clear her table, Skye was her last client for the day so she needed to go home and prepare dinner for the usual family reunion after threatening her kids who were married with ass whopping or heart attack .

"Woman what have you been doing for the past six years, what do you think blind date means" he rolled his eyes behind her back mumbling those words.

"One more word out of you piglet and you will be in ICU with my foot up your back side"

"Ma I'm joking, anyway can I get his number now"

"No ask him yourself self and if you dare hurt him in future I will break you into pieces and share your ashes to the world" she growled.

"I'm your son ma, he is not your son well not yet but soon he will"

"Stand up from that chair you 29 years old brat lets go home"

It was already the three months and everyone was recovering happily except Melissa who was brought back into the Chevalier family mansion with a warning of not even been able to move her legs. Adrian made sure to paralyze her from her waist down, she was being spoon fed by the maids.

Sasha and Louisa were officially dating, Martha felt happy being in prison believing that the man she had offended won't be able to get her but oh she had forgotten how she was able to take Skye's son from him in prison.

News soon showed the truth as everyone who condemned Skye then felt like they had been slapped into oblivion, Martha was declared missing from prison after a month in prison. The chevalier's didn't try to find her.

She was suffering torture each day in the hands of the man she had offended, she tried biting her so she could choke and die but he instead cut off her tongue, blinded her eyes, cut her fingers one by one then her toes didn't escape either. He kept her alive till a year later he shot her in the middle of her head.

When sky got home His father finally revealed a secret which shook the Thompson family, their mother stole Skye and Sasha from their real mother. The truth was revealed after a stranger came with a gun a crazy eyes ready to kill her. The stranger claimed to be Skye's other parent who's egg was stolen and was fertilized by Mr. Thompson's sperm.

This person was in fact a man who Skye looked exactly like, she was so scared she confessed what had happened. She had promised the Alexis (the man) that she would help take care of his family if he was a surrogate for her, this wasn't the first time, she knew she couldn't get pregnant so she found beautiful poor people who she promise to help after they helped her by being surrogate mother. She didn't have eggs to use to she would travel abroad claiming she doesn't trust the family doctor. When she gets there she would take the woman's egg and used her husband's sperm to fertilize the egg then when it is successful she would kill the person and transfer their fertilized egg into her womb.

The reason Alexis was alive was the person who was sent to kill him was his friend so he was kept safe and was secretly looking for the evil woman who killed people for her selfishness.

Why she hated Skye at birth was he took his looks from Alexis and he was like an exact copy of him even his different eye colors, she was always paranoid so she wanted him out of the way but Sasha kept protecting him. Meanwhile Sasha looked exactly like the handsome mr Thompson.

She was locked up in a psychiatric ward while Alexis happily got to know his children and he was really happy.

Skye followed his family to the chevalier's house for the birthday celebration of Tyler who had missed his mother so much he asked everyday for him, Skye felt nervous but not scared to see Claude again. His sister was happy with this development so she encouraged him to make what decision he felt was right when he finally meet the so called Claude.

When the party was over Claude was finally able to get Skye alone in the kitchen since everyone was outside still talking and eating bbQ chicken.

"Skye can we talk?" He asked Skye who didn't really have much reaction like he usually did.

"Sure Claude, we really need to talk" Skye cleaned his wet hands from washing and turned to look at Claude.

"Skye I am so very sorry, I was the worst, so dumb in fact stupid. I didn't think straight I let myself be deceived and I lost you six years ago because of my stupidity and I am ready to make amends I don't care how long it would take for you to forgive me but please forgive me. I love you so much much " Claude looked deeply into Skye's eyes expecting to see the happiness or a little bit of affection in his eyes but all he saw was a very clear and bright eyes.

"Claude I forgive you, I don't hold anything against you anymore, yes you hurt me, yes you broke the trust we spent years building, yes you broke my heart but I still forgive you" he said as Claude showed his happiness about to hug Skye only for Skye to stop him.

"But I don't believe love can work without trust, I don't think that I can ever give you my trust any more. I'm sorry to say this but I don't want to be with you, I know you want to make  up for your mistakes but I have to let you go. It's time to let go Claude " Skye caressed the tear stained cheek of Claude. They were not married anymore to begin with, he had no right to hold on to the past because he had already lost the person he loved most.

"I wish you well for your next relationship Claude, treat him or her better than you did with me, don't forget to remind them how you love them. Take care Claude it's time to let go of Skye" Claude broke down as he watched the smiling Skye walk away. He didn't even have the strength to stand anymore.

Skye smiled and bid his farewell to Mr. Alex then hugged the sleeping Tyler before placing him back in his sister's arm then walked away with his dad and mom Alexis. This was his first step to recovery and he could see the brightness of the future more clearer.

That night before he slept he called Mrs. Kale and thanked her saying he was not sure he would return for a while but he would always keep in contact with her.

"I will miss you sweetie, remember to video call me and you can always ask me for help when ever you need my help"

"Yes Mrs. Kale"

"Oh come on Skye you can call me Ma or mama Kay seems better, bye the way someone wants your number should I give them or not its your choice baby boy" she said

"Not a killer, not a murder"

"Ain't those two the same?"

" sure mama Kay you can give the person my number " Skye said only to hear a deep voice at the other side of the phone shout a yes.

"Ignore all background noises " they laughed together before bidding themselves a good bye.

Meanwhile, One crazy night a year one thing led to another and Alexis got pregnant. Alexis married Mr. Thompson, Skye got in a relationship with piglet (according to Mrs Kale) Lawson.

Sasha finally proposed to Louisa who had already planned how to kidnap Sasha and force her into marriage if she doesn't propose. Claude remained single sharing custody of Tyler with Skye, he felt he needed to examine his life before he can love again.

'The end'

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this chapter is dedicated to @scorpio1215

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