Marvel Imagines

By YeahItsMeSoph

446K 7.9K 2.5K

~The Marvel Avengers Characters~ It will be (Y/N) and a character below: Captain America (Steve Rogers) The W... More

The Avengers
The Avengers
The Avengers


2.6K 55 41
By YeahItsMeSoph

"My Dearest (Y/N). My beautiful (Y/N), my endless symphony. My life revolves around you like the Earth orbits around the Sun. My life has no meaning if you are not breathing in it. If you have taught me one thing, it's that I should always follow what I desire. You, my darling dearest, are one of them, and I would follow you to the ends of the earth. My other, is finding solace in death. Do not worry for I am not going to be killing myself, but for I am wanting to bring back the dead, or at least reverse death in which time has taken. I hope you are understanding what I am saying. (Y/N)... I miss Pietro, so so much. My life has never been the same since he was taken from this earth. I am going to go get the time stone, and bring him back to present day time. I do hope that we both will be back by mid-day tomorrow at the most. And I do hope that I could be able to place a breathe upon your lips as well one more time. Forever your eternal lover, Wanda."

It's been exactly a day since you had found the letter. You're emotions are all over the place and you even threatened to stab Bucky a few times. He wasn't very happy with that threat and he said if you threatened him again he would murder you in your sleep. But you couldn't help it.

You were the one to make the first move on Wanda. You wouldn't have even known if Wanda even existed if Clint Barton wasn't kind enough to give you a home. You were adopted by Clint at a young age but you are just as close to him as his blood kids are. He never really brought you to the tower, the compound or bases before since he didn't want you getting involved with the Avengers, but once you turned eighteen, you told him you wanted to be just like him. So he started training you along side Natasha, who is your Aunt. She's more like a sister to you since you both are always around each other.

You had locked eyes with those beautiful red, scarlet eyes of hers one day at the compound when she had just joined the team. She had ended up reading your mind at the moment you thought of slamming her up against a wall and doing something very naughty to her and she had immediately started giggling about it and you two hit it off very well after that. After a few months of knowing each other, you asked her to be your girl friend, and she said, well she said yes.

And several dates later, you now have been dating for more than five years. You've been wanting to pop the big question about marriage but it's been so chaotic. When you started dating, her brother Pietro had died not even five months in and it took a huge toll on her. Then after a year into your relationship, Thanos showed up and destroyed the team completely. You don't even know where half the team is... And you don't speak much to your father since he's officially "retired".

But you woke up this morning feeling empty. And you saw that letter sitting on the counter all alone by a singular red rose. You felt disgusted that she'd leave without telling you about it. She could have easily trusted you about this information but she decided to do it behind your back. Like, after all these years... She didn't trust you enough to tell you that she wanted to revive someone so important to her? It would have been very important to you as well since she is your girlfriend. 

"God damn it Wanda..." You sat tugging your hair frustrated at yourself. Why? Well, you don't really even know why. You just assumed it's your fault for letting her do this alone. You don't even know if she's safe, or if she's gonna die in the alternate universe trying to bring him back.

The thought of her not even coming back to you haunts you. What if she found someone else in the alternate verse? Is she gonna fall in love with someone else before you even show up?

Tugging at your hair, chewing at the skin around your nails, and pacing back and forth- you came to a halt; finally losing it. You collapse to the floor and break out into sobs. You don't know why you're losing it when you don't even know the whole story. I suppose the stress that has been built up just finally slammed into you all at once. 

You wipe your nose with the back of your hand and take a large intake of air trying to calm your nerves. You're going to go find Pepper and see if she has been contacted yet about Wanda.


Standing in front of the dark oak door of Pepper and Tony's shared lake house, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. This is going to be strange not seeing Tony around here...

You knocked five times and waited. A few seconds pass until you hear small fast foot steps approach the door. You watch as the door opens and you have to look down to greet the one at the door.

"Cousin (Y/N)!" Morgan screams as she jumps up to attack you.

You engulf her into a bone crushing hug to keep her from trying to attack you with her fake Iron Gauntlet. "Hi Morgan!" You greet her.

"Morgan? Who's he-" Pepper approaches the both of you and a smile lights up her face once she sees its you.

"My god! (Y/N)! I haven't seen you in forever!" Pepper comes rushing to you for a hug. You drop Morgan on her head as you go to hug Pepper.

"Hey Pep. Can I speak to you?"

"I can't loan you anymore of Tony's things! I'm sorry, I want to keep some of his stuff too." She gives you a lopsided grin. She gives you some of Tony's old equipment to use in combat or to work on to make your own.

"No, it's not that this time, Pep."

She slowly loses her smile and grabs your arm, "Come in and have a seat in my office- Morgan go to your room!- Let me grab a cup of coffee, okay?"

You nod and start for the office, once you approach it down the hallway, you sit on the couch that sits by the window that looks out onto the lake.

"I brought you a cup too, if you want some." She places it down on the little table close to you. You feel too sick to your stomach to even think about drinking something that will make you want to shit your brains out not even a few hours later.

"Pepper..." You start.

"Yes you can barrow the Tesla." She chimes in before you even start your sentence.

"No Pepper, please take me and this situation seriously, please." You look at her. Your eyes show her everything you want to say.

"What's wrong."

"She's gone, Pep, And I mean she up and left in the middle of the night or something and only left me a letter."

You take the letter from your pocket and give it to her to read. She mumbles the words as she reads the letter aloud to herself.

"She didn't even tell me! Just, POOF. Vanished."

"Wow, she didn't give you any ideas?"

"She brought up missing Pietro a few times but nothing about leaving our reality to go get him back from the dead!"

Your eyes begin to sting with tears feeling worthless. "I'm scared I'm going to lose her, Pepper."

Her face falters into concern as she rushes to your side to give you a hug. "Please tell me if you've at least heard anything."

She stands up and walks towards her laptop on her desk. "I haven't heard anything yet, so let me check my email and see if anyone has seen or heard of anything yet."

Right as she went to open the computer her phone starts blaring her ringtone of Tony's voice. 'Hey Pep? Can you pick up the phone? It's from an urgent caller- Thanks babe, I love you.'

You chuckle, "Really?"

"Yes, he's the only reason I continue doing his job." She smiles.

She answers the phone, "Pepper Stark speaking."

Her face turns emotionless and that makes you slightly panicked. "What did you just say?"

She turns away from you and cuffs the bottom of her phone to her mouth and whispers. 

You glance down at your feet giving her privacy, then you hear her say, "Holy shit."

You stand up, "What is it Pepper."

She hangs up the phone and turns to you again. Her face holds many emotions that you can distinguish: pain, empathy, and concern.

"They know where she is, (Y/N)."

"Who? Where is she?" You bark out at her walking up to her.

Her breathe hitches in the back of her throat. "S.W.O.R.D., they just contacted me."

"Okay, and? Pepper just tell me now so I know where Wanda is and if she's okay!"

There's a long silence before Pepper let's out a nervous breathe. "She's in Westview, New Jersey..." She whispers to you.

"Okay I'm going to go get her-" You go to leave to find a private jet to take you today, but Pepper steps in your way.

"You can't go to Westview, (Y/N)..."

"And why not? I'm going to go see my girlfriend, Pepper!"

Pepper shoves you back onto the couch surprising you.

"Listen to me (Y/N)-"

"No! Let me go see Wan-"

Pepper cuts you off whisper screaming at you. "(Y/N), you can't go see Wanda because she has made her own alternate reality in Westview, New Jersey!"

You stay silent in shock, she realizes you aren't going to speak so she continues.

"No one is allowed in and no one has been able to get out. S.W.O.R.D. just called me to tell me the news, they are trying their best to get her to stop whatever she's doing. She has captured many civilians inside! ..and..."

Tears threatening to spill from your eyes you throw your hands up in desperation, you speak, "And what? What else could be happening right now with her Pepper?"

"She has Vision's dead body inside..." She trails off.

 She finishes, pain clearly in her voice, "And she has made a reality, where she is married to him."

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