Summer Secrets (Zarry Mpreg)

By CaramelCreamCoffee

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It had always been a tradition to visit Anne's caravan in Wales. Going there had never been an issue for Zayn... More

Part 1 - Summer 15: Week 1πŸ”₯
Part 2 - Summer 15 : Week 2 πŸ’›
Part 3- Summer 15: Week 3 πŸ€
Part 4 - Summer 15: Week 4✨
Part 5- Summer 15: Week 5 πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»
Part 6- Summer 15: Week 6 πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ’”
Part 7 - Pregnancy: Week 8-12 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 8 - Pregnancy: Week 16-20πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 9 - Pregnancy: Week 25-30 🀰🏻
Part 10 - Pregnancy: Week 30 πŸ”₯
Part 11 - Pregnancy: Week 30-32 πŸ’”
Part 12 - Pregnancy : Week 32-35 πŸ‘ΆπŸ»
Part 13 - The birth : Here she is πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•
Part 15 - Parenting : You did good (Part 1) πŸ’›
Part 16- Parenting: You did good (Part 2) πŸ’›
Part 17 - Parenting : Responsible Decision β˜•οΈ
Part 18 - Parenting: I Miss Him πŸ’”
Part 19 - Parenting: I can't forgive πŸ’§
Part 20 - Parenting: Its Time To Move On πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§
Part 21 - Parenting : Summer love πŸ’”
Part 22 - Summer 2016 Begins 🀍
Part 23 : Summer 2016 - Week 1-3πŸ’™
Part 24: Summer 2016 - Week 3-6πŸ’”
Part 25: Summer 2017 - Begins πŸŽ‰
Part 26 - Summer 2017 : Week 1-3 🐠
Part 27 - Summer 2017 : Week 3-6 🌎
Part 28 - Summer 2018 Begins πŸ’›
Part 29 - Summer 2018 : Week 1-3 😷
Part 30 - Summer 2018: Week 3-6 🎼
Part 31: 2018 - What was I supposed to do?😭
Part 32 : Summer 2019 - Theo's final summer πŸ’”
Part 33 - Summer 2019 : Week 1-3 πŸŒ™
Part 34 - Summer 2019 : Week 3-6 πŸ‘‘β˜οΈ
Epilogue πŸŒ™βœ¨

Part 14 - The birth: Here she is (Part 2πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•)

2K 97 10
By CaramelCreamCoffee

It was a huge moment of realisation for Zayn, the realisation that he was no responsible for this tiny , defenceless , being. She was everything he'd ever dreamed of , little and utterly perfect.  Harry was in awe of her , he'd spent that last two hours since he gave birth watching over her every move. He can't believe he almost denied him this opportunity. The guilt would forever eat away at him, he wasn't an idiot he knew he fucked up. But being faced with an image he never thought he'd get to see just makes the entire situation ten times worse. At least from his point of view anyway.

"Zayn.. sunshine? Do you want to get a shower?" Trisha cooed softly , he was sat on the couch currently wrapped up in a blanket. A cup of tear held tightly in his grip.

"E-erm not yet." He murmured , eyes locked on Harry as he held their daughter against his chest.

"You can ask to have her back you know? She's your baby too." Anne giggled softly.
"He's just in awe."

Zayn immediately shook his head, he didn't want to take this time away from Harry. He'd already missed so much of her time with them. Sure she was still inside of him but she was alive never the less.
"N-no I want him and her to have this time."

"Zayn.. it's been two hours sweetie, maybe you should hold her just for a lil' bit?" Bella interrupted.

"I-no, I don't want to, just stop pressuring me ok?!" He snapped , he didn't mean to. But he felt all sorts of emotions right now and everyone was too in his face for his liking. "S-sorry, I'm sorry."

"No it's ok! We get it , you're in pain, you're exhausted and you're basically a cupboard of hormones right now. It's a lot." Anne soothed him.

"N-no it's not ok... I-I just, I feel like I owe him this time with her.. you get me?" He choked out.
"Like look at them? How could I have even thought about taking this chance away from them!"

"Zayn honey, now isn't the time to be punishing yourself. You just went through twenty hours of labour to get that little girl out into this world. Hold her , love on her ... now is the time for that." Trisha insisted.

Zayn bit his lip, slowly moving so he could sit up a little bit more. Allowing Bella to take his cup of tea out of his hands. "H-Haz?"

Harry immediately snapped out of his little love bubble when he heard Zayn's voice.
"Y-yeah? You ok?"

"I-I'm all good don't worry, just want to cuddle you both." Zayn shrugged.

"Sugar! Right of course you do! I'm so sorry I've basically hogged her." Harry giggled.

"No it's fine, just pass her here yeah? I didn't go through all of that to not see her for at least five." Zayn joked.

Harry smiled , slowly walking over to take a seat next to the sixteen year old. Pressing a gentle kiss to their daughters forehead before he carefully handed her over. "There you go Daislee, back to Dede."

The baby girl was now cleaned , near enough swimming in the little Minnie Mouse baby grow Anne had picked out for her. Wrapped up her in fluffy cream blanket, tiny hands poking out as she wriggled to get comfortable against Zayn.

"Hi my baby.." Zayn breathed , finger tracing her cheek as he smiled happily.
"I can't believe I made this..."

"Heyyy, I can take some credit." Harry pouted , leaning his head on Zayn's shoulder.
"Though you did all the hard work.. so I suppose I'll let you have it , just this once."

"Hmm I was about to say ..." Zayn hummed with a smirk. "We did a pretty good job."

"Yeah we did ... she's freaking beautiful."

"Beyond beautiful... I've texted Pez a picture. She's so in love Z, she can't wait to see you." Louis informed with a wide smile.

"Bet she's proper flipping out, this is the baby we found out about on a toilet floor... she was the first person to know. It must be drivin' her insane not meeting her yet." Zayn told him.

"Oh you know Pez, always overly excited." Louis chuckled. "But I should probably go tell my mum n' that she's here and that you're ok."

"That's fine." The new dad smiled , using his free arm to quickly hug the older boy.
"Thanks for being here mate."

"Thanks for allowing me to be here , meant a lot. Thanks to you too H, it was your moment n' all."

"Oh hush up Louis, you know Zayn wouldn't have had it any other way." Harry smirked , also hugging the donny lad close. "I appreciate your support."

After a few more hugs to Anne, Trisha and even Bella , Louis quietly made his exit. All of Zayn's concentration once again moved to his girl.
"She hasn't gotten hungry yet? Is that normal?"

"She'll feed when she's ready don't worry.. and she'll be sure to let you know!" Bella laughed.
"Some baby's are just content to be out in the world, not all of them come  out just for the food."

Zayn snorted , humming in approval as he watches the sleeping beauty nestled in his arms.

"Leaving you speechless Ay?" Harry cooed , stroking his hand carefully over their daughters curly hair. It blew his mind how much she had for such a tiny girl.

"Y-Yep, like I don't have the words to describe the love I'm feeling right now.."

"Yeah me either."

Trisha and Anne watched on with soft smiles. Feeling themselves tear up from the amount of pride and love they had for their boys. There was still a long road ahead of them, but they could get through anything. They had their girl to focus on now, she was their main focus, their reason to keep going.

"Right well! I'll leave you all alone, your vitals look good Zayn! Just keep an eye on your bleeding, if it gets too heavy or the pain becomes to much, call me ok? You shouldn't leave anything like that it's a sign of post-natal haemorrhage." Bella said , packing up her things.

"I-I won't don't worry, Thankyou for doing this... I couldn't have had some stranger poking around down there." Zayn chuckled.

"My pleasure .. stay happy and healthy please. Who knows when you're older , I might be delivering you next little one." Bella smiled.

"One can pray." The sixteen year old sighed, it must be hard being a midwife. Building a bond with someone and their baby only to leave once said baby arrives. He'd hate that.

"I'll see you." The midwife called, allowing Anne to help her out to her car. Waving one last time to the happy family of three.

"She was lovely." Harry whispered once she was gone. "Couldn't have asked for anyone better."

"Tell me about it... she never judged my , not even once for being so young. I loved that." Zayn sighed.

"How are you feeling? I feel like I haven't asked."

"M' sore , really sore ... but other than that I'm on cloud nine... like look at her H! I'm in love."

He carefully pulled the small girl up against him so he could press a delicate kiss against her nose. A small grunt leaving her lips before she settled down.

"Are all babies this perfect?" Harry questioned.

"I'd like to say Zayn was... but honestly sunshine,  I don't think I've ever seen a newborn as beautiful as her before.."  Trisha piped in.

"We're blessed, and she's so peaceful." The sixteen year old said in awe. "Like I know she'll cry but.."

"Yeah I get you, even the cry she made when she first came out was so tiny... she squeaks more than anything." Harry laughed softly.

"She cried straight away right? That's amazing for a baby so early .." Zayn asked the adults .

"It is! You didn't cry for almost a minute after you where born!" Trisha nodded.

"I-I would of freaked out if she did that, shit that must of been so scary."

"It was , but you're here ... you're here and you're all grown up, with my precious little grandchild. I couldn't be prouder." His mum stated.

"T-thankyou mum... for everything. You know I love you." The teen blushed.

"I love you more sunshine."


Zayn fell asleep around half an hour after Bella left. By that time it was already half two in the morning so he had basically gone a full twenty four hours without sleep. He was beyond exhausted so Harry just left him on the couch, slowly moving him so he was laying against the cushion. Making sure his legs curled up slightly so he wasn't putting any pressure down there (it'd be swollen and sore for weeks) .

That had been two hours ago and somehow Harry had managed to catch some sleep too; only to be awoken by the soft squeak of Daislee's cry. Her little legs curling up against her body as she whined and whimpered. Harry immediately jumping into action to ensure Zayn stayed asleep, he needed the rest more than Harry did right now.

"Come on baby girl ... let's get you a bottle." He cooed , Daislee was whimpering , the baby girl clearly ready for her first feed.  Four and a half hours after her arrival into this world and she was finally hungry. Zayn would be so happy if he was awake , he'd been getting worried.

Harry wasn't completely clueless as he made his way to the kitchen. Quickly pulling out of the bottles out of the steriliser that Trisha had set up earlier. H knew exactly how to make a formula bottle up thanks to all the parenting books . It's a good job seems as his mum and Trisha had headed to bed once Zayn slept.
"Just me and you Daisleedoo..."

He carefully placed the bottle into a jug of cold water , making sure to rock Daislee in his arms as he hummed quietly. It was a song he had written when he found out about her existence... so it seemed fitting that it be one of the first things he'd sing to her. "I hope you like it baby, I put a lot of work into it ... was hoping to play it to you whilst you was still inside Dede, but you decided to make an early appearance. Not that I'm annoyed .. m' happy you're here my beautiful Princess."

As he tested the bottle temperature against the skin of his wrist he began to softly sing. Making sure to keep his volume down. He didn't want anyone else to wake up just yet, he liked their alone time.

"You're just a small bump unborn, one month then you're brought to life,
You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your Dede's eyes,
I'll hold your body in my hands be as gentle as I can,
And now your scan on my unmade plans,
Small bump, one month then brought to life
I'll hold you tightly, I'll give you nothing but truth,
If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you..."

As he sang he barely noticed himself slowly walking back into the Living room , his daughters bottle clutched tightly in his grip as she drank away like a pro. Not noticing as he sat down that Zayn was now watching them with tears in his eyes.

"You are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
Oh you are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
And you'll be alright....."

Zayn was mesmerised, he wanted to speak. Let Harry know he was awake and listening , but at the same time he wanted to enjoy the moment. It allowed him the chance to cry, to let out all of the pain and guilt he was harbouring inside. Every word he sang was filled with so much love for their girl and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. He had the perfect little family. He couldn't help the shaky breath he released as Harry brought the song to a close .. Daislee perfectly content.

"You can lie with me, with your tiny feet when your half asleep,
I'll leave you be
Right in front of me for a couple weeks
So I can keep you safe
'Cause you are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
Oh you are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
And you'll be alright
You're just a small bump unborn just for one more months then you're brought to life... my girl."

"Y-you wrote her a song?" Zayn choked out.

"Crap! Oh god, you're awake! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up!" Harry whispered.

"N-no you didn't, I'm pretty sore. Was about to get some painkillers when I heard you start singing to her. Thought I'd listen in on the all inclusive performance... it was beautiful H."

"T-thankyou... I erm, I needed to write to distract myself so I thought- I thought writing a song for her would be a great way of expressing my love. Would work better if she was still a bump but.." Harry blushed . "She's here now so."

"Well I think she loved it just as much as me... look at that look Haz." Zayn cooed , carefully standing from his seat to crouch down next to them.

"Woah, don't strain yourself!" Harry panicked.

"Oh shut up... m' fine I promise.. just want to get closer. Look her feeding away, she's a lil' pro."

"I know ... I'm sorry I just took over- I wanted you to sleep a little longer I swear I wasn't doing it out of-"

"Harry it's fine... she's your baby. You're allowed to give her a bottle when she needs. I'm grateful to have you here and that you care so much. Honestly .. thankyou." Zayn cut him off.


Zayn sighed , he hated that Harry was doubting himself already. He knows his original plan didn't involve Harry , but he wasn't about to stop hun from caring for there girl.
"Harry, look I know you're worried I don't really want you here because of what I did-"

"Zayn that's not it."

"Let me finish... I know it is that, but I swear whatever you want to do with Daislee.. do it. She's your daughter just as much as she's mine. We both make the decisions. Don't for one single second think that you have to ask me. Sure I carried her but it's not like I have anymore rights than you! Just promise me you'll do what you want ok? Unless it's something harmful to her of course."

Harry sighed shakily, how did Zayn find it so easy to read him? How?!
"I promise.."

"Good... now you get her winded and go back to sleep ok? I'm going to get some painkillers. God I wish Bella left me that gas and air." The sixteen year old groaned standing to his feet.

"Is it that sore? Like I know it is- shit that came out wrong .. stupid question I'm sorry." Harry cringed.

"No it's fine, it's killer ... absolutely fucking killer. Feels like I've shit a knife to get brutally honest. I'm dreading having to go for a shit .. it'll be like giving birth all over again I just know it!" Zayn giggled wandering over to the first aid box in the hall.

"Ooof, m' sorry." Harry said in sympathy.

"Nah don't be, I got this beauty out of it so I can't really complain too much."

As he spoke he slowly took a seat on Harry's other side , both of them watching over their girl with sleepy smiles.

"Yeah ... you gave us the most precious little girl ... I'm forever grateful Z! Thankyou... I mean it."

"You're welcome Hazza."


A/N : I'm on a bloody roll with these updates woooo!!! Not sure how long the quick updates with last though so please don't get upset if they slow down!

However, I do want to quickly address something! I've had a lot of messages and a few comments that I allowed to get to me yesterday! I'm quite short tempered and will stick up for myself if I feel wrongly accused or insulted it's just how I am! So please if you don't like how I portray my characters , if you don't like my storyline , if you just don't like my writing in general.. leave! I'd rather not have anything negative in the comments to put others off of reading! I apologise to you all for rising to it yesterday but I had over 15 messages and three comments all on the same subject it was ridiculous :((

But anyway! Happier times! Hope you liked this chapter!

Stay Safe,
Lots Of Love - Cara x

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