my girls [ Harry Styles A.U. ]

By sweetch3rry_

332K 4.7K 902

in which a one night stand with Harry Styles will bound the two of them forever REWRITING/CORRECTING THE START More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
bonus 2


10.2K 139 23
By sweetch3rry_

9 weeks pregnant

It's been two weeks since I told my parents. I have also told my boss but obviously, I didn't tell him who the father was. He is now way more comprehensive to the fact that I have to go slow and sit.

Harry and I have been texting a lot since he left. He told me that he was in Australia but also that he would be flying back for the weekend to London to see his family. He asked me to come with him to tell his mother. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to but I said yes, we could have a nice time. It's nice to get to meet his family, although I don't know what he means by family. Will there be all of his extended cousins? Who knows? We are going to visit them tonight and Harry is picking me up at my apartment.

I hold two dresses in front of me, looking in my mirror and trying to figure out which one I should wear. I'm so nervous, I don't want to make a bad impression. Not that we're together or anything but you know. I don't want his family to hate me. Or to think I dress bad, that would be offensive and shameful. Millie is sitting on my bed watching me while trying to hide her laughter.

I throw a tee shirt in her face, how dare she be amused by my misery? "Can you help me instead of laughing at me!"

"Fine! Just wear the yellow one with the flowers. It'll look so good with your shoes." She says.

"Couldn't you have said that earlier, like before I flipped my whole closet upside down?" I gesture to my clothes scattered all around my bedroom. She rolls her eyes and continues to flip the pages of her magazine. Unbothered, as always.

I put the dress on and let my hair natural. I curl my lashes and put some mascara. I add a transparent gloss and I take a white shoulder bag purse. I take a look at myself in the mirror.

"Look at you looking all good to meet your mother and sister-in-law!" Millie jokes.

"Stop it I'm so nervous I might throw up. Maybe there will be other people there."

"Don't throw up, this dress is way too expensive for your vomit to ruin it." She says pointing her finger at my dress.

"Very funny thank you, Mills!" I throw a slipper in her face. When it hits her, she realizes what I just did and starts running after me with the slipper in her hand. I run to the living room to escape her. We giggle like two children and end up throwing ourselves on our couch.

I hear a car park outside and a door slam. I instantly know it's Harry. It's weird but lately I've been able to sense his presence.

"Shit that's him. I have to go. Do I look okay?" Millie gives me a thumbs up. I nod and go to the closet. I grab a coat and walk towards the door.

When I open the door, Harry is right in front of it his fist in the air like he was ready to knock. He is wearing a white shirt and yellow pants.

"How'd you know I was here? I didn't knock did I?" He says, putting his hands in his jeans pocket. He seems as nervous as I am.

"No you didn't, I just heard your car. Do you want to come in?" I gesture to the open door. One piece of hair is falling on his forehead and for some reason, I can't stop looking at it. It's hypnotizing.

He brushes his hand through his hair, ruining the curl that I had been staring at. "No, that's fine we can go if you're ready?" he says showing me his car.

"Sure let's go." He places his hand behind my back and opens the door for me. He looks at my dress and starts chuckling.

"What ?" I say a little irritated at him for laughing at my outfit.

"We're matching" He replies looking back and forth at his outfit and mine.

"Oh my god yes! Your mom is going to think we did it on purpose it's sure."

"Absolutely!" He says getting in the car and starting the engine.

I don't want the uncomfortable silence between us, so I try to make small talk. "So, how were your shows ?"

"Amazing! Although I am extremely jet-lagged. And I have to go to the Philippines tomorrow. " He yawns. I wonder how he can do this, the constant jet-lag, the never ending airplane hours, moving everyday.

"But didn't you just arrive here this morning ?" I say in confusion.

"Yes but I have a show there on May 1st, and I needed to talk to my mom and to see you." He replies, smiling at me.


After three hours of driving, we are there. During the whole car ride, we talked about a lot of things but mostly the babies. I didn't admit it in front of him but knowing that he won't be here for two weeks is making me sad. I like having him around but thankfully Face Time exists. It will be like this until the end of his tour in July.

After the tour is done, Harry said he will be here to help me. In July, I'll be five months pregnant, which will make some things harder to do for me, especially because I'm having twins. I'm so scared that my belly will be so big. I feel the cold wind hit me in the face and realize that my door is open and Harry is opening it. I smile at him and get out of the car.

"Don't worry my mom is really nice. You have nothing to worry about. I think my sister will be there too." he says before knocking.

A brunette appears behind the door, she instantly gives a hug to Harry and then gives me one. His mother now appears behind her and gasps when she sees me. Oh my god is my hair crazy, or my dress too short? She walks towards me and... she hugs me?

"Hello darling, I'm Anne. Harry's mother. You look beautiful!" I thank her and she turns to Harry, hugging him too.

"Harry! It has been so long since we've last seen you! I know you're busy with touring and stuff but you could take some time to visit Gemma and me!" She exclaims giving a small slap on his shoulder.

She turns around and looks at me with a big smile.

"I'm Gemma, Harry's sister!" She says to me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Violet."

"We should go have a seat," Gemma says.

We all sit around the table and start talking. Mostly about us.

"Violet, it's so nice to meet you! Harry hasn't said a word about you, I have so many questions. Let's start with where are you from?" Anne asks.

Of course he hasn't said a lot, we practically don't know anything about each other. Well, I know more about him than him about me, thanks to the internet.

"I was born in London but I grew up in France. My family moved back to London when I was 15. I'm 22 right now." I explain, looking at Anne.

"You speak french? How lovely!" She answers with a smile. "Do you work or are you studying?"

"I work in a Gucci shop, it's amazing. It's a very good job, I love it."

"That's amazing! Harry's favorite brand, how bizarre." Gemma replies, fixating her eyes on Harry who is shaking his head, laughing.

"I'm love designing, I draw clothes sometimes. I'd love to have my brand one day but it takes a lot of work, and right now I don't have time to do that."

Harry looks at me and widens his eyes. I had forgotten to tell him before. This subject never came up in our conversations honestly. He clears his throat.

"Also umh... we have something to tell you," Harry says abruptly.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?" Anne asks gently, putting her hand on Harry's. Oh god. Here it goes.

"Not exactly .. uh... Violet is pregnant. With twins. And we're...not together."

Gemma drops her fork. Anne's mouth is wide open and I'm extremely uncomfortable. Wow congrats Harry that was one way to do it. Couldn't he do this with less tact?

"That is a lot of information to process." Anne finally says breaking the silence.

If looks could kill, Harry would be dead by now. Gemma stands up and comes to hug me. I'm surprised by her gesture but I hug her back. Anne comes and does the same too. They both hug Harry too.

"So, you guys were just a ... one-night thing ?" Gemma asks.

"Kinda, but life decided to say otherwise apparently..." I scratch the back of my head. This is so fucking awkward. Not well played Harry.

"So you're having twins ? When will you know the gender ?" Anne asks softly putting her hand over mine.

"The sooner would be in a month. I read that apparently you can know at 12 weeks." Harry replies before me.

I'm impressed he looked up pregnancy stuff on the internet. Or maybe he bought a book? I'll have to ask him.

"Well, congratulations you two!" His sister says.


We are now on the road to go back to London. We had a lovely evening, Anne and Gemma were very supportive and didn't question the whole "we are not together" thing. I'm really glad they didn't.

"I had a great time," I speak up, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, me too. I'm glad you came with me to tell them."

"Well the way you told them was not very subtle but they didn't kick me out so I guess they don't hate me." I joke.

"I know but in my defense, I was just excited."

'Ophelia' by the lumineers is playing on the radio. I mouth the words of the song, my head resting on the car's window.

"So where are you going next?"

"I'll be in Asia until May 12th and then I'll come back. I have a 10 days break and I'll be off to North and South America until the end of the tour." He explains to me.

"It must be great to visit all of these places. Seeing the world." I murmur mostly to myself.

"It is, but it also has its inconvenience. I miss my family when I'm abroad for too long." He plays with the rings on his fingers. I take my time to analyze him, starting to imagine what our babies will look like. I have brown eyes, his are green, I think the babies will have brown eyes. We both have brown hair except his is wavy, mine is straight. I close my eyes and imagine two toddlers with green eyes and brown hair running everywhere. I re-open my eyes when I feel someone's hands on my shoulder shaking me lightly.

"Violet we're home," Harry says, he looked tired.

"Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry you had to be all alone the whole road you should have woken me up." I rub my eyes while I'm talking and yawning. A few seconds later Harry yawns too. With the jet-lag and the drive to his mother's house, he must be exhausted. I don't know how he can still stand up straight.

"Will you be okay to go home safely? You, you can stay here if you want." I stand inside my apartment, while he stays out the door.

"I'll be okay, let me remind you that my house is only 15 min away. Thank you."

I lean into him and kiss him on the cheek. "Good night then, text me when you're home." I say before closing the car's door and rushing to the elevator to go to bed. When I arrive in my apartment, Millie is asleep on the couch, Keeping Up With the Kardashians playing on the TV. I can tell she tried to wait for me. I look at my phone and see the time, it's 3:07 a.m. I put a blanket over Millie, close the TV, and go to my room.

I take off my makeup, clean my face and brush my teeth. Then I take off my dress and put on sweatpants. I am searching for a comfortable hoodie in my closet when I remember the hoodie Harry gave me. I take it and put it on. It smells like him. Isn't it weird to say that I am attached to him? Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better person to have children with, especially unplanned ones.

My phone chimes and I see Harry's name pop on my screen.

From: Harry
Got home safely, no need to worry. Good night Violet, H.

I smile at my phone before I close it and fall asleep, a smile on my lips.

Hi guys ! Idk if you noticed but I am trying to make the timeline as true as it was during the tour. It's very hard but I like it this way.

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