By completelyhopeless

117K 3.9K 520

What if your family made a deal with demons of the night and now they've come back to collect on that IOU? Wh... More

Note to my readers
Character Aesthetic


1.3K 47 9
By completelyhopeless

I stand behind a red heavy dropped silk curtain waiting to be announced. My parents just made their way out and from the noise level it sounds like everyone in Manhattan is here.

"Try to breathe miss." Violet fans me with a copy of the invitation. I'm sweating so much I might as well not have spent 6 hours getting my hair and make-up done.

"I can't do this Violet." My heart is pounding in my chest like a drum. I'm sure many supernatural beings already have located me before I've entered the ball.

"Miss? They called your name..." that's all I hear before Violet shoved me. So unlike her!

A beautiful male faery escorts me out onto the platform where the makeshift thrones have been placed. They look identical to the ones in the throne room but this place is massive. 

A spotlight follows me as he leads me to the seat next to my mother. When the cheering ends and the spotlight leaves, I'm left with a view of a ball built for me. Magical.

Pixies fly holding up lanterns, twinkle lights soft hang from the ceiling and near the front of where we sit there is the largest chandelier I've ever seen. Fog on the floor, white tapestry with lighting makes it look like twilight. I couldn't believe the music I was hearing - something familiar but on the strings. 

"Princess, it's time for your first dance. You have multiple suitors, all royal and preapproved." My father whispers in my ear and I try not to roll my eyes. "You get to choose." For now.

I saw both Rian and Oisin in the line of 10 or so men. All could be underwear models for Calvin Klein. I'm surprised to see Rian and Oisin smiling next to one another. "Oisin. I pick Prince Oisin."

My father hesitates, "wouldn't you like to be on the arm of a king like King Rian?"

"He can have the next dance."

My heart flutters when my eyes meet Rian's gaze and I'm sure my blush shows, but when my eyes meet Oisin's eyes it's like there is no one else here. My heart pounds against my ribcage as he walks forward. I forgot about the whole supernatural hearing he was quickly in front of my father bowing but he quickly turned towards me and I melted. He put his hand out and I took it.

Sparks. Heat. I don't know if I will make it through this dance. 

"Hello Princess. I am honored to dance with such an exquisite young faery druidess." He winks and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "It will be much more fun if you are breathing, although I'm happy to know I take your breath away the same way you take mine."

He pulls me out onto the dance floor and the full orchestra strikes up. I follow his lead, I can barely feel my legs, I spin in and out and all around the dance floor. The mans got moves. And when the chorus hits for the second time others join in - not that I noticed. All I could see was him. Oisin pulled me close, his hand crept lower on my back but he stayed firm, like a promise to keep me steady, to never let go.

I breathe him in as he leans down and we are cheek to cheek. His hot breath on my ear is making my spine tingle, but he keeps me up and dancing. I want to stay in this moment forever. 

"How are you?" I pull away because I need to see his face. I need to memorize his face. How could I have missed soft his lips look? Or how he smiles with his eyes? He is beautiful.

"Ah lass, don't you think I should be asking you that question?" His eyes water but holds himself together. "I..." There was obviously too much to say and too little time. "I've never prayed to the moon goddess before but she has my devotion now that you are back safe and sound. Evelyn, I'm so fucking sorry. It's all my-"

"Shh, no it's not." He is about to crack but as he has held me up, I will do the same for him. "You have no idea how much I missed you." I grinned from ear-to-ear, how could I not with this beast of a man looking at me like I'm the only woman in the room; the only woman to have ever lived.

"I think I have some idea." He whispers into my ear. "This won't be our last dance, but I do believe my brother is waiting." He guides me off the dance floor and gives me a bow, kissing my hand before presenting me to Rian. "Thank you for the dance Princess."

"The pleasure is all mine, Prince Oisin." My eyes are hooded and I'm doing my best to flirt before I'm whisked off by his brother. Something has changed with them. They seem almost happy around one another. No tension.

"Oh this is one of my favorite songs. It's beautiful to hear on the strings." I can't help but smile and sway to Stand By Me. I'm lost in my own little world even singing the lyrics when I'm spun and dipped by Rian who glides me across the dancefloor with grace and ease.

"The most beautiful thing to hear is your voice. You've been missed." He points out Liam and Fiona who wave. I want to run over to them but he stops me, "duty before fun, Princess. It's one of the downsides to being royal."

"And what if I don't want to follow the rules?" Am I flirting with King Rian?

"Then you better pick a man who wants to break them with you. I've never been one to follow the rules, as you know." He smirks but also has a hint of guilt in his eye. He seems different. This isn't the King Rian I met who wanted me to be his slave. 

I squint my eyes and purse my lips trying to figure him out, but he seems genuine.

"What are you thinking little one?" He laughs as he takes me off the dance floor, bringing me towards the line of eligible and pre-approved men to dance with but he glances at Fiona and Liam. "Want a rule breaker? Let's break some traditions shall we? Fiona darling, the Princess has requested you as her next dance partner." 

A wave of gasps are heard and my father is on the edge of his seat about to stand and disapprove but it's my mother who puts her hand on his and whispers something to him that seems to settle him.

"My lady, it was truly an honor." He took my hand and kissed it just like Oisin had done, but before he turned away from me to bow to Fi, his voice was in my ear. "You look stunning Evelyn."

I couldn't believe my body betrayed me by reacting to his comment with such heat and wanton desire. I should only feel like this for Oisin. My mate. Right?

Before I can think about it, Fiona hugs me and takes me out onto the dance floor. I see Rian go over to the band and Blinding Lights starts up. Fiona and I are in a fit of giggles, hand-in-hand jumping and spinning each other out to the song that we are now shouting the lyrics of. 

I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night

Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

I missed this. I missed her. But just like her siblings, something has changed. Something is a tad off with Fiona and not in a good way. No matter how much she smiles and sings and hugs me I can feel it. Something isn't right...

Liam and her don't seem their usual overly affectionate selves. They hadn't danced together tonight. I know I need to talk to her in private but apparently the ball must go on. As soon as the song is finished I'm escorted by the earlier male faery to the line of men. Next is a werewolf, which only seems fair since his goddess was on my side and helped save my life.

He is not just any werewolf, he is an Alpha from the Americas. His southern accent and charm are smooth like molasses and I can't help but feel a tiny bit of sadness when he lets me go to move down the line. His hazel eyes never leave me as another werewolf leads me onto the dance floor. I shouldn't be hoping for him to notice me let alone want me, but part of me does. Don't werewolves have a mate that they can sniff out though?

Second mates.

Oisin's voice reverberates in my head and I blush. How could I be so clumsy with my thoughts. I'm sure he's not the only one here with the ability to read minds. 

All the werewolves and Lycians here are on their second mate and most didn't even get to meet their first mate. As Alpha's they need to take a Luna as soon as possible and with so many people in the world they end up choosing their Luna. 

So they can't sniff out their second mate like the first? How sad. My eyes were now on Oisin even though I was dancing with this handsome and talkative Highlander. I couldn't understand a word he said his accent was so thick.

No, but they have other ways of knowing...

Like us? I bit my lower lip as I looked at him on the sideline of the dancefloor staring at me as if I might just disappear into the fog and never come back. 

Princess. We need to talk. 

That's when my stomach dropped. He looked away from me. I tried to watch him but Rian and Fiona were next to him within mere moments. Liam following behind.

The next song started and the next man in line bowed and introduced himself but my mind was elsewhere. Why did I need to even dance with these eligible bachelors? I knew which one I was going to choose. Didn't I?

The ball went on for 3 more hours and no sign of Oisin, Rian, or Fiona. Not even Liam. Before I knew it I was ushered off to my new room to bath and sleep.

As tempting as that bathroom and bed are right now, my feet are so exhausted and my emotions feel like weights pulling me to the floor.

That's where I stay, aching yet numb, restless but also tired. I don't know when I fell asleep or if I did. 

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