From the Ashes

By _Amelie_and_Flare_

75K 2K 1.9K

"Do you know what a Bear does with its prey, President Wallace?" Bear smiled, her eyes darkening, a snarling... More

{ Cover }
{ Files: Bear and Lovota }
{ Bears Epilogue }
The Culling of Section 17
Mountain Men
Thank you
Camp Jaha
Sorry - don't worry, the book isn't ending


900 27 22
By _Amelie_and_Flare_

"'...And should
Ever find our way back to each other,
Will lay beneath the stars and pick down the ones
Like best."

- Beau Taplin


"Okay," Bellamy breathed out, not even wanting to get into detail about that.

He reminded himself that it'd just be better to talk to Clarke about this later. That, or Lovota herself, when they have a translator.

Clicking the gun into safety, Bellamy latched it onto his side,"I need to get to the radio so I can contact Clarke... we heard Bears sos-"

"I helped them set that up, I know where it is," Maya cut off.

Watching Lovota from the corner of his eyes, she tugged the socks higher above the anklet that was pulsating with electricity. She was slightly nervous around the metal piece, but nothing could be done about it.

"Before we go," Maya states, turning to look into Bellamy's eyes, she grabs his shoulder,"your people are disappearing. Two, so far."

"Who," Bellamy asked, gritting his teeth.

Looking over Mayas shoulder, he saw a ghost of someone he thought he'd never see. Ember, standing by the doorway, her hair softly swaying around her head as if she were in space.

She was smiling softly at him.

Then, a blink later and she was gone, back to being a memory inside his head. He never told anyone, but she had been haunting him since the day he realised she died.

"Monty and Harper," Maya said, not realising how happy Bellamy was to hear Bear wasn't one of them.

But, then again, she said 'so far,' and that is a deadly coup of words to trail after a sentence about kids miraculously disappearing.

"I thought they'd be in here, but-" Maya stuttered, seeing the anger snake on Bellamy's face.

"I wanna see the others," Bellamy hissed,"Now."

Suddenly, a soft hand grasped Bellamy's shoulder, and the two faced Lovotas pale face. She looked disappointingly at Bellamy for raising his voice at Maya, at least that's what they could make from her expression.

"Yu souda chilla gon din kru," she sighed,"hvem som helst Yu laik hir gon ikke er det gar noe annet sted."

"I wish you spoke English," Bellamy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration,"I wish I understood."

Smiling, Lovota felt in her heart that she'll soon make his wish come true. Her people only spoke English to those that they trusted, and he was doing everything right by her.

"Snart pleni, elskling," Lovota whispered, patting his shoulder encouragingly.

"The dorms on the way to the radio," Maya notified them, as she suddenly picked up a scalpel,"I need to take out your tracking chip."

Rolling up his sleeves, Bellamy pulled on the soldiers hat, looking distractingly towards the door. But, suddenly Maya put her hand up, indicating towards Lovota.

"I mean hers," Maya said,"She's... very valuable, to them."

Lovota took a step forward, surprising the two that she seemingly understood. Plucking the scalpel from Mayas hand, the warrior was internally screaming out words that would've definitely had made Bellamy blush.

Looking to Maya, Lovota propped out her arms, and waited patiently for Maya to point out where to cut. Softly running her fingertips over Lovotas scared arms, she felt the prickle of the metal fob in the girls wrist.

"There," Maya said, pinching her skin,"Do you want me to-"

Before Maya could finish that sentence, Lovota had already traced a line softly up her arm, and began to dig around in her arm for the tracker.

Maya and Bellamy watched in astonishment as field born Poppy's trailed down the girls pale skin and gushed to the floor. It was a gore sight to behold, with Lovota looking unfazed at the situation.

Finally peeling out a small, acrylic tube, they watched as Lovota brought it up to eye level. She was watching it, it's beady red eye continuously blinking.

Reaching forward, Maya began to dress the wound on Lovotas arm, trying to avoid blood accidentally smudging on the summery dress.

Holding the tracking device between her thumb and pointer finger, Lovota suddenly squeezed, making the fob destroy under the weight.

"You shouldn't have destroyed it," Maya mumbled, watching as Lovota was now the one to sneer at her words.

I don't give a fuck, Lovota wanted to say, You weren't the one deprived of freedom, you weren't the one to watch your people get massacred.

You aren't the last of your people alive.


"There are three hundred and eighty two people inside this mountain," Maya whispered, as they rounded a corner,"If any of them realise you're not one of us, you're dead."

How reassuring, Lovota thought, pulling hair further over her face, is this hell?

Swiping her card on the door, Maya watched Lovotas reflection on the elevators doors. She wasn't like the other savages she's heard of, there's authority to her stance, and pride in her eyes.

"We're on level two. The dorms on five," Maya listed off,"There's a camera in the upper right-hand corner. Keep your head down, both of you."

Walking into the elevator, Lovota subtly grabbed the sleeve of Bellamy's stolen uniform. The shaking floor and the sound of restless chains haunted her of the day she first came here.

Reaching up to pull his cap down, Bellamy realised the grip she had on his sleeve, and reached up with his other hand.

As the door began to close, they all went to take a quick breather, before a voice suddenly called out.

"Hold the elevator!" A man called out, his hands shoving the doors wide open.

Clenching her teeth together, Lovota feigned innocence, putting on the facade of an innocent girl who was too shy to talk. Bellamy just loomed like a shadow in the corner, his face stoic, watching her.

He realised she was a good adaptor.

"Hey, Maya," a man smiled, entering the elevator and standing infront of the group,"You know I missed you in my Expressionist class."

"Yeah, I..." Maya stuttered, taking notice of the shine under Lovotas sleeve.

She had kept the scalpel.

"I had some work to do," she finished off, laughing.

"I'll get you the notes," the man whispered, winking at the girl, before letting his eyes settle on the blondes for a little too long.

Too long for comfort.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped, and they all hoped that the stranger would get off. But, no, he moved closer to the back, as two more got on.

The air felt as if it were heavy with dread and iron, as the chains dragged it further down into the earth.

When the doors opened, and Maya gave the indication, Lovota was more than happy to leap out of the metal coffin.

Suddenly, a voice called out, when Lovota rung her hand between Mayas to make it look like they were friends.

"Hey, you're bleeding... are you okay?" The man called out, making Bellamy flinch.

Jumping into action, Maya turned around and pulled Lovota backwards. This caused the blonde to wonder what it would've been like, to grow up with the friends she had.

"You're exposed!" Maya exasperated,"We need to retrace your steps and find the breach."

Grabbing some cloth, she held it to Bellamy's neck, before looking to the man,"You better go."

"What about her?" He asked, pointing to Lovota.

"Shes my assistant," Maya smiled.

Suddenly, as the elevator doors closed, Lovota turned to the two with wide eyes. Throwing her hands up, she made a gesture to her bandage, as if to say,'I should be the one bleeding, not you!'

Shaking his head, Bellamy was surprised by the comedic gesture, as he bit his tongue to stifle a genuine laugh.

Lovota and Bear were meant to meet.

Waiting until they knew everyone around the elevator was gone, they slipped back out, after cleaning up Bellamy's bloodstain.

A bell sounded around one corner, and as they all watched, children held hands and waltzed in together. Smiling, laughing, carrying bags half their size.

Over the speakers, a women's voice could be heard,"Homeroom has now begun. All students should now be in their classroom."

As the door to the classroom closed, they made their way around the corner.

Till, a little hand grabbed at Bellamy's hand, making the boy flinch and the two girls momentarily turn. One was ready to lie, the other was ready to fight.

But, all they saw was a little boy with tussled blonde hair and soft brown eyes,"Mister... are you on ground unit?"

Staring down at the boy, Bellamy dared not speak,"My dad's training for a ground unit."

Nodding his head softly, Bellamy only had to lie at the end,"It's pretty cool up there... I hope he makes it."

Smiling up at the man, he walked passed them, towards the door. Lovotas eyes locked onto the name at the back of his bag,'Lovejoy,' it read, in bold stitching.

Rolling her shoulders back, she grit her teeth to force back the anger that was churning in her stomach. Why did his father have to walk in on them.

Looking to Bellamy's stilled body, Lovota realised the horror inching onto his face. She was happy that she did it, she was happy that she was responsible.

He didn't look like a killer of families.

"They're just kids," Bellamy whispered.

"What did you expect you'd find here?" Maya asked.

Lovota wished that there wasn't children here, but, she understood that what she pictured in her mind the people to be was so far from right. They weren't all horrible, they weren't all devils wearing slim suits of human beings.

Key words, they weren't all.

Some are.

Walking past a placard that said,'Floor Five,' Maya wrung them around multiple corners, ushering them quietly around people in the hallways with small nods and no words.

They came to an open door, where Lovota could hear people inside making a lot of noise.

Suddenly, they stood facing double doors, where people around her age seemed to huddle within. All were moving chaotically amongst the metal beds.

Lovota drew Bellamy's line of sight to a girl with dark skin and beautiful, black hair tied in dreadlocks.

"Smalls," Bellamy smiled,"I've come to help you find your way back home."

Authors notes:

So Bellamy finally got to see her, one last time.... 😈

Tridegslang translations

Yu souda chilla gon din kru - you must be calm for your people
hvem som helst Yu laik hir gon ikke er det gar noe annet sted - whoever you are here for isn't going anywhere else
Snart pleni elskling - soon enough, sweetheart

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