Teddy where are you? (tk) ✔

By Giggling_Pillow

383K 29.9K 15K

" What do you want!?..St-Stay!! back " Jungkook snarls, pupils dilated in fear , his hands trembling pushing... More

^.^ Fools
‹•.•› weird
◐.̃◐ k
'︿' miserable
(。ŏ_ŏ) whoa
≧∇≦ Shy Baby
:-P Chimmy
(⌒o⌒) warm
Friends ^ω^
hugs ♡
Calm before the storm
Not a dream
Good morning
Hell no!!
Life like hell
Life regrets
Important notice
Show me
Day 1
Day 1.2
Day 1...continue
Scent of Burnt toast
New home
Feeling of bite
Garry and Pancakes
New Chance on New Year
Second chance
Burning planets
Maple leaf 🍁
New story

Final Day

4.9K 460 338
By Giggling_Pillow

Jungkook didn't know he isn't going to get any sleep tonight

He groaned and almost slapped both Garry and Taehyung who pulled him out of the bed in middle of night when he was sleeping so warm and cozy.

His eyes aren't open and he's still in half sleep, while his limp body is carried by Taehyung on his back with Garry giggling behind him, patting his butt to lull him to sleep like it's done for a baby.

He could be carried out to be killed but he's so sleepy and tired that he don't care, he snuggles closer to the demon, wrapping his arms around his shoulders drifting into calmness with his scent.

What felt like a second, he opens his eyes when he smells something delicious, lingering around his nostrils wanting him to come close, he wiggles his legs in demon's hold almost kicking him on his groin to carry him to where the delicious spicy aroma is coming from while whining before Garry who's also enchanted by the scent sprints toward the source, he don't want Garry to reach before him and eat everything alone.

Taehyung immediately complies as his personal vehicle and In small time gap jungkook's eyes open completely to a huge, no gigantic ball room.

Empty but glittering stars like chandelier, candles of fascinating size and design lit all around the room, that he would have kept as decoration rather than burning them , every single footstep and their sound echoing on each wall making him smile wide with child like excitement, hooting with Garry and giggling afterward , floor is caramel colored and so smooth and well polished that he can see the reflection of whole room, like lake capturing the sky .

He's in absolute and utter awe and just when he thought this all can't become any more heavenly, his eyes fall on the luxuriously set mouth watering buffet along the whole set of wall that might be more than enough to feed 15 starving well grown people.

He gulps and hears taehyung's chuckle resonating along the walls while Garry is doing cartwheel in one corner with chips in his mouth.

" what's all this Taehyung "

He whispers softly but still it's too loud for him as he nuzzles his chin on taehyung's shoulder who pats his back with his tail, gently , lovingly grazing over his spine, nothing sexual only appreciating making Jungkook hum.

" I want to own this night with you darling , May I have the honor my queen "

Jungkook giggles on the deep voice of the demon, acting all serious and confident while being practically on his back he can sense his nervousness making him pinch his cheeks, causing taehyung to let out an embarrassed huff of laugh.

" you're adorable my king, let's own this night "

Taehyung smiles turning his head away and Jungkook notices.

Currently he's getting his hair styled by humming Garry by his head sitting in front of wide mirror reflecting his figure in very beautiful suit.

" Garry "

" Hmm "

" when did you both plan this? "

Garry finally done with his hair, gives his full attention to jungkook's wide sparkly eyes, tugging a strand behind him ear like a mother on her daughter's wedding day.

" v planned and arranged it all, my only work is to get you prepared and eat and cheer "

Jungkook's eyes fall back on the mirror, his eyes staring back at him.

He feels something big is gonna happen tonight

My, my someone's looking handsome

" May I have a dance with you, Darling "

Jungkook is greeted by Taehyung bowing slightly with his palm in front of him to hold in middle of the ball room and when he tell you that he's faltered, then he most definitely is.

Both hid their smiles when his hand covers taehyung's who slowly straightens up, his eyes never leaving his own as he's pulled so that both of taehyung's hand are softly holding his waist and his own arms around the demon's neck as they sway slowly, swinging on their feet in sync with the calm music surrounding them in waves, he's not sure where it's source.

Soon the music catch it's tempo, with power and adrenaline pumping in their veins as excitement as their one hand intertwines, their feet gliding all over the ball room in circles, their eyes amused accepting each other silent challenge and show their grace with every turn, every life, every beat as their heart pumped warm , the music keeps thumping with their furious heart, causing the elixir dance of powerful grace.

Whenever the music would slow down, they would too not uttering a word just silently holding each other closer feeling the bliss their hearts that are audible to be felt by their own , their feelings expresses themselves in their graceful glide of body

They danced for hours holding and guiding each other, as equal , as softest diamond souls.

Soon the majestic clock covered in one of softest silk ticks that echos loud making both of them look away from each other

11 : 50 pm

The music dies down leaving them together with each other panting heavily , their hands still intertwined

Being so lost in the moment, he forgot what day it's tomorrow

It's the final bonding Day

But he isn't stiff, bothered, nervous, his veins are hurting under his sweaty skin while being so close to the demon who's own eyes are dazed, his face still soft as he parts his lips to pant letting Jungkook see the shine of the fangs behind them.
He isn't scared about tomorrow and for a moment he's confused by his unbotherness while he made a big fuss about it, having an argument a week ago but soon he shakes his head with a little smile dismissing these thoughts.

He stares back at the demon who's trying to read his facial expressions, and he could see questions in Taehyung's stare when his own face is relaxed and smiling knowing that he have realized what's in few minutes.

" What are you feeling ,angel ?"

Taehyung's hand cups his face tenderly and he embrace his back of hand in his own, before gently kissing his palm.

" Happy "

He whispers

Taehyung didn't reply for a second and he thought maybe he didn't hear him which is impossible with how close they are but soon he hears the softest whisper of the demon

" I'm glad, I could finally make you happy "

Jungkook's heart sighs leaving another kiss on taehyung's palm before capturing others mouth in his own and both in same heartbeat close their eyes, drowning in the moment.

It's a soft, innocent kiss, he could feel others lip lingering longer on his own on every nibble, every taste of his own and he do the same, it's hot but calm and peaceful, it's almost like they are remembering this feeling , they detach as soon as the tick echoes again this time indicating

11:55 pm

Jungkook opens his mouth to ask taehyung why the clock is ticking loudly for every five minutes but one look of taehyung shuts him up, taehyung is looking at him with a sad smile.

That's when it hits him, the strange numbing tingling in his spine that his knees buckle , making him stumble in warm embrace of Taehyung who gently lays him down on his lap with his head resting side ways on others shoulder, from a distance he could hear urgent footsteps, probably of Garry

He firmly holds Taehyung's face in his numbing palm, every sound of breathing, words of Garry starts to slow down for him, his body feels too light to register

His vision is starting to become white while his ears catch up on some jumbled impatient word of Garry,  he looks toward him with his heavy hooded eyes seeing tears streaming down Garry's face while holding his other hand to his chest that he can faintly feel.

It's like he's been pulled into a deep tunnel, very comfortable that he might just close his eyes right then and there but still he forces himself to look at taehyung whose face is starting to blurr but still he can tell that there's a warm pained smile on his wet shaky eyes ,he sees him come closer to him while his own fingers on Taehyung's face turned partial transparent .

He tries to open his mouth to say, to scream something but he's unable to do so when he sees taehyung ripping the sleeves of his own forearm by his teeth, simultaneously biting deep in his own flesh without any pained sound , he tries to deny his blood run down his throat but he couldn't help but let his mouth get opened and feeling the warm blood taint his tounge, heavy to his throat.

He wants to scream ' what about you ' he wants to slap taehyung but he could tell his consciousness is going too soon from his grasp

before his vision darkens completely, the soft familiar feeling on his lips silents his all thoughts as the loud tick echoes in his ear painfully slow with his vision too bright for any image to see .

His last memory is of a deep, enchanting echo of a distant voice saying

" Goodbye , my love  "


I'm not knowledgeable about ball dance that's why I couldn't add details about it , I'll hopefully heavily edit this story someday

It's perfect time to tell that this story is going to end soon in few more chapters (hopefully)

Plus Want to know what would you like to read for next story :

1. CEO and assistant au


2. Another mythical fantasy but this time sea creature

Love you my giggles 💕

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