Mr Irwin | Ashton Irwin

By ashtonsarmy5sauce

478K 11.5K 4.2K

“I've never been one for following the rules Mr Irwin.” “Well we're about to break a whole load of them.” More

One - The Beginning
Twenty one
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty nine // principal's office
Thirty // Club
Thirty One // Protective
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four // Rain
Thirty Five // Partner
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven // Kodaline
Thirty Eight // Future

Twenty Two

9.2K 225 103
By ashtonsarmy5sauce

5th February

I put my toothbrush in the little pot that was on the shelf. "Finally," I breathed out. I smiled as I saw Ashton appear at the door frame in the reflection of the mirror. "I'm all moved in."

"It only took four hours," he chuckled. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. He whispered, "I can't believe that we're having a baby."

"You know, you still haven't said happy birthday to me," I smirked.

He quickly spun me around to face him, his hands on my waist. He smiled, "Happy birthday princess."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"You know, with all this drama we haven't been able to do the thing that we love doing most," he chuckled with a devilish grin on his face.

I sighed, "Ashton I'm pregnant. It's not good for the baby if we have sex."

"Sex isn't my favourite thing," he chuckled, "Cuddling is. Well, it's second behind this."

His hands cupped my face and he crashed his lips to mine. My arms wrapped around his neck as I closed the space between our bodies. I granted him access and then his tongue dipped into my mouth, dominating mine.

He placed his hands on the back of my thighs, my signal to jump. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He backed us up so I was sat on the sink.

He pulled away breathless. He smiled, "Let's forget about everything for today. I want to act like a crazy teenager with you."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I asked.

"Well," he started, "I want us to go to the train tracks-"

"What?" I snapped, "Why? Why would I agree to do that? I'm not stupid."

"Because it will give us the sense of freedom," he said. "It's actually a fact; when you break the rules, you feel more free-"

"We've already broken plenty of rules, why should we break more?" I asked.

He sighed, "Fine then. Be a goody-two-shoes and stay here. We can watch your shitty TV programmes you like-"

"Hey!" I whined, "The vampire diaries is not shit. I mean, how can you not love Damon? He's adorable."

"Fine then," he huffed, "We'll watch the Salvatore brothers be vampires for yet another 40 minutes."

I walked past him and opened my side of the wardrobe. I stripped off my sweats until I was down to my bra and underwear. I threw on leggings, a Beatles t-shirt and Ashton's flannel with my (Ashton's) navy bandana to match the one Ashton was wearing. I slid on my vans before walking over to Ashton again. "Happy? I'll go and act like a complete dick with you."

He kissed my lips quickly and smiled, "I love you." He took my hand and led me out of the house.


"Is this abandoned?" I asked. I stepped across the old train tracks that looked like 100 years old from the rust.

"Nope," he said. "I used to come out her as a teenager. It's become kind of unused in the past three years. There was always a girl up for grabs. We would all play chicken for her. I used to win mostly; that was until this guy Tyler came along. Ugh, he got all the girls."

"You could've got killed," I chuckled.

The mood dropped when Ashton's smile dropped. He stuttered, "s-someone did d-die. This kid was a bit of a loser. I-I told him to get on the tracks with us. He refused but I made a fool out of him and called him a chicken in front of his girlfriend and started pushing him around. He finally got- . . .he got up onto the tracks. He tried to stay on as long as possible. I started to get worried when the train was only a few metres away. I jumped off, thinking he would follow. I saw the fear and panic in his eyes as he tried to dive off the tracks. He was too late. The train hit him, killing him instantly."

"Oh my god," I gasped. "Why?"

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why didn't you grab him. Why didn't you pull him off the tracks?" I asked.

"Hey," he said, "if I thought he was going to die, I never would've let him go near the tracks."

"Do you ever think about it?" I asked.

"I've basically turned my emotions off," he shrugged, "I learned to do it from when I was young. I always dream about that night. The look of fear in his eyes. . . It haunts me."

I just looked at him for a moment. I gave in with being annoyed at him and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him, letting his head fall into my shoulder as he cried. I stroked his hair to try and soothe him. He whispered, "It's all my fault."

"Ash, please," I whispered, "come on. All I want is a drama free day. Let's have fun. I just want to take our minds off everything."

He pulled away and wiped his eyes. He smiled and took my hand in his. "I want us to relax too. Come on."

He led me to a spot beside the tracks. He slumped down against the small stone wall and pulled me on top of him. My back rested on his chest as his head rested on my shoulder. He whispered, "The baby; a boy or girl?"

"I think it's going to be a little girl," I smiled.

He chuckled, "I've always wanted a daughter. I would try and braid her hair. I'd teach her how to live life the proper way; carefree."

"You're not making our child a rebel child," I giggled, "What do you think she would be like?"

"I think she would look like you; drop dead gorgeous," he whispered, "I think she would have my personality. I think she would have these piercing blue eyes and amazingly long hair. I think her laugh would be contagious, along with her happiness. I think she would be a little angel until she becomes a teenager. When she becomes a teenager, I think she'll become a little rebel child. I think she'd not do homework and skip school. I would yell at her for being a rebel but then she's throw my rebellious past back in my face. . ."

We kept talking about the baby; boy and girl. He talked about how the little girl would be and then he let me talk about the boy. I said that he would be an exact replica of ashton, looks and personality. Ashton said that he would always recite the rules of how to treat girls and how not to. He would make sure that our son would be a true gentleman.

After hours of talking, I fell asleep in Ashton's arms. I fell asleep to Ashton telling me how our wedding would be; far fetched, but yet he made it sound like he had thought about it from the second he saw me. He made everything seem so romantic but yet simple. He made everything sound so relaxed and perfect.

I honestly couldn't care how my future was. The only thing I want is for Ashton is there with me. A future without Ashton is a future I don't want to have.

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