Save Your Tears- Draco Malfoy...

By babysnapee

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✨DRACO MALFOY FANFIC✨ I'm beyond warm and wanting him. Wanting him inside me. Now. His cool fingers trail ac... More

1: Not So Sweet
2: You Grew Up
3: Gryffindor Chick
4: First Night
5: The End of Me
6: A Love-Hate Relationship
7: Potions or Roses?
8: Real or Not Real?
9: Sweet Revenge
10: Aftermath
11: Sweet Escape
12: Decisions
13: I Choose You
14: Draco Malfoy
15: Cedric Diggory
16: Game Day
17: Downfall
18: Numb
19: Never Again
20: Depression
21: Broom Closet
22: Astronomy Tower
23: Lines
24: Moonlight
25: Upward Turn
26: Rebuilding
27: Divination
28: Rage
29: Vulnerable
30: No More Lies
31: Love
32: Gown
33: Serotonin
35: Bruises
36: Winter Break
37: Sick
38: Knew
39: Champagne
40: Spell
41: Kiss me
42: Please Don't Leave Me

34: Always

2.2K 79 50
By babysnapee

Hey guys, I am sorry for the late update. This chapter is probably the longest one I've written, so it took a while to do so. I am also going through a bad breakup (bf of almost four years dumped me through a text), so things have been hard.

I start school tomorrow, so I will try to update 1-2 times a week, I know that's not as much as I usually did, BUT the chapters will be getting a lot longer, so don't worry. There is still a lot of drama to come, but right now, we are building towards the climax (hehe). Like shit is going to go down, so just enjoy these cute chapters :')

*View Discretion is advised* (hehehehe)

-Draco's POV-

"Draco, where are we going? We should be studying for the O.L.W's," Sedona asked as I pulled her through the field, blindfolded.

I held her hand as I guided her steps, keeping her close to me.

"Draco?" she tried to pull the blindfold off, but I quickly stopped her from doing so.

"No peeking, just trust me" I held my hand over the blindfold.

"Fine, but this better not be some kinky fantasy of yours" she smiled.

I chuckled, "If it were, you'd be naked already" I cusped her chin and ran my thumb across her lips, admiring how plump and pink they were.

We continued walking through the field. Sedona managed to trip over air six times in which I quickly caught her all six times. I never realized she was that clumsy, or perhaps losing a sense of her sight made her lose all her other senses.

We arrived in front of the quidditch pitch. The winter sun brought out the purity of the heaven-given snow.

I took the blindfold off Sedona and watched as her expression turned from excitement to confusion. I chuckled as I stared out in the icy pitch admiring the coldness of it.

"Um...why?" she furrowed her brows as her body shivered from the frosty wind. Her slim cheeks and button nose were red, liked she'd been kissed by winter.

I couldn't contain myself.

She never makes it easy.

I pulled her into me, pressing my body up against hers, and with the softest touch I'm capable of, I pressed my lips against her. Her lips started a fire within me no one else could ever ignite.

I pulled away from her, and she was no longer shivering.

"I'm going to show you how to be a seeker," I finally told her.

I expected her to protest, roll her eyes, even run, but now she didn't do that at all. Instead, she raised one eyebrow at me, giving me a devilish smirk before she muttered a spell under her breath and held out her hand.

I stared at her, my eyes narrowed. We waited like that for a couple of minutes before two things plummeted into her hand.

Something gold.

Something Slytherin green.

She charmed the jersey to fit her before throwing it over her hear head. She wore it with confidence and pride, how I do.

"Okay, I'm ready" she smiled as she tossed my first golden snitch. I just watched, amazed.

We walked into the pitch where Sedona let go of the snitch. I managed to get both of our brooms for today. She asked to use my quidditch broomstick; for obvious reasons, I refused, so naturally, she still used it.

We rode through the air side by side while we waited for the snitch to appear. I explained the game's techniques and how you always need to be aware of your surroundings as a seeker. The trick to getting the golden snitch is paying attention, and if you're not, the opposing team could catch it before you even realize it has been found.

"So if both seekers see it, how do you make sure you're the one to catch it," she said as she did circles around me.

"You just have to be faster" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hmm," she stopped next to me, "So that's where these fancy brooms come in" she eyed the broom as she ran her fingers against the wooden handle.

"I guess so."

Then there was silence. Sedona looked out into the open; her black hair blowing in the wind gave me a whiff of a crisp floral scent. Her breath pales against the numbing air; she blinked thoughtfully as the frost patiently kissed her face, captivated by the soft, dusty illusions of light that sat heavily on her eyelashes.

I was high, higher than I've ever been on drugs. I was high on life, high on Sedona. She was the drug I always needed. She always keeps me coming for more, and it gets better and better each time.

Her presence alone is addicting.

She has this energy that radiates to anything or anyone around her. Even in the shite winter, she still made me feel...warm.

"I want to know more about your family" she finally broke the silence, her eyes still fixed on the horizon.

My family? What is there to say? We're one of the wealthiest and more prestigious families in the Wizarding World. That's all.

That's all anyone knows. That's all she should know.

"Everything there is to know about us is written in the papers or records," I said sternly.

She whipped her head to face me. A bitter look swept her face. Her eyes narrowed in on me, and she gripped the broom handle hard.

There's nothing more Sedona.

She rolled her eyes, "Draco, I don't — I mean —" she stammered, "— I don't want to know what everyone else knows. I want to know the deep stuff, like how was it like growing up in the manor? Why aren't you a fan of your father? I just — I want to know who you are, Draco Malfoy" her expression softened.

Her words sent a chill up my spine. Why? I don't fucking know. No one has ever asked me questions like that. No one has cared enough, and I don't even think I care enough to talk about it.

I turned my head away from her gaze, "You know everything about me."


"Sedona just st—"

"Look at me," she demanded.

I turned my head to face her. She had an expression of concern over her face. I wanted her to stop looking at me like that. I didn't need her concern. Why couldn't she just bloody understand that there was nothing more to speak about, but then she said something that shook me.

"My mother got disowned...because she had me" she paused and stared down at her fingernails.

She looked upset, helpless even. I felt my gut clench at the sight of her. I hated seeing her like this.

"Wheres your real father?" I asked.

She didn't lookup.

Fuck. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that.

"I don't know. I never met him," she paused, "My mother never told me anything about him, maybe—maybe—I just don't know. Perhaps she wanted to wait until I was older."

Even with her head facing down, I could tell she was uncomfortable speaking about the situation. I understood. I didn't want to speak about my family either to anyone ever.

But she opened up to me. She trusted me, and she wanted me to trust her. She cared enough to ask.

So I began, "My father is a fucking toad."

A giggle escaped from Sedonas lips. I was happy to make her laugh, but I wasn't kidding. He really is a bloody toad.

"How so," she asked.

I turned away from her and looked down on my fingers. Fuck. This was uncomfortable. I don't know how to communicate and talk about my feelings; no one has ever asked me.

I thought about it. I thought about saying nothing until I looked up to find her staring at me now. Her chilled appearance was oddly comforting. I felt as though I could trust her.

And so before I could even stop myself, I spoke.

"He controls every aspect of my life. He wants me to be great, but he belittles me every step of the way. No matter how good I do, I always could've done more."

The silence was thick. She stared at me, and I stared at her. No matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. Her face was drawing me in, and I couldn't escape.

That was the problem. I will never be able to escape her.

She makes me fucking weak.

"At the beginning for every quidditch game I lost; it counted as a day I wasn't worthy enough to sit at our family table for dinner. He would make me eat in the kitchen with those bloody elves. Eventually, days turned into weeks, and now it's months. If I lose a game, he will make sure I pay during winter and summer break." the words flew out my mouth before I could stop them.

I've never told anyone that.

She looked disgusted at my words, angry even. Should I have fucking told her that?


"What about your mother—I mean, doesn't she do anything?" her voice sounded a lot calmer than her face looked.

I exhaled, "My mother tries, but she has always been sucked into doing whatever my father does. She's not weak. I'm sure of it—sometimes she just acts like she is"

It was true. My mother has tried her best to protect me from my father, and when I was younger, I would let her—even if most times she failed. Now I don't let her, and I just take my punishment—whatever it may be— and I deal with it, alone.

"Do you think your father will hate me?" she scrunched her eyebrows.

I scoffed, "You have a lot more to offer than Parkinson, I'm sure of it."

There was a moment of silence. Sedona bit her bottom lip as she stared down at the ground beneath us. She looked as though she was analyzing something in her head, a problem she couldn't figure out.

Finally, she looked back up at me and spoke, "You know why Severus sends me away every summer?" she questioned.

I nodded my head no.

"At first, I thought it was because he didn't approve of my relationships," she chuckled, "but the more of thinking about it; he knows I hate that run-down house we live in at spinners end, but he refuses we move anywhere else, so he tries to minimize my time there" she took a deep breath, "the truth is Draco—I have no idea how much money we have or don't have. He said I have a small inheritance from my mother, but I think he's lying. I don't— I just — I don't have anything. Everything is his, and I couldn't bear to be financially supported by him when I graduate— I'll have to start from the bottom" a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

I wanted to hug her and tell her everything will be okay, but I didn't want to get her some cliche response. I didn't want to give her my pity. I wanted to give her my life.

"I will always take care of you."

Her eyes widened, she parted her lips, "Draco, no, I wouldn't want that. I want a relationship where we can grow together; be successful together. I don't want just to live off your family's inheritance."

I stayed silent. I didn't know how to feel. All I want to do for the rest of my life is take care of her, make sure she never needs anything.

"Always, huh?" she smiled softly at me.

At that moment, the snitch appeared behind her and my seeker instincts kicked in as I zoomed past her and towards the snitch.

She caught on and followed behind me, real close, until she passed me. I cursed under my breath; this bloody broom couldn't go any faster.

Always, huh?

Her words kept replaying in my head as I followed the trail of her intoxicating scent.


Always, Sedona.


-Sedona's POV-

I tried my hardest, but in the end, Draco and my bloody broom beat me to the snitch. I thought I had lost him, I was so close to it, but out of nowhere, he came, intercepted me, and launched himself into the snitch.

It was like he had done it before.

Oh, wait, he has.

This game was bloody rigged. I huffed as I walked out of the pitch. I hate losing.

I could hear him laughing behind me as he called out my name. I walked faster.

I hate losing.

His steps grew closer. I started running. I looked behind me, and I saw him running after me; his expression was playful, but mine wasn't; I was bloody angry.

Yes, I am a sore loser.

I picked up my pace. My throat was burning from the cold air, but the rest of my body was scorching with heat. I ran without looking back, but I could hear him getting closer.

I ran until I was closer to Hogwarts. I could see the big castle, so close, and then I tripped and fell on my face.

I screamed curse words as I flipped over and sat with my legs crossed.

Draco was standing over me, looking down on me with a smirk curving his lips.

"Are you well?" he asked.

I huffed, "I must've tripped over something; these bloody fields need to be kept."

He laughs loudly, and I glare at him. Why is this funny to him? Bloody Malfoy.

He held out his hand to me; I slapped it away and pushed myself off the ground shaking the snow away.

"You don't like to lose," he chuckled.

"I'm competitive" I crossed my hands over my torso.

Effortlessly, he picked me up bridal style and began walking towards Hogwarts. I didn't protest.

"I like that, you know?" he chuckled, "but just always remember, just because your my girl doesn't mean I'll let you win," he smirked.


He said always.

Unless he's just speaking out his arse, Draco is planning to have me in his life forever. He said it.

Fluttering in my stomach began. This had to be a dream. Everything is too perfect, too unreal.

The whole way back, he joked about my professional career as a seeker had ended. "You'll never recover from this," he said as he laughed about catching me off guard. I slapped the back of his head and told him to choke on one.

He finally set me down in front of his bed. I watch him as he moves gracefully through his room as he walks over to his wardrobe and gets out the fresh laundry.

He catches me staring at him, "Want to shower?" he winked at me. I bit my bottom lip.

That fucking wink that makes me melt. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies together as my lips met his. His lips were like a five-course meal after a day of fasting. I was hungry for something only he could give me.

He pulled away and smiled down on me, "Always so eager."

I look at him from beneath my lashes, "Always."

His breath hitched, and he stared down at me, the atmosphere between us slowly shifting, charging. His look goes from amused to dark. He steps in, closing what little distance there was between us, and picks me from the ground into his arms.

"You want to right now?" he breathed, looking down at me intently.

"You don't?"

"I always do," he breathed, "You have no idea how much I fucking want you every minute of every day, Sedona."

I stared at him intently, my eyes begging for him to rip my clothes and take me right here and now.

"I'm going to fuck you until you can't take it anymore," he chuckled, "you might want to forget about the O.W.L's tomorrow cause I'm not sure you'll be able to attend," he warned as he set me back down.

He pulled me against him, and his erection pressed into my core. He was warning me that he was going to give it to me hard. I gulped. I should run, but I cant. I don't want to. I will forever be drawn to him no matter how merciless he fucks me.

I am addicted to him.

"I'm ready," I whispered.

"I'm going to fuck you senseless."

"I'm waiting for it" I smiled as everything in my body tighten at once.

He takes my hand and begins walking towards his bed. My heart starts pounding. Oh god. I want him bad.

When we got to his bed, he turned me around and pressing his body against my back, and I felt his erection on my behind. He moved my hair to one side and began to whisper in my ear.

"You don't know how much I wanted to rip your clothes off," his cool breath whispered in my ear, "You looked so fucking sexy in this jersey—flying on my broomstick, you're lucky I didn't fuck you right then and there" his hands snaked from my stomach to my breast as he grasps each one.

I moaned.

"Lift your arms," he demanded.

I do as instructed, and he reached down and grabbed the hem of the jersey. Slowly, he pulled the jersey over my stomach, my breast, my shoulders, and up over my head. He's standing behind me, so close that I feel his cool breath on my skin, and it sends shivers down my spine that wake every nerve ending in my body.

He unclasped my bra and pulled it over my shoulders and arms as it slowly fell to the ground in front of me. He ran his hands down my back slowly, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

"So soft," he muttered.

He snaked his arms around my waistband and effortlessly unbuttoned my pants. He pulled them down along with my underwear, leaving me completely naked. I stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.

"Good girl," he whispered as he placed a soft kiss beneath my ear. I can't see him, but I can hear the sound of him pulling off his clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his shirt fly to his desk.

The anticipation is killing me. My breathing gets louder as my heart rate increases. I want to turn around, but I know he wants me like this, vulnerable.

With no warning, he bent me over the bed and plummeted inside me. I cried out his name. He wrapped his hands around my hips as he trusted in me hard. I dissolved in his embrace, my head against his sheets, and I'm moaning and whimpering as he pounds into me hard.

"You're so fucking tight—fuck, you feel so good," he muttered.

Oh god.

The angle.

His size.

Oh god.

I didn't teach him the contraceptive charm—

My muscles begin to tense from the amount of pressure there is inside me.

Oh god.

I'm going to come—

My body crumbles as I come gloriously and loudly. His arms curl around me as my legs turn into jelly.

Suddenly he lifted me, and we're moving, my arms still above my head. He puts me down on his desk, and I can feel the cool wood of it on my behind.

His hands wrap around my thighs as he lifts them.

"Lift your legs and wrap them around me."

Merlin, I feel so weak. So fucking weak. But I do as he asks as he wraps my legs around his hips and positions himself in front o my entrance. With one thrust, he's inside me, again. I cry out again, listening to his muffled moan in my ear.

My arms rest on his shoulders as he thrust into me. He's going slower this time, and Merlin, it's deep like this. He gives me deep and long—very long— strokes, again and again, his face at my neck, his harsh breathing at my throat.

I feel the build-up again, but this time, I let go and come again with no hesitation, and it's delightful and extreme and powerful. I lose all senses of myself, my legs are shaking like never before, and my head is rolled back in pleasure as I arched my back.

"Draco-" I cried out.

"I haven't finished with you yet," he chuckled.

My head snapped back at him. There's no way I can do this anymore. It's too much, and he's too big.

He's too good at this.

He lifted me off the desk, and once again, he turned me over and bent me over the desk. He gently stroked my back ad he bent down and kissed me along my spine, gentle featherlike kisses. At the same time, his hands moved around to my front, palming my breast and the other rubbing my clitoris.

I shook with pleasure, my whole body responded, coming alive once more for him. His hands moved to my behind as he smoothed and shaped each one of my cheeks, then his fingers glide down, and he slips two fingers inside me.

"So fucking wet," he whispered, "I promise this one is going to be quick, so hold on tight and spread those legs for me, you filthy slut"

I did as he asked, and he grabbed my hips and positioned himself. He reached over and grabbed all of my hair and wound it around his hand, holding my head in place.

"Fuck me," I braced myself.

Surprisingly, he eased into me very slowly, pulling my hair at the same time. I moaned as he filled me. He eased out of me slowly, and his other hand grabbed my hip, holding tight, and then he slammed into me, jolting me forward.

I gripped his desk hard and pushed back against him as he continued to his merciless thrusting, again and again, his fingers digging into my hip. My arms are aching, my legs weak, my scalp is getting sore from him tugging on my hair, but I didn't care. He made me feel so fucking good.

"I fucking love your dick Draco" I moaned.

"Say your mine" he picked up his pace.

I gripped the desk harder, digging my fingernails into the wood, "I'm yours, Draco, only yours," I moaned.

He eased out, "Who fucked you better" he deeply thrust into me, and I cried out.

He eased back out, "Me?" He plummeted back into me, and I scratched the wood beneath me, and then he eased back out again, pulling my hair tighter.


He thrust deep again, "Or Nott?"

You have to be bloody kidding me. Is he mental? Is he really thinking about Theo right now? At this moment?

He pounded into me.

I cried out from pleasure, "You Draco—You!"

He continued to move roughly against me, in me, his breathing harsh, moaning, groaning. My body is responding. I feel a quickening as Draco slams deeply into me.

"I'm going to come," I cried out.

"Me too, Sedona—" he groaned, and my name on his lips sent me over the edge as I became all body and spiraling sensations and satisfying release, and the completely and utterly mindless.

At the same time, Draco's pounding became faster as he released himself inside me. His breathing ragged as he called out my name.

When my senses returned, I'm lying on top of him. He's on the floor, and I'm lying on top of him—my front to his front. My whole body is still slightly trembling, and I need a nap or a shower or a nap in the shower.

"Can you get up?" his voice was taunting, and a smirk curved his lips.

I could barely feel my legs; they were weak, collapsed...unusable.

Oh, Draco Malfoy, the things you do to me.

The filthy, filthy things you do to me.

"No," I confessed as I rolled my eyes.

"Guess this is another thing you'll never recover from," he smirked.

I scoffed, "You're an idiot."

He chuckled and suddenly wrapped his fingers around my neck, not too tight but tight enough to let me know he didn't like my words, "An idiot who fucks you right...fucks you better than anyone ever has or ever could, don't ever forget that" his voice was low but almost murderous.

I rolled my eyes at the realization of what he was referring to; I clenched my jaw. "Why are you still thinking about it" I hissed.

He pressed on my throat, "Because your mine and no one can have you, no one else should have," he snapped.

I glared down at his fingers around my neck and tilted my chin down until his index finger was at the corner of my mouth. I slowly wrapped my lips around his finger as I sucked down it. He watched my lips with desire as I sucked on his finger.

His grip around my throat loosed, and I took that as my cue to escape from his hold. With the little strength I had, I pushed myself off him and got on my feet. My knees slightly buckled, but thankfully, they didn't give out completely.

"You were mine too, and you let others have you" I narrowed my eyes, "Let it go, Malfoy, I'm yours now, and that's all that should matter. The past is in the past, and I just want to focus on us now."

He got on his feet and stared down at me. His expression was unreadable.

"Promise me," he whispered, "Promise me you will always be mine, and no one will ever have you."

"I promise you, Draco."

After a long shower and nap with Draco, I snuck out of his room, leaving Draco passed out on his bed. I would have woken him, but he looked too peaceful, and I also feared for round four; now that he feels like he needs to shag me into oblivion.

I don't understand why he can't just let go of the Theo situation. I forgave him for Blair even though it still hurts. I still cry about it sometimes, in the shower, before bed, when I walk into my room and see Blair undressed with her perfect arse and perky breast. It still hurts.

I am not unhappy with how I look, but there will always be slight insecurity, unsureness in me when it comes to Blair because he fucked her. He chose her to get his revenge on me.

He chose my best friend.

But that's life, and I chose to forgive him. I chose to move forward not to reproach him for his past mistakes or fight with him over them. So why can't he do the same for me?

I turned a corner into the dining hall, scanning the tables, hoping to see someone I knew.

Emmeline and Blaise sat eating dinner at the Slytherin table's far end, fighting, presumably over mashed potatoes. I walked over to the table and sat in front of Emmeline; her eyes widened with joy at my sight.

"Where have you been? I feel like I've barely seen you?" she queried.

Blaise reached her fork over to her plate, and she slapped his hand away.

I giggled, "I've been—Draco he —Emmeline, he won't stop," I cried out.

Blaise burst into laughter, and Emmeline scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she tilted her head.

"She means Malfoy won't stop shagging her" Blaise took a bite of his mashed potatoes.

"Turn your ears off, Blaise" Emmeline slapped the back of his head, "What do you mean? You don't like it?" her eyes closed in on me.

I could see Blaise out the corner of my eye, snickering as he filled his mouth with food.

"Yes, I do, but—I need a break—in between like —you know?"

"Ohhhh!" Emmeline's eyes widened.

"He just keeps going and going, and it's rough, and I like it, but—I'm scared he's going to leave me...paralyzed" I threw my hands over my face as Blaise burst into laughter again.

"This is girl talk Blaise, pretend you're not here," she hissed at him.

I looked up to see Emmeline give Blaise a light shove as he was still laughing.

"Wait no—" he laughed, "That's how Malfoy is Sed" he smiled.

"What do you mean?" I raised one eyebrow at him.

"Malfoy doesn't like to share—like when we were younger if Theo, Crabbe, or anyone would play with his toys Malfoy would lose his shit" he laughed and then continued, "he would take that toy everywhere, make sure everyone saw him with it and would obsessively play with it—all because someone tried to play it it" he smiled.

My eyes widened in horror. I knew Draco didn't like to share his food, perhaps his property too, but I am neither of those things?

Emmeline slapped him behind his head again, "Don't compare Sed to a bloody toy."

He held the back of his head as he rubbed it, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, love" he turned to me, "Sorry, Sed, it was a bad example but what I was trying to say is that Malfoy is possessive like that I thought you would have realized it."

"So what? He's just going to keep shagging her until she needs a wheelchair?" she asked.

Merlin, please no.

"No, no, calm down. Malfoy is just trying to prove himself." he stared at me, "Deep down, I think it's just because Theo has feelings for you; it's obvious. The mate was wrecked when he found out you and Malfoy got back together."

"But he shagged Blair," I protested.

"Ugh, don't bring that bloody git into this" Emmeline rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying, Theo is still around, so he's going to think about it more" he took a bite of his food.

I sat in silence. I guess that makes sense; Draco hates that I slept with Theo, and he is constantly reminded of it with him around. I have to figure out a way to prove that he's the only one that matters. That I love him, and I chose him, and as much as I love Theo as a friend, it's just that a friendship.

"Well, I think Malfoy might back off soon" Emmeline broke the silence; a smile curved her lips as she laced her hand over mine.

"What?" I questioned.

"I think when I was leaving Blaises room one night, I heard a girl's laughter coming from Theo's room—I mean, they were like laughing in there. I think he's found someone" she smiled.

My heart dropped.

I don't know why. Why am I always so protective over him? I have someone, so I should be happy that he found someone, but I cant be. I don't know why I always feel so threatened at the thought of Theo being with someone else.


Stop thinking like that.

I tried to focus my mind on something else. Who could it be? Who could Theo be laughing with at the late hours of the night? Just like he and I used to do.

My mind lands on one person, "Luna!" I blurted.

"Oh, that makes sense!" Emmeline raised an eyebrow.

Blaise silently chuckled; we both turned our heads to him. He had managed to steal Emmeline's plate from under her while we were talking.

"Is it Luna, Blaise?" Emmeline stole her plate back as he chewed his food.

He shook his head no, "No, no, I'm not telling."

"Blaise Zabini," I snapped, "You wanted to be a part of our conversation, so you better start talking before I-"

"Blaise!" she interrupts as she crossed her arms and stared him down.

We both stared him down as he swallowed.

He blinked, "Fine, I'll tell you guys, but you didn't hear it from me, understood?" he pointed his finger at both of us, and we shook our heads yes.



"No way Theo hates her; you're wrong," I scoffed.

"I thought they were talking at the last party?" she turned to me.

"Yea, but only because she's been helping him study."

"She has—" he chimed in, "—but Theo thinks Parkinson fancies him."

Please, Merlin. Don't let this be real. Not Pansy, no-no-no. It cant be her; she's evil. She drugged us, and she hates me. Oh god, no. She would try to ruin our friendship.

We bombarded Blaise with questions.

"Have the shagged?"

"Does Draco know?"

"Does he fancy her?"

"How long has this been happening?"

"So he doesn't fancy Luna?"

"Woah, Woah ladies," He lifts his hands, "settle down."

We stopped talking and anxiously waited for him to answer our questions. My palms began to sweat, and my heart rate increased as I pleaded in my mind.

Please, Please don't let this be true.

"No, they haven't shagged; I don't think Parkinson even knows Theo knows. Draco does not know, although I am sure he won't care. Theo only fancies you, Sed," he chuckled, "You really did a number on him. He is impressed by Loony, but we think," he looked at both of us, "he'd be barking up the wrong tree if you know what I mean."

Both of our eyes widened at each other.

"No way!" Emmeline gasped.

"You think so?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not sure, but we have a feeling for those things" Blaise tilted his head at us.

"There's no way, she shagged Fred Weasley fourth year," Emmeline confessed.

I laughed, "No way! me too!"

Blaise coughed as he choked on his food at my confession.

"Maybe she likes both?" her eyes widened at the thought.

"I'm all for it," I smiled, "but...let's not assume so, Blaise, keep that to yourself" I shook my finger in his face.

"Hey, you ladies asked" he lifted his hands once more.

It was a shocking revelation, but I was unsure it was true. I didn't know Luna that well; I mean, I just had my first conversation with her not too long ago, so I couldn't have known. That doesn't matter, though. Now that I know it's a bit Luna, there's only one thing on my mind.

Theo. I hoped he and Pansy would never turn into something. It was selfish of me to do so, but I couldn't bear to think about it. Draco told me Pansy only wanted him for his status, and Theo deserved better than that.

Please, god, don't let him fall for her.



Oh shit. Sed is so confusing. Spoiler alert; Sed obviously likes Theo to an extent, but she won't admit it to herself. She is an unreliable narrator, and I wanted to make sure that she is young and doesn't understand her feelings very well. So yea, she is jealous. I wanted to share that because Theo and Sed are over, it will still play an important role later on, so keep that in mind.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, and once again, I'm sorry for the late chapter. Please let me know if there are any mistakes so I can fix them! I edit these pretty late, so sometimes I miss some things.

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and don't forget to vote and pass this story on! It really helps :) I will be doing some shoutouts in the next chapter for some people who have been showing me, love recently :)

P.S: Some people asked if I will be showing pictures of Sed's Christmas Ball dress, and yes, I will be! I have an edit-ready, so be prepared because it's stunning. Also, for those asking, there will be 50 chapters, including four epilogues.

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