DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (T...

By chocolate_dimplez

291K 7K 3.9K

Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up wi... More

Chapter 1 - Hand Cuffs & Coffee Stains
Chapter 2 - Foolish Woman
Chapter 3 - Gender
Chapter 4 - Number 41127
Chapter 5 - Greasers
Chapter 6 - Arm Candy
Chapter 7 - Price After 6
Chapter 8 - Quick Fix
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Bad Habits
Chapter 11 - Heir to the Throne
Chapter 12 - Bond
Chapter 13 - In Charge
Chapter 14 - Stairs
Chapter 15 - Thanks to Sally
Chapter 16 - Wild Card
Chapter 17 - If It Counts
Chapter - 18: Making Progress
Chapter 19 - My Love
Chapter 20 - Jujitsu & Jesus
Chapter 21 - Eyes Off
Chapter 22 - The Bonfire
Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg
Chapter 24 - Status Quo
Chapter 25 - Flame
Chapter 27 - Ms. French
Chapter 28 - Cabin
Chapter 29 - Notes
Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(
Chapter 31 - Beef, Marriage, & Money Laundering
Chapter 32: Unlimited Authority
Chapter 33 - Dating The Enemy
Hey There
IM BACK Chapter 34: Background Info to Catch Up! Chapter Next week
Chapter 35: Harris Peterson
The chaper will be up tomorrow at 12
Chapter 36: Truths and Vices Pt. 1
Chapter 37: Truths and Vices Pt. 2
Chapter 38: Transition
Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix
Chapter 40: Tigertail
Chapter tomorrow
Chapter 41: Freeze Dance
So about this book...

Chapter 26 - Threes

7.4K 187 101
By chocolate_dimplez


Slim and Donatelllo got back to the condominium hours ago but didn't speak to each other. Slim knew that if he said anything to Donatello he would skin him alive and Donatello found that the more he talked, the more trouble he put himself in.

Slim looked at the time, it was around 9 and he began to wonder what Jacie was doing. She told him that she would always go home after work and make a nice meal but have to eat it by herself. Slim wished that he could be with her, keeping her company but he wasn't honest and even if he was she wanted no part of it. Slim picked up his phone, looking to see if Cammie called or maybe even Jacie but there was nothing and he felt lonely.

Donatello was heading upstairs and when he arrived, he knocked on the door lightly. Slim's feeling of loneliness passed and he was fuming with anger as he got up to open the door.

As soon as he saw Donatello, he shoved him back hard, "I can't keep trying to cover your ass_ every time you fuck_ up. You're saying you want to be on this team-not become the man your father wanted you to be but you are acting just like him,"

"I never asked you to help me in the first place and I'm nothing like him," Donatello argued as he pushed past Slim and walked inside.

Slim slammed the door, "Why would you say that in front of everyone? Now everyone will be on your case!" Slim shouted at him.

"Kash came at me so I had to defend myself. No one thought that was wrong of him?"

"Wrong of him? All you have been doing is wrong and he called you out on it. Who's fault is that but yours?" Slim asked him.

Cammie came home after visiting with Victor, her stomach in a knot. Lucinda, Kash's eldest sister had the kids but told Cammie that they wanted to spend a night. Cammie dropped her body on the couch as the phone rang. She huffed loudly and stood back up.

"Hey Rebekah," Cammie answered her niece dryly.

"Hey Auntie, how is Uncle Rah doing?" Rebekah asked her.

"He's doing fine. He started his treatment today so he should be alright in a matter of a week or so," Cammie explained to her.

"I was so worried, that God. He's the only Uncle I have I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him," Rebekah breathed a sigh of relief.

"What even happened?" Rebeakah asked.

"I don't even know, sweetie," she lied and then started thinking about what Victor told her. Kash wasn't like that and no matter how much wrong Cammie might have done to him, he would never do tit for tat to make her upset.

"I'll call you back, Rebekah. I have to make a call," Cammie told her.

"Alright Auntie but promise you won't just come off of the phone and cry," Rebekah already knows how Cammie is and didn't want her Auntie to feel like all was over.

Cammie called Carol Anne afterwards, waiting patiently as the phone rang three times and then four and then five-

Carol Anne stared at her cell phone as she saw Cammie's name pop up on the caller ID. She shoved the phone down between the couch. If she answered then she would have ended up telling Cammie everything. Instead she wiped her eyes and held onto her boys who were on either side of her. She thought about how Donatello could have killed her and left her boys stranded. How could she have been around someone who killed a little boy's mother? A little boy who had nothing left but a father who could lose his life any minute as well. If Donatello wanted to hurt Kash, why didn't he just hurt him-but then that would hurt Cammie and her family.

Carol Anne began to worry about Cammie's safety. What if someone took her life and her three children had to grow up without her. How could someone look into the eyes of a hard working woman who is trying to provide for her kids and take her life? How soulless could you be? Carol Anne closed her eyes down and pushed the tear out. The more she holds them is the more it hurts.

"Mommy why are you squeezing us so hard?" Josiah asked. He found it weird for Carol Anne to be so emotional.

"I think she's crying," Jeremiah tried to whisper.

"Daddy says that mommy doesn't cry," Josiah looked at his mother and wiped her eyes haphazardly. Carol Anne smiled and kissed them both on the cheeks.

"It's alright late you guys, go to bed," she released them.

"Can we watch a movie?" Josiah asked.

Jeremiah was already making his way to their shared room, "We can watch movies tomorrow,"

"Can Rubin and Riley come over?" Josiah asked.

"Maybe," Carol Anne said.


Becky raised her eyebrow as London passed her the handgun and kissed her on the lips, "Just be careful. You know how to use a gun right?" London asked her.

"Now I have to reapply my lipstick," she smiled and wiped the red lipstick off of London's mouth, "-of course I know how to use a gun, I didn't go to jail for piracy."

Becky looked at London for a while and gave him a hug, "I would give you another kiss but this color looks better on my lips," she joked with him and leaves out of the house. With what happened to Kash, London had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

London picked up his cell phone and looked through it to find Lucinda's number, "Hey Lucy," he said.

"Hi London-" Lucinda answered, "-Sophia take your ass_ to bed please."

"Mom can I just wa-" Sophia started.

"No I'm on the phone," Lucinda told her.

"Sorry about that," Lucinda said.

"How old is Sophia, 10 right?" London asked.


"10 year olds are annoying because they think they know it all and they complain a lot-" London went on.

"Oh please," Lucinda laughed, "-you were that kind of ten year old."

London laughed, "How are the kids doing?"

"They are okay. Camron is a little fussy though," Lucinda reported.

Cammie went upstairs to the bathroom and removed her clothes. She made the shower as warm as she could take it and then stepped inside. She let the water get on her hair, not caring if she was going to cry later trying to comb it out. Lucas ran across her mind and she sighed, shaking her head. Suddenly Cammie could no longer see and she realized it was because she still had her glasses on but she left them on not caring.

"Just keep alert Lucy," London told her, "-kiss my munchkins for me." London said.

"Uhg I swear. You and Slim call my mother or me whenever the kids are here," she laughed.

"Yeah they're my little sweetie cupcakes. They have to be okay," London said as he loaded his semi-automatic gun, the feeling in the pit of his stomach returning. When you've been in the business so long, you can sense when something is about to go wrong.

Becky gave Zoelle a hug and wondered why she was kind of hesitant. Zoelle gave her a nervous smile and said, "Hey girl," Zoelle already had their table at the restaurant. They both ordered their drinks and began talking.

"Last night in Cali," Zoelle finally told Becky. She just said that she wanted to meet up with Becky but didn't say why.

"Aww no. Why? I thought you were going to move out here," Becky said as their drinks came and Becky immediately took a sip.

"It's just not for me anymore. I have no ties here," Zoelle shrugged and Becky raised her eyebrows. She was about to say something when London texted her, asking if she was okay and she responded yes.

"Uh-yeah. What about your cousin Damion? Don't you visit him?" Becky asked.

Zoelle sat there for a while with a confused look on her face, "The one is prison?" Becky tried to get her to understand.

"Oh right. That slipped my mind because I have so much going on," Zoelle laughed it off but Becky only became suspicious. How could you forget about your cousin that you go to visit often? Becky pulled put her phone, the use of phones when you go out to hang out with friends is now normal so Zoelle and everyone around didn't think much of it.

Becky types in Zoelle's full name and then spoke, "Tell me about it. What's going on?" Becky stalled as she scrolled through pictures.

"I just feel like I am no longer happy and I'm not living my life the way I am supposed to be," Zoelle sighed.

"I think everyone feels that way. Don't beat yourself up over it," Becky assured her and then scrolled down, almost passing a picture. Becky glanced up at Zoelle and stared and then enlarged the picture, keeping her phone in her hands and away from Zoelle. Becky tightened her fist around her phone, locking it momentarily.

Victor sat on the bed in his cell. He stared down at the insides of his forearms his veins popping out as they usually do at this timeo f the night. He closed his eyes down and leaned his head back, inhaling and then exhaling a black cloud. He opened his eyes, woozy and coughing.

"She's slowly deteriorating with stress," he said as he stared into the black cloud across from him. No face, no form, only a voice.

"We need to find something, someway to make her lose herself completely," Dunan said to him.

"But there are so many other souls. Billions-why hers?" Victor asked.

"Because she has a gift. Keen senses, being able to cross into the spirit world-once you cross a spirit there is no getting rid of it," Duncan told him.

"There aren't exorcisms or church?" Victor asked.

Duncan's cloud covered Victor and a dark hand extended, wrapping itself around Victor's neck, "There is no stopping me-" he choked Victor, making Victor fearful for once in a long while. He thought that with this demon he had it all and he did for a moment but Duncan laid claim to Victor's soul already.

"-I need you to get to work. Sitting around won't get this job done," Duncan released him, leaving Victor gasping for air.

Cammie wrapped the towel around her head, leaning her head down a bit because it was too heavy. This caused her glasses to slip off of her face, hitting the floor and making the one of the lenses pop out.

"Stupid glasses," she scooped it up and put the lens back in. Cammie kept her towel close around her body, walking over to Kash's closet and opening it slowly. She remembered when he started packing all of his clothes inside and she was happy because maybe things were going to be how they were before but instead they weren't really.

She pulled out of one of his shirts, something that she does often. She only ever wore her own clothes but the warmness and natural smell of the things Kash wore, especially his shirts made her smile and comforted her.

Cammie put her underwear on and then her socks after she put lotion on herself, deodorant and spray. She headed down to the kitchen and drank a glass of grapefruit juice, later finding a book she was half way done with on the coffee table and heading upstairs. This is how it was when she was all alone, minus a cat.

After Becky and Zoelle ate, Zoelle passed the waitress her card.

Becky sighed and clutched her phone again, "You remember when you were dating this guy that kept on cheating on you but you had pictures of him all over your locker and you used to hold his gun for him at school?" Becky reminded her.

"Uh, I don't want to think about it at all," Zoelle rolled her eyes and the waitress came back with the card.

"Ma'am your card declined," the waitress whispered to Zoelle.

"I have another," Zoelle gave her another one and the waitress went off with it.

Cammie couldn't sit up to read her book any longer. The moment she slid down on the bed and covered herself with the sheets, a deep sleep took over and she was suddenly in another world.

It was dark outside and she seemed to be somewhere in the downtown area of an inner city. There was trash blowing among the curb and the loud thumping sound of hip-hop music. Her nose was cold and her feet were killing her. As she looked down, she realized it was because she had on 6 inch heels and was standing in a long line of people. She was in a skimpy, tight purple dress and she exposed but nonetheless she stood in the line and waited.

When she approached the door, she was face to face with two men whose feet hovered above the ground. What was odd was that they actually weren't men but dark souls of some sort with hollowed eyes.

"Proof-" the one on the left said.

"Proof?" Cammie asked.

What Cammie wasn't paying attention to was how everyone else was getting in. They had to prove that they weren't mortal. The guards had to reach into their stomachs and attempt to rip their sole out if there was one.

The guard on the right grabbed the area of Cammie's dress where her stomach was and she screamed out. She heard gasps behind her, "She's mortal."

"She's with me," Cammie heard Blaze's voice and he appeared from inside of the club. The guards looked at Cammie one more time as she stared back at them they reminded her of the guards at the prison.

Blaze dragged Cammie inside and she looked at all of the people dancing and socializing. Everyone seemed to be having fun-but they were dead. Maybe this was their sort of hell and they made a mistakes on a night similar to this.

"Take your shoes off. I know your feet hurt," he moved to the right by the base of a set of stairs and Cammie took her shoes off. Blaze took them, throwing them to a corner. He held her hand and started leading her up the lowly lit stairs. It no longer looked like a night club but someone's home.

"Won't someone steal my shoes?" she asked.

"What does it matter?" he asked.

The setting and atmosphere did indeed change. There were teenagers everywhere in the fancy home. Drinking, smoking, dirty dancing and occupying rooms. Cammie felt younger and was no longer in that dress. She had on a school uniform and Blaze was wearing a polo shirt and khakis, yet he held a bottle in his other hand, contradicting the look.

"I told my mom that I was going to a friend's house-" the words came out of Cammie's mouth as she stopped and held the straps of her book bag that rested on her back.

It seems as if every time she enters this world, there is a script she has to follow, a part she has to play and everyone is in on it. Like the divine spirit in charge was in love with theater and made hell living out a life that wasn't your own and ended tragically.

"You don't have any friends, why would you tell her that?" Blaze laughed at her. Cammie squinted at him and turned around, starting to walk away.

"Oh come on, Cameron. I was just playing with you," Blaze touched her shoulder and then pulled her back, "Let's go and have some fun-" he headed towards a wooden door that was cracked open. He pulled it and they both were in the closet, their bodies close without the lights on.

"Blaze, every time I travel here its just about-" Cammie started saying but Blaze put his hand up her skirt and she gasped. Cammie latched onto his shoulders and closed her eyes down, allowing the unevenness of her breath to attach itself to the side of Blaze's neck.

"You can't stay out too late because your mom would suspect something," he told her as the only movements were his hand moving up and down and Cammie's body making the same slight movement as she wrapped her legs around him. There heavy breathing and Cammie's moisture took over the loudness of the music and the chatter, detaching them from everything else.

"She already will suspect something is up. I really don't have any friends," Cammie's mouth gaped open and she pushed her forehead against his chin, gasping.

"You have me," Blaze smiled at her as he forced her to look at him. Cammie smiled for a moment but she was losing connection to this lie she borrowed and the back story and so was Blaze.

"Why did you call me here? What did you have to tell me?" Cammie asked and then rolled her lips together. She closed her eyes down and released, sighing long and hard. Blaze let her go at once and Cammie dropped to the floor.

"Place me down gently," she told him as she remained on the floor and Blaze sat next to her, "-now what's going to happen? Is Donatello going to do anything?"

Blaze sighed, "I wish I could tell you Cammie but it doesn't work that way. I can't tell you the future but I am aware of what has happened and what is going on at the moment."

"Then tell me," Cammie urged.

"I can't necessarily. If I do then I can't see you again and I'd be breaking the rules. I can't alter anything in the mortal world," Blaze said to her.

"Then what the heck am I doing here? You're just using me for your own good?" she asked him.

Blaze sighed, "I'm not going to lie of course but I can show you something to help you understand," Blaze made her stand up. Blaze took her glasses of and covered her eyes, speaking in a language that seemed to be Latin. His voice no longer his own.

Becky stared at Zoelle, "You allowed guys to treat you like shit_, sleep with you just because they wanted it and make you look like a fool-" Becky said and the waitress came back with the card.

"I'm sorry ma'am but this one declined as well," the waitress said.

"What the hell Zoelle asked but Becky got her attention again.

"-and here you go posing with one like they actually give a shit_ about your grimy ass_," Becky showed Zoelle her phone. There was a picture of Zoelle and Victor on Valentine 's Day a few years back.

"You know I am with London. You didn't come around because you miss my company, you scheming bitch_. I caught you-" Becky told her.

Both Becky and Zoelle stood up quickly, pointing handguns directly at each other. When the people in the restaurant realized what was going on, they got up and ran out, screaming for someone to call the cops.

Like it was actually happening, Cammie could see Donatello and Blaze talking a while ago in the dining room of Dibalo's home. Blaze was talking about Cammie, that time he knew her as Rachel and how he wanted to be with her but Kash would not allow it.

The scene switched to Slim and Donatello talking and the golden bullet was in Slim's hand.

'Wait, I remember when I first found the golden bullet and I asked Slim about it, he said he hadn't seen it before and he stopped talking to me because I accused him of being a part of it-he lied to me," Cammie frowned.

"He lied about a lot of things," Blaze admitted.

"That means you lied too because you backed him up," Cammie said.

Cammie watched the conversation, "It means Carlito, Donatello and Victor, huh?" she gathered before it could be said.

"Yup," Blaze said.

"So that means-that means you knew you were going to die," Cammie figured and her eyes watered.

"If I didn't sacrifice myself then my brother wouldn't have taken out Diablo-then again that whole thing was a lie," Blaze slipped and said, he wasn't supposed to reveal too much.

"Diablo is still around?" Cammie asked.

"No he isn't-it's just that things didn't happen the way you think they happened. Everything was planned to a T," Blaze explained.

The flashback disappeared and Cammie sighed, "What else did you know?" she folded her arms.

"I knew about Ruby-because Slim and I were there when Ruby had Rubin,"

"And you guys kept that from me?" Cammie's heart shattered and she sniffed.

"Cammie I didn't have a choice,"

"Kash missed the first 4 years of Rubin's life and Ruby probably felt abandoned and betrayed and you guys pulled wool over my eyes and made me trust you. You guys never cared about me. You or Slim," Cammie pushed Blaze.

"I'm not surprised, you used to smoke all of the weed whenever we robbed from Boogie's trunk. You were always a greedy conniving bitch_," Becky spat across the table.

"Y-" Zoelle was about to peak but Becky shot her in the shoulder, the impact making Zoelle drop the gun and fall backwards. Becky walked around the table and kicked the gun away, standing over a girl she once used to call best friend.

"I would have chatted with you while pointing a loaded gun at you but this is real life, sweetie, not a movie. I wasn't going to give you the chance to shoot me. And in the real world people don't give a fuck_ about what sluts_ like you have to say," Becky told her as Zoelle wailed on the ground in pain, gripping her shoulder,

Cammie continued to hit Blaze, "You never loved me Blaze- all of that was a lie! Even my friendship with Slim! I bet Dibalo told you guys to do this! Didn't he?" Cammie asked and Blaze sighed. Cammie cried, "I never thought you guys would do this to me," she pushed him.

Victor was speaking to the guard when suddenly his head dropped and hit the table and Duncan escaped his body, leaving Victor's body soulless.

"I hope you rot! I hope you never come to me again just to get over the eternal burning you have to face. You deserve everything you will go through and every time I think about you-" the light in the room was yanked and it turned on. Behind Blaze was a growing, black mass who soon revealed itself to be Duncan.

"Stop interfering," his voice boomed as he held Blaze's shoulders and soon flames consumed his body, quickly burning him to ashes on the floor that blew away with a mysterious breeze that couldn't be coming from anywhere in the closet.

Zoelle's screaming was louder and louder and Becky sighed, "I do feel bad because you wouldn't have shot me the way I did you," Becky squatted and picked up Zoelle's gun. She checked for bullets and there were none, "I guess this was an unfair fight. You were never the type to carry a loaded gun anyway. You were always bluffing," Becky told her and pointed the gun at Zoelle again.

"Stop! Stop! Somebody help me!" Zoelle begged for Becky's mercy but that is something that Becky doesn't have.

"You know Cammie has 3 kids for that man that you drugged and raped, technically. And you tried to wreck what they had and almost cost him his life," Becky stared into Zoelle's eyes.

"Please-Becky please,"

"I'll make sure you never know how it feels to bring life into this world for the little lives you could have destroyed if Kash died," Becky pointed the gun at Zoelle's abdomen, pulling the trigger twice. Zoelle's body jolted and blood escaped from her stomach. Becky was in the game long enough, she knew that hitting Zoelle here wouldn't kill her but would leave her cripple and unable to have children and sometimes killing was too easy. She wanted Zoelle to have to live with what she did until her time was up.

Before Becky left, she checked Zoelle's bag and sure enough there were two Drag-Ex pills left: a purple and a yellow one, "Purple is my favorite color,"

She took the purple pill out and dropped it into her own drink, waiting for it to dissolve. Becky already had a story lined up so she took a small sip so she could say that Zoelle tried to drug her as well. Unless she has a bag reaction like Kash, the most she has to deal with is a headache. Becky hurried home before the symptoms could kick in.

Cammie sat up quickly and rubbed her eyes. She sat there for a moment, crying and wishing that what Blaze told her wasn't true. She got up after a while and washed her face off, looking in the mirror to see Duncan. Cammie screamed out and Duncan chuckled.

"I shall have your soul when you are at your worse and you are slowly getting there," Duncan told her.

Cammie could no longer focus on Duncan because she couldn't breathe and she leaned forward, weak in amazement.

The most perfect being-if it could even be called that made its way into the bathroom. Pure and lily white was the robe on this figure and they had an angelic glow.


Angel, that's what it was and one that Cammie knew.

Ruby's wings were a huge mass in the bathroom, extending further and further. They covered Duncan and when she opened the again, a huge breeze blew Cammie and Ruby smiled. She nodded at Cammie and turned to leave.

Cammie's words were caught in her throat and she could not believe what she just saw. After all of the demons she faced, the presence of an angel was unreal. Suddenly two small children, also dressed in white danced their way into the bathroom and sprinkled something sweet smelling in Cammie's face, making

her collapse to the ground.

Ruby appeared at Lucinda's home, gracefully landing in the living room where the children sprawled off to sleep. She kissed Rubin's head gently and then the heads of all of the children. She later looked at Lucinda and smiled.

Becky drove to London's home and made her way up the stairs. She was dizzy but full of energy and she couldn't wait to see London.

London was sitting on the couch when Becky stumbled in, "Are you okay?" he asked her as he closed the door and locked it as she had failed to do and grabbed her bag for her.

"I'm just fine, darling," she laughed and tickled London's chest.

"You are so drunk," he laughed at her.

"Come on London. I've been gone for so long, I know you miss you some Becky," she giggled as she grabbed London below the belt.

"Whoa, you are way too fucked_ up for this right now," he pushed her off gently.

"Don't be like that. I just want to have a little fun," she giggled and started to kiss on him. Did London want some? Of course he did but she wasn't in her right mind, he can't do it.

"Becky you need to lie down. I'm not doing this with you right now. Early in the morning if you are all good we can but not now," London walked her to the room. Becky sat down on the bed and then laid back.

She laughed, "You are so nice,"

"I guess so," London said as he went to shut off the lights in the kitchen and the living room.

"You should know so," Becky continued.

"You know a lot and it should be-" she kept talking.

"Dude! Shut the hell up!" London yelled and then came back in, lying next to her with the pillow over his head. Whenever Becky was high or drunk, she talked a lot.

Less than an hour later, Duncan was back inside of Victor and the guard came into the room, "I have some bad news. Zoelle has been shot-multiple times," he told Victor.

Duncan didn't care, "Did she die?"

"No, sir,"

"Then it isn't bad news," Duncan said but Victor snapped out of it.

"She was also found with Drag-Ex in her pocket and you know what happened to Kash and it was her doing and it was also in the glass of whoever she was with," the guard said.

Victor knew who she was with and the anger built up in him until he tore his whole cell apart. Losing his cool for a first time in a long time, "Bring Gunner to me! Now!" he shouted.

Ivan and three of his friends decided to walk around the neighborhood late at night. They usually do this so there was nothing special about tonight.

"Remember that girl you used to date with the one eye?" Baker joked with Ivan, pushing him more in the street.

"Man she had two eyes, one was just glass," Ivan defended an ex from years ago.

"Nah man she had one eye. Remember when she took that shit_ out and started chasing you around with it?" they all laughed at him.

"Man y'all gonna stop clowning her like that. She was cool as hell with that one eye. Knew how to cook and everything. The food had no taste sometimes because she used to miss the pot with the seasoning every now and then but she sure knew how to fu-" Ivan was about to see when he saw kids still outside running around and riding bikes.

"It's late! Kim take your brothers and sisters inside and tell the rest of the kids to go home!" Ivan shouted to them.

Ivan and his gang protected their block. No one could come in and hurt anyone and no kid was leaving out unless they were going to get a college education. That's something he wishes he did for himself but they needed him more out here.

As they continued to walk, Lamaar saw a white car swerve around the corner. The smoke from the tires appeared white against the darkness and with the tinted windows they could not see who was inside but Ivan knew exactly who it was because of the loud reggaeton music.

"Kim hurry up and get the kids inside!" Jay yelled and reached for his handgun in his pocket. He was the only one among them who actually brought it out tonight.

"Run!" Ivan shouted at them and they all took off in different directions. The car sped up, chasing after Ivan until he dipped into an alley way. He ran straight to a place he could hide, an abandoned house where a bunch of junkies stay. Ivan watched from the window as the white car drove down the street slowly, people on both sides of the window searching for any signs of him or his friends.

Ivan checked in with them, ignoring the snoring fiend as he called Jay, Lamaar and Baker. He told them to meet him at the blue house on 3rd and he waited around for them.

"Y'all hiding from the police?" a junkie asked.

"Nah-worse," Ivan said.

When his friends met up with him at the house, they were confused as to why Gunner started shooting at them, "Man I don't know what is going on but I heard them yell that they gotta go because they have to go and get the girl," Jay said.

"You think they talking about Kash's girl?" Lamaar asked.

"I don't know but I'm not taking any chances," Ivan said, "-because that will be my ass_ if I don't do anything about it,"

The walk back to Ivan's home wasn't long because they knew all of the shortcuts. They had to keep their eyes peeled because they did not know if Gunner was gone for sure.

As they brought out the semi-automatic weapons, Ivan called Cammie. She didn't answer at first so he called again and there was still no reply.

Baker drove up with his convertible and they hopped in, heavily armed and heading to Cammie's house.

When they arrived, they didn't see any sign of Gunner but still got out and rang the doorbell. Cammie was still on the bathroom floor and when she finally got up, she looked around her, only remembering that Duncan was here. She didn't know what he did to her and if she was actually on Earth but she heard the ringing of the doorbell and the banging on the door.

Cammie got up and headed downstairs quickly, opening the door, "Oh Cammie put some pants on," Ivan said as he walked inside and looked around.

"Girl you got some nice legs. You run?" Jay asked her.

"I'll be back," Cammie went upstairs to put her pants on and asked aloud, "Why are you guys here-with guns?" she asked.

"Because Gunner just shot at us," Lamaar said, "-that's why I told Ivan, stay with us hood niggas_ but you want to be with some big ol' gangsters,"

"Shut up," Ivan said.

"You said Gunner shot at you guys?" Cammie asked as she came back downstairs.

"Yeah, they did a drive by on us just now and then said leave them we gotta get the girl so we figured that he was coming after you," Ivan said.

"No, Victor controls every move that Gunner makes," Cammie said.

Cammie headed into the kitchen and took out four plates, "That's exactly why he would come after you," Ivan said.

"No, he wouldn't," Cammie said and looked at them, "Are you guys hungry?"

They mostly responded no because eating right now would throw them off. Gunner could be here soon, "Well you guys can stay here and eat what I made for dinner earlier. There is no one else to eat it right now." Cammie said.

"Cammie do you understand?" Ivan asked her.

"I do but Victor is not going to just kill me off. Whatever he has planned for me is way more than shooting up my house and I doubt that he is going to try to kill me anyway. Did you call Carol Anne?"

"He doesn't even know her," Ivan said.

"So-" Cammie shrugged as she reheated the food.

"Dang. I need a wife like you. You saw it in my eyes that I was hungry," Jay said as he sat down by the table and smiled at Cammie.

Cammie half smiled, "I'm not a housewife and I'd go crazy living with you," Cammie told him.

London wasn't asleep long when he heard shifting outside of the room. The floors were light so the slightest movement would make the loudest noise.

"You have got to be kidding me,' London said.

London reached into Becky's purse and checked to see how many bullets she used and saw that three were missing, "Becky what the fuck_ did you do?" he asked himself as he continued to hear noises.

London shook Becky, trying to get her to wake up but she wouldn't budge. He had to roll her under the bed in the meantime. London got out his gun and put a silencer on.

London opened the room door, slowly walking out into the living room. He didn't see anything and no longer heard the movement. It could have just been someone in the hallway or upstairs but he felt someone's presence and there was also a new smell.

While London was turning around, the butt of a gun came into contact with his chin but he still managed to grab the man's gun. London and the tall Mexican man struggled for a while until he took the gun and hit London on the nose, making him fall.

The guy got up and started looking for Becky inside of the room. London couldn't get up in time as the guy dragged Becky from under the bed by her hair.

Victor rubbed his hands through his hair as he thought about Zoelle. He didn't care much for her but she was his girlfriend and someone had done this to her.

The door opened and the usual guard stepped in, "Visiting hours were over a long time ago but these two needed to speak with you," the guard allowed Slim and Donatello to walk inside.

Victor smiled devilishly, "I had quite the day with all of these visitors," Victor said.

Donatello sighed, placing the golden bullet on the table before them. Victor laughed, "Don your dad loved arts and crafts and design, he should have become an interior decorator instead. I bet he felt like he was the shit_ when he had these bullets made," Victor said.

Becky opened her eyes once she felt something cold on her stomach. Her vision focused and she looked at the man with the gun pointed at her. All London heard was the faint sound of the gun after Becky braced herself. The guy dropped to the floor and London rested his gun down. His nose and chin were in a tremendous amount of pain, in fact London felt like his nose was broken.

He struggled to get up and he looked at the man who was bleeding from the chest. London slid him by his feet to the balcony and opened the doors. He looked down and saw the white car waiting out front. London tipped the guy over the balcony and watched as he fell, his neck breaking and his body hitting the ground.

Gunner stepped out of the car and looked at his friend and then at London, later taking off, him and the other guys putting the man in the backseat.

After they drove off, London made eye contact with a man who was going to his apartment. London showed him his gun and glared at him, "You open your mouth and say something and I shoot your ass_ right here,"

The guy nodded slowly and London smiled, "Have a good night."

"We want to make a truce," Slim said.

"Ha! A truce? I have complete control over everything. There is no truce because you guys are nowhere near my level," Victor shut the idea down.

"You guys should have been fine with paying your rent but Kash took it too far," Victor told them.

"Kash did nothing,' Slim defended him.

"The leader is in charge of his soldiers and his short comings fall on the heads of the ones that he leads," Victor told them.

The nurse gripped the cart as she rolled it down the empty white hallways. She was sweating-badly and her steps were swift and hard as she walked on the balls of her feet. She opened the door to Kash's room, peering in at Kash's still body.

"Are you awake Mr. McDufy?" she asked him.

Kash was awake but he didn't feel like speaking. He closed his eyes down and breathed lightly. She took something off of the tray and walked over to his right side.

'I swear if some other women tries to take advantage of me while I'm like this-' he thought to himself.

Kash slightly opened one eye and saw that she was holding a syringe, filled with a clear liquid. This wasn't his usual nurse-

"Becky shot Zoelle-three times. Now she's in the hospital holding on to her life," Victor said, his eyes welling with tears.

'So I have someone dealing with the rest of your team now-as well as Kash," Victor smiled, "I'm ending all of this tonight."

The nurse looked down at him and wiped her tearing eyes, "I'm so sorry. I really don't want to do this. He threatened to kill my son if I don't," she told him as she neared him with the syringe.

London called Cammie who was eating with Ivan and the guys, "Hey London,' Cammie answered.

"Everything okay with you because Gunner just had one of his guys come in my house," London told her.

"Wait-" Cammie put him on speaker and he repeated himself.

"Yo' he was probably talking about your little white girl London," Jay said.

"I think so. I don't know what she did but she used three bullets tonight. She went out with her friend but she came back all drunk and I don't know what is up with her," London said.

"Let me see if Carol Anne is up," Cammie said and put Carol Anne and London on a three way and on speaker.

"Carol Anne you okay?" Cammie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine,' Carol Anne said-she wanted to tell her but decided not to.

Kash got up and wrapped his hands around the nurse's throat, startling her and making her scream out. He grabbed the syringe and put it near her neck, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" he asked her.

"I am so sorry. I had no choice," she cried for help.

Kash pushed her out into the hallway where security and other nurses already tried to pry him off. He thought about jabbing this in her neck but he remembered that she has a son and he couldn't live with himself if he killed her.

"Get her out of here, she tried to kill me," Kash sucked his teeth.

'I still have to go to work with all of this going on," Cammie sighed and she looked at Baker, "-stop eating all of my food. My kids have to eat when they come home."

"Sorry Ms," he apologized and Cammie froze, thinking about Lucas.

"Don't call me that,' she said to him.

"Can I make a call?" Kash asked a nurse after everything died down.

"Yes sir," her voice shook and she tried to hurry way. Kash grabbed her hand and she yelped.

"You don't have to be afraid of me," he told her and she nodded, looking him in the eyes. She was hoping that he brought her to his room and she could say she got it on with a drug lord but instead he pushed her away.

"Now go and get me a phone before my wife starts to worry," he said killing her hopes.

¬_I did not post last week because of my finals. Not really because of comments. But you have to understand that comments do matter, I'm not trying to be petty but you gotta let people know what you think of the chapter-I don't want to just post to post but I love you guy! You are all amazing!_

_So some things are revealed in this chapter and some crazy stuff happened. What do you think?_

_Also when I ask you all what will happen next, I just want to know your opinion, you don't have to worry about me taking your ideas because I won't and I don't search for ideas so for now on, no more predications because my mom told me that I have to be careful with that._

Next chapter on Wednesday for sure!


Oh yeah and tomorrow is by birthday and I will be 17! Yay February 5th!

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