Blood for my god

By aconfused_simp

9K 618 186

This is a techno x reader, the pronouns that are used will be they/them so we can have a completely gender ne... More

The raid
A Savior
Life in the village
House pt2
//second announcement//


252 17 0
By aconfused_simp

//Trigger warnings: yelling, mentions of the raid chapter, mention of death//

(3rd person POV)

Techno and (y/n) walked into the map makers house, Techno went in first- not even bothering to knock.  He walked in with a tall, confident posture.  (Y/n) came in behind him.  They were a bit nervous, unsure on how the map maker would react to Techno's non existent manners.  The map maker turned to face them.  

"Hello." Techno said bluntly. 

"Who are you?" The person asked.

"My name is Technoblade.  I need a map."  He announced without small talk.

The mapmaker looked hesitant to talk to Techno.  

"I'm sorry.  I don't serve people like you-" The map maker began, but Techno cut them off.

"Listen here- I need a map that shows everything 100 miles south of here, so you're going to give me one."  Techno slammed his fist on the table, making (y/n) flinch.  

Techno caught the flinch, and he felt a tinge of guilt for scaring (y/n).  Enough people were scared of him- and seeing him scare one of the only people that wasn't already scared of hurt.  A lot.  He couldn't say anything to them now though.  He shot the map maker a look and they gulped, then took in a sigh.

"Alright." They turned around and searched through a chest, pulling out an old map.  "This was real hard to get, so you're going to be paying a lot-"

Techno snatched the map from the map maker.  They gave him an angry look.

"(Y/n). Go outside." Techno instructed.

"But-" They began to protest.

"Go." Techno said firmly, and (y/n) obeyed, not wanting to upset him anymore.  

They went outside to wait and Techno looked at the map maker. 

"You know very well who I am.  Let's keep this a private matter.  Letting you live is my payment."  Techno turned and left the store.

"I- uh, I think I dropped something in there, let me go grab it."  (Y/n) said.  Techno found this a bit suspicious but let them go inside.

(Y/n) walked into the shop, and quickly pulled out and emerald, handing it to the map maker.

"I'm sorry. It's all I have." They said, turning to leave.

"Is he forcing you to stay with him?" The map maker asked. 

"No! Absolutely not!" (Y/n) whipped around to face them.  "Why?"

" you not know who he is..?" The map maker asked.

This left (y/n) confused.  They knew that he was a traveler who did missions for people but when they thought about it, they really really didn't know much about his past or anything.  Techno began to get suspicious of how long this was taking, so he opened the door.

"He's a-" The villager began, but stopped once he saw Techno's glare.

"(Y/n).  Let's go."  Techno grabbed (y/n) by the hand and walked out.

"What did they mean?" (Y/n) asked Techno as they walked through the snowy village.

"What do you mean?" Techno asked, still holding a firm grip on their hand.  He hadn't even bothered looking down at them.  He almost felt betrayed in a way.

"The villager, they asked if I knew who you were....and why did they seem so... scared.." (Y/n) was a bit hesitant to ask this, but they were too curious.

"It's nothing."  Techno didn't want to have this conversation now.  Or at all.

He wanted his real job to stay a secret.  He didn't want (y/n) to know the secret horrors of his everyday life.  He couldn't let their pure and lighthearted spirit be ruined.  He didn't want to be the one who ruined them.  He was a murder, an assassin, he brought illegal weapons to those who paid the most.  He sold off netherite and sometimes diamonds.  He knew it was all illegal but it was how he got by.  He was  trained for this, and (y/n)couldn't know.  The more they knew the more danger they were in.  

"Techno please-" (y/n) began but Techno cut them off.

"I said it's nothing (y/n).  Now stop asking."  He felt bad for being so harsh, but he had to protect them, and this seemed like the best way for him to do that.

(Y/n) was hurt.  They didn't like how Techno didn't tell them this, especially because it seemed so important.  But they knew that if Techno didn't want to tell them now he wouldn't.  They would just have to wait until the time was right.  

They walked over to a tavern, or at least that's what (y/n) thought it was.  They never went inside.  The two heard sounds of a horse running, and Techno looked over and saw a man on a horse, rushing into the village.  (Y/n) didn't recognize the man but Techno seemed to.  He had a white shirt with a fire pattern on it with a black shirt under it, short black hair, a white bandana, and black pants.  The man spotted Techno and rode over to him and hopped off the horse effortlessly. 

"Techno!" He exclaimed, looking worried.  He looked over to (y/n), and then back at Techno.

"What?" Techno asked, adjusting so he was just blocking (y/n) a little. "Why are you here Sapnap?"

"Dream, George, and I, we need your help. The village neighboring ours is facing a level five raid."  The man named Sapnap said.

Techno raised a brow at the man.  And (y/n) moved behind him a little.  Why were all these villages getting raided?  

"If you come with me, you'll be able to get to Dream faster." Sapnap said, holding onto his horses  reins.

"Why do you even care if a village is being raided?" Techno asked, tense.  He didn't like Sapnap this close to (y/n), he knew Sapnap was a dangerous man.

"Because we have a very important villager there." Sapnap narrowed his eyes. 

Normally Techno would not hesitate to join them.  He  loved fighting raiders, he was one of the best fighters they had. This was out of character for him, and Sapnap knew it.  Sapnap looked at the (man/woman/person) behind Techno.  It was probably (him/her/them (sorry, i wasn't sure what form of they/them to put there so i put all pronouns :)) who was causing Techno to act like this.  Did Techno really like them?

"How important?" Techno questioned, staring Sapnap down.

"An enchanter important."  Sapnap replied.

The two men stared at each other for a long minute, and (y/n) noticed the sun was getting lower on the horizon.  

"Let's talk.  Technoblade." There was a sharpness in Sapnap's voice, and it scared (y/n).

"Let's." And Techno turned to (y/n). "I'll be right back.  You stay here, if you need me just call."

Sapnap and Techno walked around behind a house, and Sapnap immediately glared at Techno.

"Why are you asking so many questions?  Dream and George need our help and you're wasting time!" Sapnap growled.

"Sapnap, I have something else I need to do first." Techno said, staring the shorter man in the eye.

"It has to do with that person doesn't it? Who are they?" He demanded to know and Techno hardened his gaze.

"Someone who's traveling with me." Techno responded, shortly. "They need a place to stay."

"So leave them here in this village, they'll be fine." Sapnap stood up straight. 

"I am not leaving them here.  I'm taking them to our village." Techno also straightened his posture, and Sapnap figured the man wouldn't change his opinion.

"Then we'll take them with us!  We can't just leave Dream and George!" The two glared at each other, and Sapnap turned to walk away. 

"I can't take them there Sapnap."  Techno said.

"Why?" Sapnap spun around. "Everyone sees bad things Techno you can't protect them from that-" 

"No. Sapnap their village was raided! They held their fathers corpse! They're the last survivor!! I cannot take them back to that and risk loosing them!" Techno yelled, and Sapnap stopped. 

"Techno.... there's no where else they can go right now and we both know that." Sapnap looked down.

"I know its just-" Techno sighed.  "Alright.  I'll go with you to the raid but you have to promise me that you won't let (y/n) get hurt.  Keep them as far away as possible." 

"I promise." 

Normally Sapnap would never make a promise like that, but after seeing the lengths Techno went through to keep (y/n) away from danger, and seeing how much he cared for them, he knew that if anything happened to (y/n) Techno would go into a spiraling pit of rage.  He would most definitely do something irrational and insane, and Sapnap knew if Techno came after him, Dream would be there to protect him.  Techno would most definitely wage war on Dream which would end terribly.  

Techno gave Sapnap an approving nod, and they walked back out to where (y/n) was waiting.  Techno saw them petting and cooing to the horse, and he almost gave a smile, but remembered Sapnap was there.

"(Y/n)." Techno said, and (y/n) turned to face Techno. 

"Hm?" They hummed in response.

"We're going to the raid." He said shortly.

(Y/n) felt a surge of fear overtake them, their mouth instantly grew dry and they found themselves getting lightheaded. 

"W-w-" They started to say, but Techno spoke first.

"You're not going, don't worry- you'll be with Sapnap." Techno walked over to them, and put his hand around their waist to keep them standing.

"O-o-ok" They said, leaning into him a bit. 

"You'll need a horse, Techno." Sapnap said, and Techno looked up.

"You're right." Techno looked around. "(Y/n) stay here with Sapnap, I'll be right back."

"Ok." They leaned off of Techno and held onto the horse a bit.

Before leaving Techno shot Sapnap a look that said "tell them the truth about me and I will personally end you", and Sapnap nodded in understandment. 

"Where are you from?" Sapnap asked (y/n), who was still a bit shaken up.

"A-a village in the desert, you probably haven't heard of it." (Y/n) quietly replied.

"Mmmm" He hummed in response, looking over to the horizon. 

The two stood in silence, and Sapnap had so many questions to ask the (man/woman/person), but he didn't want to say the wrong thing and have Techno come after him, so they both waited.  

"Alright, (y/n), you're riding with me." Techno said, leading the horse.  

"Where did you get that hors-" (Y/n) began, but they stopped as Techno picked them up and put them on the horse.

"Not important, we have a horse now and that's all that matters."  Techno jumped on the horse behind (y/n), putting his arms around them to grab the reins and make sure they wouldn't fall off. 

"Alrighty, lets get a move on."  Sapnap said, mounting his horse. 

"Uh huh." Techno responded, then slapped the reins to get the horse to run. 

Techno followed Sapnaps horse.  They rode off into the tundra as the sun set, leaving them in the freezing darkness.  They stopped along the way once to hook up lanterns to their horses for better lighting, and continued through the tundra.  (Y/n) felt as it would never end, and with the steady trotting of the horse they began to fall asleep.

"Hey- don't fall asleep." Techno said, just as (y/n) was fading away into a sleep. 

"Hm?" (Y/n) mumbled in question as Techno lightly patted them awake.

"You shouldn't sleep when it's this cold, it can kill you, stay awake you'll be able to sleep soon."  Techno said.

"Mmm alright." (Y/n) didn't want to stay awake, and they barley could, but they did.

Eventually they escaped the Tundra and found themselves in a snowy forest.  They rode through the forest, and it snowed onto them.  The snowflakes landed on (y/n)'s hair and eyelashes, and when Techno looked down to make sure they were awake, he smiled.  

'They're so cute' he thought, and he tried to push it away but he couldn't.  He couldn't help but think about how (beautiful/handsome/attractive) they looked, and it made him give a small smile, which Sapnap, who was riding next to him caught.

YESSS 2K+ words!!  This chapter took forever to pull together because i didn't have any good ideas to keep the plot moving forward, but now i do! 

Word count: 2037

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