Only you { a sweet home fanfi...

By babe_its_Via

86.1K 3.3K 540

⇢ Jisu merely waved her hand and tried to move away and stand on her own but the nausea overtook her causing... More

act one.
okay asshole <33
that's hot 🤭
bullies are bitches ;-;
I'm not that old am i?
what in the motherfuck?
Wow, you look like shit!
Man i would kill for a cigarette.
🕺🏽 kinky 🕺🏽
sit down scary 👹🤚
you bald ass muppet 🤭
he wants me 🧍🏽‍♀️
I will hemorrhage and kill you
well this should be fun
molly da american from 'merica
Ahahah 😃
cartwheels on dis bitch
oh my garsh
ignore the typos 👋😔
Q and A with Jin !
I ran out of titles 🙇‍♀️
here enters the bad bitch
Please don't kill me 🌝
tried to be evil, didn't work 😔
Motherfucker was dead
whoa forgot about this chapter 🤼‍♀️
boobs :D
I need to poop 😟
ur mom 😼
Gone gone gone gone
wowowowowoowowoowow 🥹
what in the actual fuck 😀
logarithmic equations ☹️🔫
light his ass on fire 👹
lord give me strength
I am losing my mind
frick people man
aNoThEr OnE
holy shit
thuggish ruggish bone 🫶
ending one.
ending two.
should i do season two?


2.7K 108 7
By babe_its_Via

Getting to the first floor was easy, we did have to stop a couple of times so Hyunsu could rest for a minute, but all in all, we got down pretty fast.

The sun was setting as we opened the door to the first floor, I look around and see the entrance shutters down, barricaded pretty heavily. I don't see any people but with the way Hyunsu is looking around, I know they are down here somewhere.

A boy with glasses that's around Hyunsu's age walks out of the office across from us and gazes at us warily.

Our eyes meet and almost like a test he holds my gaze, I keep staring at him challenging him to harm anyone of us. He looks away first and instead turns to Hyunsu.

"Did you get everyone?" He asks still turned towards Hyunsu, the male to the left of me nods and turns to show Mr. Han on his back.

I feel Yeongsu clench my hand tighter and hide behind me, the man looks at our faces one by one evaluating us. Seeing Mr. Han losing his grip I move quickly and put the wheelchair on the ground, allowing Mr. Han to sit down.

We move inside closing the first-floor door shut.

"We brought some food and this man here is a medic of sorts." Mr. Ahn says smiling, I walk forward, pulling the kids protectively behind me.

"Do you have a restroom we can use?" I ask the man tilting my head, he nods pointing in the direction the restrooms are.

Before we could move in the direction he was pointing in, three people came around the corner, staring at us.

"Who- who are these people?" the man with glasses splutters, I look at him and narrow my eyes. The guy with the flannel turns to look at them.

"They are here to help with the barricade. Now go back to guarding the isolation room." he says while glancing at us.

Hyunsu walks towards a hallway and I grab his forearm. I give him a look that says what the heck are you doing? He walks back toward me and looks at the man in the flannel.

"I have to go to the isolation room, they think that I might turn into a monster." He softly states. My eyes widening and fury courses through my veins.

"And you just let them? Hyunsu you have to speak up, that you don't like being treated like that." I say pursing my lips.

"It's not so bad and they are just doing it because they are scared," he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok but what about you? Did they even ask you how you were feeling?" I query biting my middle fingernail.

"It doesn't matter I just don't want to start anything." He says timidly not meeting my gaze. I scoff and punch his arm.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter! Of course, it does, I get it they were scared but aren't you?" I ask softly. He fidgets before meeting my gaze.

"It's fine it cool in there, and there aren't that many people so I don't have to make conversation!" He says jokingly, I crack a smile before I hear yeongsu behind me.

"Jin, I have to use the restroom" He speaks while dancing in place. I turn back to see Hyunsu fleeing and going to the door of the isolation room.

"THIS ISNT OVER HYUNSU!" I exclaim. Grabbing both Yeongsu and Suyeong's hands I guide them towards the bathroom.

"Is Hyunsu going to be ok?" Suyeong asks looking up at me. I gulp and look at her still walking.

"Of course he is don't worry," I say smiling reassuringly. We all go into the bathroom and Yeongsu and Suyeong get into the stalls.

From inside the stalls, I hear Suyeongs voice, "Jin?"

"Yeah is everything ok?" I ask.

"It's too quiet and I can't pee, can you sing a song or at least hum one?" I snicker silently and start singing a song, that i use to sing to my sister.

Here's a little song I wrote, you might want to sing it note for note. Don't worry, be happy, in every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double don't worry be happy.

Don't worry be happy now. Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry be happy now. Ain't got no place to lay your head, somebody came and took your bed. Don't worry, be happy.

The kids both open the door and wash their hands before hugging and dancing with me.

Don't worry, be happy. Ain't got no cash ain't got no style ain't got no girl to make you smile but don't worry be, happy!

I smile as we dancing around the bathroom, I spin Suyeong and then Yeongsu, before I hear a growl from all three of our stomachs.

We look at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Come on kids let's get something to eat," I say as I grab both of their hands, they keep whistling the song until we get to the office where the man with a flannel shirt is.

He looks at us before turning back to the screens.

"My name is lee Eunhyuk, and you?" he says without looking at us, without missing a beat I speak to him.

"Jin Ae. This is Suyeong and yeongsu."

He hums before turning to look at us.

"Did you need something?" He asks looking at the kids and then back at me.

"Yeah, wheres the cafeteria? We are kind of hungry," I asked tilting my head. Before he could answer, the man with glasses came in and screeched

"The Gangster is back and he's trying to get the man with that suitcase full of food!" Eunhyuk's eyes widening as he runs out of the room heading towards isolation. Worrying for Hyunsu I turn to both of the kids.

"Stay behind me and if anything bad happens you run and hide and you don't come out until I say uh," looking around I think back to all the code words me and my sister had. "Pancakes!" I screech, "now let's go."

They grab both of my hands and I guide them to the hallway down the isolation room. I see the man getting hit in the back of the head with a mallet.

He turns around and grabs the mallet and starts beating on the other man, a man with a katana stands by me.

"Um, should we help? And if you say yes, who do we help?" I ask pulling the kids closer to me the katana man just looks at me confused at who I was and where I came from.

"The man in the leafy shirt has a score to settle, I would say just keep the people back," he says before running forward and pushing some observers back.

I let go of the kid's hands and push them with Mr. Han who was behind us.

"Listen you stay here ok? You do not leave Mr. Han until I get back ok?" I say sternly but softly. I turn to leave when I hear suyeong speak.

"You have to come back ok?"

"Of course I will!"

Turning back around I head towards the shutter where the man was pulling the barricades open. I see people trying to get closer when I push them back.

"What the heck do you think you're doing" a short man screams in my face,

I scrunch my nose in disgust of his breath, I mean damn.

"That man won't stop until he is finished, now stand back or you'll-" I say before he interrupts me.

"Who the hell are you to say anything! Get the hell out of my way" I stare at him in disbelief before pushing him back hard.

He falls back on his butt and I stare down at him.

"First of all you interrupted me and I wasn't finished speaking, second of all please refrain from screaming at me or I'll break your face in." I say with a cold smile.

Stepping away from him, I see katana man trying to raise the shutter once more, trying to stop the staring man from closing it on himself.

Huffing I run forward and start raising it with him. We successfully get it open and the staring man asks why before collapsing forward.

As he leans on me I whisper to him "Because I haven't scolded you yet."

I swear I hear a little snort or chuckle but it might have been because he had just been hit in the head with a mallet.

Dragging him on one side and katana man on the other side of him, we get him to a room with a two beds in it. It looked like an office but it had a desk on the side of the wall and the beds in the very back.

Laying the man on the bed, I turn to the katana man.

"Um so what's your name? Unless you want to be called katana man?" I say with raised eyebrows.

"It's Jayhun, and you? Or do wanna just be called scary lady?" he sassily says, I chuckle and look at him.

"I'm Jin Ae." I say before something tackles me and I almost fall over.

Suyeong and Yeongsu both crying, Yeongsu hugging my leg and Suyeong hugging my waist. I pry them off and crouch down only to have them throw their hands around my neck, crying into my shoulder.

Feeling awkward the katana man bows his head and walks out smiling.

"Hey, hey what's wrong guys?" I question finally prying them off, they both try to stop crying, only to be bombarded with more tears.

"It's okay, let it all out I know you guys were scared. I know it's ok." I say cradling both of them in my arms wincing as suyeong presses on my still healing wound.

Sitting in the floor with the kids on my lap i rest my head against the wall. Feeling awkward I look around and my eyes land on the man, who was still knock out.

I better clean his wounds, but first I have to see what was wrong with these kids.

After about ten minutes of sobbing from both of the kids, the sobs finally turning into sniffles and whimpers.

I look down at the kids I was cradling ready to ask them what was wrong, when I see they had both fallen asleep.

Standing to my feet still holding onto the children I set them on the bed that was next to the man's but on the other side and put the fluffiest blanket I could find on top of them.

I turn back to the desk and start searching for a first aid kit, huffing that there wasn't one i stand up gasping when I see Dohun just standing in the doorway.

"Hey Dohun, what uh what are you doing?" I say smiling tensely, he walks forward and i step back. Still walking forward he pushes a first aid kit hard into my hands.

Wincing as I prick my finger on a needle, I look back towards him as he stares at me. Breathing heavily, I start inching away uncomfortably, he walks forward again until I'm standing at the edge of the children's mattress.

"Hey step back. You're making me uncomfortable and you should leave." I calmly say standing my ground. I narrow my eyes daring him to step any closer, after a moment of silence passes he steps back walking out of the room.

          Calming my breath I walk over to the bloodied man, I start slowly and softly wiping his face, hands, and neck down.

Looking at his now clean face I notice how peaceful he looks when sleeping, or I mean for his case passed out. He normally looks mean and intimidating, but I don't know he just- doesn't seem too bad.

Ah, I'm losing my mind, I look him over once more and notice a wound on his back. That's going to need cleaning,

I'm going to have to wait until he wakes up for those. Before I could wrap his head an older woman walks in and sits in the rolly chair near the desk. I walk towards her and bow my head slightly.

"Hello ma'am did you need the first aid or?" I ask looking at her.

"No just here to talk. My name is Cha Jin-ok and you are?" She asks, smiling warmly, I send a small smile back before speaking.

"I am Jin Ae."

she looks over to the kids and then back at me.

"Are you going to be ok with the kids?" she asks softly, I look at her weirdly before turning to the kids.

Suyeong taking up a little corner while yeongsu takes up most of the bed, snorting lightly at the scene I turn towards the woman once more.
"I'm not trying to be their mother, I'm not trying to take over that role. I am trying to keep them alive and make sure that they are fed and clean. Plus I'm growing quite fond of them so I'd say, we're doing just fine." I say with a tight smile, she looks at me and smiles.

"It seems as if you have multiple children." She chuckles, I think back to everyone I've met and cared for over the days.

"It does seem that way, I guess." I let out a soft laugh as the woman stands up.

"Ok well I was just checking, you should get some rest, you're looking kind of pale." she says walking out of the room.

I sit on the rolly chair that she was just on and lean back staring at the ceiling. I have to wake up before that man does because if I don't he's going to leave and I'm never going to be able to treat his back wound.

Lifting up my shirt i look down at my abdomen to see it hadn't bled through yet, I don't have to change it just yet. Crossing my arms across my chest I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless rest.

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