Her Portrait Is Black and Whi...

By ukendeavour

116K 2.8K 289

Book one in the 'Her Portrait' series Tina Kennard is a young up and coming yet struggling artist. Bette Po... More

We all start somewhere
Business Talk
Spatial awareness
The Signing
The Date
New Week
New York
A Hotel Evening
Returning the Favour
A wake up call
The Ashes of It All
Saturday Morning
Her Queen
Emotional Low
Open Heart
A New Plan
Hospital Waiting Room
Moving Forward
The Projection Of Love
Opening Night
Personal Space
An unexpected offer
A night Out
Welcome To MoKa
Welcome To Las Vegas
A Grand Canyon Wedding
Yellowstone lodge
Open, honest lines of communication.
Home, Sweet Home
An Unexpected Guest.
Hospital, Home
Rest and Relax
First Night Out
Gallery Time
A New Artist Direction
Moving Forward
Fire and Flames Releases
Six Minutes
Forward We Go
28 Weeks
A New Family
Home Sweet Home
Worth Fighting For
Love and TIme
A small piece of normal
A couple's conversation.
Building Blocks
Friday night
Moving Forward
Steps Forward
Bette's Birthday
Worth It?
Light Lunch
Movement Forward
Sisterly Love
A very different Vacation
vacation carries on
A Bad Day
Letting Her Hair Down
Night at home
Painting Together
The Art Opening
One Foot Forward
Paint, rest, sell
Just a day
Helping Hands
Old Friendship
Life Changing Night
Breakfast With Friends
Bette's Want
One Year
News (Chapter 100)
The Woman
A Bleak Moment
Endless Love
The Truth About Her
The Gala
Return To Yellowstone
Yellowstone Evening
Another Hospital
A Waiting Game
Open Eyes
The Start of the battle
Light and Dark


605 19 1
By ukendeavour

Bette pulled the car into the drive and sat for a moment, watching the gates close behind her. She rubbed her forehead. Before taking a deep breath, she picked up her bags and went into the house. She smiled when she saw Tina in the kitchen, soft rock music playing as she moved around the kitchen making their dinner. Bette dropped her bags onto the sofa and removed her jacket. Xavier was sat in his chair near the counter, banging on the tray front of him. Bette walked over and kissed the top of his head smiling when he looked up at her.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Tina asked as she stood chopping steak chunks.

"I'm okay, how are you?" Bette asked as she walked around and kissed Tina's neck.

"I'm okay, Jake had a 'word' with me when I got home,"


"Going to LA alone,"

"Well, you're not great in the city,"

"Yes I know and you should have said something not one of our nurses. He basically told me that I'm not mentally stable enough to do that. I get it. I could have freaked out. Anything could have happened. I shouldn't take those risks, not with Xavier. I'm sorry."

"Erm, thank you," Bette said smiling softly. "I know I should have told you, I know, but everything just gets to me. There is so much going on,"

"I know. I'm not helping your stress levels. You've always been such a powerful and successful woman. I am worried I'm bring you down,"

"You're not," Bette moved away and looked at her wife. "You're never bring me down. Tina you've made my life so much better. I love you."

"I know babe, I love you too but you've given up so much for me. You've made some many sacrifices to be with me. Something hit me today. When you said the group show wasn't great. Babe you shouldn't be taking on subpar work. You're Galleries are known world wide and people want to come and see art there, they want to buy art from Bette Porter, you cannot be putting on subpar work. You've taken that show because it was easier, and you wouldn't be away from me and Xavier as much. You can't do that. I want you to be a success. You were famous and very successful in the art world before you meet me and the last thing I've ever wanted was to take that away from you. I'm guilty of not being able to see past my own failing. Bette I love you and I want what's best for you and for Porter Galleries. You're a remarkable woman. I don't want to take that away from you." Tina finally took a breath.

"Have you been rehearsing that?" Bette asked, leaning on the counter and looking at her wife.

"It's been going around my head all day. Honey, you're my world. You and Xavier but we both know I'm not normal, I'm not mentally stable. You've been putting me first and we can't keep doing that. I need to realise that our nursing team is there to help me with Xavier and they should be with me if I go to the city or even the store. I want to help you rebuild your brand. I want you to have all the success you are used too."

"You're very wise today?"

"My levels are stable today," Tina responded.

"I think you're right, I need to take my gallery more seriously I need artist that will attract people. I want my success back,"

"Take it back babe," Tina carried on making their dinner,

"Okay, right, we will talk more about this, I need to shower and change before Shane arrives."

"Okay baby." Tina turned and kissed her wife before she carried on their meal prep.


"Tina that meal was amazing," Shane smiled as she sat back in her chair.

"One thing I can still get very right, cooking."

"You get a lot right," Bette responded. Raising her eyebrow

"Well, your food is amazing. But I have a feeling that you didn't invite me here just for a meal,"

"Well no," Bette said. as she picked up her glass of wine, "Alice came to the gallery this evening,"

"What?" Shane looked shocked.

"Yeah well I'm betting by now she's had a visit from the LAPD but that's not my point. Alice and I are never going to be friends again. She keeps phoning Kit to get further information on me and I'm betting she's doing the same to you, " Bette said, Bette had called her sister on the way home from work and talked to her. Alice was still banned from the Planet and Kit had now blocked he number.

"You're cutting her completely out of your life?" Shane asked slowly.

"Yes," Bette said. "She has a bitter hate for Tina and I don't understand why. I mean,"

"She's in love with you,"

"I got that," Bette said slowly. "I'm in love with Tina, Alice was once what I thought was a good friend but she's not. She has managed to bad mouth every woman I've ever dated. I understand bad mouthing Jodi, I mean she's a horrible woman I should never have dated. But all Tina has done is love me."

"What are you wanting me to do?" Shane asked,

Tina got up and started clearing the plates. Bette could see that Tina was suddenly struggling. She'd never really been like this in front of Shane.

"We would like you to choose."

"You're saying it's you and Tina or Alice,"

"Yes, basically," Bette said. "I am betting that she's been asking you questions like she has Kit and frankly I'm done. Alice cannot bad mouth my wife and think I'll still be friends with her. I'm not happy at right now. She's being vile."

"I know she is," Shane almost whispered. "She's very bitter. I think she wishes we were all still in our twenties. She's in her own serious relationship but she doesn't get that you cannot bad mouth your best friends wife and get away with it."

"Well I cannot carry on with my relationship with her. She doesn't understand mental health or that right now I could use having a best friend around that I can talk to other than Kit. Years ago I would have gone to her, now. I just don't know." Bette shook her head.

Shane looked at her friend. A woman who had done more for her than any other friend.

"What can I do?" Shane asked slowly

"I think you know," Bette said sipping her wine,

"I need to break away from her don't I?"

"I hate to put you in the position but Alice has put us here."

"I know, I know. You've done so much for me. I hate that she talks about Tina the way she does."

"Just think about it okay, don't' make the choice lightly. I know she's your friend."

Shane nodded.

"How are you doing?" Shane asked,

"I'm okay, my stress levels are higher than I would like. I need to bring them down. I want what's best for my wife and family."

"What about you?"

"I need to take more time for me, I was hoping that you and I could spend more time together."

Shane smiled

"I'd love that."

"Maybe we could do dinner once a week, spend some times together, I need to clear my head, be away from the world."

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan,"

Tina finished putting the plates into the dishwasher. She drank some water as Shane and Bette chatted. She smiled at her wife, glad she had one true friend.

"We should having family night again," Shane said "As well,"

"Will Dana and Lara come if we don't' invite Alice,"

"Well Dana and Alice aren't talking right now,"

"Why not?"

"Dana yelled at her for talking shit about Tina," Shane said.

"I never expected that,"

"None of us did, Dana just ripped her a new one and told her when she grows up she will be waiting."

"Wow, go Dana," Bette grinned. She turned to Tina, "Would you be okay with family night babe,"

"Yeah sure." Tina smiled, "Erm I'm just going to check on Xavier,"


Tina headed upstairs.

"I'm gonna go, I'll text you."

"Okay thanks for coming Shane," They hugged and Bette saw Shane to the door. Once their friend and left and the security gates were fully closed, Bette closed the door and headed upstairs. She walked into Xavier's room and smiled, he was sleeping peacefully, his hands above his head. she watched him for a few seconds and then went into their bedroom. Tina was on the bed, on her side, hugging Bette's pillow.

"You okay," Bette asked walking over and sitting onto the bed, she gently rubbed her wife's arm.

"Yeah just having a moment."

"You're allowed them you know."

"I do." Tina looked up at her wife.

"Do you want to be alone?" Bette asked, knowing that Tina would need a moment or few.

"Yes please, sorry, I don't..."

"It's fine. There is an artist I need to email. You rest." Bette moved and kissed her wife's forehead and left her alone.


Bette smiled as she put the phone down she had managed to secure a massive artist for Porter LA and she knew that her next show would be a great success. She looked at her watch and saw it was very late. She shut down her computer and she went to check on Xavier. He was sleeping still. She kissed him and went into their bedroom. Tina was lay in bed reading her book, she looked freshly showered and relaxed.

"How you doing?" Bette asked as she opened the draw to get her clean Pjs out.

"I'm okay, sorry about early,"

"Don't be sorry it's okay." Bette moved around the room getting ready for bed.

"You seem calmer and happier."

"Do you know Carter Michaels?"

"He does massive pieces, mixture of art and sculptures. We were in a group show together in Rome when I was just starting out, he was really nice."

"He has agreed to show 41 pieces at Porter LA,"

"Wow Bette that's gonna bring in the money you know that right,"

"And the footfall." Bette grinned. "All 41 pieces are for sale as well,"

"I'm so proud of you," Tina grinned.

"Thank you, baby, this is a total step in the right direction."

Bette got into bed and opened her arms as Tina snuggled into her. Bette held her wife, a soft smile on her face. This really was the best feeling in the world to her. she had her wife in her arms and her gallery was about to host a massive artist. 

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