It's Too Late

By CherryBlossom2214

1.5M 44K 3K

He rejected me, all my life I have dreamed of my mate and our lives together. But he rejected me, I knew my f... More

Chapther 0.1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: The End
Dorothy's Story: Comming Soon
New Year's Bonus Chapter

Chapter 25

22.9K 774 40
By CherryBlossom2214


I woke up early this morning, the sun was barely rising. It already looked so beautiful. The sun's light is reflecting on each surface since it rained last night.
Oh the view from the piano room will look absolutely beautiful.
So that is what I decided to do. I got dressed in something snuggly yet elegant and rushed to the piano room.

Just as I expected, the light hits the room just right. It fueled me on to play, I think I'm in the mood for something slow and peaceful. 

"Well now isn't it the King's plaything." Two people comes in and I stop, trying to suppress my frown at their comment.
"Sir Warren, Sir Erlan, I did not know you'll be visiting the king this morning."
They smriked, "We are on his counsel Miss West, I'm more surprised that someome like you are here." They clearly do not like me.
"Someone like me sir?" I softly begin to play a piece to calm myself. I really don't want to anger them.
"Someone who is only good for playing a piano and nothing else, the king should be ashamed." My hands paused.
"Are you sure it is wise to insult the king in his decisions?" I stand up when ther smirks turns into frowns.
"Sir Warren, Sir Erlan." I gain their attention as I walk to stand right in front of them. Plans are already forming in my mind.
"I can understand why you question the King's judgement when it comes to me. I can, so I want to propose a deal."
Deep breaths Anastasia!
They both fold their hands in sync, almost freaky.
"I will challenge anyone of you in your perspective fields. Should I win three times in a row, you'll have to approve of me and the king."
They both looked at each other and then burst out laughing.
"Miss West, that will take you forever."
"Then that is how long I'll try." They stopped laughing and stared at me with much intensity.
"You won't beat us Miss West, we are the best of the best."
I walk up to them, almost touching them, "I only need to beat you three times and if not, I'm sure you'll be more than satisfied with the outcome of me leaving." Not that I will let that happen.
'Saph, I'm going to need you alot on this one.'
'I'll fight for Leo, don't you worry Ci.'


I overslept a bit, but it was all right. I blame Yozac for staying later than usual, but I can't completely because Ana won him over.
I slowly make my way to dining room, Ana wasn't there.
I go to her piano room, she wasn't here either.

"There you are! Have you gone mad Vlad!" Yozac and Urlo storm into the piano room looking furious.
"Uhm..." Why do they look so mad. I did nothing from when Yozac left last night till now.
"You mean you don't know?" My confused expression must have told them the answer already.
"Oh gosh he doesn't! Anastasia is facing Warren in a sword fight." shock and fear becomes me as I rush to the battle grounds.

Most of the soldiers were there all gathered around Warren and Anastasia.
"Warren stop this at once!" Their fight pauses. Ana was already out of breath.
"Majesty, I'm afraid that I can't do that, we made a bloodpack, didn't we Miss West."
I look to Ana and she didn't meet my eyes. I was fuming, he could kill her.
I wanted to say something, but Ana stopped me, "My King, please I only have till midnight, please rest assured. I will be fine." Ana's voice was clear, her beautiful blue eyes met mine with nothing but determination and then she faced Warren again.
Oh god Warren will kill her!
"Warren I will kill you!"


I'm sure if we didn't make a bloodpack, the king would have killed me.
His eyes focused on me with the intend to kill, no one would escape him when he looks like that.
My eyes met the girl's and I was taken back a little when she smiled at me. She knew this would happen. That the king would have killed me, that is why she wanted a bloodpack. She protected me, even my clear dislike for her.
Her bond with the king is stronger than I imagined.
"I will not give up Sir Warren, you will accept me." She got her sword ready to start the fight once again. She was clearly not an experienced swords woman, there was no way she could win.


There was nothing I could do, but to watch.
"Anastasia is crazy, taking on Warren is like embracing death with a smile." Yozac says.
"Yozac I don't think he needs to hear that now." Urlo scolds. Paolo joined us soon enough.
"I heard what was happening, do we know what the bloodpack involved?" He ask, standing next to me.
"No, no one seems to know except them."

We watch together as they battle, Ana has lost so many times I have lost count.
It could be my imagination, but she seems to be getting better. Not winning, but getting better.


My chest hurt like a bitch, I'm wheezing instead of breathing. My muscles are aching. They really don't want to move at will.
All my energy from healing and fighting has taken its toll on me. My vision in blurry and the sword seems to only get heavier each second.

It's almost midnight, I haven't won three consecutive matches in a row yet.
'Saph are you ready to finish this?'
I ask as Sir Warren has me in a death grip.
"Dead yet again Miss West."
'Oh I am ready.'
I stand up while Sir Warren takes his stand.
He smirked, "Miss West I do hoped you said your last goodbyes, because this is the end."
I ready my sword, "You know what makes losing so great Sir Warren?" He frowns.
As quick as I could I dashed to him, he gets ready to attack instead of blocking, which was what I predicted and I switched into blocking at the very last second.
Our swords slide against each other, when I was close enough I dropped my sword, sending him forward. I trip him from behind and get him in a deadlock with a dagger at his neck.
The whole crowd gasped at whst they just witnessed.
We get up and it was clear that he was furious with the sudden defeat.
"Don't get cocky Miss West, you still need two wins."

His eyes are now more focused on me and that is how I want him.
He won't make the first move now, I charge at him with the exact speed, this time he runs to me, his sword was now ready should I attack or defend.
This was going to be hard.
'Saph we better move fast.'
Our sword clashes and we fight, I was in defensive mode while Warren kept attacking me.
He knocked my sword in the air, he went for my neck, but I was quick to jump up. In doing so, I got my sword back and went down and readied my sword.
I was now full on attack as I swing my sword with precision everytime. Getting faster each second, I could see that he was struggling to block my attacks and that gave me my push.
His movements seemed to be slower, or I was going faster, it didn't matter right now.
His sword finally flew out of his hands sideways and I kept going. He was now defending with his armour.
He tripped me and just when he went for my neck I grabbed him by his neck and fling him over me.
As fast as I could I rolled over and my dagger was now against him.
My second win in a row.

He was now beyond furious. I smirked to myself in my head. 'We have him where we want him.' Saph says and I agreed.
"You won't win again West!" He charged at me, his intend was to kill and I readied myself.
It was now or never. I would not be able to do this again.
I sidestepped and my blade ripped open the left side under his arm. He paid no mind as he swings around to attack me once again.
I was on devensive for I can't remember how long.
The blood in my veins were beginning to boil from the bloodpack, time was almost up. I need to move quickly and there was only one way I could win now.
'Leo is gonna kill us.' Saph mumbles as we ready our next move.
'Oh yeah definitely.'
As I expected, Warren comes in for the final blow.
I need to do this right.
He comes closer and I ready myself while looking like I'm about to fall from exhaustion. His sword goes straight to my heart and I deflect his sword just in time and it pierces my left side and I grunt when I fall to the ground.
He smirked, "I win Miss West." Hi whispers next to me.
I pierce my sword into his skin, I know it is at his heart while my other hand holds the dagger to his neck.
"I beg to differ Sir Warren."
His eyes widen when he realized what just happened. His sword falls to the ground and he takes a vew steps back.
"Impossible." I hear him say, just barely.
I couldn't help but chuckle as I sink to the ground.
The bloodpack is complete and it was midnight.


So I'm not the best at explaining a fight, so forgive me.

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