Blood for my god

By aconfused_simp

9K 618 186

This is a techno x reader, the pronouns that are used will be they/them so we can have a completely gender ne... More

The raid
Life in the village
House pt2
//second announcement//

A Savior

638 35 8
By aconfused_simp

//Trigger warnings: gore, mentions of  last chapter//

Y/n woke up, hours later, but to them it felt like years.  They listened for about ten minutes.  Nothing except the crackling of fires.  Y/n stood up.  They looked out the window, the head of their axe on the ground.  They saw nothing.  The remains of their village was the only thing that was there, and it wasn't much.  Y/n stepped outside, still in shock about what had happened over the course of 48 hours.  Everything was perfect and now it's all gone. 

Suddenly y/n broke out in a sprint.  Dad. That was the only thought going through their head.  They ran in the direction of the well, stumbling over ashes and rocks and the remains of houses. 

"DAD?!" Y/n screamed, a panic setting in.  They ran from pile of ruble to pile of ruble. 

"DAD WHERE ARE YOU??" They screamed again, feeling the effects of the screaming.  It hurt, but they didn't care. 

"DAD PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU?" They refused to accept the fact that their dad was not going to answer. 

(POV: unknown) (ooooOoo a POV switch :>)

"DAD WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE ANSWER ME!" I heard a voice scream out into the village. 

I had come across this village which was freshly raided, it was easy to tell, considering it was still smoking.  The person was scared, definitely in a panic.  I didn't blame them, who knows what they saw, the only question I had was how are they alive? 

I had to find them, I hated people but I knew that if this person was alone there was no way they would be able to survive here.  I followed the screams and cries of the person, then I saw them, desperately digging through a pile of ash and rubble.  I watched, and they stopped rummaging through the pile and stopped.  A look of horror overcame the person and they looked into the pile.

"" They said quietly, their voice cracking. 

I felt a tinge of sadness as I thought of my own dad, Phil.  

" come on-" They let out a small nervous chuckle. "W-we gotta go h-home-" 

I saw them place their hands into the rubble and they pulled out an older man.  They held the man in their arms.

"W-we have to g-go.  C-come on-." I watched the (man/woman/person) shake their father lightly. 

It was too late, and we both knew it, but they didn't give up.  I couldn't watch anymore.  I stepped out of the shadows and walked towards the grieving (man/woman/person).  They didn't notice me at first, but when they did they pulled out an iron axe and held onto the man in their arms tighter. 

"W-who are you?!" They demanded, and I noticed they were crying. 

"He's dead." I said, that probably didn't help, but this person needed some closure. 

"I-I know" They said as more tears came out of their eyes.  

I kneeled down besides them and offered my hand out for them.

"Come." They looked at my hand, but didn't take it.

"Where are we going?" They asked, still crying.

"I have a mission.  I'll get you somewhere safe, you can't stay here though." I responded. 

"Who are you?" They questioned. 

"You can call me Techno.  But my name is Technoblade."  I responded and they eyed me through their grief.

"H-how did you find this place?  Why are you here?" They asked yet more questions.

"I told you, I have a mission and this village happened to be on the way.  Now what's your name?" I said.

"(y-y/n) my name is (y/n)." They looked back at their father and then at me again. 

"Let's go." I said as patiently as I could, extending my arm towards them.

"Thank you, but I can't go.  I have to stay here.  I can't leave my dad."  They said and I sighed.  

"You'll die here and end up like the rest of them.  Look at them."  I gestured to the rest of the village.  

"That's ok.  But I can not leave my dad." They looked back at the man and a tear fell from their face and dropped onto the their dad.

"Listen, I don't think this is what your dad would want.  Do you think he would want you to die alone here?  Your death would be painful for sure."  I told them and they looked back up at me, thinking. 

They  took my hand and together we stood up.  

"Have you ever left your village?" I asked and they shook their head. 

(3rd person POV)

"No, not many people have." The young (man/woman/person) said and Techno looked like he was thinking.

This was going to be a lot harder than he thought, if (y/n) has never even left the village.  But he would make it work. 

"Ok, well listen you're going to see some new things. Things you've never seen before, but we can't get distracted, I have a deadline."  Techno said, and (y/n) nodded.  

"O-ok when do we leave?" (Y/n) asked and Techno looked over at them.

"Now." Techno said and (y/n) nodded. 

"Ok- I have some bread and a few emeralds and-" They stopped as they saw a piece of blue in another pile of ruble.  Techno looked at the person- confused as to why they walked off. 

(y/n) picked it up, it was the flower their brother had given them.  Tears flooded their eyes. 

"Are you ok..?" Techno asked and (y/n) looked at the man. 

"My brother- he's a wandering trader- he gave me this flower.  It's my favorite..oh god what's he going to do?! He'll come home and no one will be here for him! And what if he thinks I died?! I'm all he has left now!"  (Y/n) panicked and Techno put a hand on the (smaller/taller) (man/woman/person).

"He's a wandering trader, he'll know what to do.  Trust me.  I'm sure we'll find him in a town eventually."  Techno said, beginning to lead (y/n) away.

(y/n) was not calmed by that, but they knew Techno was right, and that he would not wait for (y/n), so they kept pace with him.  

"We need to go this way, it's going to be a long trip, but we can't afford to stop a lot so you'll have to keep up."  Techno said and (y/n) responded with a nod. 

(Y/n) didn't want to be a burden to Techno, so they kept up with the man.  He was larger then (y/n), definitely more muscular and this was the first time (y/n) could really take in his appearance.  He had a thick red cape with white feathers around the neck.  His hair was braided, it was long and pink, and a crown sat, tilted on his head.  Techno had red eyes that pierced through you when he looked at you.  He wore brown pants with a belt that had a sword sheathed along it.  He wore black netherite boots that shone with enchantment. (Y/n) was fascinated by the enchanted boots as they had never seen anything enchanted up close, and Techno made a mental note to be careful with his boots around the other (man/woman/person). 

They walked.  They walked farther then (y/n) had ever walked in their life.  They walked so far that eventually the village could no longer be seen.  (Y/n)'s feet began to hurt, but they didn't complain.  They didn't want to slow down or bug Techno with it, as he had previously said, he had a mission and it seemed very important.  

Eventually the sun began to set, and (y/n) realized that they didn't bring warm clothes, or even a blanket to keep them warm in the freezing night.  Techno stopped them by a large sand dune, and he began to hike up it, (y/n) following him closely.

"We should make a fire.  It gets cold fast out here." (Y/n) said and the man nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah, ok, but we can't make one here, not on sand-"  Techno started, then looked over (y/n)'s shoulder. 

He grabbed (y/n) by the arm and pulled them to the ground. 

"What?" (Y/n) asked, confused at the sudden change in whatever that was.

"A husk- stay down.  We can use it's clothes to make the fire on so the sand won't put it out."  Techno said.

"Alright- what's the plan?" (Y/n) looked over to the husk.  It was just walking around, and you could see green potion bubbles come off of it.  

"The plan- is that you stay here and make a small sand pit and get some bread out, and I'll take on the husk."  Techno stood up, but (y/n) stopped him.

"You don't want me to go with you?" They asked also standing up, a mob at night was a serious matter.

"I'm sure.  Plus I doubt you've ever fought in your life.  You'd only get in the way."  Techno said with brutal honesty.  

(Y/n) didn't appreciate being called useless, but Techno was right, they had never fought before and wouldn't be too much help, so they got to work on digging the small sand pit.  About a foot down they reached sandstone, which would be helpful, so they brushed it off and prepared it.  They took out a torch from their bag and put it down, and then took out the two quarters of break that they were supposed to share with their father.  They looked at it in their hands, and noticed Techno had come back with a torn up shirt.

"Here."  And he tossed (y/n) the shirt, and went to rummaging through one of his bags.  

He found what he was looking for and tossed them to (y/n).  It was flint and steel with some sticks.  (Y/n) started the fire, and sat close to it due to the cold.  Techno, who was unbothered by the cold, noticed that (y/n) was, and he took off his cape and handed it to the person sitting near him.  (Y/n) looked up at him as if to say "are you sure?" And Techno nodded.  

(Y/n sadly watched the fire that flared before them.  It was like the fire at home.  They imagined sitting with their dad, and remembered how they would never see him again.  A tear slipped down their face and they looked up into the sky, and Techno looked too- hoping it wasn't a phantom that (y/n) spotted.  

"He's up there." The (man/woman/person) said, pointing towards the sky.  "My dad.  He's up there and I know it."

Techno had never thought of the dead being in the sky, much less stars in the sky, to him once they died, well, they just died.  But it seemed to bring his companion some comfort to think that their father was among the stars.  

"I'm sure he is."  Techno looked at them and back up at the sky.  It confused him as to why he said that, as he wasn't the type of person to say that, he normally would have said something blunt and probably cold.  But something stopped him.  

(Y/n) felt sleep nip at them, it threatened to take them.  (Y/n) fought it off as much as they could, but eventually let themselves fall asleep.  Techno gave a small flinch as he felt (y/n) fall asleep on him.  It definitely took him by surprise as he was not used to this type of contact, but he grew more comfortable with it, and eventually fell asleep himself. 

-in the morning- 

When (y/n) woke up, they were surprised to also see Techno was awake and putting things away,  he folded up the husk's shirt and and put it in his bag, then turned to (y/n) who was still wrapped in his cape. 

"Good morning." (Y/n) said, taking off cape and handing it over to Techno, who put it on.

"Hello." Techno's response was dry, and (y/n) decided to leave it at that.  

They both found the silence a bit awkward, but no one decided to change that by talking, instead they finished packing up and (y/n) watched Techno pull out a map.  They walked up behind him and stood on their toes to see the map.  Techno pointed to a spot on the map, it was a hill covered in green.

"That's where we need to be by tonight." He pointed to another spot, that was no where near where they needed to be.  "We are here, we have a long way to go- so we should leave now."

"Alright." (Y/n) responded and they both began to head down the sand dune they had camped on. 

I feel like this is a good place to stop lol, I hope you liked this chapter! :)

Word count: 2111

Niceeeeee 2K

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