Amour - Fred Weasley

By robinbuckleyasf

248K 4.7K 6.9K

*** Arabella is a transfer student from Beauxbatons after she pulled a dangerous prank that got her expelled... More

authors note
The Sorting
the test
Old Books and Campfires
Truth or Dare
March 13th
Last day
Swedish Short-snout
The First Snow
Mermen and Magnolias
Conquering the Curses
Summer with the Order
Lonesome Town
Dumbledores Army
First Year in the Job
The Wedding
The Beginning of the End

The Triwizard Tournament

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By robinbuckleyasf

The feeling of running through the barrier between Platform 9 and 3/4 and the public world was the best feeling I've had in a long time. Summer was amazing but being back with friends would be so much better.

My parents dropped me off outside the platform and we all said our goodbyes. I sprinted through the barrier and when I crossed over my cart stopped. My feet flew out from underneath me and I was face down on the brick floor of the platform.

"Bloody Hell, I'm so sorr- Arabella!" Ron's voice shouted from where he was standing. The rest of the Weasleys rushed over to me.

"Here let me help you up" Ron said, lending me his hand and picking up my stuff.

"Good going Ickle Ronniekins." A deep voice said. I looked up to see Fred towering over Ron. I hadn't seen him since Ginny's birthday this summer.

"Fred! Wow you got-"

"Arabella! Wow you got-" We both laughed at the same time, looking at each other. Fred wrapped me in a tight hug and kissed me.

" Lets get on the train, shall we?" Fred asked

"We shall." I said, holding Fred's hand as he escorted me into a compartment where George and Pacifica were sitting.

"Arabella!" Pacifica said enthusiastically.

"I'm so sorry I didn't give you an address to send letters to over the summer Bella! I meant to but completely spaced it!" Pacifica said, lifting a hand to her forehead.

"Its alright Pacifica! I totally understand, well were all back together now so what's new with you guys?" I asked. The group talked for hours until George, not suprisingly fell asleep against the window with Pacifica sitting in his lap.

"Well Dupont, how was your summer?" Fred asked, now sitting with his back to the window and his legs resting on my lap.

"I missed you, but I played loads of quidditch, read a lot obviously, and as you can probably tell by looking at my hair, I learned more appearance altering spells." I said. My hair was now a dark black color rather than the brunette and blonde as of last year.

"I love the black on you, you definitely changed a lot looks wise, for the best of course." Fred said with a smirk. He wasn't wrong, I definitely grew up a bit more over summer.

"I spent my summer with family and then obviously the quidditch world cup." He said, remembering his summer.

"I wish I could've gone with." I said

"Not to be mean, but I'm glad you didn't. I would've been so worried had you been there when the dark mark was shown. I was glad there was no chance of losing you. Although, it would've been loads more fun with you there." Fred said.

"In other news, have you heard about what's happening at Hogwarts this year?" I asked, my dad said something about a big event but wouldn't tell me.

"Mum mentioned it but wouldn't tell us, any news on your side?" Fred asked, hopeful for even a slight bit of news.

"No clue, hoping its fun though. I hope we still have quidditch, otherwise this year might just be the most boring year possible." I said. I looked to the window of the compartment to see a couple talking. A boy was leaning on the door with his arms crossed, a hufflepuff sleeve showing.

"Is that Diggory?" I asked Fred

"Looks like it, he grew over summer to." Fred said, "Hold on, Is that Katie?"

The girl was without a doubt one Katie Bell of Gryffindor house. Katie and I made eye contact through the window and she shot me a thin-lipped smile.

"Finally those two are going to get together." I murmured

The train came to a stop when we got to Hogwarts, forcing George and Pacifica awake with a start.

"Are we there yet?" Pacifica said.

"No the train just stopped in the middle of no where." George said groggily.

"Oh shut it Weasley" Pacifica said, through a long yawn.

Fred and George grabbed our trunks and helped us get off the train.


The sorting ceremony that night was as boring as ever. Dumbledore stood and cleared his throat.

"Students, a few announcements need to be made tonight in regards to the upcoming year." He started

"First, there will be no quidditch this year resulting from another event taking place in the near future." The whole school started talking.

"That's rubbish." I whispered to Fred who looked absolutely appalled next to me.

"The event that is being held is one known far and wide. The Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore continued. The whole school erupted in whispers.

"The tournament is a competition for those with unbridled courage and determination. Not for those of a weak heart. A champion from 3 competing schools will be chosen and put through a series of tasks. There is a chance of injury and in the past- death. The other two schools- Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy will be joining us in a few weeks and stay for the good remainder of the year." The room erupted with whispers yet again.

"There have been changes to the rules however. To make the tournament safer there is an age requirement, you must be at least 17 to compete." The hall erupted with angry shouts.

"That's Rubbish!"

"You don't know what you're doing!" The twins shouted from next to me. I looked across the hall to see Pacifica laughing to herself at Georges reaction.

"Silence!" Dumbledore said, "That is final."


The next week went by slower than any lesson with Professor Binn's in History of Magic. Everyone was waiting for the other schools to arrive and it was becoming a very big deal.

Fred and George spent a good portion of the week looking for a way to get past the age limit for the tournament.

"Fred, its not going to work." I said sitting in an empty common room with him, George and Pacifica.

"And why is that Dupont" Fred asked leaning into me.

"Because you made it Weasley." I said, looking at his potion

"If you want to help you have to ask." Fred said

"I don't want to play any part in your death." I said leaning even closer to Fred

"Such little faith in my abilities?" Fred was now dangerously close. I leaned close enough to Fred to kiss him and put the tips of my lips to his. I pulled away as he tried to kiss me and leaned into his ear.

"You would get slaughtered." I whispered

"Oh shut it Dupont. Who do you think will be chosen from Beauxbatons since you know all of them?" Fred asked

"Probably Fleur, she's the schools pride and joy." I said

"You're 17 right Arabella?" Pacifica asked

"I am, why?"

"Why dont you join the tournament?" Pacifica asked

"Maybe I will." I said. The truth was that I had been thinking about it. It sure would look good on my part and the money would be great.

"I don't like the idea of that." Fred said

"Whys that?" I asked

"That's scary, and I'm all in support of you being a strong female, because you are, but I don't want to lose you." Fred said

"You wouldn't lose me. I think I will enter." I said.

The next day the other schools arrived. Beauxbatons first, the students flew in on the horse carriages. Then Durmstrangs ship floated in.

When all the students were in the hall and Dumbledore had given his speech, the feast began. Two hands wrapped around my collarbone.

"devine qui" a voice said in a thick accent -- (guess who)

"fleur! je ne peux pas y croire" I said back in French. --(Fleur! I cant believe it)

"Woah I've never heard you talk in French before" Fred said

"Its me! You knew I would be coming!" Fleur said in spotty English

"I was hoping! Are you entering the tournament?" I asked as Fleur sat down.

"Of course! et toi?" Fleur said

"bien sûr" I said back --- (of course)

"'ell I must get back to my school but we will speak again? Au Revoir!" Fleur said, walking back to their table.

"You've never spoken French before?" Fred said in awe.

"I've never needed to" I said

"You're actually going to do this?" Fred asked

"Yes." I said shortly

"Alright, then Ill be your biggest supporter. Just dont get yourself killed out there alright?"

"Sounds like a plan Freddie" I said, kissing his cheek.

The next morning Angelina and I walked into the entrance hall with papers holding our names on it and we both stepped through the age line at the same time.

"Ready Bella?"

"Ready." I said and dropped my name into the fire. It was a lot more anti-climatic than I imagined. Flames didn't shoot up or sparks fly out. It just kind of happened.


That night at the feast, I sat down with Fred and he grabbed my hand. His leg bounced up and down as he stared at the blue flames emerging from the goblet.

"What's wrong Freddie." I asked, feeling my hand bounce with his leg.

"Nothing, why." He said

"I know your nervous, ill be fine okay? Everything will be fine." I reassured him, squeezing his hand hard.

"Students, the time has come to announce your champions for this years Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore said at last.

"First up, from Durmstrang Institute, Viktor Krum." He said grabbing the paper from the flames. The crowd erupted with cheers as Viktor stood from the crowd and walked through a set of doors.

"Next, from Beauxbatons Academy, Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore said once again, earning loud applause.

"And Lastly, from Hogwarts School." Dumbledore said, waiting for the paper to come out.

Fred squeezed my hand even tighter, awaiting Dumbledore's announcement.

"Arabella Dupont, of Gryffindor house." He said. My heart raced, I stood with all the cheers and walked quickly into the room.

"Ahhh Arabella!" Fleur said, giving me a hug as soon as I entered the room.

"Fleur! Hello, I am Arabella." I said, introducing myself to Viktor.

"I am Viktor Krum. Pleasure." He said, taking my hand and kissing it.

The door to the room swung open again and Harry walked in.

"Harry?" I said, he looked terrified. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, his breath slow and forced.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I don't know Bella, I didn't put my name in." He said.

"Its okay, Dumbledore will figure all of this out." I said, unsure of what was happening.

Dumbledore came in with the other professors and Mr. Crouch.

"Champions. Good Evening. Harry, Did you put your name in the Goblet?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, Professor, I didn't and I would never try to enter." Harry said.

The professors argued for a good 20 minutes while I sat by the door, waiting for them to come to a conclusion. Harry is far too young to be entered but rules are rules.

"He didn't enter himself, but we cannot let him leave the competition now that he has been chosen. My hands are tied." Dumbledore said at once, leaving the small room.

"Champions the first task is on November 24th. I suggest you all get up to your dormitories to get some rest." Dumbledore said, motioning to the door. I walked out with Harry, not speaking a word until at least halfway to the common room.

"So, You didn't put your name in. Who did?" I asked

"No clue, you put your name in?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I did, yesterday actually. Are you nervous?" I said.

"Surprisingly not really, are you?" Harry said

"Same here, feels like going into a quidditch match." I said, bumping his arm. "Hey, lets make a deal, if were ever fighting against each other we play fair. We always help each other with anything they need."

"That's against the rules. Deal." Harry said. We laughed and I shoved him again.

"One of us will win this Potter, and I hate to say it but its gonna be me." I said

"One of us most definitely will. I'm not planning on winning so ill give it to you." Harry said.

"Deal." I said, walking through the portrait hole to a busy common room. Everyone cheered.

"Introducing, the Gryffindor champions!" Lee said, wrapping his arms around me and Harry.

Lee grabbed Harry by the shoulders and raised his fist in the air.

"Harry Potter, and Arabella Dupont, Ladies and Gentlemen" Lee said, grabbing my hand and flinging both arms in the air. We laughed and I waved goodbye to Lee to grab a butterbeer from the secret stash in the common room.

As I cracked open the drink I felt two cold hands snake around the brim of my skirt. I flipped around to find Freddie hugging my waist.

"Hello Freddie, are you feeling less nervous." I asked as Fred embraced me in a tight hug.

"Your gonna beat their asses Dupont." He said, and kissed my forehead.

"I plan on it." I said back, "Well I'm glad your feeling less nervous."

"Oh no I'm still terrified but you know, I have faith that you will be wicked out there and that my girlfriend will be the biggest badass in the school." He said

"Girlfriend? Who ever said we were dating Fred?" I said

"Wh- We started- What?" Fred asked, confused.

"Oh boy Weasley, you may be the funniest dork in the school but we need to work on your sarcasm." I said turning back around to face the table.

"Dupont, sometimes you drive me crazy." Fred said, letting out a long sigh.

"You love it."

"You know I do."


"So do you have any clue what the first task will be?" George asked at breakfast.

"If I knew I would be in the library." I said, smiling to Pacifica as she sat down next to George, leaving a small kiss on his forehead.

"I saw them carrying in big cages yesterday in the forest." Pacifica said calmly.

"What? Who?"

"A bunch of guys, all had on super protective gear and were using some serious charm to lift them. Must've been like the size of the greenhouses at least." Pacifica said.

"What could that be?" I asked.

"Well personally I think it had to be some magical creature but the only thing I could think of were those silly dinosaur toys my little brother plays with." Pacifica said, sipping her tea.

"Fred, you said your older brother worked with something where did he work again?" I asked.

"Bill? He's a curse-breaker at Gringotts in Egypt, why?" George answered

"Not Bill, Charlie." I asked.

"Dragons. He works with dragons."

"Merlins beard, the first task its dragons. Pacifica how did you see that?" I asked

"Well, they obviously did it deep in the forest so no one would see but I was in there with my friend looking for flowers to press in our books and they were just bringing them in. Now that I think about it, there was a ginger boy. How could I be so stupid?" Pacifica said, remembering the day.

"Your not stupid at all, you might have just saved me Pacifica. I need to tell Harry." I said, rushing up to the common room to find Harry.

As I was running up the stairs, Harry was running down.

"Bella! I know what it is! Hagrids shown me last night." Harry said.

"I know too, Pacifica figured it out."


"Dragons." We said simulatniously.

"What are you gonna do?" Harry asked.

"I have an idea but its risky. You?" I asked.

"Not a clue."

"Better hit the books." I said, walking down the stairs with the boy.

I spent most of the next week in the library with Harry, trying to find some way for both of us to survive the dragons.

"Ms. Dupont, Mr. Potter, please follow me. You are needed for the weighing of the wands." Professor McGonagall said, popping her head into the library. We followed her to a small empty classroom where Fleur, Krum, Dumbledore, the judges, and Rita Skeeter stood.

"Harry, Arabella, I would like to speak to both of you separately before this little event takes place. Arabella, follow me." Rita Skeeter said. I had read some of the articles, not the best, thrived on what seemed to be gossip and just bad information. I won't be giving her any personal information. She led me into a small closet where the two of us sat.

( possible TW- mention of pedophilia
sorta kinda not rlly but just in case be careful but idrk)

"Arabella would you mind if i used a Quick Quotes Quill?" Rita said.

"Yes actually. Why do you use that?" I asked

"I'm the interviewer here silly girl. Now, why were you kicked out of Beauxbatons last year? Killed someone?"

"My dad actually got a job training as an auror for the ministry. Hes very good at catching dark wizards if I do say so myself." I said, changing the subject from me.

"Interesting. Now you and Potter, known each other long? Does he have any problems, ever entrust information in you?"

"All the time actually, he just told me how much he loves school here and how he practically adores all of his teachers. I met him through quidditch, quite an amazing player if I do say so myself. So young, so talented, really glad to be friends." I said, rambling on about Harry, too fast for the quill to catch every word.

"Just friends? Nothing secret going on?" She asked

"No, the age difference would be quite disgusting, plus I have a boyfriend, Fred. Ms. Skeeter are you saying you condone pedophilia?"

"Ms. Dupont, that is not pedophilia. What game are you playing here." Rita said, obviously growing tense.

"Well as you obviously know I am over 17, and Harry is 14 which in a year would make me 18 and him 15. Very much illegal. Now if you would like to ask me how I plan on taking on this tournament, anything about my loving boyfriend- Fred, or about my skills with a quaffle I would love to stay and chat, but you are grasping at straws that aren't there and your little quill, really? Talking about my attitude and lack of charm, now that's pathetic. If you wanted help being likeable you just need to ask. As a friend of Harrys, I suggest you not talk to him, and don't write anything bad about me or my past. Thanks love, Talk to you later?" I said, perking my voice up at the end and walking out of the room; slamming the door behind me.

"Harry, may I talk to you?" Rita said, following me out of the room.

"I er- yes." Harry said, following her into the closet. After a few moments Harry came out looking flustered.

The weighing of the wands took no time at all, and all of our wands turned out to be perfectly fine. We took a group photo and I walked out with Harry, shooting daggers at Rita.


The next day the articles of the daily prophet came out about the champions. A single sentence for Fleur and Krum, leaving paragraphs upon paragraphs for Harry and I.

"My eyes aren't glistening with the ghosts of my past!" Harry said, slamming the paper down on the table in the great hall.

"Give it here Harry, I want to see what the old crow wrote about me." I said, grabbing the paper.

Arabella Dupont is a courageous Gryffindor with a dark side. The young girl apparently has a boyfriend, who she refused to name. Is it a secret relationship with the much younger champion, Harry Potter, or was she lying about her love affairs? The young girl also mentioned leaving school because of her fathers job as an auror but upon further discovery, he is in fact only in training.

"She's totally grasping for gossip. No one will actually believe any of this bullshit!" I said, sitting at the table.

The young girl held quite an attitude throughout the whole interview. Being rude, changing the subject, and criticizing my writing. The young girl obviously has something to hide, possibly not fit for being a world known name.

I rolled my eyes and handed the paper back to Harry. Fred looked visibly scared, and across from him Harry looked furious.

"What did you say to make her so upset?" Fred asked. I tried to remember my long speech and recited the most important parts back to him.

" and then I said 'Talking about my attitude and lack of charm, now that's pathetic. If you wanted help being likeable you just need to ask. As a friend of Harrys, I suggest you not talk to him, and don't write anything bad about me or my past.' So not even that bad." I said.

"Well definitely sounds a bit stand-offish but I don't see the bad." Fred lied.

"Fred your my boyfriend, you have to agree with me." I snapped, finishing my breakfast.

"Yes, but still love." he said.

"I'm sorry for snapping." I said looking down, "She just makes me so angry, and this whole tournament is so messed up."

"Yes, but you are a grade-A badass, Dupont. No one gets under your skin, not even close. Well, no one other than me." He said, whispering the last part in my ear.

"Oh shove off Weasley. Yes, you're right. Thank you love, you always find ways to calm me down. Well, I better get to the library." I said, kissing Fred's forehead.

"Alright, see you later?" Fred said.

"Of course." I said

"Alright, I love you." Fred said, reading the paper.

"What?" I said turning around

"What?" Fred said, not realizing what he had said.

"I er- I love you too." I said, leaning down and kissing him.

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