The Here and Now [Legolas and...

By Forever1912

50.7K 1.5K 575

This is the sequel to What Once was Lost. After finding Aragon in the north, many months passed by. Legolas g... More

1: Journey to Rivendell
The Council of Elrond
Mines of Moria
Yet Hope Remains
Our People
The Breaking of the Fellowship
2: The White Wizard
Home of the Horse Lords
Warg Riders
The Brightest Stars
Worth Fighting For
3: The Death of Saruman
The Victorious Dead
Minas Tirith
Flame of the West
And the Dead Kept It
The Pelennor Fields
The Unexpected Courage
Men of the West
"All Turns to Sliver Glass"
The Days of Peace
Epilogue: The Sun Sails
Author's Note: A New Book
Author's Note: Sneak Peak

The Battle of Helm's Deep

1.7K 61 13
By Forever1912

Here it is! Sorry it took so long. The Battle of Helm's Deep! Please tell me if you liked it! I got 10k on my first book, and yes I am freaking out! You guys are amazing! I hope you enjoy! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3

"Tangado a chadad!(Prepare to fire!)" Aragon shouted as an elf repeated, "Tangado a chadad!" The elves aim their arrows at the Uruks. Legolas squinted his eyes breathing, "Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armour is weak at the neck, and beneath the arm.) Aragon pointed his sword as the Uruks charged to the fortress, "Hado i philinn!(Release Arrows!)" The elves release their arrows striking many Uruk-Hai. Gimli's urge got stronger, "Did they hit anything?" "Give them a volley." Théoden shouted as a man yelled, "Fire!"More arrows flew into the air, more Uruks go down by the arrows. "Hado ribed!(Hurl to flow!)" Aragon voice raised above the clash of the rain. Gimil held his axe with a firm grip. "Send them to me! Come on!"

The Elven army continues to kill the Uruks, but some elves got hit with a crossbow which cause them to send them over the wall. The Uruks screamed as they now came with the ladders. Aragon turned his face to see the ladders approaching "Pendraith! (Ladders!)" Gimli smiled, "Good!" The ladders hit the stone, as Aragon held up his sword he commanded "Swords! Swords!" An Uruk came over the wall, Gimli grunted and takes a swing at him before killing him. Another Uruk comes over and kills the elves that were around him. Aragorn dodges a blow from an Uruk and kicked him to the ground. An Uruk comes over the ladder and sends Aragorn to the ground. The Uruk tries to hit him but Aragorn parries his blow and cuts off his leg sending the Uruk to the ground. Aragorn finished him off. Gimli sees another that just killed a few Elves, he slid under it, hitting it in the stomach with his Axe.

Gimil stood up smiling, "Legolas! Two already!" Legolas kicked an Uruk off the ladder shouting with satisfaction, "I'm on seventeen!" Gimli face went into total shock, "I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" Gimli kills an Uruk as it comes over the ladder. Legolas pulled his arrow back hitting the filths as they came over the ladders. Legolas smiled and turned to Gimli, "Nineteen!"

Tauriel opened her eyes, she breathed as she stood up. She heard clashing, screaming. Death. Outside those doors. "emel(mother)" she muttered. My daughter, my love for you was unconditional. The power on this earth with not break in. Death shall not part it. You will not lose it. Tauriel looked up at the window, "the brightest stars." The sun started to rise. She walked through the halls, till she found a room. There on the table laid her bow, daggers, sword and arrows. She breathed as she grasped her dagger. She placed it at her side. Hope for men was not lost.

Gimli stood on a wall smashing the Uruks as they come up. He grunted, "Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one! Twenty-two!" The Uruks are going up the causeway to the gate of Helm's Deep with shields protecting them. Aragon ran shouting, "Causeway! Na fennas! (Causeway!)" Elves aim towards the causeway and fire causing some of the Uruks to fall. Théoden stood over looking, "Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Saruman?"

Uruks with bombs moved towards the drain in the wall. One of the Uruks with a torch starts running towards the bombs. The rest of them cheer him on. Aragon yelled, "Togo hon dad, Legolas! (Bring him down, Legolas!) Legolas fires an arrow at the Uruk, but it keeps running. Aragon pointed his sword, "Dago hon! Dago hon! (Kill him! Kill him!)" Legolas fires again but the Uruk had enough energy left to throw himself into the drain. The wall explodes, causing both Elves and Uruk-Hai to be killed. Aragorn falls to the ground as well. The flying boulders kill many Uruks when they fall. Some Uruks ran into the breach.

At the causeway, while some Uruks are being flung off of the wall, Uruks carrying a ram hit the gate. "Brace the gate!" Théoden commanded as men ran into the gate to keep it from flying open immediately. Men are throwing spears and boys throwing rocks at the Uruks as they try to get through the gate. Théoden's breath got heavy, "Hold them! Stand firm!" The Uruks are going through the breach as Aragorn gets up. Gimil yelled, "Aragorn!" Gimli throws himself down on top of the Uruks. Aragon look around searching for Gimli, "Gimli!" Gimli kills a few Uruks until he loses his balance and falls into the water. Aragorn looked back at the elven soldiers, "Hado i philinn! (Release Arrows!) The Elves let loose their arrows, it flew over Aragon's head and into the Uruks. "Herio! (Charge!)" Aragon placed his sword to his side and charged. The Elves charges towards the Uruks, though some of the Uruk's spears killed some of them. Legolas throws an Uruk's shield and jumps on it. He surfs down the stairs killing some Uruks with arrows as he goes. When he hits the bottom he sends the shield flying into an Uruk. Gimli groans as he gets out of the water.

"Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!" Théoden shouted, as Aragon waved his arm. "Nan barad! (To the Keep!)Nan barad! (Pull back to the Keep!)Haldir! Nan barad! (To the Keep!)" Haldir nods. Gimli was getting hauled away from the breach by Legolas and Aragon, he struggled, "What are you doing? What are you stopping for?"
Haldir runs and kills an Uruk, but gets cut on his arm by an Uruk. He looks at his arm and turns around and sees the rest of the Elves running away. He tries to turn around so he can run but an Uruk behind him hits him down the back. Aragorn breathed, "Haldir!" Haldir falls to his knees as Aragorn tried to reach to him. Haldir sees the dead bodies of his kin that died before him. He breathed as the world went dark. Aragorn holds him as Haldir's head falls back into Aragorn's arm. Aragorn puts his hand on Haldir's chest before he placed him down. He gets on a ladder and throws it off of the wall. The gate is finally breached.

"Brace the gate! Hold them!" A man screamed as Uruks shot down some soldiers. The king looked at his people, "To the gate. Draw your swords!" When they got to the gate, Théoden kills an Uruk as a soldier was grabbed by the throat by an Uruk. Théoden cuts off the Uruk's hand as the soldier falls back. Théoden got hit with an Uruk's spear and then leads a spear that a soldier behind him has. He kills the Uruk and goes back into the hall. "Make way! We cannot hold much longer!" A soldier yelled. Aragorn and Gimli came in to fight. Théoden pulled out his sword, "Hold them!" "How long do you need?" Aragon breathed, "As long as you can give me."

Aragorn shouted as he looked around, "Gimli!" Aragorn and Gimli go into a doorway. Théoden called to his men, "Timbers! Brace the gate!" Aragorn and Gimli walk along a ledge along the wall. Aragorn looks over and sees the Uruks still banging and screaming trying to get into the Deep. " Oh come on. We can take them!" Gimil whispered in confidence.

Aragon only replied with a few simple words, "It's a long way." Gimli takes a second look and then looks at Aragorn and then the ground. "Toss me." Gimli's muttered. Aragon could not believe what he was saying. Aragon raised his eyebrows, "What?" "I cannot jump the distance! You'll have to toss me!" Aragorn nods as he puts his arm around Gimli. Gimli stutters, "Don't tell the Elves!" Aragon repiled, "Not a word." Before he could throw Gimli the door opened, someone followed them. "Tauriel." Aragon breathed, "it's to dangerous here you need rest." Tauriel just smiled and replied, "I can jump over to that entrance without being tossed." Aragon chucked and Gimli grunted.

Aragorn throws Gimli across the gap and onto the causeway. Aragorn, and Tauriel jumped over and starts killing Uruks along side Gimli. Théoden yelled, "Shore up the door!" "Make way! Follow me to the barricade. Watch our back!" Man should as the Uruks got a giant crossbow ready to fire. "Throw another on over here!" Another soldier screamed. Uruks fire the crossbow and it hooks onto the wall. Another one is fired after it. While some Uruks pull on some rope, some others hook themselves to the ladder as it is lifted. Legolas sees the ladders hitting the wall and notices that another ladder is on its way up. He fires an arrow at the rope, sending the ladder, along with the Uruks on it, crashing to the ground. A soldier inside the gate looked back, "Hold fast the gate!" Aragorn, Tauriel and Gimli continue to kill the Uruks that came near the gate. Théoden looked between the cracks of the door, "Gimli! Tauriel! Aragorn! Get out of there!"
Both Aragorn and Gimli are caught by the arms of an Uruk. Théoden's face is covered by a wooden plank.
"Aragorn!" Legolas screamed.

Legolas throws down a rope. Aragorn held Gimli as he grips the rope and pushes away from the Uruks. Legolas pulls them up with help from a soldier. The giant crossbows continue to fire and new ladders are pulled up. Legolas finally gets Aragorn and Gimli to the top and pulls them over the wall. Legolas didn't see Tauriel, she was still fighting at the bridge. He frowned, "Tauriel!" Tauriel looked up, there he was. Out of the chaos, he could find her. He could always find her. Tauriel smiled before she ran up the stone wall and flipped back kicking an Uruk while doing so. Then.
she jump off the bridge and started to climb up the keep.

Théoden looked over the battle, "Pull everybody back. Pull them back!" A soldier repeated his orders as he stumbled through the the crowed, "Fall back! Fall back!" The Uruks got through the gate. "They have broken through!" A man breathed in fear, "The castle is breached. Retreat!" Théoden commanded, "Fall back!" "Retreat! Aragorn waved his arm, "Hurry! Inside. Get them inside!" "Into the Keep!"

"The fortress was taken. It is over." Théoden muttered, yet Aragon still had hope, "You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it!" The ram hits the gate again, scaring the women and children in the caves. Woman breathed, "They're breaking in!" A woman hugs Éowyn sobbing. Fear was being spread, "They're past the door!" Aragorn walked to Théoden, "Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves? Is there no other way?" A man walked forward, "There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far the Uruk-Hai are too many." The Uruks hit the gate once more. Aragorn put his hand on the soldier, "Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance!"

Théoden's eyes darkened, they started to fade. "So much death. What can Men do against such reckless hate?" Aragorn breathed," Ride out with me...Ride out and meet them." Théoden faced Aragon, "For death and glory." Aragorn walked forward, "For Rohan. For your people." Tauriel looked up at and smiled, "The sun is rising." Aragorn looks at the sunlight that was now coming through the window. Then he remembered about Gandalf had said, Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn look to the east. Théoden smiled, "Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the Deep on last time!"

"Yes!" Gimli yelled, The gate almost was breached by the ram. Théoden walked face to face with Aragon, "Let this be the hour when we draw swords together." Aragon looked back with pride. Gimli runs up a stairway and gets to the giant horn at the top. Théoden breathed, "Fell deeds, awake. (the gate opens a little more) Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn. (Gimli blows the horn just as the gate opens.) Forth Eorlingas!" Théoden and some other riders including Aragorn, Tauriel and Legolas road out to kill the Uruk-Hai as they came inside. They road outside, their flag waved high in the air. They road down the causeway into the battle field below. Aragorn looked up to where the sun is rising and sees a horse on it's hind legs. Aragorn whispered, "Gandalf."

Gandalf smiled, "Théoden King stands alone." Éomer road up beside Gandalf, "Not alone. Rohirrim!" Then all the horses road behind Éomer. The Uruk-Hai let out growls as the Rohirrim appear. Théoden gazed upon the light, "Éomer." Éomer drawled out his sword, "To the king!"

They road down the hill as the Uruks get their spears in position. The light shines brighter than ever before. All the Uruks could see was a white light shining. the faces. Gandalf lets out a yell as Shadowfax and the other horses jump over the spears and killed the Uruks as they land. Tauriel smiled, Hope for men was not lost.

There it is! The Battle of Helm's Deep! Please tell me what you think and PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xxforever1912

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