Stars Align✅

By Ferdeausee_

110K 18.6K 6.4K

Copyright© 2020. All rights reserved. Completed! ~•BOOK 2 IN THE ROYAL SERIES•~ Perhaps it was the fact that... More

Chai With Jannah☕


2K 354 178
By Ferdeausee_


"What do you want to do?" Suhad asked Jannah the next day after their wedding. It was Saturday and since the two are married couples, even if it is a work day they don't have to go.

Jannah shrugged as she raised her head to look at him. She was lost in thoughts wondering what the content of her father's letter is. But, she was too scared to open it till now. "Stay in?" Was her curt reply, lowly.

Suhad looked at her as if she had grown two heads. He knew the doctor told him that she needed time off to get inner peace and whatnot but staying in with nothing to do will kill him. He knew the silence and lack of activity to do will only make Jannah's thoughts drift back to the activities of the past few days. "No way. Boredom will not kill someone's child" he stood up from the couch he was sitting and held his hand out for Jannah to take.

"What?" she asked as she eyed his hand.

Suhad sighed and shook his head at her criticism, he noticed she had been like that lately, "We're going out for a drive"

Jannah's eyes lit up at the thought of that. "Are you serious?"

Suhad nodded with a small grin on his face.

She had always loved cars and since it was only recently she had been allowed to start driving, she never missed out on every chance she gets to drive. She took his hand and jump off the couch, "Where are we going?"

"Wherever the car takes us"

She nodded as she made her way upstairs, "Let me change then" she said quickly not giving him a chance to reply. She went up to their room and walked straight to the walk in closet.

She quickly picked out a black top and denim and changed into it. She then quickly put on a Camel beige wrap coat that reached a few inches below her knee, followed by matching veil, which she tied into a turban and heels.

She contemplated on picking out a matte leather tote bag to complete the look but she reminded herself that this is just a drive, it's not like she's going to work, so she decided against it.

As she walked downstairs, she heard Suhad talking on the phone but she didn't pay that much attention to it. All she heard and understood was, "Fine Aamir, if it will make Daihaah calm down we'll come over later"

"Let me guess, Daihaah wants us to visit right?" she said gaining his attention as somehow he didn't realized that she came down.

He smiled as he nodded, but he couldn't hide the fact that his wife is really stunning, "Masha Allah" he muttered making her smile, "Sometimes I forget that I'm married to a fashion designer" he said as he made his way over to her and took her hand in his. He brought it up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it before intertwining their fingers.

"An intern" she corrected as they made their way outside together.

"That is just a label but to me, you're already a top designer. The best I know" he complimented making her chuckle slightly and shakes her head.

The two walked to the garage in silence which was short lived when Jannah's gaze fell on his car. "Oh my God..." she watched the car in awe as if she couldn't believe her eyes, "That is not a Panamera is it?" she knows it is but she didn't believe her eyes.

He shook his head at her act and smiled, "It is"

She mouthed an 'oh my God' as she watched the sleek grey car with a grin on her face, she then quickly turned to look at him, "Can I drive" she looked at her husband with a cheeky smile on her face.

"This car?" he gestured to the car making her nods eagerly, "No. Not this one"

Her smile fell, "But why?"

He chuckled and walked ahead but she slipped her hand out of his, "Because you are a terrible driver" he replied ignoring her childish behavior.

"Are you serious? That was like five years ago" She rolled her eyes and walked towards the passenger door after admiring the Porsche one more time. She had always loved the car but since it's really expensive, and because of her history with cars, Baba refused to buy it for her.

He got in the driver's seat and closed the door, "If I give you this car none of us will live for five more minutes" he said making her pout, "And besides, if we die because I let you drive, Kamal will follow me to my grave and try to kill me again" this made her laugh slightly as she shook her head.

Ten minutes into the drive, Jannah watched in awe as he drove to a place she had never been to. The place had no cars and was just an endless road surrounded by trees on the sides. She had never been to that part of Abuja as she wasn't much of a going out person.

She put on one of her favorite songs, Big Spender by Kiana Brown ft. Prince Charlez as Suhad increased the speed of the car. She couldn't help but admire how fats and smooth the car drove and along the course, she found herself staring at her husband.

The sleeves of his Brooks Brothers Milano blue shirt was rolled up to his elbows as he used one hand to drive, the other hand held one of her hand. He slightly turned his head to look at her and a grin took over his features when he saw the smile on his face.

Jannah looked away as she couldn't hide the smile on her face. Her gaze moved up the rearview mirror. Her brows furrowed when she saw a black SUV following them, not closely though.

"What is it?" Suhad asked as he noticed her sudden mood change.

"That car..." she trailed off, "there's a car tailing us"

His gaze flickered to the rearview mirror before he shook his head, "Don't worry, it's just a few guards Mamita has following me for 'safety'. It's nothing for you to worry about"

Jannah's eyes widened slowly, "Is your life in danger or something that you need guards?"

He sighed, "Well...with Jabeer on the loose and considering the kind of relationship I have with the El Khabirs, she figured it wouldn't hurt just to have a few security constantly" he explained as he changed lanes swiftly. Jannah didn't think much about it though.

Jannah nodded as her gaze moved to the car again for a split second, her lips tilting downwards as she noticed something she didn't before, "But there are two cars" she muttered to herself. She decided against speaking it to Suhad since he had explained, she just let it that way.

Suhad heard her mutter something but he didn't exactly get it. So, he followed her line of sight and that was when he noticed it. He looked away as his brows furrow in deep thought. He kept that in the back of his mind and gave her hand a small squeeze of assurance which calmed her down. And soon enough, she was back to being the jovial Jannah she was.

The two continued their drive and about an hour later, they were back home. After parking the car, they got off it and all the while Jannah had this unwavering smile on her face.

"Do you want to visit Daihaah now or should we go later?" Suhad asked once they both exit the car.

"Let's go now" She said making him nod.

The two walked to the backyard in silence with Jannah lost in her thoughts and with Suhad lost in his, though glancing at her every now and then, "Thank you for today" she said snapping him out of his reverie.

"You had fun?"

"Yes I did. But next time..." she turned to look at him, "I'm driving the car"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Why do I feel like that wasn't a question?"

"Because it wasn't" she replied.

"We'll see..." he walked ahead.

This time it was her turn to ask, "Why do I feel like you won't let me drive?" she asked as she walked closely behind him.

"Because I won't"

"We'll see" she replied with the same words he used earlier.

They entered the house of Aamir and Daihaah through the backyard though and Jannah couldn't help but be awestruck at how exactly everything looked the same. She had been to Aneesa's house, which is next to that of Daihaah's and it is also an exact replica of these houses.

They met few maids in the backyard whom greeted the two before they made their way inside the house. The first person Jannah's gaze fell on was Rahma, Prince and Daihaah's adopted daughter. The little three years old was playing with her toys whilst sitting on the carpet when they walked in.

"Hey Rahma" Suhad said as he walked towards the little girl.

Rahma raised her head and when she saw who it is, a grin took over her features as she ran towards him, "Kawu Aminu!!!" she yelled as he scooped her in his arms making her giggle.

He playfully narrowed his eyes at her, "See this girl, who taught you this name?"

The girl grinned cheekily, "Mammy" she replied pointing her finger at her mother.

Daihaah smiled cheekily in a way that mirrored her daughter's, "Hi" she waved at Suhad with that sweet voice that she uses to annoy him, all the while ignoring the glare he sent her.

Suhad glared at her playfully before turning to her husband, "This wife of yours bah..." he said as he and his wife walked further into the living room.

"What did my innocent wife do?" Prince Aamir asked feigning ignorance as he wrapped his arm protectively over his wife that has her head on his shoulder.

Suhad just shook his head as he sat on a couch all the while muttering, "Poor me. Everyone's turning against me"

Daihaah stood up from her seat and embraced her best friend. After a series of questions with her asking Jannah if she's alright, the two finally settled down, each beside her husband.

Jannah watched Suhad play with Rahma quietly. She knows that babies are cute and whatnot but she's not the biggest fan of them, especially not after what happened to her five years ago. Moreover, seeing herself as a mother? That's not something she's ready for, nor does she think she'll ever be ready. She rather watches babies from afar and not gets involved with them.

Her husband though, seemed to be really fond of them which is a huge contrast to her.

"So Suhad, Prince said something about your birthday coming up?" Daihaah brought up amidst of the conversation the two couples were having.

Suhad nodded, "Yes"

Daihaah eyed him up closely as if trying to figure something out, "So, how old are you going to be?"

That was when Jannah joined the conversation, "I thought he's the same age as Ya Aamir" she pointed out, her finger darting to point at Daihaah's husband.

Daihaah narrowed her eyes at Jannah, "Stop calling him that, you make him sound like an old man"

Now it was Prince's turn to look at his wife with the are-you-serious look, "Are you serious?" there it is, "You call me that most of the time"

"Yeah but only when I want to bribe you or something" Daihaah said as if it's not a big deal before she bursts into fits of laughter long with Jannah and Suhad.

"And you" Suhad turned to his wife, "How can you compare me to this old man, he's way older than me" he stated making Aamir narrow his eyes at his best friend.

"Just how old do you guys think I am?" Prince Aamir asked making them all pretend like they were thinking of what the answer is.

Suhad hummed as he used his fingers and pretend to count, "44?" he asked as he turned to look at his friend.

Aamir stared at his friend with an expression of disbelief masking his features, "Burauba"



"Tashin sense!"

Suhad, Daihaah and Jannah exclaimed respectively as they stared at him in shock before they all laughed. They couldn't believe that Prince Aamir of all people just said that but if anything, their ears heard him right.

"But seriously though" Jannah said after their laughter died down gaining all their attention, "I thought you two knew each other since you were in diapers?"

They nodded. "He" Suhad pointed at Aamir who glared at him, "Known me since I was in diapers, the guy is seriously older than me. Like, way older"

Prince Aamir rolled his eyes, something he learnt from Daihaah, at the way Suhad is exaggerating, "It's just three years idiot"

"See, that is way old don't you think so old man?"

Prince was about to say something, which is no about another curse when Daihaah covered his mouth with her hands, "That's enough curses for one day Carino" she said smiling at him.

Suhad snickered making Aamir glare at him, "Listen to your wife love bird".

"If you don't shut up, I won't stop him when he wants to beat you up" Daihaah warned.

"Neither will I" Jannah said making Suhad shake his head.

"This is what I mean when I say no one cares about me, not even my wife!"


"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Prince asked Suhad once the two were in the confines of his study room after they left their wives have some girl time.

Suhad made his way to the chair opposite Aamir and sat on it, "Jannah and I went for a drive earlier and someone was tailing us" he stated. All trace of lark he had from earlier disappeared and now all that's left is the emotions he had hid so well from her.

Prince Aamir's brows furrowed as his lips tilted down, "Are you sure it wasn't the guards Mamita hired. Maybe she thought you'd need extra security now since you're married"

Suhad shook his head as he leaned back on the chair. He reached his arm out and massaged his temple with his fingers, "You know how Mamita feels about my marriage with Jannah. She couldn't care less what happens to her"

Prince shook his head as he rest his hand on the table in front of him, "Did you ask the guards if they recognize the car?"

"I did but they said they've never seen it before"

Prince sighed as he raised his head up and looked at his friend, "We have talk to Kamal about this"

Suhad nodded as he placed both his arms on the chair's arm "I'll let him know. We'll all meet on Monday at the office"

Prince looked at him with brows creased in confusion, "You're going to work on Monday? I thought you'd be spending the week with your wife?"

"I will. It's not like I'll be gone for long. Besides, this concern her safety and that comes before anything else"

Prince's lips stilted up slightly. He couldn't help but smile at the thought that his immature best friend is finally growing up because of a girl that he happened to love so much. He had known the guy all his life and this is the first time he is caring so much about stuff like this, he usually just gets himself out of the situation without caring about the outcome but he has a wife now. He has to consider her. "Alright then. Monday, we meet"


Monday came quickly and Jannah found herself at home alone. Suhad had gone out for work much her displeasure but she didn't let it show. He promised her that he wouldn't stay out for long and she trusted him on that.

She was in the kitchen slicing apples with a sharp knife she had grown fond of when she heard the front doorbell rung. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she wondered who the person could be. She wasn't aware of having any guests so she was confused. Nevertheless, she placed the knife down and fixed her veil before she went and opened the door.

The person looked awfully familiar.

A woman about the same as her stood in front of her. She didn't bother to check the woman's dressing as her gaze rested on her face. The woman's lips tilted into a smirk as she observed Jannah. "So you're the wife?" she said as she looked at Jannah up and down.

"Yes. I am the wife and who are you?" Jannah said trying to sound polite but she remembers the woman from five years ago. She was the one.

Instead of replying, the woman scoffed and side stepped Jannah. She made her way to the kitchen leaving Jannah in the hallway. Jannah huffed at the audacity of the woman. Nevertheless, she followed the woman to the kitchen.

"Suhad could do better" said the woman as she opened the refrigerator and looked over it as if she owns the house. After looking at the content, she picked out one of Jannah's Pepsi which Suhad stacked up for her.

"Excuse me?" Jannah stated. She wanted a reason as to why she shouldn't beat the hell out of the woman. First, she walked into her house like she owns the place, then she indirectly insults her and now she's taking her Pepsi?!

She can forgive the first two but not the third.

The lady turned to look at Jannah then she scoffed of the umpteenth time since she arrived there. She closed the refrigerator and placed her hand in pocket of her palazzo pants, "Mamita said you're mad, she should've told me you're dumb too because apparently you are"

Jannah looked away and laughed humorlessly, lowly. You know the type of laughter that leaves the unspoken words 'you will see pepper today' in the air.

She made her way towards the woman slowly with a sweet smile on her face and just as she reached where the woman is she reached her hand out swiftly and picked up the knife she placed on the counter earlier.

In the blink of an eye she had her arm bent and the knife pressed just an inch away from the woman's throat making the woman's eyes widen and she gulped. "Say that again. I dare you" Jannah said lowly through gritted teeth as she narrowed her eyes at the lady.

The woman stepped back cautiously and Jannah followed her steps until the woman had her back pressed on the refrigerator. Jannah placed the knife closer and looked at the woman in the eyes, "You were saying?" she dared the woman to say something that will upset her again.

The woman's eyes till wide as saucers darted behind Jannah with fear written all over her face then back on Jannah's face. She didn't say anything though as the knife pressed against her throat as warning, not deep enough to inflict pain or injure her though. Just enough to threaten her enough to not try any nonsense.

The two women maintained eye contact with one having fear in it while the other was daring the first one to do something stupid.

The tension was so thick in the air; Jannah's knife could cut through it.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until they heard footsteps approaching but even then, none of them broke the eye contact. The person walked towards the kitchen and when he saw what was happening he dropped everything he had in his hand and ran to where his wife was.

"What?" he said in disbelief as he detached Jannah away from the woman hastily making the knife fall on the floor. He turned to the woman who now had tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked her placing his hands on her shoulder.

The woman shook her head and started her crocodile tears. She leaned forth and wrapped her arms around Suhad who embraced her back making Jannah watch them in disbelief. She huffed at the pathetic act the woman was putting up as she sobbed in Suhad's shoulder.

Jannah contemplated on taking the knife and actually scaring the woman to un-leech herself away from her husband but she felt like she was already in enough trouble with Suhad as it is. She didn't want to make the situation any more worse than it is.

Apparently, the woman is so important to him that he is comfortably hugging her in front of his wife.

If there was a third person in the place, the person would label the situation as one thing. Awkward.

Suhad looked at Jannah with an emotion she couldn't decipher before he shook his head and dragged the woman in his arms gently out of the place with no words said. The only sound heard in the kitchen is the sound of their footsteps of the two walk away.

Once they were out of earshot, Jannah sighed and let her shoulder sag. She shook her head and picked up the knife that is now on the floor and placed it back on the counter. She pulled out one of the stools and sat on it resting her head on her hands.

Minutes that felt like hours passed before she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen again. When she looked up, she saw Suhad walk in. She expected him to yell or reprimand her but he didn't say anything. He simply ignored her and head to the refrigerator. He opened it and brought out a bottle of water before he walked back to where he came from.

Jannah licked her chapped lips and massaged her temples in frustration. He didn't return afterwards, and eventually she grew sick of sitting there all alone so she went back to their room.

As she close the door and made her way to the chaise lounge, she heard the sound of shower running which meant that Suhad was in there. She waited for him to come out and when he did, he said nothing to her as he made his way to the walk in closet.

He disappeared in there and only came out after a few minutes all dressed up in grey top and black slacks. His hair is wet and as so, droplets of water are streaming down his face but he didn't care about it. He ignored her and made his way to the door. He was about to twist the doorknob and go out when Jannah figured she's had enough of the silent treatment.

"So you're just going to ignore me now?" she said making him stop in his tracks, but he didn't turn. "Can we at least talk about it?"

He turned to look at her, a passive look on his face, "You want to talk about what you did?" he asked but she could tell it wasn't a question, "Sure then. Go ahead and explain to me what the heck that was?"

"She insulted me" Jannah stated as if it is the most reasonable thing in the world.

"And so? That didn't give you the right to place a knife on her neck! What if you had hurt her huh? If she insulted you, you should've told me I would've dealt with her"

Jannah was angry, but somehow she managed to not let her voice rise, "Why do you care so much about her anyway? Do you think it's okay for you to just hug some random woman in my house?"

"It's our house Jannah, ours!"

She rolled her eyes, she wasn't in the mood for him to be stating facts at her, "I don't care! Why do you care so much about her?"

"Because she's my sister!" Suhad half yelled. He had always been good at controlling his temper but she was slowly getting under his skin at the moment.

Well she definitely did not see that coming.

"Huh?" Jannah asked, her voice suddenly sounding lower than earlier.

"She is my sister Jameela, twin to Jameel" He repeated more calmly this time, "And if you had hurt her, we'd have to answer to Mai Martaba, Didi, and her fucking husband!" he couldn't help raise his voice slightly.

He wouldn't have anything to defend his wife if she had indeed hurt Jameela like that; that too three days after their wedding. It's too early to start the family drama.

Jannah didn't know what to say. She wouldn't exactly say that she regrets it because she did not. But, she was way off limit, and she knew that. She had no words to explain herself or apologize with.

Suhad noticed that, and because he was still upset, he decided to just leave.

They both needed space.


When Jannah heard the front door doorbell, she was a little cautious to open it as she remembered what happened earlier. She didn't know why whoever the person is, had to ring the doorbell when they've already passed the guards at the gate, they must be family or a friend.

But the experience is the feeling of déjà vu.

She didn't like to experience what she had yesterday. Suhad still isn't speaking to her and she understands why. He and left for work again today.

She told herself that whoever it is and whatever trouble the person came with, she is going to remain calm so as to avoid any arguments with Suhad afterwards.

With that thought in mind, she picked up a big veil and wrapped it around her body before she made her way to the door. She inhaled and then exhaled lowly as she held the handle. And with one more exhale, she opened the door.

Her gaze fell on the very last person she expected to see, Bilkisu.

"Hello Jannah" Bilkisu said with a smile etched on her glowing skin.

Jannah forced a tight lipped smile, "Bilkisu, what are you doing here?"

Bilkisu chuckled lowly amused by Jannah's expression, "What? Am I not allowed to visit our house?"

Jannah licked her chapped lips and rolled her eyes, "Wait till you become his wife first, because as of right now, this is my house" she said looking at Bilkisu straight in the eyes.

Bilkisu shook her head, "Nah, I don't think I can wait till then. Besides, I won't be let out from tomorrow since I'm a bride after all"

Jannah didn't want to let her jealousy known but this woman with the glowing skin right in front of her was making her feel something she had not felt in a long time, insecure. There was no way she could compete with Bilkisu if Suhad married her considering the circumstance they both married the man. "What do you want Bilkisu?" Jannah was tired of riling up problems; she just wanted it all to end.

Bilkisu's smile fell into a small one, "Well, you'd always intrigued me since the first day we met and when I saw what happened at the hospital with your parents, I decided to do some checking, and it turned out your family is more messed up than I thought"

Jannah looked at Bilkisu with a bored expression, "Your point is..."

"I have something that will be of interest to you"


Happy new year y'all. It's a long one.


"Hey..." he snapped his fingers in front of me but I still didn't pay attention to him. With each and every second that passes by I could hear the thumping of my heart loudly in my ribcage as if it's going to jump out.

11:59 Am. Just a minute more.

I don't know but I'm sure my eyes had dilated. I could feel my nerves chocking me as the seconds suddenly moved faster. I could no longer focus on my surrounding or Dr. Aasim's voice. All I could focus on was the time.

And then...

12:00pm. My phone pinged.

I inhaled sharply as I held my phone that was in my pocket tightly with shaky hands. Gulping thickly, I slowly brought it out. Blinking and holding my breath in I looked at the screen, the message was the first thing I saw.

Dear Kulsum,

You owe me your life.~

So, that's the new book I've been working on. And guess what, I'M DONE WRITING IT!

I just published it so please add it in your library. Updates on the book will be daily so make sure to turn on your notification so as to read the book. It centers on a topic that no one wants to write about, nut I do, so I did it. Hope you like it.

If you don't like it, no need to drop a rude comment please. I'm not the nicest person on earth when it involves my books.


Love, Jannah.

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