Save Your Tears- Draco Malfoy...

By babysnapee

116K 3.5K 4.5K

✨DRACO MALFOY FANFIC✨ I'm beyond warm and wanting him. Wanting him inside me. Now. His cool fingers trail ac... More

1: Not So Sweet
2: You Grew Up
3: Gryffindor Chick
4: First Night
5: The End of Me
6: A Love-Hate Relationship
7: Potions or Roses?
8: Real or Not Real?
9: Sweet Revenge
10: Aftermath
11: Sweet Escape
12: Decisions
13: I Choose You
14: Draco Malfoy
15: Cedric Diggory
16: Game Day
17: Downfall
18: Numb
19: Never Again
21: Broom Closet
22: Astronomy Tower
23: Lines
24: Moonlight
25: Upward Turn
26: Rebuilding
27: Divination
28: Rage
29: Vulnerable
30: No More Lies
31: Love
32: Gown
33: Serotonin
34: Always
35: Bruises
36: Winter Break
37: Sick
38: Knew
39: Champagne
40: Spell
41: Kiss me
42: Please Don't Leave Me

20: Depression

2.1K 73 100
By babysnapee

TW⚠️: Suicidal thoughts.

*Viewer discretion is advised*

- Sedona's POV -

The first day didn't even feel real.

A nightmare come true, maybe.

I found myself waiting to wake up. But that never happened.

I cried and cried.

I cried about Draco, wondering how it was possible for him to inflict so much pain inside my chest.

I was alone. Completely, utterly alone, without him to comfort me.

Who will wipe away my tears now? Who will love me? Who will smile at me the way he did? Who will tell me they love me and call me beautiful?

Not him. Not anyone anymore.

I now lack that someone who will love me.

Soon enough, he'll forget about me. He'll forget me the way he forgot all those other girls.

He's a coward. A coward that I should hate. I should hate him, but I can't.

I love him.

I love him, and he fucked my best friend.

Maybe that's what hurts the most.

I slept in Emmeline's room last night because I couldn't bear to return to my room and face Blair.

I laid in her bed, lifeless. I laid in the bed of the girl I inflected on the same pain I feel now.

Isn't it funny how life works like that?

"Are you feeling the better?" Emmeline says, walking out of the bathroom. Her hair was wet; she must've taken a shower, something I desperately needed, but I couldn't bear to move.

I sat up and huffed.

"No, I don't think I will ever be okay,"  I mumbled.

"That's how it feels at first," she paused. "But life goes on, and eventually you'll forget him; you just have to move on."

Eventually, I'll forget him?

Nope. Not possible.

"You never forgot about Cedric," I spat.

I don't know why I was taking out my anger on her. She comforted me and gave me a place to sleep.

But I couldn't help it; I was angry at the world.

She rolled her eyes, "Cedric and I were together for a  long time; he's a was a huge part of my life," she walks over to her wardrobe. Pulling out her school uniform.

"Time doesn't matter," I say coldly.

"It really does, you thought you knew Draco, and you clearly didn't."

She's right.

I thought I knew him.

"I have potions with him and Cedric today."

"That should be interesting," she giggles.

"I want to piss myself off the astronomy tower," I groan.

She laughs.

I wonder if she would be laughing if she knew I wasn't joking.

I jolt out of bed, "I have to go get ready for class," I continued, "Thank you for yesterday. You're the last person I would've expected to help me."

"I hated you for a long time," she stares at me, intently, "But no one deserves to feel like that."

I felt an overwhelming amount of embarrassment. I did a terrible thing to her, and here she stood, being nice to me.

Now I understand why Cedric loved her. She was kind, beautiful even, nothing compared to me.

"Thank you," I said, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

When I got to my room, Blair was gone. It was a relief. I knew I would eventually have to face her, but right now, I couldn't. I couldn't look her in the face after what she and Draco did. I knew it wasn't her fault, but she was still part of it.

Part of the act.

That completely broke me.

I entered my shower, preparing to wash it all off me. The pain, his scent, his DNA, but I just sat there. Hot water streaming down on me, I felt like I couldn't move.

I was frozen in time. I didn't want to get out; I didn't want to face him. I didn't want to face anyone.

I finally found someone who I could love, open up to.

Found someone who was supposed to care for me and love me.

And he betrayed me.

Maybe this was karma or just pure bad luck.


They emerged one by one into the Potions Classroom.

First Stas

Then Theo

Then Blaise

Then Cedric.

And finally, Draco.

He immediately looked at me with his sharp blue eyes, which I used to get lost in for hours. I looked away not wanting to see me like this.

I didn't brush my hair, my eyes were still puffy from all the crying I've done, the bags under them indicated I had gotten no sleep.

I didn't want him to see what he had done to me.

"Bloody hell, I still feel hungover from the party this weekend," Blaise groans, placing his hands over his face.

"Same here," Stas agrees.

"Oy, Malfoy, where did you go later that night? You disappeared out of nowhere," Blaise asks.


"Okay then," Blaise says.

"It's none of your bloody business," Draco snaps.

"He was just wondering, Malfoy," Theo snaps back.

The tension is thick.

"Piss off Theo," Draco growls.

They should fight.

"Guys, stop the pissing contest; if he doesn't want to share, he doesn't have to," Stas says, pointing her finger at them.

Then there was silence again.

Theo tapped his quill against his book.

Blaise sneezed.

"Are you doing alright, Darling?" Theo directs at me. Draco shoots his eyes at Theo, glaring at him.


"I-I," I paused.


Theo's face leaned in, waiting for my answer.

"Draco spunked Blair, that's where he went."

Their mouths quite literally dropped to the ground; everyone looked at Draco in disbelief.

"So you did the deed, huh," Blaise awkwardly says.

Yes, he fucking did.

"I said piss off Zabini."

Theos eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. He clenched his jaw and just stared forward.

"Class has begun," Severus snapped, "This week, I will be assigning papers that you must have done by next week."

The whole class groaned myself included. I don't want to write any bloody paper.

I am too busy dealing with the heartbreak I'm enduring. It is no less than a hurricane. The devastation is absolute; my emotional home leveled, torn apart.

"Oh, and Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Diggory, and Ms. Snape, I expect you to serve your detention tomorrow night. It is the last day you can, or 100 points will be deducted from your houses, each"

This is the part where I die.


-Draco's POV-

After class, I waited for Sedona. I needed to talk to her.

I made a mistake.

I made a mistake I can't take back, but I could try to fix it.

"Sedona wait," I grabbed her arm as she walked out of class.

Her eyes met with mine, and anger grew upon her face.

"Piss off," she seethed.

"I need to talk to you, I-I need to- explain," I stammered.

"Please," I shuddered.

"How do you explain that you fucked my best friend" she huffed.

"It was a mistake, I was drunk, and I fucked up. I'm sorry."

Her eyes looked empty like there was no life in them, and it was all my fault.

I wish I could bring the light back to them.

"I never meant to hurt you," I added.

"If you mean that, then let me go."


"I don't want to erase everything that has happened between us," she continued, "I don't want to ruin it, but please, you have to stop," she paused, "For the both of us."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks.

I could tell she was broken.

I broke her.

I wanted to hold her and comfort her.

"I can't- I can't let you go, Sedona."

A tear rolled down her cheek.


Guilt overwhelmed me.

"You need to stop Draco,"  she croaked.

Then out of nowhere, Theo grabbed my arm.

"Leave her alone, Draco,"  Theo bellowed.

I immediately threw a punch at him, my blood boiling.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do," I snarled.

Surprisingly, he threw another punch back.

I felt my face get hot.

I looked back at Theo, and he was heavily breathing; flames of anger licked through him.


-Sedona's POV-

Draco and Theo stood before me, shoving and yelling.

I didn't care. I didn't have time to care.

I turned around and continued walking down the hallway.

Walking, fast, running almost.

I stormed out the east exit and headed for the lake.

I remembered the time Draco and I were in that lake.

So in love.

Excited for the future.

Oh, If only we knew.

If only I knew.

I step close to the edge, and I jump.

Darkness enveloped me. The water closed in around, filling me with a deep dread.

I held my breath as long as I could, too long in fact. Red and black splotches danced in front of me, and I couldn't remember if my eyes were opened or closed.

The coldness I had felt upon entering the water was completely gone. A desperate hot wave had come over me, warming even my frosted toes.

My heart was beating rapidly in panic. The urgency for air was more apparent than ever.

My head is pounding; every cell in my body is screaming for oxygen.

I keep fighting until I feel like my head is about to explode. I have to take a breath.

There weren't red blotches in her field of vision anymore. It was all black.

I felt someone grab my arm, and I slowly ascended to the top.

I opened my mouth, gasping for air.

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Sedona?" Theo yells, still holding my arm as he struggles to keep both of us afloat.

"I was just going for a swim," I chuckle, in denial of my true intentions.

"You've gone bloody mad" he begins to swim us to the edge.

We get out of the water, both soaking. The cool breeze of the day sends shivers up my spine.

"How did you know I was in here? I thought you were fighting with Draco."

I examine his face, and I can see a small-medium sized bruise near his cheekbone.

"After you left I followed. He wasn't worth it." he continued, "You could've killed yourself, you know?"

Yes, I know.

"I just needed the shock of the cold water," I giggle, trying to hide my pain.

"So Blair fucked Malfoy," He blurted.


He stared at me.

I cracked my knuckles.

"We don't have to talk about it. I-I mean if you don't-"



Maybe he was hurting too. He and Blair were supposed to be seeing each other.

"D-Do you-u," I stammered, "Do you think he loves me?"

"I don't know, but he seems to be very protective of you."


"I feel empty." I paused. "I ran you know. I ran just like you told me to"

"Good girl" he tucked my hair behind my ear, "We will get through this."

I stare at him and admire his luscious brown hair along with captivating blue-colored eyes.

He's so beautiful, I thought.

And so I leaned in for a kiss.

Not a small one. No.

A deep long kiss.

Just long enough that he could inhale his breath and feel the warmth of his skin.

Sorry for the late chapter, i'm posting this from my phone because i left my laptop charger at the house i was babysitting and there is a huge winter storm so i couldn't go back. Unfortunately I won't be able to post another chapter tonight like i planned.

That being said; please don't let this chapter freak you out. Sedona and Theo are not a thing. Sedona is going through stages of grief so it's going to take her a bit to truly get over what happened BUT that doesn't mean things are put on hold for her and Draco ;)

I already have the next chapter planned out which will contain detention with the love triangle (kinda) lol you know what i mean. but yes things will be interesting!!

Also, I have read some Draco fanfics and most the time the girl is super weak for him, chasing him, but i wanted to change that for this story and i wanted to be a mutual 'cat and mouse game'
Sedona is strong and Draco sees that which is one of the reasons he loves her. Like I said, they are the main characters so this story is about them!

Please let me know what you think in the comments.

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