AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson...

By samembrose

27.8K 807 727

Year 4 has just started, when 3 new boys get introduced to the school. All year, these boys cause trouble for... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
•Chapter 39•
•Chapter 40•
•Chapter 41•
•Chapter 42•
•Chapter 43•
•Chapter 44•
•Chapter 45•
•Chapter 46•
•Chapter 47•
•Chapter 48•
•Chapter 49•
•Chapter 50•
•Chapter 51•
•Chapter 53•
•Chapter 54•
•Chapter 55•
•Chapter 56•
•Chapter 57•
•Chapter 58•
•Chapter 59•
•Chapter 60•
•Chapter 61•
•Chapter 62•
•Chapter 63•
•Chapter 64•
•Chapter 65•
•Chapter 66•
•Chapter 67•
The end

•Chapter 52•

214 7 0
By samembrose

Reggie and I sat in the owl tower, until the sun rose - we both ended up falling asleep, but woke up when the light was shining so brightly toward us, that we had no other choice.

We both got up, preparing ourselves for what was going to happen in the next few hours.

"This reality could be completely different to what we originally planned. Are you prepared to deal with that?"

This was the first thing that Reggie had said to me. Unlike his usual tone, his voice seemed hurt and broken, when his usual voice was upbeat and excitable.

"I hope so, either way I'll have to deal with it."

"Yes you will. I realize that leaving Alex there, it was a mistake, but I had to do that. He would've killed you if I didn't."

"Let's just hope he didn't completely ruin our lives." I grab my wand in my hand, and make my way down the circular staircase to try and figure out what's changed.

Although I thought everything would be different, almost everything looks the same. I watch as students walk around the corridors, some I even recognize from my classes.

"Everything seems okay here." The relief in me is something that helps calm me, but I can't shake off the feeling that something big happened - something that would change my world forever.

"What do you wanna do now?" Reggie was always a follower in my eyes, so it's no wonder that he's making me be the leader in this situation.

"I think I need to go see my family. See if they're actually still around."

"Should I come with you?"

"No, it's best if you get a closer look at the school, see if anything has changed. I'll be back as soon as I can."

I start running for the familiar wooden bridge, planning to leave everything that seemed so familiar to me, for something that I had no idea about.

I knew that I couldn't get to the burrow by walking there - it would take far too long, so I stopped by the quidditch supply shed, and borrowed one of their brooms.

Zipping off into the horizon, a strange feeling came over me, it was something that I don't ever want to feel again. It wasn't a negative or positive feeling, but it was one of pure uncertainty.

I caught sight of the familiar family home, and picked up speed, not wanting to spend any more time on the broom.

I quickly fly to the ground, almost tripping as my feet connect with the soil. As I look into the kitchen window, I notice that there's no movement, compared to how it is usually. I walk up to the front door, and knock quite loudly, hoping that someone will actually answer.

"Just a second!" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell from inside the house.

I stand there for a few moments, until finally the door swings open, revealing an older lady, but I have no idea who she is. She had bright pink hair, which I would be surprised at, but I could see George accidental turning someone's hair a different color, with a new invention of his.

"Hello dear, how can I help?" She seems out of breath, maybe she's a nanny of some sort.

"I'm here to see anyone in the Weasley family." As soon as I mention the Weasley's, her face fills with confusion.

"I'm sorry dear, the Weasley's moved away, many years ago. I'm afraid it's only me and my two boys here now."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I need to try price this reality together before I try and impose.

"Nymphadora lupin, but everyone just calls me Tonks, would you like to come in, perhaps I could try help you?" She stands aside, letting me pass her, into her home. She said her last name was lupin, she has to somehow be related to Remus or Teddy.

"Tea?" She closes the door, and waits for my answer.

"Oh, yes please."

"So, who are you? I've never actually seen you round here before."

"I'm Danielle Potter." I look at the pictures on the wall, most containing Teddy, but with a wider variety of hair colors - and an older man, who looks very familiar.

"Potter? You must be related to James and lily?"

"Yeah, I'm their granddaughter."

"That's funny, I know all of their grandchildren and they've never mentioned you. It might be the same feel with that Harry boy. I do feel sorry for that poor man, he's been through a lot, though I can't say it isn't entirely his fault."

"It wasn't really his fault that he was born as the chosen one." Suddenly I get extremely defensive, something that I recently thought could never happen to me.

"Well, I'll be honest, I don't know how to respond to that. He must be telling those stories to all you kids nowadays, it's all he has left anyway." She sits down at the table, handing me my tea, which I accept with a small smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since James and lily kicked him out, it's been hard for him, my husband, Remus, and I tried to help, but I'm afraid that poor boy didn't want any help."

"Remus lupin? He's your husband!" I practically shout.

"Yes dear, why so excited over it?"

"Do you know when he'll be home?"

"He should be here any minute with the other three soon."

They all survived, I mean they actually took my advise and survived. I'm glad that they didn't have to let go of Peter, although he was a huge failure in the other reality, I'm glad he turned out decent in this one.

"I can't wait for the day, that my son beats your sons ass at quidditch, that will be the day that I will be most proud." I hear a deep, yet familiar voice say.

The door opens, and in walks Remus, Sirius, Alex and James. They all are in their own world, not acknowledging my presence. Alex? Why is Alex here!

They all look recognizable, just a lot older then they were when I met them, except Alex, he still has such a young face - probably because he's a ghost.

"Uh, Remus, we have a guest." Tonks says as a warning.

"Who-" Remus stops his sentence, and stares at me in shock, this causes the other three to follow in his lead.

"Dani!" James, who was standing behind The other three, runs toward me, so I quickly get up and give him the much needed hug.

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