The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

111K 2.6K 1.6K

Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told


812 29 25
By Stillwell03

So up top is a dad For One fanart that I thought was kinda worth using here. Enjoy.

With Izuku, 3rd POV:

"Seems we've underestimated your tenacity son of AFO." Overhaul looked at the group of villains they had for them to nod. They went charging at Izuku and Hagakure for the young AFO user to breathe in. When he exhaled, a large amount of fire came out and covered the area. "Is he trying to burn the place down!?" "Knowing he's that man's son, I wouldn't be surprised if he was." The yakuza leader pulled a phone out to call someone and let them in on some information. "The plans a bust. Kill them." "Oh I don't think that will be necessary." The voice on the line was Tenko who made Overhaul's eyes widen. "It was a nice shot, but Midoriya saw this coming a mile away. Starting now, the Hagakure family is safe and she's free from you bastards." The phone hung up for the two men to be even more enraged. "So, you wanna tell the boss what's happening Nine?" The man sighed before pulling a phone out. "Is he dead?" These were the first words All Might spike as Nine answered. We were outsmarted. He used the brat's quirk to keep him from being effected by the quirk bullets and is now ripping our forces apart."

Izuku grabbed ahold of Gust Boy and yanked his quirk out. "AAAHHHH!" Immediately, Izuku's fingers turned to fans with him using 'Whale's' supersonic attack to create a high pitched sound wave that made everyone lose hearing. "Combination move: Sonic Wave!" Nine and Overhaul began to pull their men back with the Volcano Thieves to remain. Before the groups could leave however, Hagakure grabbed Setsuno Toya and Slice from the groups to keep them from leaving. "Get the hell off me kid!" "I'M NOT LETTING YOU TWO GO!" Slice began punching the girl in the face with Toya doing the same. Izuku noticed this to come at the two. "You bastards!" Volcano and Dusty Ash attacked him at the same time hoping to stop the young boy. "OUTTA MY WAY!" He jumped up to avoid their blasts before grabbing their faces to slam them down with force and steal their quirks. 'Now for the big game.' Izuku came at both villains for them to see a green blur come in front of them. "TAKE THIS!"

With Dabi and the pros

Dabi prepared for the worst thinking he was dead. As he opened his eyes however, he noticed a wall of ice. "Believe me when I say I'd rather he be dead after what he's done, but that doesn't mean he isn't making a change." The dark haired man looked to the side and noticed his younger brother Shoto Todoroki. "Wait. Why are you-" "Mr. Aizawa said he needed me and a few members of class A and B to come here. Apparently you and Midoriya have been doing some interesting stuff." "DIIEEEE!" The sound of Bakugou's explosion was heard with everyone seeing him and Yaoyorozu attempting to send the Nomu back. "Can you stand up?" Stain came over to give Dabi a hand up for him to take it. "Take care of our old man Shoto. Our business isn't done yet." Dabi walked out of the ice barrier and charged the flying beast. It noticed him to charge and begin attacking the young vigilante before getting several blasts to the face. Courtesy of Bakugou. "DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He used his flames to get over the two before landing on the Nomu's back.

Meanwhile, Shoto was using his fire half to sear Endeavor's injuries shut. "I'm not a doctor, but that should stop him from bleeding out." "Nngh!" Endeavor started to get up with Shoto holding him down. "You're too weak to stand right now-" "Touya. I gotta help *cough* *cough* I gotta help him." As he was getting up, Miruko came over to knock the giant man unconscious. "You might hate me later, but you'll understand why I did that after all this." She looked at Dabi burning the beast's back and trying to get towards it's head. "So that thing's head is where I gotta hit? Pretty easy since it's on full view." "Please." The rabbit hero looked over to Shoto who was starting to cry a bit. "Please help my brother. I don't want anyone to die that doesn't have to. Please!" Even though the boy hated his father, Shoto didn't want him or anyone else to get seriously hurt. Endeavor was still his father no matter what and Dabi was his brother. "I'll do what I can kid." "Maybe I can help you out." The two looked over to see Stain with a katana in hand.

"Kill." "No matter what happens, I'm not letting you go!" Dabi was holding on while his skin started to burn from his flames. He tried his best to keep the Nomu from going to a more heavily populated area with Bakugou blasting the beast along with Yaoyorozu sending cannonball's to it in order to corral it inside the space. Soon enough, a few feathers came at the Nomu for it to cut the flesh on it. The feather then redirected itself near Stain who held out his hand. "I hope you know what you're doing?" "Trust me. I know how to end this quick." He pulled his tongue out to lick the feather and stun the Nomu. It began to fall towards the ground with Dabi losing his grip. 'Dammit!' As he was dropping, Kendo grabbed him with her enlarged hand to prevent anymore serious injuries. "HE'S DOWN! DO IT NOW!" Stain shouted as Miruko came and stomped the monster's brain for it to be a pile of blood and mush. The Nomu stopped responding for the fight to be over. "HEY! THE SITUATIONS STILL NOT GOOD! DABI AND ENDEAVOR NEED A DOCTOR!" Bakugou shouted glancing at Dabi who held several burns that opened up and were bleeding on his chest and arms. Due to his body being unable to avoid backlash, his constant abuse on his body during his attack on the Nomu was catching up to him. "Get an ambulance for both, NOW!"

Back with Izuku

Izuku and Hagakure sat near a wall with the five they captured in ropes. Since Izuku took their quirks, they didn't have to worry about them using some kind of quirk to rip the binds. "You ok?" "Yeah. I'm managing. Thanks for the save back there." Izuku pulled a few cans of tea he had in his pocket out. "Here." "Thanks." They both opened their cans and took some sips out of it. As they sat there, Hagakure started to cry a bit. "Why did you help me?" "Hm?" "I betrayed you and everyone, worked for literally the worst of the worst, gave All Might information that led to your father's death. So why did you help me. Honestly you should've just said 'screw you' to me and left me to suffer at the hands of the heroes or the villains. So why!?" Izuku looked at his tea before answering. "To be honest, I hate you for what you did. As far as I can say, I should've said screw you to you. What you did was without a doubt up till now would be something I'd rather never get involved with you unless it's to send you to prison or put a bullet between your eyes."

This comment made Hagakure look down in sadness. "But. You are just as much a victim in this as anyone else and like my dad always said, 'a true hero helps whoever is in need regardless of where they come from or why they are in the situation they are in'. Don't get me wrong, I still hate your guts for what you did and the information you gave. That much is obvious. *sigh* But if I've learned enough about what happened to my family up till now, it's to make peace with what you can't fix or change. I can't change what happened to my family or what All Might did to live with where we are. But what I can change is what would happen to the innocent people that are in my reach. If something would happen to your parents and I could've stopped it, I'd be no better than the person I played you out to be. A bastard who didn't care about ratting out his or her own friends just to further gain their own initiative. Dad would never have done that, so neither will I." Hagakure couldn't show it, but she smiled a bit at this knowing that at least her parents would be safe.

The door to the warehouse opened up to show Aizawa, Ochako, Spinner, and Compress. "Midoriya. Is everything ok?" "Yeah. Not an issue." Ochako ran over to hug Izuku before speaking. "You had me worried sick. Don't do stupid stuff like taking on Overhaul and Nine alone again." The green haired boy smiled while patting Ochako's back. "It's ok. I'm alright and nothing's going to happen." The two stayed like this for a while before overhearing Slice speak up. "Oh gag me with a spoon! If I wanted to see this mushing G rated shit, I would've went to any stupid ass middle school." Everyone glared at the villain with Aizawa lifting her up by her hair. "Now it's time to talk. What is All Might planning and how do we stop it?" "You honestly think I'm gonna squeal you stupid asshole?" "She has a point. Nine's men are pretty tight lipped with Overhaul's group having nothing left before joining." Izuku stated this while walking up to the Volcano Thieves. "But you all are different. You don't know how to handle intense interrogation measures." Izuku smiled sickeningly at the three while cracking his knuckles. "Now which one of you lowlifes wanna start talking. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. *cracking knuckles* Your choice."

Volcano wasn't budging, but Dusty Ash and Gust Boy were somewhat worried after seeing what Izuku can do. "Wait! Please! I don't do well with pain! I'll talk!" Dusty Ash said this with Izuku sitting calmly down on their groups leader's back. "Well lets hear it. What's All Might planning?" "H-he...he's trying to find some guy named Gigantomachia. All I know is that the mad doctor we have is trying to get ahold of his quirk and replicate it." "Why?" "The quirk has the ability to make one a living dynamo. If he was going to recreate it and give it to All Might, then the injury your father inflicted will do next to nothing." Izuku gritted his teeth finding this out. "How were you going to find Gigantomachia then?" Aizawa intervened for Gust Boy to answer. "Redestro was getting this guy called Giren to find out where he is. All Might figured we could get some info about him by stealing one of your guys to get the information. And considering the info broker is one of the few most intelligent of your faction to do this, then it wouldn't be a shock if he knew."

Izuku was enraged before grabbing Gust Boy by the shirt collar to yell in his face. "WHERE IS REDESTRO AND GIREN!? YOU BETTER ANSWER ME NOW!" "I-I don't know. Only higher members of All Might's inner circle would know where he would be or one of his subordinates that work directly under him! I swear I don't know!" There was a silence before Izuku dropped Gust Boy. He then walked to Slice to grab her by the hair. "Where. Is. Redestro?" She spat in his face and smiled. "You know. I didn't want to do this since it's like an invasion of your privacy, but I do have a quirk called 'Memory Dive'. If I wanted the information, all I had to do was use it on you or your friend there. But I'm a nice man. Or at least I was before you forced it." Izuku's hand turned blue before going right into Slice's skull. She screamed in pain as Izuku yanked the information he needed out of her. She was then dropped to the floor shaking in fear of what had just happened. "We're heading to Deika city. Get everyone ready." "We may have to hold on that. Dabi and Endeavor were seriously injured during a fight with a special Nomu." 'Dammit.'

"Toru!" Two people came in soon after. One was a man with short blond hair and a relatively decent build for a man in his forties, the other was a woman with her skin rather translucent looking. "Mom! Dad!" Hagakure ran up to hug her parents with the three of them crying in each other's arms. "I'm so sorry sweetie. If it wasn't for me, you would've never had to do this." "It's ok dad." "No it's not! I'm your father and I'm supposed to love and protect you from things like this. Yet I couldn't and now all this happened." "It's ok dad. I'm ok and everyone else is." "I'm not." Toya spike up for Izuku to kick him in the jaw to shut the Hassaikai member up. The trio continued their embrace for a few more minutes before letting go. As they did, Izuku saw for a moment himself with his parents when he was younger in the family. This made him smile a bit knowing he was able to keep one person from suffering what he did. "Where's Dabi?" Izuku asked Aizawa who answered. "At UA along with everyone else. We have some important stuff to discuss going forward." The group left with the five villains still in the warehouse tied up. Not long after however, the cops came to arrest them.

At UA, Dabi POV:

I started to wake up with the smell of my own burnt flesh filling my nose. 'Never miss that smell.' "Good to see you're both awake." I glanced over to see the pro Recovery Girl beside my father who was bandaged up like a mummy. "You look like you had fun." "Don't start with that." "How about you both be quiet and rest like you should. Though you both are alive, that doesn't mean you're both 'ok'. Endeavor, you suffered severe dehydration as well as a blow to the head that nearly made you lose your eye as well as your life. You're lucky that you're even speaking right now." The old woman then pointed to me. "And you. I don't know what possessed you to use a quirk that destroys your boy in order to do what you did, but you nearly burned up all your organs and forced some to go into a temporary shutdown. I was able to get them up and running again, but there could still be long term problems as well as a possibility they could shut down again in a few hours. So I suggest you both rest in this time so your bodies will naturally heal since I won't heal you again after today."

She got off her height chair and walked out of the room. While we were there, a complete silence was heard in the room. Endeavor spoke up to talk. "Touya." "I got rid of that name a long time ago Endeavor. It's Dabi now." "...I'm sorry. For everything." I couldn't stand hearing this to look at him in blind anger. "YOU DON'T GET TO BE SORRY! AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO US, WHAT YOU DID TO MOM, TO SHOTO! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO BE SORRY!?" He looked at me with his only unbandaged eye before talking. "I made some mistakes up till now. Ones I'd rather have never made. Up until a few years ago, I did things that were stupid and wrong for a mantle that feels...hollow." "Yeah well that mantle didn't mean much when I spoke to AFO back when he was around. He honestly said he wasn't one that cared for formalities like that." Endeavor sat up and turned to me with his feet on the floor. "I can sit here and say I'm sorry until I physically can't say it anymore, but that will never change anything. If this is truly the life you want, then I can't stop you. But please, see your mother and siblings. Natsuo thinks you're dead, Fuyumi doesn't know what to do without her older brother, Shoto hardly even knows you, and your mother...she thinks she's the reason you disappeared from us."

I was shaking in anger. But not at Endeavor, at my self. "Tomorrow. We settle this. You and me. The fight that should've been years ago. I don't care what happens to me after, I just need to do this. To prove that I'm strong enough to stand against you in a fight." Endeavor was silent before answering. "Very well. I'll ask Recovery Girl to put us as much at top condition as best she could for tomorrow." 'Tomorrow finally ends it. I can finally say goodbye to Touya and live my life as who I want to be. Out of the ashes of who I was, all that will be left is Dabi. The man that will shape his own path.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Dabi and Endeavor finally had a heart to heart with Dabi saying he wants to fight his father one on one to declare that he's no longer his son. See how this turns out with Izuku trying to manage a way to retrieve Giren during all this. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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